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The Dreamer's Haven - My in progress Manga

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About a year ago, when I first started lucid dreaming, an idea popped into my mind. I enjoy manga and anime, and love combative and interesting story ideas. Amidst my talks with a friend of mine, I started spilling out my idea, which wasnt even created yet. After a while of fantasizing the world of my idea, it faded away and was left to just that - a fantasy. Recently though, I thought again about this adventure and realized its true potential, so I got serious about it and formed the devolopers page for The Dreamers Haven, the title of my project. It consists of me, my two friends helping me in textual creation and story ideas, and two other friends that are good in graphic designing and art.

Its a manga/anime story, in which we follow the life of a character in a world riddled with corruption and tyranny. I wont get into the specifics until our copyright registration is done, but we have already created the story, main plot, many characters and thier histories, and the first two scenes of chapter one in action and texts. All we need is skilled manga artists to help in the actual creation of the visuals, and then were all set.

Just thought I might as well share this. Once an artist is found, well try to finish the first chapter and publicly share it, in which I would definitly love for you all to read ^-^

[b]And, if anyone is a skilled drawer and is interested in becoming an artist in this project, message me and I'll add you to the developers page in which you can read the in depth summary.[/b] And soon, ill post a general public summary for people to get interested in the series, without having things spoiled for them. Until then be on the look out, I hope things go as planned ^-^

[b]Heres an extensive summary:[/b]
The Hyatti's are a peace striving Bedouin tribe that travel the deserts making trades and caravans. They often travel to their most favorite destination, which they called the Dreamers Haven. Its a secluded and peaceful place, filled with life and hidden in a dormant volcano; only the Hyatti tribe, of about 20 people know of this place.

Although traveling to this utopian destination is a tradition for them, this time there on their way for a purpose, a mission they plan to execute. The time period is set back a couple centuries, and the lands are ruled by a tyrannical king, Thalim, and his council. The Hyatti's plan on assassinating and removing this king from power, in order to bring peace back to their generation.

But how could a poor Bedouin tribe accomplish such a task? Its because they aren't just some ordinary travelers, they are gifted in an art of lucid dreaming and dream sharing, in which one may enter another dreams, and cease their existence, silently and without blood. At least on the outside.

The story begins with the main character Selem, (Pronounced Salam, the Arabic word for peace) as he plays an intense game in his dream world with his best friend, Arsen, and his other friend, Nakira . Doing actions such as dream sharing and controlling are an ordinary thing for them, and since they've lived isolated from the rest of the world, only traveling and trading, they thought this was an ordinary ability possessed by all. This all changes when the elders of the tribe talk to these three and explain the situation. They reveled to them that it is not ordinary of their ability to dream share(enter others dreams), and the potentials and powers they posses that should be used for the better of humanity.

The three quickly get to work, training and learning from the elders and experienced tribe members trying to become the strongest they can be in the dream world. They aren't shallow minded though, they asked why they couldn't assassinate the king and be over with his rule, and why they were necessary to this operation. Not even the most experienced dreamers could answer why they couldn't kill Thalim directly, and report of their attempts of their weapons just going through him. The mystery of this wont be known by the common reader until further chapters.

Once they feel prepared, the protagonists are starting to target military generals and parts of royalty, leaving the council in complete confusion as to why these people were dying in their sleep. Things seemed to go well, removing lower rankings of people and working their way up to the council, the Hyattis thought they were closer than ever to achieving peace from the dictatorships rules. Unfortunately, the higher ranked officials and royalty learned of this power, and started developing ways of defending themselves in their dreams. (It wont be known how or why until further chapters, but a pretty epic story is in store for that one [img]http://www.lucidipedia.com/images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]) The secrets out, and the kingdom knows, but its too late to stop. The mission continues.

With two or more powerful dream controllers in locked battles to the death, the combat gets intense. Each character specifies their techniques and skills in a region of combat, but some train equally in no particular region in order to be balanced. The combat in dreams is limited by two things: ones expectation and willpower, and the other is their physical REM sleep. On the side of REM sleep, the more they change a dream, the more they get hit, the longer they stay, their REM is being suppressed and eventually will die out, forcing the dreamer awake. When a persons conscious, or soul, is shifted from the dream world to being awake, their dream bodies start to disintegrate and deteriorate, leaving their soul vulnerable. In this 2-3 second window of shifting, a lethal strike to a persons body interrupts the exchange of consciousness from dream body to living body, which in turn, kills the victim. On the side of expectation and willpower, it isn't easy to alter the balance of the dream world and control it. It takes practice, determination, and willpower to change the very laws a person so long has lived by, so, many characters will specialize in a certain self made fighting technique. Whether it be summoning creatures, manifesting a wide array of arsenals or changing the laws of physics themselves, a dreamer must have the willpower for it. The same death system is in order, and if a person were to take a direct lethal blow, their REM will hit 0 and there shift will be stopped, rendering that person dead.

The Hyatti tribe, being more experienced, are slightly winning to the defending forces. The main character knows this, but feels the tribe is entering a state of corruption due to their obsession with power and their new found senseless killing, in which anyone, no matter how little a threat, was being killed. One day, an innocent man was killed through the power of the Hyattis, and Selem couldn't take it anymore. He and his closest friends, Arsen and Nakira, leave the tribe, and later on even fight to suppress the Hyattis, without siding with either of the two original sides.

Unwanting to return to his tribe, and never to join the kings side, Selem creates his own group sworn to bring peace, the Oyashas. Consisting of him, his two best friends, and some others, which are all now very powerful, they start their own journey for peace. Having to deal with the hardships of fighting their own blood and fighting people increasing in power, the group has gone through hell and back, and they feel hardships after another.

Will they achieve their goal of bringing down the tyrant, Thalim, spreading peace, and preserving it? What is the mystery of the Dream Deities, and what will become of the Oyasha's? How will the king be brought down and what of the Mersella stone? After a long adventure, the outcome shows.

© 2012 Omar Ruyyashi

Keep in mind a lot has been left out so it doesnt become too long :] Welcome to an epic adventure, please help if you are skilled in any manga drawing.

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