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Banish Psychics [IRL]

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[spoiler=Current Budget Recipe]
Monsters - 19
Effect Veiler x 3
Esper Girl
Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo x 2
Giant Rat x 2
Gorz, Emissary of Darkness
Overdrive Teleporter
Psychic Commander x 2
Psychic Jumper
Serene Psychic Witch x 3
Silent Psychic Wizard x 3

Spells - 12
Book of Moon
Dark Hole
Emergency Teleport x 2
Forbidden Lance x 2
Heavy Storm
Miracle Synchro Fusion
Monster Reborn
Mystical Space Typhoon x 3

Traps - 9
Bottomless Trap Hole x 2
Compulsory Evacuation Device x 2
Solemn Judgment
Solemn Warning x 2
Torrential Tribute x 2

Side Deck
Cyber Dragon x 2
D.D. Crow x 2
Snowman Eater x 2
Forbidden Chalice x 2
Chain Disappearance x 2
Safe Zone x 2
Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror x 3

Extra Deck
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
Ultimate Axon Kicker
Ally of Justice Catastor
Black Rose Dragon
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Hyper Psychic Blaster
Magical Android
Naturia Barkion
Naturia Beast
Psychic Lifetrancer
Psychic Nightmare
Scrap Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
May I have some suggestions for modification, both based on budget (no Maxx C, Tour Guides, nor Zenmaines, and I don't have a BLS at the moment but that is almost within my price range, if they were ever not sold out ;-; ) and on no-budget (for online purposes).

Current playtests:
Wins well against non-OTK type decks and non-Tier 1 decks. So it gets crushed by Derp Worlds, Get yo Game On'z (HEROes), Wind-Upz, Hieratics, Chaoz Dragons, and of course, Kamen Riders.
So far, it wins well against Dragunities, Karakuri's, Holy Piles of Random, certain builds of Chaos Dragons (not the meta-worthy ones), and various other generic tier 3 and lower tier 2 stuff. Oh, and I have consistently beaten a couple well-built Dino Rabbits, I don't know if they just didn't know how to play it, or just got bad hands. I'm better the former, because of their low experience and rating.

Current Changes:
-2 Dimensional Prison
+2 Forbidden Lance to Deck from Side
+2 Chain Disappearance to Side

Current Changes Considered:
Swapping out the Silent Psychic Wizards for Thunder King Rai-Ohs

Changes Considered but Decided Against:
Jumper has won me quite a few duels (take control off opponent's Lightpulsar Dragon, proceed to make it miss timing through using it for a synchro summon, watch opponent rage)
Psi-Blocker might work in the extra deck well, but usually it has only bought me 1 turn before getting OTK'd.

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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1336596275' post='5935855']
Psychic Jumper seems a little random IMO
Swap it for another Esper Girl?
I might, I'll try testing it more. Since Jumper is effectively the Psychic TG1-EM1, only searchable.

[quote name='King of Games' timestamp='1336599431' post='5935883']
I'm partial to Psi-blocker personally. It's a useful tech and combos well with Psychic Nightmare.
I've tried to fit this thing in, but it ends up too little, too late often... if only it were level 3.

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