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Transformers anime

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From the [url="http://transformers.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page"]Transformers wiki[/url], the best wiki in existence...[list]
[*][i][b]The original The Transformers series was redubbed anime which originated in Japan, just like Battle of the Planets, Voltron, Robotech and other such shows screened in the '80s.[/b][/i]
[i]Although most moderate-to-hardcore fans are well aware that this is a fallacy, there are those more casual fans (or those who have not rewatched the Generation One cartoon since childhood) who are under the misconception that [url="http://transformers.wikia.com/wiki/The_Transformers_%28cartoon%29"]The Transformers[/url] was an anime.[/i] [i]Although the original toyline and thus the characters' basic visual designs were taken from Japanese-originated products, the original characters, names, factions and entire story premise of the whole Transformers franchise were developed in the United States by [url="http://transformers.wikia.com/wiki/Hasbro"]Hasbro[/url], [url="http://transformers.wikia.com/wiki/Marvel_Comics"]Marvel[/url] and eventually [url="http://transformers.wikia.com/wiki/Sunbow_Productions"]Sunbow[/url]. Although the animation was farmed out, the writing and original voice recording of [url="http://transformers.wikia.com/wiki/The_Transformers_%28cartoon%29"]all four seasons of the original series[/url] plus [url="http://transformers.wikia.com/wiki/The_Transformers:_The_Movie"]The Movie[/url] were entirely done in America.[/i] [i]This misconception probably stems from distant childhood memories of the cartoon, coupled with the later realization that shows like the aforementioned Robotech were redubbed anime (presuming they didn't know this when they were kids) and, due to Transformers' obvious Japanese influence, have made the assumption that it too was anime. This may also be due to passing exposure to [url="http://transformers.wikia.com/wiki/Robots_in_Disguise_%28cartoon%29"]Robots in Disguise[/url] and the [url="http://transformers.wikia.com/wiki/Unicron_Trilogy"]Unicron Trilogy[/url] shows which, viewed as an adult, are very obviously redubbed anime.[/i] [i]This is in part related to the misconception that [b]all[/b] Transformers toys are solely designed, developed and manufactured by [url="http://transformers.wikia.com/wiki/Takara"]Takara[/url], and all [url="http://transformers.wikia.com/wiki/Hasbro"]Hasbro[/url] ever does is to put them in new packaging and distribute them on the Western market (see above). Because this is true for other Japanese robot toylines, and therefore it must also apply to Transformers.[/i]

When it comes to the anime, I REALLY hated The Headmasters. The characters who rolled over from the original series were all simplified, that is, none of the Autobots have distinct personalities, and all pretty much say the same thing, and the Decepticons all sound the same, except for Soundwave, who has the only bearable voice in the series. Also...

[spoiler=Spoilers. Lots of spoilers]

[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDcMcUoKkPU"]Ultra Magnus gets killed by Sixshot, and it is so cartoonish and stupid, and Magnus comes off more as a jobber than the guy who runs Autobot City.[/url]

[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7WKN2BGyRc"]The Headmasters beat Galvatron with a ring of friendship.[/url]

Fortress Maximus uses a sword.


For some reason, anime set in the G1 universe has the Autobots avoiding guns even though when they do rush an enemy, they're holding their guns and can just shoot them. Fortress Maximus favors a sword which was clearly made for the Headmasters series since it looks nothing like something a Transformer would use.

Beast Wars had 2 anime made to fill the space because season 2 and 3 weren't long enough for Japan. The Beast Wars Japanese dub was horrible. The only good point was that the DBZ guy did the themes for season 2 and 3.

The first Transformer anime to be dubbed was Robots in Disguise, and it wasn't that great. The few original robot designs were pretty good, but a majority of the Transformers in the show were just repaints of old Beast Wars and Generation 2 toys.

Then, there's the Unicorn Trilogy, consisting of Armada, Energon, and Cybertron (which was a reboot in Japan instead of continuing Energon.) These were only half-Japanese, and the episodes of Armada and Energon aired in America, but rushed and incomplete, before being completed and aired in Japan. Blame Cartoon Network for this.

Anybody watched any of the anime?

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Seen RID all the way through, wasn't great, but it's Transformers, the same franchise that brought us the ultimate plot-hole. Didn't mind the robot designs too much, and wish I had a full set of Autobot Brothers redecos from Universe.

Seen Armada all the way through, once again not great, but this actually was my childhood. Probably my third-favorite depiction of Starscream.

I've heard that the JP Beast Wars dub was pretty terrible, but that's because they did to it what America did to whatever Samurai Pizza Cats was before. The descriptions of Beast Wars II and Beast Wars Neo I've read are favorable, and Neo almost had the first Unicron toy.

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