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Dragon's Dogma


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This game is an Open World Fantasy game, set for a May 22nd release here in North America. Basic plot? Dragon stole your heart. You didn't die for some reason. You have to go and kill that dragon.

That's about all I can tell you about it.

It's very fun though. I was playing the demo on my PS3, and I had a very good time. Player customization is awesome, controls feel good, combat is rewarding. A few complaints, however.

One, the voice overs constantly overlapped each over. I could barely understand what they were saying.

Two, the camera is a bit faulty, especially in closed environments.

Three, entities constantly clipped into each other, giving off a weird unfinished vibe.

Four, some things involving your party feels weird, such as healing wounded ones, etc.

And lastly...well, it feels really easy. I never died once while playing, and I barely knew what I was doing. I was just button mashing and healing myself when I got injured through a convenient "Menu stops time!" inventory. But other than that, it feels like it'll be a fun game when it comes out, and I'll certainly keep and eye on it.

Anyone else play the demo yet?

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