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[MTG] Tamiyo, the Moon Sage


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I got one, I am hoping the price drops so I can get a play set. I love this card, this is literally one of my favorite cards from the set. <3


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Cavern of Souls is THE BEST card in the set, closely followed by Sigarda/Tamiyo. Control seems to be shifting towards UWx, especially with Cavern of Souls allowing colour splashes for Sigarda and Gisela and colour-fixing for stuff like Deadeye Navigator. Uncounterable Elesh Norn, Consecrated Sphinxes, and especially Snapcaster Mages will eventually bog down the enemy in card advantage. RWU control seems viable even, with Dual Casting to double up on counterspells and Vexing Devil for early damage. Red didn't really get much in the way of cheap, consistent burn, and Tybalt was a complete letdown of a RR Walker. Delver didn't need the power boost from Cavern of Souls, with turn one uncounterable Delvers and following up with another Delver and a ponder to set up a double flip and swing for 6 on turn 3, or uncounterable Snapcasters flashbacking pretty much everything



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