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New Rules? Deck Edit Time.

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Monsters: 18

3: Wind-Up Shark
3: Wind-Up Rabbit
3: Wind-Up Magician
3: Wind-Up Rat
1: Wind-Up Hunter

2: Spirit Reaper
2: Effect Veiler
1: Sangan

Spells: 13

3: Mystical Space Typhoon
2: Wind-Up Factory
2: Instant Fusion
1: Monster Reborn
1: Heavy Storm
1: Dark Hole
1: Mind Control
1: Book of Moon
1: Pot of Avarice

Traps: 9

2: Bottomless Trap Hole
2: Torrential Tribute
2: Solemn Warning
1: Solemn Judgment
1: Compulsory Evacuation Device
1: Mirror Force

So I've been testing Reaper and it works great so far so I may be keeping it at 2. Some of the changes I am thinking about are dropping the 2 Factories for tech'ed Lance and Chalice and dropping a Magician for Gorz ( Since Factory is gone he seems a lot more viable)

The problem is that I'm having a hard time parting with Factory....I mean it helped me set up plays so much in the past I just like the card...it pluses so HARD.

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