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Lavalval Rabbits


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Leviair and Rescue Rabbit make this so much fun.

Playtest 1

[u]Normal Monsters[/u]
Acid Crawler x2
Acrobat Monkey x2
Akakieisu x2
Alligator's Sword x2
Ancient Brain x2
Aqua Madoor x2
Archfiend Soldier x2
Arma Knight x2

[u]Effect Monsters[/u]
Rescue Rabbit x3
Tour Guide from the Underworld x2

[u]Spell Cards[/u]
Amulet of Ambition x2
Burial from a Different Dimension x1
Creature Seizure x2
Double Summon x2
Enchanting Fitting Room x1
Faustian Bargain x2
Heart of the Underdog x2
Soul Absorption x2
Soul Release x2
Xyz Energy x2
Xyz Territory x2
Xyz Unit x2

[u]Trap Cards[/u]
Xyz Effect x2
Xyz Reborn x2
Xyz Reflect x2
Xyz Soul x2
Xyz Veil x2

Lavalval Chain x3
Leviair the Sea Dragon x3
OOPArts' Crystal Xenoform x2
Photon Butterfly Assassin x2
Submersible Carrier Aero Shark x2
Wind-Up Zenimaines x2

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<p>"But there's no lavalval normal monster!"

Owait,now i get it.

Anyhoo,too many normal monsters,even for a funilla deck,and they dont have good stats either.

-2 Acid crawler
-2 Acrobat Monkey
-2 Akai
-2 Sword
-2 Brain
-2 Arma Knight
+3 Jerry Beans man
+1 Aqua Madoor
+1 Archfiend soldier

-1 Burial
-2 Soul Release
-2 Soul absorb
-2 Xyz energy
-2 Xyz Unit
-2 Xyz effect
-1 Xyz reborn
-2 Xyz reflect
-2 Xyz veil
-2 Xyz Soul

+1 Dark hole
+1 Heavy storm
+1 Monster Reborn
+2 Mystical Space typhoon
+1 Avarice
+2 Forbidden Lance
+2 Torrential Tribute
+2 Solemn Warning
+1 Solemn Judgment

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