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[i]A teacher is looking for a school by the name of Seishou Academy, as he is a new transfer teacher for that school. Seishou Academy is known for having students with excellent marksmanship. However, he gets lost along the way and decides to look for someone who knows where the school is at a summer festival.

He encounters a girl at a shooting range and finds her marksmanship skills to be professional. The girl tells the new teacher that she is an assault rifle, not a student. Her name is FNC and is an assault rifle of Seishou Academy.

The new teacher attends school the next day to find students, including FNC, practicing shooting M16s and realizes that he has come to an unbelievable school. How will his experience be at Seishou Academy?[/i]

Snipped from AnimeFreak.

So, yeah. Basically, people at this school are guns, and crazy stuff happens from there.

There are several things I don't know. For example, are all the teachers weapons? Are there MALE weapons here (only girls have been shown)? Does the rest of the world know about this? And how DO they get their guns out? I mean...from WHERE? It's obvious that the back of FNC's skeleton stalk is...well...under the skirt, if you catch my meaning. So that means that she actually IS the gun, for sure. But...how just does she...use it? I mean, when they are shooting, they're holding a completely separate assault weapon, so HOW?

But yeah. Aside from those questions, I really like it so far. Doesn't take itself too seriously, and I like all the information on weapons I'm learning. Animation is choppy at times, but other than that I have no real quarrels with it.

So go ahead and discuss. I want to see some major calibers here, like the Barrett M82 or M2 Browning. I guess that wouldn't be really possible, due to the placement in the school, but still. It'd be wicked.

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Given the amount of girls compared to boys (lol), it could be a girls only school.

I don't understand why they would need to be guns if they don't get used by someone else sometime, but they seem to be using different guns themselves, and which gun they are just contributes to their skills/personalities.

It actually is a comedy. It's funny, so I don't mind the complete weirdness sometimes, but that's really it for me.

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I still have many questions. I mean, do they really...grow? And what do they TEACH at that school? What are they preparing for?

And I know there MUST be some Male Guns. I read what Wikipedia said, and apparently the new teacher is the ONLY human there.

And also read the first chapter of the Manga, and FNC looks COMPLETELY different. It's weird. o_o

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I have no idea what they teach but at least the other teachers are also guns, it seems. Well actually, they do teach all about the guns and training in using them. But... why?

Exactly, what are they preparing for?

The must be, but I don't think there are any male ones in the buildings already shown, if there were more buildings that is. If there were only the ones shown, it's either an all girls school, or they just don't want there to be any male guns shown. I thought they said that in the first episode, about him being the only human there, too.

I didn't read the manga but I saw some of what the art looked like, that is weird.

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...Perhaps there are separate buildings for male and female?

...No, I've seen male and female together in certain parts.

While I take mild comfort in knowing that there are MALE guns, it still drives me nuts they aren't shown. Gunplay is a symbol of my MANLINESS, and having girls only shown firing gets under my skin. I'm also a bit jealous of them firing assault weapons, which I can't at the time. A rifle, 2 pistols, and my shotgun. That's it. That's all I've shot. And the rifle barely counts, since it's a .22.

...Theory. Maybe they are training them to ACTUALLY be USED in combat. After all, judging from the first episode, they can turn COMPLETELY into guns and be shot by humans. So...maybe that?

This is confusing, but I'm eating up every little bit of it.

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I find it weird how seriously you're taking this when if you looked at the image shown for the anime, it was obvious that:
1. There was probably going to be little to no males.
2. There was probably going to be some degree of ecchi.

Both of those reasons, combined with the fact that it is a comedy without any real plot, or the plot really just failed to settle in, answered why you have so many questions, but does not answer many of them, and most likely cannot.

Also, if you actually wanted guys to use guns, it makes much more sense to search elsewhere... you could have been mistaken of what it was about, but still...

[color=#000000][font=sans-serif][size=3]Also, right here: [/size][/font][/color][url="http://www.animeultima.tv/upotte-episode-3-english-subbed/"]http://www.animeulti...english-subbed/[/url]
[quote name='[b]FakePillowPizza'[/b]]
[left]I wish this had a plot...[/left]
Just wanted to randomly show that. ._.


I mostly seen girls only, but I have seen guys was in the halls and classes, just, a very small amount, and obviously none of them are important, unless you count the teacher as being important.
The fact that them not being shown drives you nuts, drives me nuts, when there was plenty enough evidence that it was obvious they wouldn't be shown. ._.
It's one of those anime, like, basically the generic moe stuff, just with guns thrown in to make it look cooler. It's currently failing miserably for me the more I try to explain this to you. If you did know, then I don't know why you are taking it this serious.

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I take ALL my guns seriously. Don't care where it's from or in what medium.

...also, this statement doesn't need a YEAAAAAAH B]

Don't let my seriousness with guns nor many questions get to you. I'm just the type of guy who will inquire and ponder just. About. ANYTHING.

So, despite all this, I still like this, and I'll keep watching it. I'm also learning a bit about guns.

For example, I didn't think the M16A1 was fully automatic. I thought it was Burst, like most of its descendants. But I guess that's what I get for trusting a Call of Duty game. XD

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[quote name='Mako109' timestamp='1335552957' post='5926810']


I take ALL my guns seriously. Don't care where it's from or in what medium.

...also, this statement doesn't need a YEAAAAAAH B]

Don't let my seriousness with guns nor many questions get to you. I'm just the type of guy who will inquire and ponder just. About. ANYTHING.

So, despite all this, I still like this, and I'll keep watching it. I'm also learning a bit about guns.

For example, I didn't think the M16A1 was fully automatic. I thought it was Burst, like most of its descendants. But I guess that's what I get for trusting a Call of Duty game. XD
[/quote]Ah, I know that it's not a serious anime itself, but it's nice to think about it a bit more than I thought, the information it gives if good too, I'm also learning a bit as well.

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...It's weird.

Despite the cheap plot(?) and sort of shallow characters...

I find myself looking forward to the next episode.

Maybe it's because I'm a sucker for cliffhangers, but maybe it's because I'm learning SO MUCH! It's amazing! I doubt I'll retain a lot of it, but still!

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Eh, the show's alright so far. I doubt any of Mako's questions will be answered; I think this is one of those animes where the abnormal is treated as part of the norm and nothing more. I mean, the teacher seemed to be the catalyst of the audience's reactions at first, but then the show shoved him aside as a minor character, lol.

It's certainly educational about guns, though I've forgotten a lot of it...

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[spoiler= I know, right?]

Despite being MUCH higher in caliber than the rest, I constantly imagine taking Sako's head off with a burning hot .50 BMG round fired from an M82 Barrett.

That would be incredibly satisfying.


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I was hoping Sako would get more than just "being beaten and leaving."

Because then her school conquering antics will still continue. I wanted to see the crap beaten out of her but Sig. At LEAST she should've been shot a few good times.

But also, she was able to fix FNC's reciever by...kissing...her...?

This just got WEIRD.

Also, it's obvious that AUG wants FNC. xD

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Yeah, Funco looks like some kind of wigged alien… I think it had to do with the eyes being scopes or something along those lines, apparently that wouldn't appeal to its [i]target audience[/i] very much so they omitted it within the anime adaptation.
I haven't watched the series myself, it's my brother the one who's been following it since the first episode aired out... I'll take a look at his external drive when he comes back from work~

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Did you see this? [url="https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=307778422644091&set=a.229732297115371.56792.186049298150338&type=1"]https://www.facebook...98150338&type=1[/url]

I would take the official site's word if I knew Japanese but well, I tried translating what I could with Google... but that's awesome! =O

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