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Arcane Effigies

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[quote name='Monsieur Madeleine' timestamp='1335717718' post='5928407']
Offerings isn't aweful, its just that its only good in decks that generate constant hand advantage, yet don't produce a lot of destruction or beatdown, like watts. Deck Devastation seems terrible when DW, Heroes, Dragons, and Dino Rabbit are the best decks.
And your title was such a tease, I thought this would be arcana forces :(

Wind-Ups are a deck.

Inzektors are a deck.

Dino Rabbit is hurt by Deck Dev.


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[quote name='DJVD' timestamp='1335747333' post='5928945']
What's that Xyz monster between Leviair and NGEPD? Hard to tell with the small pic.
Also, I'd probably -1 Scrap Archfiend for +1 Lavalval Chain, so you can drop a Grapha from your deck so it's faster to play him?

Maestroke the Symphony Djinn.

Chain is OCG only, and I clearly stated this is a TCG only deck.

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