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Signature Req - 2000 points.


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Size : Approx 350x100, or which ever works best.
Render: [img]http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/4909/suigtinou.png[/img]
Text: Suigintou, the 1st Doll. (This isn't compulsory).
Colour: Dark, gothic colours.
The rest surprise me.

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five versions for you for 250 points, if you like them:

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Simplistic, I know. But sometimes simple is best. If you like this but want to make a few edits to it, let me know and I could either do the edits or give you .psd


Btw, free of charge.

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So no text, and darker. Kewl. And you dont have to pay if you arent gonna use it, thats fine.

There ya go. Darker and no text.

I messed around a bit, and tried using a darkish-red color for the text, and I thought that it looked pretty neat actually. Heres that version if you want.

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Hrmmm....lemme keep messing with it. I'll find something :D

It might be the fractals I'm using. They dont darken very easily, and kind of throw off the piece.

Ok...hows this? I ditched the original fractals I was using, darkened some other stuff, put in another..interesting C4D, then put in a different fractal that looks pretty cool IMO.

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