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Pokemon, the Olene Island Challenge! [PG16 -IC - Started/Always Accepting via OOC]


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[i]Umbra...[/i]thought Caldus. [i]We [/i]will [i]have our rematch! [/i]
His mind flashed back to his first battle with Umbra. Over the years, he would bravely maintain he managed to hold his own against the Castle Lord, but in reality he had gotten demolished in two seconds. He had challenged the Castle Lord a few months after arriving on this Island. He was naive to believe he had a chance against Umbra, but he had gone anyway...
[b][i]-2 Years Ago- [/i][/b]
[i]"Druggion!" Caldus shouted. "Ariel Ace!" The boy's Pokemon glowed in a metallic silver light and it flew, wings outstretched, at another Druggion. The other Druggion's trainer sighed in exasperation. "Flash Cannon, if you will." The Castle Lord said, and his Druggion shot a white pulse of energy out of his mouth, which slammed into Caldus' own Druggion and sent it flying, sending it's body skidding on the Caste floor. Caldus' own Druggion got up, but was moderately injured. "Arial Ace," said Umbra, and his Druggion flew up into the air, the same metallic glow enveloping it. "Arial Ace! Again!" yelled Caldus, and his Druggion flew at Umbra's. Suddenly, the Castle Lord's Druggion stopped glowing, and instead it's [/i][i]claws began to glow purple. "Shadow claw," said Umbra under his breath, and his Druggion slashed at Caldus', it's claw slamming into the glowing one's head. "I know your Druggion has Sheer Force," said the Castle Lord calmly. "And that takes away the effect of your Arial Ace, in exchange for increased damage output..." Caldus' Druggion grunted in pain. "...However, it would seem the only differences in our Durggions lies in their abilities...And mine has Rough Skin. You see, whenever you make contact with this Pokemon..." The boy's Druggion again grunted in pain, louder and more prolonged this time. "...You take damage," finished Umbra, as there was an explosion between the two Pokemon, and Caldus' Druggion emerged from it, flying and hitting the floor or the Castle, cracking the stone. "Finish this," said the Castle Lord. His Druggion nodded and flew down to Caldus' placing it's foot on the Pokemon's stomach. Caldus' Druggion struggled to get up, but had sustained too many injuries and eventually stopped. "Flash Cannon," said Umbra coldly, and his Druggion opened it's mouth, a metallic white sphere expanding inside of it and shooting a pulse of energy at Caldus' injured Druggion, hitting at point-blank range and causing a massive explosion. "Let's go," the Castle Lord told his Druggion as he began walking out of the room. He didn't keep his Pokemon in Pokeballs. "And you," Umbra turned around, looking at Caldus. "Get out." [/i]

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"I have a whore, you are a whore. I win." V shouted, smirking. "Besides, rank doesn't matter! I'm stronger than you I bet. And I've been a part of Genesis longer you stupid b*tch."
V returned K's feelings, and although he would try to avoid battling her, he wasn't afraid of a shouting match with her. He glared at her coldly as her subordinates entered the room, and avoided any contact with them, for he considered them 'beneath him'. "I'll show you, you know. Latios wont matter at all. It'll be nothing compared to what I will do. Then you'll see." V uttered sharply, before turning and walking to the door, trying to think of Ideas of what he actually could do to impress X.


Aaron shrugged at Yamada's request, chuckling a bit at they're relationship with each other. They'd barely met, but the girl seem unable to wait. [i]Either she's extremely hormonal at the moment, or she's a slut.[/i] He thought to himself, still grinning. "Well, that is a shame. You both seemed like very capable trainers, and it would be great to travel around with you. I would presume you are both quite talented trainers I bet. Probably more talented than my humble self." He stated, sighing - although he was still chuckling inside. "But sure, if you need my number." He looked at his new poképhone, shrugged and put it in his bag, before taking out his own Poképhone, obviously a newer, more expensive and more impressive model. "I can never remember my number." He muttered, checking the info section of his phone. "There you go." He said, holding his phone out for Yamada to see.

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As soon as Archer was done talking to the castle lord he took absol away from Allegretto. He wasn't even finished combing its fur. "That fiend, he didn't even let me finish." Allegretto said to himself as he gritted his teeth. He decided to calm down and walk to Archer. "If you don't mind I'll join you" he told him. "I cannot allow a pokemon with such wonderful fur be maltreated. And besides it looks as if we are all looking for companions on this journey." Allegretto then felt a tug on his leg. He looked down only to realize that Buneary was still hanging on to his leg, even tighter now. "Oh, that's right. I'm Allegretto and this here is Buneary. She's kind of timid so she tends to latch on to my leg to feel safe."

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Leon kept quiet, as Yamada exchanged numbers with Aaron - [color=#800080]"Sorry man, maybe we can hang out later, right now we were trying to get somewhere..."[/color] -he turned to Yamada, as she saved her phone - [color=#800080]"So, the Spa has private bathrooms? That's totally..." [/color]- he couldn't help but examine Yamada, from feet to head, god was she gorgeous -[color=#800080] "...awesome. Before that, we go to the Trigi Shrine, and the Mall? If you want to. Shouldn't we hit the Castle of the West while we are at it?"[/color] - he held Yamada tighter, and waved to Aaron behind them - [color=#800080]"Let's go M'lady, see ya later Aaron!"[/color]


X stood there watching K and V argue - [b]"Hey. No name calling, b*tch was too much. So what if you have a whore? Stop it you too! If both of you are as high in the Team, shouldn't it be because I believe in your skills? You are all as capable as the other. If you wish to keep arguing, there's a door right there."[/b] - he pointed to the door in front of them, and then stood in front of K - [b]"We can continue this tonight."[/b] - he whispered into K's ear, and then slightly presses his lips against K's. - [b]"Off you go guys, I must get to something now. Sugar, Spice!"[/b] - as he talked, two thin women on grey uniform and sunglasses appeared - [color=#ff8c00]"Yes, my Master?" [/color]- [b]"We shall leave soon, make the preparations."[/b] - as he waved his hand into the air, the two women left the room as fast as they came in.

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"If you've been here longer then why am I superior to you?" K barked. Then X started speaking. K stood quietly as X talked then kissed her. Kotomi turned away as Sugar and Spice wandered in. She muttered something under her breath and turned to Cain, Dane, and Raichu who just walked in. "Miss K." Cain said. "A reported sighting of a Kyurem has appeared around the mountain." he continued. "Shall I gather the grunts?" he asked. K nodded. "But we can go dressed as this!" K said. She put on her sunglasses. "Genesis has one too many encounters with the Officers on the mountain. Inform everyone to dress in Kanto School Uniforms." she said. "I'll go slip into mine and meet you on the rooftop." Cain and Dane nodded and left. K walked over to X. "I'll be off. A Kyurem is calling to me." she said, then kissed his cheek.


Yamada took Aaron's number. "Thank you." she said. "Let's go now before we get interrupted again." she whispered into Leon's ear, then biting it as she pulled away. "Castle of the West sounds fun!"

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After some time, several shortcuts, and a short trip in a bus, S arrived at the Team Genesis headquarters. He stopped outside of the door. [b]"Well, we're back. I suppose K will have reported to our glorious leader by now...and knowing her, she probably did more than that with him. Really, that woman has no grasp of what you should and shouldn't do with people."[/b] [u]"Staraptor!"[/u] [b]"Do you agree, then? I really must get somebody working on finding a way to understand you...I guess I'll worry about that later. For now, I'm hungry. What do you thing? Steak or spaghetti?"[/b] [u]"Staraptor, star."[/u] S looked down at his avian companion, and raised an eyebrow. [b]"Um...that was "spaghetti"? Good choice!"[/b] He walked into the building, and went to find a cook.

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Leon shook a bit when Yamada whispered into his ear, and then bit it -[color=#800080] "Heh...well...We should probably head south then, next stop Desec Town!"[/color] - he started walking, with Yamada by his side, holding his arm. -[color=#800080] "Haven't you released your Pokemon yet? It would be good for it to get to know you better. A Lilipup, was it?"[/color]


After K left, Sugar and Spice returned to the throne room - [color=#ff8c00]"Everything is ready for departure, sir."[/color]

[b]"Perfect. V, if it's okay with you, I leave you in charge of the base while I return. Just don't tell K, she would freak out. I'm sure to return in an hour."[/b] - he searched his pocket, and picked up a purple and pink Pokeball, and then flinged it at V - [b]"Catch! It's Darkrai's ball. I don't want to take him where I'm going."[/b]

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"Hmmmm..." Patrick hummed as he gazed into his map. He was sitting on the floor, an empty pokeball next to him, and a curious Swablu on his lap. His blue eyes scanned the piece of paper hungrily, wanting to absorb as much information as possible. Already Patrick was calculating how he would traverse this new island. The Swablu perched on his lap seemed to be doing the same, imitating Patrick. Patrick asked her questions, such as, "Where do you think we should go first?" and, "Do you think the weather here is moderate or severe?", and the Swablu would answer with a nod or a shake, accompanied by a slight tweet to express feeling. Patrick drew multiple lines and arrows, as well as X's. He put symbols and letters, signs and numbers. Finally, after the last circle, he sighed with relief and stood up. The Swablu fluttered up to his shoulder and stood there gleefully. During his planning, he had missed the battle, and was oblivious as to what happened.

"So... let's start! Are you ready!" Patrick said to the Swablu. When the Swablu nodded, Patrick pressed his palms together in front of his face. He closed his eyes, and looked at an angle to the ground.

"My Lord, I pray for safe travels." he whispered. In imitation, the Swablu chirped, closed its eyes, and hummed a small tune.

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Archer smiled. "Allegretto? That's a unique name. But I think that I might just move on by myself. And don't worry about Absol. His fur is absolutely flawless. [i](Absolutely flawless flawless) [/i]Its his horn that he likes to keep in mint condition," Archer chimed. He ran his fingers through Absol's fur, again feeling the locket on his neck. He smiled. "I'm gonna head south to Desec Town. I suggest we stay close by in case any of those grunts show up, but no need to stay right next to each other." He smiled, checked his map again, and pointed himself in the direction of Desec Town. "Se ya!" He shouted. "Gotta go fast!" He ran of southward, followed by Absol. He pushed past Leon and Yamanda, almost knocking them down.


W and his team had made it into a central cave of one of the mountains. "So," said Lopez, "What are we doing here?" W pointed to a small tunnel. "In there," He said. "That's where the energy signal is the highest." The four walked through the tunnel. At the end, there was an other room, this one crazily huge compared to the first cave. "Whoa," said Smith, "Whats with the crazy light show?" Smith was right. Inside the room, there was a strange purple aura filling the room, lighting everything up with an ominous glow.

[i]Get of my island[/i]

"What the?!?" shouted Jackson. "Who...Who said that?"

[i]Leave here at once! You, those children, and everyone else! [/i]

"No," W said assertively. "What makes you think this is your Island?"

[i]Everything! I run through every plant and pokemon on this island! I keep it alive. I AM the island![/i]

​W smirked. "I find that hard to believe, yet i believe it. Completely. You are coming with me."


W became upset. "Well, I can't capture you in this form, but you can't do anything yourself." He turned to Brandon. "Contain a sample of this energy." Brandon approached the center of the room carefully. Then he stopped. "Um, how?" W frowned. "Dammit," he mumbled. Then, he grew into a smile. "I know what to do." W pulled a Premier Ball out from his jacket. "C'mon out, Froslass!" He chucked the pokeball into the air, and in a flash of white, a Froslass appeared in the room. "Use Ominous Wind!" Froslass raised its arms up, and a purplish black wind filled the room, cutting through the aura.

[i]Hey! Ow! What are you doing?[/i]

"Keep it up, Froslass," W said. "Why don't you defend yourself? Froslass's Ghost-Type attacks will dead a whole lot of damage to you if you don't come out."


W smiled, as the energy signal became more existent behind the back wall than in the room they were in. "Use Weather Ball on the back wall of the room," he commanded Froslass. Froslass raised its arms and created a ball of black wind, influenced by the presence of Ominous Wind, and launched it at the back wall. The wall exploded, and W walked through the ruble into a small room. Inside the room lay a large purple crystal. "So," he said, "This is where you've been hiding?"


As the voice shouted these words, red and and blue-green slime began to creep up the walls and around the crystal. Slime tentacles wrapped around W's ankles, as well as his team's and around Froslass. "You've decided to come out?" W said. The slime wrapped around the crystal, covering it completely. It then formed a large ball and floated into the air. The ball began to change shape and morph into the shape of a strange pokemon. It was shaped in a human-like form, but it appeared extra terrestrial. Smith gulped. "D-D-D-Deoxys!" He yelled.[i]That's right, [/i]Deoxys said. [i]Now go![/i] W shook his head. "Never. Now that you're out, me and my men are perfectly capable of capturing you." Deoxys growled. Or at least it sounded like a growl. The tentacles around W, his team, and Froslass dissolved, and the slime on the walls was absorbed into Deoxys. He then changed shape, into his Speed Form specifically. [i]If you can catch me, [/i]​He said enthusiastically. A pink explosion of energy destroyed the room, along with the majority of the mountain, and Deoxys launched himself upwards and flew off. W smirked and walked towards the center of the room, picking up a small red strand that Deoxys left behind. "We win," he said. He started to laugh maniacally. "We WIN!" He put the strand into a small vial labeled DEOXYS and walked out of the destroyed cave, still laughing.

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K's team of grunt dressed as students made it to the mountian and inside a large cave. K was in the middle of her grunts, Cain, Dane, and Raichu by her side. There was a sound, almost like the mountian exploded. "Follow the sound." K said. Her grunts did so. As they got deeper into the mountian, K discovered footprints leading to a central cave. "Dane, please send a picture of those to the lab." K said. Dane pulled out his Pokephone and did so. K's team marched right into the central cave with W and his team of comic relief. K walked to the front of the 20 grunts. Cain, Dane, and Raichu followed. K placed her pink sunglasses on to let W know it was her. "Hello there, W!" K said. "What just happened here?" she asked.


"Oh! Yeah!" Yamada yelled. She grabbed Lilipup's Pokeball and released him. The cute dog-like Pokemon jumped into Yamada's arms. "Aren't you just the cutest thing EVER!" Yamada yelled, petting her new Pokemon. She set her Pokemon on the ground to get some exercise. "Now, I want you to walk in front of us. That way I won't lose you." she told Lilipup. He barked and smiled. Yamada wrapped her arms around Leon's and rested her head on his shoulder. "Let's find somewhere where we can be alone."

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W looked into K's eyes. "I am sorry," he said, "But for the mean time, that is a secret." He looked into the sky, in the general direction that Deoxys flew off in. "All I can say is that the energy signal I've been following has been discovered, and it kind of blew up a mountain after I enraged it," He said. "And now it may want to kill everything on this island. It claims that the island belongs to it, and it wants us all to leave." He looked around, noticing her grunts dressed as school children. "Why are you all dressed like that?" He asked. "And what mission are you on now?"

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Leon laughed as Lilipup started walking in circles in front of them - [color=#800080]"Well...I can actually think of someone cuter than Lilipup..."[/color] - he took courage, and kissed Yamada on the lips, lightly. She then rested her head on his shoulders - [color=#800080]"We are entering the Route now, we will most probably be alone, you and me from now on."[/color] - he winked at Yamada, and kept walking forward. He then remembered his Pokemon, and grabbed Togepi's ball from his belt, releasing her. Togepi appeared on Leon's head, and started messing his hair, chirping loudly - [color=#800080]"Hi cutey. Stay on daddy's head, and don't move much. We don't want you to fall, do we?"[/color]


X was driving fast on one of the Jeeps of Team Genesis. Sugar and Spice were sitting in the back, almost falling with every bump of the car on the mountain road - [b]"Sorry for not bringing the chopper, but I find this path shorter, we just need to go through the Andeel Mountain Chain and we'll get there."[/b]

[b]"What business do you have in the Pokemon Lab, Master?"[/b] - asked Sugar, grabbing the side of the Jeep as she almost fell of the road.

[b]"I need to have a word with our dear friend, Dr. Ceiba. Remember the DNA sample I gave you before? It belongs to a weird Pokemon, one I need for my own plans. Perfect...it seems we have arrived."[/b] - as the Jeep descended the mountain path, a big, white building labeled "Olene Research Lab" became visible.

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Caldus shook his head. [i]Bad memories...Whatever, at least the guys in track suits are gone. [/i]
"Let's go, Druggion," he said walking onto the path that led too Desec Town.
[center]*** [/center]
The path continued on for quite a bit, and he was tired. "Can't find a place to rest..." he began, before seeing a large cave. "Maybe we shouldn-" it began to rain. "-Nevermind," continued Caldus, and he walked into the cave. As soon as he entered, he laid against all wall and sank to his feet. Among the path, he had encountered several Nosepass, which was no easy feat holding off, even with Druggion, a tribe of [url="http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Makuhita_(Pok%C3%A9mon)"]Makuhita[/url], which he and Druggion had barreled through, only to be stopped by a [url="http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Hariyama_(Pok%C3%A9mon)"]Hariyama[/url], which engaged them in a long, exhausting battle, several Ninjask, and a Slaking. His eyelids drooped, but before he could fall asleep, he hard an odd, metallic noise, which sounded vaguely like... chattering? Suddenly, dozens of giant, grey, metal ants erupted from cracks in the cave walls.
[i]s***, [/i]thought Caldus. [i]Durant colony. [/i]
"Druggion!" called Caldus aloud, throwing Druggion's Pokeball, which opened, and shot out a beam of white light that eventually changed into the shape of Druggion. The light faded, and Druggion stood before Caldus, but he had cuts in several places and panted, tired. The Durant colony charged.
[i]Gotta barrel through 'em, [/i]the Dragon's trainer thought.
"Flash Cannon!" yelled Caldus, and the exhausted Druggion shot a pulse of energy from it's mouth, scattering the oncoming Durant in front of them aside.
"Return!" Caldus said, and Druggion returned to his Pokeball as he ran for the cave entrance. One of the injured Durant hit a Pokeball strapped to Caldus' waist. In a flash of light, it was caught inside. With nowhere else to go, Caldus ran the path to Desc Town, the Durant colony chasing after him.

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It was nearing nighttime as Yamada and Leon traveled on the route.The route seemed to be short so Desec Town wasn't far. Yamada held onto Leon even tighter. "It's getting late." she said. "We should stop by a Pokehotel for the night and[i] [u]relax[/u][/i]." Yamada moved Leon's arm around her shoulders and she hugged his torso. As they reached the hotel, Yamada loosen her grip and walked inside the hotel. She rented a room for the night and handed Leon a room key. Then she dragged him to the room, went inside, and locked the door.


"A reported Kyurem sighting. Genesis Grunts would attract too much attention to Jenny, so we decided to cosplay!" K said to W. Dane tugged on K's sleeve. "Miss K, the sighting was a hoax." Dane said. "Damn it." K said. "Pack up and head back to the base. It's nearing dusk anyways and X promised me that we would finish our meeting." K walked up to W, kissed his cheek and left.

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Leon looked up to the sky. It was turning from sunset red to almost full darkness. As he saw some Darumakas running around, so Desec Town must have been nearby. Yamada then mentioned going to a Pokehotel to relax, putting emphasis in the last word. - [color=#800080]"Sure, relax seems [u]perfect.[/u]"[/color] - as she placed herself on his chest, he put his arm around her back. When they finally saw a hotel, Yamada left and booked a room, giving Leon a key. He could barely pay the attendant for the room as Yamada pulled him into the room, and locked the door. It was a wide hotel room, with white wall paper. - [i][color=#800080]"Okay, now [b]I[/b] have to make a move"[/color] - [/i]Leon grabbed Yamada, and lifted her off her feet. He then looked directly into her eyes, and kissed her on the lips without saying a word.

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Of course, Yamada enjoye the kiss and kissed him back, biting his lip in the process. She pulled out a Pokeball and returned her Lilipup. She then continued to kiss Leon over and over.


It was now the next morning. Yamada had just stepped out of the shower and was putting fresh clothes on. Lilipup was in the sink, which was full of water and soap. Yamada smiled as she dried him off. Lilipup sat and ate as Yamada did, and she turned on the TV to check the weather for the day. The shine was their next stop if Leon and herself decide to leave Desec right away. Yamada held her head as she had a headache. She continued to eat and waited for Leon to wake up.

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She could see the tall walls of Domia City off in the distance. "Almost home." Alyssa said looking down at her pokeball "I hope the rest of my pokemon are okay?" She continues walking down the hill, she stop seeing something shiny "Whats that?" she says as she starts running down the hill till her foot lands on a loose rock sending her tumbling down the hill.

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When Yamada bit his lip, Leon went crazy: first he made sure Togepi was in her ball, and then he grabbed Yamada's waist and kept kissing her, over and over...

(...the next morning...)

At about noon, Leon woke up, exhausted, to find Yamada half dressed, on the edge of the bed checking the weather on TV. - [color=#800080]"Woah...did I miss shower time? You could have warned me to jump in together!"[/color] - he crawled to Yamada, and kissed her passionately. - [color=#800080]"How did you sleep, sweetie? I myself couldn't get any sleep at all."[/color] - he put his arms around her body, and kissed her neck from behind - [color=#800080]"Is it time to leave already? I didn't get a shower..."[/color]

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"Well if he wants to be alone then I'll let him be alone, isn't that right Buneary." Allegretto told his buneary. "Well it says here that we can catch water pokemon around here. That is what we need, so why don't you and I go search for some." He told buneary while looking at his map. He went down to the shore, along with Buneary who was still latching on to Allegretto's leg, where many fisherman were of course, fishing. Allegretto looked around for anyone that might have a fishing ro, but no one seemed to have one. So he decided to go to the peer, where even more fishermen were. "Excuse me, but by any chance might you have a spare rod." Allegretto asked an elderly fisherman.

"Oh, welll of course, here join me and the exitement of fishing." he said handing over a good rod to Allegretto. "Here's some bait as well." Allegretto got the rod and bait, he then sat and threw the line into the water. "Isn't this fun" the fisherman continued. "The suspense of not knowing what your going to get. I bet your here to catch that beautiful pokemon aren't you."

"Beautuful pokemon!?" Allegretto screamed. "If such a thing is found here then I will spend all day and night if I have too. I must catch this pokemon, whatever it is." He spent hours on the peer, but he never caught a "beautiful pokemon." That is until he was going to give up. There was a tug on the rod, if it wasn't for the elderly fisherman Allegretto would have never noticed. "There's somethig on the line!?"

"Yes, yes now get it. Put some muscle into it." The old man said. Allegretto was struggling. No matter how much he pulled and reeled the catch wasn't giving up. "Whatever you have in you hook is pretty strong if it is giving you a fight like that. You know it may be that Beautiful pokemon we spoke about earlier. Allegretto's eyes flared up, if it is them I will put all my strenght into it. He gave one final thug which launched the pokemon on the air.

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Yamada only sleep for about three hours. She was tired. "Go ahead and shower. We have all day." she muttered.


K sat on X's throne in her bunny suit, asleep. She must have stumbled over to X's room and waited for him. Too bad he didn't return to give K her reward. Cain poked K, trying to awake her. "Miss K." he said. "Latias has been sighted again." Dain and Raichu walked up. Raichu rested his head on K's, which caused her to get a small shock and awaken her. Cain told her about the new Latias sighting. "So she's returned to find her brother, has she?" K muttered. "We need Latios again, this time for bait."

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Shielding his eyes from the sun, Caldus looked at the town before him.
[i]Finally...[/i]he thought, eyelids drooping. [i]Desc town..[/i]the boy finished, and threw up from exhaustion. He had been running for three days straight without much sleep from the Mother. F*cking. Durants. Caldus was burnt out. He was sick of running. He just wanted to get Druggion to he Pokemon center and then just rest here for 2 long, relaxing days. As much relaxing as you can get in the middle of the desert, anyway.
[left]Caldus walked into.the Pokemon center, attracting stares from the few people inside. He must have looked as mess. Caldus had thick bags under his eyes and his hair was spiky and unclean. He walked up to the Pokemon center and placed the Pokeball with his Druggion on the table. The lady at the counter took it, looking confused.[/left]
[left]"Err," she began. "You have two Pokemon."[/left]
[left]"Two-What?!" he asked, and then took another Pokeball out.[/left]
[left]"Yeah," replied the woman. "You also have a Durant. You didn't know that?"[/left]
[left]"No. Look, just heal them, please."[/left]
[left]Level: 21[/left]
[left]Movement Set:[/left]
[left]1. Bite[/left]
[left]2. Fury Cutter[/left]
[left]3. Agility[/left]
[left]4. Metal Claw[/left]
[left]5. N/A[/left]
[left]6. N/A[/left]
[left]7. N/A[/left]
[left]8. N/A[/left]

[left]As soon as Caldus arrived at his room in the motel, his head hit the pillow and he fell asleep. When he woke up, he looked at the clock, sighing. He had fallen asleep for a mere [i]three hours. [/i]"God," he muttered, rubbing his eyes. For the seventy-two hours he had been awake, he had slept for three of them. Caldus sighed, and fell asleep again. [/left]

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Yamada's dry answer disappointed Leon -[color=#800080] "Are you sure you are fine? I'll just jump in for a minute and then we can leave, or we can stay here and rest. You look like you had a bad night. Well except for, [i]that[/i] part of the night. If you have a headache, I have painkillers in my backpack."[/color] - he stood up, and gave Yamada a kiss on the forehead, before entering the bathroom.


[b]"Finally back home."[/b] - the trip had taken more than expected. Since the Doctor had refused to cooperate, Sugar and Spice stayed in the Lab to make sure he wouldn't make a run for it. When X entered the throne room, he found K asleep in X's favourite bunny outfit. - [b]"Kotomi? I must have forgotten about her reward."[/b] - before he could approach K, one of her grunts woke her up, telling her about a new Latias sighting. Her Raichu shocked her, and she left the throne room, barely awake. X approached and sat on his throne. He immediately picked up his Pokephone, and typed 3 different Messages:

[b]Sorry for the inconveniences, and for leaving you alone last night. I have great news about the strange DNA found before, so whenever you are free, meet with me here.[/b]
[b]Love, X.[/b]
[b]P.S: Tonight your reward shall be doubled."[/b]

[b]"S, W,[/b]
[b]I require your immediate presence in my throne room, as soon as you both finish your current missions.[/b]
[b]Attention, X."[/b]

[b]"V, [/b]
[b]I just came back from Labs. The DNA originally belongs to a very rare Pokemon, I can't tell more details for I don't trust Pokephones.[/b]
[b]Attention, Xerxes."[/b]

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[i]'I'm really going to feel bad to drop this one...'[/i] Yamada thought. When Yamada was done with boys, she dropped them like, er, trash. Yes. She threw them away like trash. [i]'I was going to find out about that Aaron guy, but there's something about Leon...'[/i] she continued. [i]'I'll stick with this one for awhile.'[/i] Yamada reached over to Leon's bag and opened it. She pulled out a pair of boxers with Pokeballs printed on them. Yamada gave a questioning look and tossed them on the ground. She then stole about five painkillers, and took two of them. Then she stole five more.


[b]Well, double reward is much better! The Kyurem sighting was a hoax. I'll be back in Legenew soon to search for Latias, who had returned looking for her brother. I'll be taking Latios from the lab to use as bait. Of course, he'll be knocked cold so he won't flee. I'm also sending ten grunts and Dane to Hoenn to meet up with a man named Maxie, who is gifting us an orb to attract the legendary Groundon. I'm sure that I'll need a triple reward, Xerxes![/b]
[b]-Kisses, K"[/b]

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Leon left the shower, completely refreshed, with a towel wrapped around his waist. When he entered the room, he saw Yamada taking some of his pills, and one of his Pokeball boxers on the ground - [color=#800080]"I can explain that....they are really comfy. Besides..."[/color] - he ducked, and grabbed a small piece of white clothing from underneath the bed - [color=#800080]"...you are the one with panties with little Eevees on them!"[/color] - he laughed, as he put his boxers and shirt on. He then searched his bag for a map, which he unfolded completely - "[color=#800080]We are nearing Desec Town. If you are feeling better, we could go now, skip trough Desec, get to the Shrine at afternoon, and maybe reach Argen by night. We shouldn't push it too far, so let's just reach the Trigi Shrine and find somewhere else to rest around here. What do you say?"[/color] - said Leon, as he finished dressing himself. Upon closing his bag, he realized that of the dozen painkillers he had bought, he was left with only 2. - [color=#800080]"Sigh...I guess I'll buy more later..."[/color]


[b]"K, [/b]
[b]I kinda had the feeling it was a hoax. Never the less, Groudon is just as good. Watch out for Latias, remember she could get angry when she sees her brother in that position. Triple Reward!? My, my, miss Kotomi you are one greedy girl, aren't you? I'll see what I can do.[/b]
[b]Kisses, X."[/b]

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Brandon had been thinking about his next pokemon for a while. The only thing he would consider for a pokemon would be a Flying type - any other pokemon was not close enough to the heavens for him. Brandon pondered about it for a while, when Swablu brushed against his leg and his Pokedex dropped. It opened to a random page which had no information, but Brandon's years of self study told him exactly which poemon corresponded to the displayed number.

"Gyrados..." he muttered under his breath. A Gyrados would be nice. Heck, a Gyrados would be awesome! In any case, he enjoyed Gyrados and its previous form, Magikarp. Under the Book of Water, the Great One had morphed into the first Magikarp, and used his veil to view the evils of a leviathan. They soon engaged in an epic battle, and the Great One conquered by fusing the winds and the waters to form a great and powerful Gyrados. The leviathan was trapped in a tablet, and Arceus reascended into the heavens, leaving the Gyrados to remain. Remembering this story clearly, he knew exactly what to name his Gyrados, much like he knew exactly what to name his Swablu.

Brandon then shook his head and chuckled. Already he was thinking of having a Magikarp. He might as well catch one, then. But he would have to go backwards - he was already a quarter of the way to Desec Town. That was fine with him, though, he had planned for this already. randon returned to the port, it was already night-time, and he took out his fishing rod to fish for the night. His Swablu chirped - the Swablu also imagined having a friend as big as a Gyrados.

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