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Things that deserve a Facepalm

TOM 3.5

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Pretty much a place to talk about things that deserve a Facepalm reaction.
So here are some things that I think deserve a facepalm.
1. Kid Icarus: Uprising controls
2. Mass Effect 3 Ending
3. Scott Pilgrim not taking the Skateboard Proficiency
in the 5th grade
4. People who believe in the Tetra Force despite the People who created Zelda saying it does not exist.
5. Trying to beat the Elder Dragon without any armor,potions,weapons,etc.

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1. Youtube fails to change the page number to anything but 1.
2. You give a guy $5,000 to pay a $2 bill and let him keep the change.
3. Trying to understand Nintendo Logic.
4. The idiot who did this http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/dafuq-did-i-just-read--2 and runied the chances of an actaul meme beign reconised.

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