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Naruto RPG: The Empyrean Luminary Chronicles [ Doutaini Tournament Arc | IC | Accepting ]


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[url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/279255-naruto-rpg-the-empyrean-luminary-chronicles-doutaini-tournament-arc-ooc-double-c4-kcnameless-are-the-co-hosts/"]Naruto RPG: The Empyrean Luminary Chronicles [ Doutaini Tournament Arc | OOC | Double C4 & KCNameless are the Co-Hosts ][/url]

[[b]Current Arc[/b]; [i]Doutaini Tournament[/i]]

[spoiler=The Doutaini Tournament]

An event held to celebrate the ending of what is considered as the [i]Great War[/i], Or rather the beginning of a unified Nation. For twenty-seven years, there have been a total of nine tournaments, and each one being held once every three years in retrospect for the countless fallen that died during the Fifth Shinobi World War. And the beginning of the Alliance, as well. The Kinenhi Coliseum, built upon the battlegrounds where the Alliance made their last stand during the Great War, was created as a monumental victory and where the first of many tournaments would take place.

The Kinenhi Coliseum, located at the very heart of the Land of Order, Or Ninshū Region, is incredibly large and, could be clearly seen for miles, built to withstand even the most destructive techniques known throughout the shinobi world. Its impenetrable high walls, circular in shape, and the coliseum itself is heavily guarded by members of the Empyrean Sentinels. And whenever it is not used to host the tournaments the Sentinels consider this as their headquarters. It has seven districts; Arena One through Five and the Chuunin Exams, all of which surround the central district which is primarily used for either the First Echelon division tournament or whenever a Summit transpires. Five Arena districts were created, signifying the Five Great Shinobi Nations that still co-existed at the time before the Great War, and the central district that symbolizes as a unified Nation after the victory.

[spoiler=The layout:]
The central ring-shaped hub of the coliseum is split up into districts, beginning North and moving clockwise:

~ Chuunin Exams - First district, located at the North side. Where the Third Bracket tournament, or the "Chuunin Exams", takes place.

~ Lightning Arena - Second district, located at the East side. Where the Second Class tournament takes place.

~ Water Arena - Third district, located South-East side. Where the Second Class tournament takes place.

~ Fire Arena - Fourth district, located at the South side. Where the Second Class tournament takes place.

~ Wind Arena - Fifth district, located at the West side. Where the Second Class tournament takes place.

~ Earth Arena - Sixth district, located at North-West side. Where the Second Class tournament takes place.

~ Central Arena - Seventh district, located at the center of the Kinenhi Coliseum. The First Echelon tournament or Summits take place here.

[ [b]Ryu Kazi[/b] ] { Land of Order/Ninshū Region, Fire Arena Fourth District }

"[i]Infiltrate the tournament. Find the target and, if possible, capture her[/i]".

These words perched within Ryu's mind since the day he left the Remnant hideout like a vulture circling around rotten meat. His mission, given to him by the leader, was obvious and simple; Infiltrate as one of the contenders for the Doutaini Tournament and locate the target. If only it were that simple. If only everything were that simple; The destruction of the Ninshu Order and the death of a one Yamada Ryoku, leader of the Remnants. But the opportunity wasn't ripe. No, not yet. For now however orders were orders and Ryu had no choice in the matter but follow them. His time to do so, for revenge, would come. Soon. Biding his time was the only thing to do right now. He surveyed the large crowd located above them high up in the stands where they would watch the tournament unfold itself. Later looking down he saw the giant arena he and every other contenders came to compete for the Doutaini tournament, an event held to celebrate the end of what was called the [i]Great War[/i]. But Ryu didn't care much for that. Right now the only thing that mattered to him was his mission.

"Contenders number 23 and number 41! Please step forth in the center of the arena and face your opponent! You will commence combat when I give you the signal!".

Ryu looked down and saw his number; 41, and the paper that was strapped around his arm. As he looked, his overalls wasn't that of a Remnant attire. No, that would be foolish. This was his disguise. A [i]simple[/i] outfit for a [i]simple[/i] shinobi participating in a [i]simple[/i] tournament. And his name was obviously different from his real one. No, his alias for this ridiculous tournament was none other than [[u]Insert Alias[/u]]. As the Arbiter, a person who watches over the matches and decides the winner, continues rambling on about the rules for the match Ryu scoured the entire arena for his target. A female. Around his age with red hair and green eyes. These were the only description he had of her. Plus, her name; [i]Chizu[/i]. Not a full name, but it was at least a start. Yamada Ryoku believed she had some delicate information that they, the Remnants, would like to inquire this knowledge from her. But Ryu knew better. This was something else entirely.

After a thorough search, Ryu saw the Arbiter signaling them to begin and quickly gazed his attention towards his adversary. The man, roughly around his early twenties, was preparing for his attack. The first of many matches was beginning. The crowd roared in excitement, watching in delight and a desire for bloodshed, and filled the dome-like arena with thunderous applause and cheers of many. This was it. To continue his mission he would have to prevail in this preliminary match. The shinobi in front of Ryu, dressed in a standard Kumo-Nin Jounin outfit, struck first.

"Lightning Release: Telegram flash!" he screamed as he slammed his fist onto the ground, causing an electrical surge to surface and rushes forth towards Ryu. The battle has already begun...


[b][[color=#00ff00]Health[/color]] [color=#00ff00]260[/color]/[color=#00ff00]260[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#0000ff]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000ff]220[/color]/[color=#0000ff]260[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#ff0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#ff0000]230[/color]/[color=#ff0000]260[/color][/b]

[spoiler=Technique(s) Used]
[img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091021173341/naruto/images/thumb/a/a3/Nature_Icon_Lightning.svg/18px-Nature_Icon_Lightning.svg.png[/img] Lightning Release: Telegram Flash [LV 2]
Type: Element, Ninjutsu
Detail: The user can slam his/her hand onto the ground and cause lightning to spread from his/her hand to underneath the opponent, causing some damage to the opponent. Normally, this is used as a surprise attack when the target(s) are unaware or are kept distracted until the time comes to use this jutsu.
Effect: Does 45 DMG to a target.
Cost: -40 Chakra. -30 Fatigue.


[b][[color=#00ff00]Health[/color]] [color=#00ff00]200[/color]/[color=#00ff00]200[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#0000ff]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000ff]200[/color]/[color=#0000ff]200[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#ff0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#ff0000]200[/color]/[color=#ff0000]200[/color][/b]

[ [b]Kazuki Fukusawa[/b] ] { Land of Order/Ninshū Region, Water Arena Third District }

The grand Doutaini ceremony was over and the real fun begins now. It is the preliminary matches for the Second Class division of the tournament. Two victories in a row grants a contender to enter the finals. Kazuki was no doubt confident about all of this and in his skills as a shinobi. And this was the perfect opportunity to test his strength and, perhaps, win big. The audience cheered on with incredible excitement as the Arbiter stepped forth to announce its first contenders and match of the day. What an incredible sight it was to behold. But Kazuki kept his composure and kept a vigilant watch, like an eagle soaring through the skies searching for prey with its incredible eyesight. Looking over his shoulder he could see countless individuals all over the world here to participate in the tournament itself. And amongst them was a familiar face coming towards Kazuki to greet him with a polite smile.

"Kazuki!" Taro chuckled.

Now this was a surprise for the both of them. Belonging to the same arena meant they might eventually fight one another in the preliminaries, or perhaps the finals, if they should make it. Kazuki merely smirked at the thought. Another opportunity to test his skills and prowess against his current sensei presented itself. There was no need to exchange words between the two. Both he and Taro knew what this was about. Kazuki momentarily stared at Taros number strapped around his arm; 26. And turned to his; 12. And with a simple gesture of handshakes and a few words of "Good Luck", the Arbiter announced the first numbers...

"Contenders number 12 and number 27! Please step forth in the center of the arena and face your opponent! You will commence combat when I give you the signal!".

Kazuki turned and looked up as the crowd roared with a thousand cheers. His first match was underway and the chance to prove himself begins now. Kazuki walked forth and, calm as ever, looked over his shoulder at Taro whom held his arm out with a thumbs up gesture. It was unfortunate, Kazuki thought, that that they weren't going to fight in the first match. But he was certain that their match would come. Soon. Perhaps in the finals. For now, his opponent at the moment was an Iwa-Nin. And they have been known to be a primitive shinobi who often use older and powerful techniques, but a cunning lot nevertheless.

"I've heard of your exploits, Fukusawa Kazuki" said the Iwa-Nin with an incredible, devious sneer. "It's my understanding that you were Hitoshirezu Amagai's [i]underling[/i] before he betrayed you and your village, correct? How unfortunate that must of been, to be abandoned by your mentor like that".

The Iwa-Nin was obviously trying to psych Kazuki out, so that he would think he'd gain the advantage during their battle. [i]A grave mistake[/i], Kazuki thought. The Arbiter signaled the two to begin and their match was underway.

"Ancient Stone Armor!" the Iwa-Nin roared ferociously.


[b][[color=#00ff00]Health[/color]] [color=#00ff00]735[/color]/[color=#00ff00]735[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#0000ff]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000ff]615[/color]/[color=#0000ff]715[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#ff0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#ff0000]518[/color]/[color=#ff0000]628[/color][/b]

[spoiler=Technique(s) Used]
[img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091012162504/naruto/images/thumb/5/52/Nature_Icon_Earth.svg/18px-Nature_Icon_Earth.svg.png[/img] Ancient Stone Armor [LV 6]
Type: Element, Ninjutsu
Detail: This ancient technique makes earth-chakra flow through the body, absorbing the properties of stone around the user to form a skin-deep armor that is transparent and is only visible when light reflects off it. It's considerably more powerful than its weaker version, "Stone Armor".
Effect: 60% less DMG from Taijutsu, 50% less DMG from Weaponry and 40% less DMG from Ninjutsu attacks for 3 posts.
Cost: -100 Chakra. -110 Fatigue.


[b][[color=#00ff00]Health[/color]] [color=#00ff00]495[/color]/[color=#00ff00]495[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#0000ff]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000ff]475[/color]/[color=#0000ff]475[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#ff0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#ff0000]425[/color]/[color=#ff0000]425[/color][/b]

[ [b]Kibuto Karanime[/b] ] { Land of Order/Ninshū Region, Wind Arena Fifth District }

"Water Release: Snake's Mouth!" Chizu screamed at the top of her lungs.

A large volume of water rises forth from beneath the ground and a snake-like entity forms, thus rushes towards her target at an incredible amount of speed. Her opponent was a Kiri-Nin and this was a water vs water-type combatant match. Kibuto watches in anticipation from the stands meant for contenders and not the audiences located high above the walls. This was her first match in the Doutaini tournament and Kibuto somehow felt his was coming up next. An intuition, perhaps. Either way, he was cheering on for Chizu for now and at the very moment his main concern was giving his support for Chizu and nothing much else. The column of water crashes upon her foe with an incredible amount of force, like huge tidal waves beating against rocky shores. This has been going on for a while now and by the look of her face and stature Chizu was getting tired, but still held large amount of chakra reserves. The Kiri-Nin was immediately knocked out unconscious as the water came crashing down on him.

"We have our winner! Number 36, ladies and gentleman, is victorious!" declared the Arbiter.

The roar of the crowd went from frenzy cheers to a thunderous applause upon the conclusion of her battle. The Kiri-Nin she'd been fighting was out cold and Medical-Nin approached him immediately for treatment and in his need of aid. With a relief sigh and a cheerful smile Chizu bowed and approached where Kibuto stood. Her first victory and, judging by her face, she was quite proud of it, too. She embraced Kibuto, hugging him and laughing as she did. She didn't enjoy the battle itself, as she dislikes hurting others, but Taro insisted on her joining the tournament so that she may improve in combat. And she promised herself to train further several years ago after the Ninnai invasion was over. Chizu soon leaned away from him afterwards as the Arbiter announced other shinobi that were participating in the next match.

"Contenders number 31 and number 7! Please step forth in the center of the arena and face your opponent! You will commence combat when I give you the signal!".

She and Kibuto both looked down at his number strapped around his arm; 7. Silence is met between the two as the crowd yet again grows wild for the next match. And a mere chuckle from her breaks the silence between them before giving him a pat on his back for good luck, reassuring him in case he had any doubts like Kibuto did with her earlier when Chizu's match was starting. Kibuto smiled lightly and walked towards the center of the arena. His first match was starting without him. Looking back he saw Chizu cheering him on as Medical-Nin treated her wounds or any injuries she sustained during her battle. Although, surprisingly enough, she didn't have many. Only minor bruises and little cuts. Upon reaching and stopping at the center Kibuto deduced that that his opponent was also a Kiri-Nin and, based on the anger he's shown, he was somehow related to the one Chizu fought earlier and defeated. A teammate perhaps or a dear friend bent on avenging his fallen comrade. [i]Great[/i].

"Pity [i]she[/i] has to continue. But don't fret, I'll teach her how the great Hyouketsu Clan what they do to their enemies once I'm finished with you, [i]boy[/i]. Water Clone Technique!".


[b][[color=#00ff00]Health[/color]] [color=#00ff00]690[/color]/[color=#00ff00]690[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#0000ff]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000ff]385[/color]/[color=#0000ff]485[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#ff0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#ff0000]455[/color]/[color=#ff0000]485[/color][/b]

[spoiler=Technique(s) Used:]
[img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091012165925/naruto/images/thumb/a/ab/Nature_Icon_Water.svg/18px-Nature_Icon_Water.svg.png[/img] Water Clone Technique [LV 6]
Type: Element, Ninjutsu
Detail: The Water Clone Technique is similar to the Shadow Clone Technique except it creates clones out of water. Like other solid clone techniques, the clones can be used to preform tasks the user is unable or unwilling to do for themselves. The range of the clone is limited however, as it can not travel very far from the original body without losing control.
Effect: Decreases 50% less DMG taken from all attacks, except Earth-based techniques, for 2 posts.
Cost: -100 Chakra. -30 Fatigue.


[b][[color=#00ff00]Health[/color]] [color=#00ff00]470[/color]/[color=#00ff00]470[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#0000ff]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000ff]375[/color]/[color=#0000ff]375[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#ff0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#ff0000]375[/color]/[color=#ff0000]375[/color][/b]

[ [b]Kasumi Harukara[/b] ] { Land of Order/Ninshū Region, Lightning Arena Second District }

Kasumi stood idly beside her Guardians, her hands being held as the two were standing side by side so that she doesn't become lost nor can she wonder off on her own. The two were discussing something rather important with someone, whom Kasumi recognized and would often see her from time to time back home in Kirigakure. Although Kasumi seemingly appeared withdrawn from pretty much everything around her, and instead examined the small birds soaring high above the skies or those that often landed nearby, scouring for a meal. The booth they were all in was heavily guarded by special and highly experienced Kiri-Nin Platoon. And Kasumi loosely tried to pull away from her [i]captors[/i] so that she may get close to said birds, but to no avail.

"Please, Lord Mizukage!" said one of her Guardians, protesting what she ordered.

"You must understand, Lord Mizukage. She'll get hurt!" replied other.

"Hold your tongues!" the Mizukage snapped.

The two whimpered with fear as the Mizukage leaned forward, her hand now resting on Kasumi's head as if to reassure her. But Kasumi remained the same as ever.

"Don't be afraid, child. This is only for your own good," She paused, pulling her hand away from her head as she took a single step back before continuing, "Now take her down below and make sure that she is combat-ready. I want to see what she is capable of against someone else other than her [i]trainers[/i]."

The Guardians bowed, showing their respects, and the three traversed down below where contenders of the Doutaini Tournament would wait to be called forth for a match in the arena. And as the Arbiter announced its first fighters one of Kasumi's Guardians, a female named Kerai, knelt down to one knee and spoke to her. Giving her advice. Telling her to fight back. To show the Mizukage that she was able to defend herself against an attacker, in case others couldn't come to her aid. As she did the other, a male named Dorei, strapped a thin flag-like clothing with the number "1" on it around Kasumi's left arm. They were concerned about her being injured during the battle, or something else entirely only known between the three of them and her clan.

"Contenders number 20 and 1! Please step forth in the center of the arena and face your opponent! You will commence combat when I give you the signal!" declared the Arbiter.

"Go, and remember your training!" said Kerai, regrettably pushing her.

The audience grows wild and cheer further the moment Kasumi and her opponent walked towards the center. And as they near each other the Arbiter raises one arm and quickly drops it downwards, stopping at shoulder height.


"Lightning Hound!" the Kumo-Nin bellowed viciously, and Lightning shaped into that of a hound quickly pounces towards Kasumi...


[b][[color=#00ff00]Health[/color]] [color=#00ff00]200[/color]/[color=#00ff00]200[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#0000ff]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000ff]165[/color]/[color=#0000ff]200[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#ff0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#ff0000]200[/color]/[color=#ff0000]200[/color][/b]

[spoiler=Technique(s) Used]
[img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091021173341/naruto/images/thumb/a/a3/Nature_Icon_Lightning.svg/18px-Nature_Icon_Lightning.svg.png[/img] Lightning Hound [LV 1]
Type: Element, Ninjutsu
Detail: By manipulating lightning chakra into the dominant hand, the user can make the lightning expand to create the form of a hound. The hound-shape remains connected to the user's hand with a bolt of lightning, allowing them to control it during its attack.
Effect: Does 10 DMG to a target. Opponent is unable to Dodge effectively for 1 post.
Cost: -35 Chakra.


[b][[color=#00ff00]Health[/color]] [color=#00ff00]200[/color]/[color=#00ff00]200[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#0000ff]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000ff]200[/color]/[color=#0000ff]200[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#ff0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#ff0000]200[/color]/[color=#ff0000]200[/color][/b]

[ [b]Naoi Kaguwata[/b] ] { Land of Order/Ninshū Region, Chuunin Exams First District }

The Chuunin Exams.

The opportunity to prove themselves had at long last arrived. Naoi and his teammates miraculously passed both the first and second stages of the Chuunin Exams and now the last one was at hand; the Finals. The preliminary matches wasn't necessary and the entire group went straight ahead towards the last phase. The crowd watched in anticipation as the Arbiter, an individual who judges the battles, announces the first match for the day. Jinkaku, Naoi's teammate, was no doubt excited and thrilled to begin. Harumai on the other hand was very nervous to fight and had a very low self esteem, and little to no confidence of herself. Her hands somewhat trembled as the Arbiter named the first two people so that they may begin fighting. But she seemed at ease as Kenji approached them, despite the fact that he was also competing in the Doutaini Tournament but of a different division than they.

"You seem a little nervous. This may be your first time joining the tournaments, but don't be. I have confidence in you three... Naoi, Jinkau and Harumai."

Kenji, their sensei and captain of Team Kenji, tried his very best to reassure them. But Naoi believed there was no need for words, although he still appreciated it. He too was excited to begin and shared Jinkaku's enthusiasm as well. And Naoi had been waiting for this for a while now and the time to prove his worth was fast approaching. The crowd, watching high above safely from the stands, immediately grew wild as the Arbiter spoke...

"First match; Naoi Kaguwata vs Jinkaku Kyoushu!" the Arbiter declared.

Harumai gasped. The very first match of the Chuunin Exams was between her two teammates, Naoi and Jinkaku. Kenji sighed deeply and simply wished them both luck and not to overdo it. [i]They're still teammates after all[/i], Kenji thought. The Arbiter politely asked the two to come forth. And as the two stepped forward towards the center of the arena he and Jinkaku stared at each other, ready for battle. Both of them could tell this would be an interesting match and the outcome of this battle would provide which of the two was stronger than the other. The Arbiter signaled them to begin immediately...

"So it's me against you, huh, Naoi. I guess we're about to find out who is stronger!" Jinkaku smirked. "Wind Release: Petal Dust Dance!". A Cyclone of petals surfaced from the ground beneath him at an incredible speed and swarms its way towards Naoi.

[u]Jinkaku Kyoushu:[/u]

[b][[color=#00ff00]Health[/color]] [color=#00ff00]200[/color]/[color=#00ff00]200[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#0000ff]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000ff]170[/color]/[color=#0000ff]200[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#ff0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#ff0000]190[/color]/[color=#ff0000]200[/color][/b]

[spoiler=Technique(s) Used]
[img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091012163151/naruto/images/thumb/7/7a/Nature_Icon_Wind.svg/18px-Nature_Icon_Wind.svg.png[/img] Wind Release: Petal Dust Dance [LV 1]
Type: Element, Ninjutsu
Detail: This jutsu allows the user to summon a cyclone of petals to attack their opponent. The user can remain in one spot for the use of the jutsu, because he or she can direct it anywhere they desire. Therefore, the user can control the direction and power of the technique to the max as a last resort.
Effect: Does 25 DMG to a target. Opponent is unable to Block effectively for 1 post.
Cost: -30 Chakra. -10 Fatigue.


[b][[color=#00ff00]Health[/color]] [color=#00ff00]200[/color]/[color=#00ff00]200[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#0000ff]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000ff]200[/color]/[color=#0000ff]200[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#ff0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#ff0000]200[/color]/[color=#ff0000]200[/color][/b]

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((You've named Kasumi's opponent as Jinkaku by the way.))

Kazuki stared to the left as his opponent attempted to disturb and unnerve him, though it wasn't doing much effect. He was looking in the direction of the Wind arena, on the other side of the collesium. Despite being unable to see anything happening in the arena, he could feel the chakra stop for a moment. "Chizu's battle must've ended then." He muttered, looking towards the ground at his feet. "I wonder if she won."
He shrugged and looked up at his opponent. [i]Only an ignorant Iwa-nin. This'll probably be quick.[/i] Kazuki figured, grinning. "Ahh, so my fame precedes me. Well, let's see if I exceed my reputation, or it exceeds me." Kazuki stated, pulling his hands from his pockets, watching as his opponent made the first move. [i]Wise move. If he'd have attacked me straight up, I could've won this quite quickly. But defending himself will make my attacks less effective. He's obviously got at least some brains. [/i]Kazuki mused, thinking of a strategy. He was determined not to use his Kekkei genkai. It could make this a lot faster, but if he had to use his Shikra against this guy, what would he do against the proffesionals? He smirked quickly as he prepared some hand seals. "Man, I wish I had Samehada with me. I'll have to get it out of my room for the next match." Kazuki murmured to himself, as he finished his hand seals.
He gave a quick grin to his opponent, in retaliation for the Psychological warfare, before crying, "Fire release, Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique!" He compressed his lips, spitting out multiple ball of fire. Initially, they flew straight forwards, aiming for the opponent's chest. But, controlling them with his eyes, he moved them to surround his opponent, causing them to attack from all sides.
As the technique was released, he immeadiately flew into action, pulling a Kunai from his belt and running to the side of the arena. Compressing chakra into his feet, he ran up the side of the wall, waiting for the right angle to throw his Kunai to present itself.

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Kibuto sighed at the thought of actually losing to such an arrogant Kiri-Nin. Sometimes he wonders if he could actually have a challenge, as if it matters now. When he begins to face the more powerful shinobi, then he would choose to use more of an average amount of his chakra and power. Also, he wasn't surprised by the clones the Kiri-Nin unleashed. "Arrogance isn't gonna get you anywhere." said Kibuto as he prepared a hand seal. "If you wish to be beaten down just like your ally, then so be it..." As he finished his hand seals, he says, "Shadow Clone Techique." Just then, three clones appeared in front of Kibuto, each of which took out a kunai and shuriken respectively. They then dashed towards the Kiri-Nin and his Water Clones, prepared to strike. Kibuto stood where he was, looking at Chizu with another light smile, in which gestured the words, "I'll be careful." Kibuto then looked forward again and then looked at the battle between Kibuto's Shadow Clones and the Kiri-Nin and his Water Clones. He then prepared to dash towards the enemies while taking out a kunai. When he became near the battle, he jumped into the air and attempted to clash with the Kiri-Nin. He had a face of determination as he fell closer and closer to the Kiri-Nin. And then, he clashed with him.

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Ryu, his mind still preoccupied with endless thoughts, wasn't able to fully dodge to attack from the Kumo-nin. Instead, as he leaped out of the way, the attack managed to hit his his entire right leg. It was a strong attack, but it wasn't enough to stop Ryu. He landed on his left leg and slowly put down his right. He shook it a little until the effects of the lightning were not as terrible.

"Not a bad hit, you must be a part of Kumogakure's elite," Ryu said.

Whether the man was or not, Ryu couldn't guess. One lucky attack wouldn't determine that. Ryu had another way to determine it. He prepared a string of hand seals, followed by a light smirk. He knew that using the Solar Release was inevitable, therefore he had chosen the alias Jidan Kazi so no one would wonder how he was able to use it. He only hoped that there were no Kazi present at this tournament.

"Lets test your endurance and durability,[color=#ff8c00] Solar Release:[/color] [color=#ff8c00]Sun Disks![/color]" Ryu yelled. He raised both hands to the air, and over them, two disks of pale yellow fire formed. He chucked the disks at his opponent and watched them go. And so the tournament began.

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Kasumi was lost within her own little world, practically oblivious to the conversation being held just next to her. Her gaze fixed on the birds in the sky as a sense of calm came over the girl, appearing to stare off into space completely unaware of what was going on around her. She came to when she felt a hand rest on her head and she looked up into the eyes of the mizukage, her own seeming rather empty and passive. She wasn't entirely sure why they wanted her to fight, she certainly had no wish to fight, but it seemed unavoidable now as she was led towards the arena, practically dragged there as her guardians kept a firm grip upon her, detirmined not to yet the young girl out of their sight.

She heaved a low sigh, resigned to her fate as she allowed herself to be escorted to the arena, barely listening to Kerai and keeping her gaze fixed ahead. They wanted her to fight, then so be it. She stepped forward when the numbers where called, walking into the middle of the arena to face her opponent, showing no sign of nerves or excitement. The start of the battle was announced and her opponent wasted no time in starting things of, using a lightning hound attack to open the match and sending it straight for her. Luckily for Kasumi, her love of animals did not extend to fake ones. The hound leaped at the girl but its fangs met only smoke as Kasumi's form vanished, using her body flicker technique to quickly evade her opponent. The instant she reappeared again she whiped out one of her shuriken and send it spinning towards her opponent, aiming for his throat.

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Naoi was a little supprised. "That lame justsu? You are kidding, right?" Naoi taunted. " I could counter it by blocking, but ill be trapped in a vortex, so ill just melt it." Naoi remarked. "Earth release: Terra sheild!" Naoi shouted, punching the floor. Now, to attack, he thought. "ill just stay behind my sheild then!" Naoi taunted again. "Now, for some thinking, I could use the Earth release, Antilion technique, or i could go in to attack with some tai jutsu." Naoi quetly said to himself, behind his cover of earth. "[i]If i mock him, he might loose his cool.[/i]" Naoi thought to himself. Now, to put that thought into action. "You cant be seriouse? You thought your girlish dance of flowers would do anything to me? Please! If I want to be a chunin, i have to win!" Naoi said, in a mocking fashion.

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[ [b]Ryu Kazi[/b] ]

The Kumo-Nin froze. His eyes widening. A technique such as Ryu's was unheard of. Or at least to his knowledge, anyway.

"W-what...?" he gasped.

But he was too late. The man didn't have enough time to dodge or retaliate as the circular-like projectiles were spinning rapidly towards him until they collided with its intended target. Which immediately sends him hurtling towards the massive walls of the Kinenhi Coliseum and crashes, barely making a crack on it despite the speed and force of Ryu's technique. [i]The impenetrable walls[/i], Ryu thought, [i]seems as though the stories about it is true after all. [/i]The Kumo-Nin soon falls downwards, debris and smoke flutter everywhere upon impact. Was it over already? No. Ryu could still sense the man was alive and moving.

"[i]Who[/i] are you?" asked the Kumo-Nin.

He emerges from the rubble, his arms covering his wounds where the two disks struck him. He was taken by surprise. The man was strong, as evidenced through surviving Ryu's initial technique, but he could tell he was just getting started. Or rather, he wanted to finish this quickly. Regardless of the situation, he didn't want to make it easy for him. He performed several hand seals before calling out his next technique.

"Lightning Release Shadow Clone Jutsu!".


You did 50 DMG to Kumo-Nin.


[b][[color=#00FF00]Health[/color]] [color=#00FF00]210[/color]/[color=#00FF00]260[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#0000FF]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000FF]180[/color]/[color=#0000FF]260[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#FF0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#FF0000]195[/color]/[color=#FF0000]260[/color][/b]

[spoiler=Technique(s) Used]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091021173341/naruto/images/thumb/a/a3/Nature_Icon_Lightning.svg/18px-Nature_Icon_Lightning.svg.png[/img][/size][/font][/color][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3] Lightning Release Shadow Clone Jutsu [LV 2][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Type: Element, Ninjutsu[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Detail: This technique allows the user to make a Shadow Clone infused with lightning. Because it is a shadow clone, it is able to perform jutsu and interact with the environment due to it having physical substance. If the clone is injured, it will revert to its natural lightning-state, at the same time electrocuting whatever it is touching.[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Effect: Decreases 30% less DMG taken from attacks by 30% chance. Opponent is unable to Attack or Block effectively for 1 post by 35% chance.[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Cost: -40 Chakra. -35 Fatigue.[/size][/font][/color]


Kumo-Nin did 40 DMG.

[b][[color=#00FF00]Health[/color]] [color=#00FF00]160[/color]/[color=#00FF00]200[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#0000FF]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000FF]168[/color]/[color=#0000FF]200[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#FF0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#FF0000]180[/color]/[color=#FF0000]200[/color][/b]

[spoiler=Technique(s) Used]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][img]http://i41.tinypic.com/2nrd8cz.png[/img][/size][/font][/color][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3] Solar Release: Sun Disks [LV 1][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Type: Kekkai Genkai [/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Detail: Forms two large, spiked disks in his hands made purely of pale fire. Can pierce through the strongest of metal.[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Effect: Does 45 DMG to the target.[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Cost: -35 Chakra. -15 Fatigue[/size][/font][/color]

[ [b]Kazuki Fukusawa[/b] ]

The Iwa-Nin was bombarded with countless amount of fireballs. But, covered in Earth-like Stone Armor, he was able to withstand most of the damage done towards him. Only suffering minor burns and bruises. But not enough to defeat him. [i]Yet[/i]. The crowd roared with delight and excitement, cheering for either the Iwa-Nin or Kazuki. And the Iwa-Nin simply brushed himself off once the technique was over. Looking towards the corner of his eyes the Iwa-Nin watched cautiously as his opponent ran along side of the impenetrable walls of the Kinenhi Coliseum. [i]Perhaps this could be an interesting match after all[/i], he wondered. He knew immediately that Kazuki was avoiding the ground below them because this was his field advantage, and that he was obviousl an Earth-type user. They both knew this much...

"Impressive, [i]Fukusawa Kazuki[/i]!".

The Iwa-Nin had to yell. But not too much, though. He had a great amount of respect for his adversary and only said about Amagai to spite him. The Iwa-Nin was like that, it would seem, and would probably regret it later. Perhaps. Either way this was a match and he was just getting started. Shortly afterwards he performed several hand seals in retaliation. [i]Time to take an offensive front and assault the enemy[/i], he thought.

"But not enough! Earth Release: Ancient Rising Stone Spears!" he screamed at the very top of his lungs.

And several earth-like spikes protruded from beneath the ground and immediately fired themselves upwards, towards Kazuki's location along the walls with an incredible amount of speed.

You did 18 DMG to Iwa-Nin.


[b][[color=#00FF00]Health[/color]] [color=#00FF00]717[/color]/[color=#00FF00]735[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#0000FF]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000FF]525[/color]/[color=#0000FF]715[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#FF0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#FF0000]423[/color]/[color=#FF0000]628[/color][/b]

[spoiler=Technique(s) Used]

[img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091012162504/naruto/images/thumb/5/52/Nature_Icon_Earth.svg/18px-Nature_Icon_Earth.svg.png[/img] Earth Release: Ancient Rising Stone Spears [LV 6]
Type: Element, Ninjutsu
Detail: This ancient technique lets the user condense mud or stone, from the ground, and shape them into spikes that will protrude from the ground in order to skewer the target. The spikes cannot penetrate targets of greater density. It's considerably more powerful than its weaker version, "Earth Release: Rising Stone Spears".
Effect: Does 75 DMG up to 2 target(s).
Cost: -90 Chakra. -90 Fatigue

[img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091012162504/naruto/images/thumb/5/52/Nature_Icon_Earth.svg/18px-Nature_Icon_Earth.svg.png[/img] Ancient Stone Armor [LV 6] (Still in Effect for 2 more posts)
Type: Element, Ninjutsu
Detail: This ancient technique makes earth-chakra flow through the body, absorbing the properties of stone around the user to form a skin-deep armor that is transparent and is only visible when light reflects off it. It's considerably more powerful than its weaker version, "Stone Armor".
Effect: 60% less DMG from Taijutsu, 50% less DMG from Weaponry and 40% less DMG from Ninjutsu attacks for 3 posts.


[b][[color=#00FF00]Health[/color]] [color=#00FF00]495[/color]/[color=#00FF00]495[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#0000FF]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000FF]447[/color]/[color=#0000FF]475[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#FF0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#FF0000]409[/color]/[color=#FF0000]425[/color][/b]

[spoiler=Technique(s) Used:]
[img]http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091012120335/naruto/images/thumb/b/bf/Nature_Icon_Fire.svg/18px-Nature_Icon_Fire.svg.png[/img] Fire Release: Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique [LV 2]
Type: Ninjutsu, Element
Detail: This technique creates small fireballs, which are spat out of the user's mouth, flying wildly in every direction and assaulting the enemy. In addition, the flames are controlled one by one with chakra, so avoiding them all is extremely, difficult.
Effect: Does 40 DMG to a target.
Cost: -35 Chakra. -20 Fatigue.

[ [b]Kibuto Karanime[/b] ]


The Hyouketsu clan member was actually fascinated with Kibuto's words. And not in a good way, it would seem.

"You speak as if I'm in the same league as my so-called [i]Ally[/i]. He is my brother, and a failure as a shinobi for being beaten by a girl, too." the Kiri-Nin retorted, somewhat feeling insulted. "But I digress. Let us continue our match...".

The battle between their clones intensified. As did with the originals when Kibuto quickly dashes by their copies and slams his arm towards his foe with a kunai in hand. [i]Prefers[/i] c[i]lose-quarters combat, eh, [/i]the Kiri-Nin grinned at the thought. A clone of his was destroyed and immediately thought of a strategy. Using the water from the puddle nearby as a source he immediately manipulated it so that he could allow it to meld around his fists, which then formed into giant hands entirely made out of water. Kibuto, whilst in midair, had no way of blocking or dodging it, but an idea soon formed. He informed his remaining clone, via telepathically, to assist him and did as it was bade. As the Kiri-Nin pulled his arm backwards so that he may strike, Kibuto's clone quickly body flickers towards itself to him in his need of assistance and pulls him away in a nick of time as the Kiri-Nin strikes, but barely hits Kibuto.

"Water Release: Watery Fist Technique!".

Chizu gasps, and later sighs with relief after seeing firsthand that Kibuto was alright. Although the fist made completely out of water still splashed itself upon him and for some apparent reason could not use any of his fire techniques. Temporarily, of course.

You did 7 DMG to Kiri-Nin.
Used 1x Shuriken.


[b][[color=#00FF00]Health[/color]] [color=#00FF00]683[/color]/[color=#00FF00]690[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#0000FF]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000FF]335[/color]/[color=#0000FF]485[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#FF0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#FF0000]370[/color]/[color=#FF0000]485[/color][/b]

[spoiler=Technique(s) Used:]
[img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091012165925/naruto/images/thumb/a/ab/Nature_Icon_Water.svg/18px-Nature_Icon_Water.svg.png[/img] Water Release: Watery Fist Technique [LV 6]
Type: Element, Taijutsu
Detail: The users' fists are covered with giant water that resembles their hand which then allows them to punch enemies, but doesn't have much force in them as they splash upon impact. It's generally ideal and used as a distraction. Great against Fire techniques, or if the user wants to create some distance between them and their opponent.
Effect: Does 50 DMG to a target. Opponent is unable to use Fire-based Techniques for 1 post.
Cost: -50 Chakra. -70 Fatigue.

[img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091012165925/naruto/images/thumb/a/ab/Nature_Icon_Water.svg/18px-Nature_Icon_Water.svg.png[/img] Water Clone Technique [LV 6] (Still in effect for 1 more post)
Type: Element, Ninjutsu
Detail: The Water Clone Technique is similar to the Shadow Clone Technique except it creates clones out of water. Like other solid clone techniques, the clones can be used to preform tasks the user is unable or unwilling to do for themselves. The range of the clone is limited however, as it can not travel very far from the original body without losing control.
Effect: Decreases 50% less DMG taken from all attacks, except Earth-based techniques, for 2 posts.


[b][[color=#00FF00]Health[/color]] [color=#00FF00]470[/color]/[color=#00FF00]470[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#0000FF]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000FF]300[/color]/[color=#0000FF]375[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#FF0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#FF0000]345[/color]/[color=#FF0000]375[/color][/b]

[spoiler=Technique(s) Used:]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Shadow Clone Technique [LV 3][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Detail: Similar to the Clone Technique, this jutsu creates clones of the user. But unlike the Clone Technique, these clones are actual copies, not illusions. The user's chakra is evenly distributed among every clone, giving each clone an equal fraction of the user's overall power. The clones are capable of performing jutsu on their own and can even bleed, but will usually disperse after one or two solid blows.[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Effect: Decrease 50% less DMG from all Attacks by 45% chance.[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Cost: -75 Chakra. -25 Fatigue.[/size][/font][/color]

[ [b]Kasumi Harukara[/b] ]

The Kumo-Nin narrows his eyes the moment she disappears, and immediately his attention is focused at the corner of his eyes where she then reappears whilst simultaneously throwing a shuriken. With a mere second to react he narrowly dodges it by a breadth of hair by shifting backwards, but still cuts him just a tiny bit nevertheless. The incredibly small cut on his neck was proof that that this girl he was fighting was experienced, despite her innocent-like appearance. He was surprised, but didn't show his expression as such. He misjudged her. But he wouldn't allow himself to make the same mistake as before and instead proceeded with caution from here on out.

"I underestimated you, [i]little girl[/i]".

He spoke, his left hand inspecting the wound on his neck and stares silently at the small amount of blood on it. A string of hand seals are soon after performed in retaliation to this.

"Earth Release: Bedrock Coffin!".

The earth beneath Kasumi quakes and cracks are formed around her. Something below the ground was causing all this. And eventually two large rock formations surfaces beside her and quickly shifts towards her in order to crush her.

You did 13 DMG to Kumo-Nin.
Used 1x Shuriken.


[b][[color=#00FF00]Health[/color]] [color=#00FF00]187[/color]/[color=#00FF00]200[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#0000FF]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000FF]140[/color]/[color=#0000FF]200[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#FF0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#FF0000]155[/color]/[color=#FF0000]200[/color][/b]

[spoiler=Technique(s) Used]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091012162504/naruto/images/thumb/5/52/Nature_Icon_Earth.svg/18px-Nature_Icon_Earth.svg.png[/img][/size][/font][/color][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3] Earth Release: Bedrock Coffin [LV 1][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Type: Element, Ninjutsu[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Detail: This jutsu allows the user to control multiple sections of rock and move them around their opponent. The user then forms two gigantic sections that crush the opponent.[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Effect: Does 40 DMG to a target. [/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Cost: -25 Chakra. -40 Fatigue.[/size][/font][/color]

Kumo-Nin did 6 DMG.

[b][[color=#00FF00]Health[/color]] [color=#00FF00]194[/color]/[color=#00FF00]200[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#0000FF]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000FF]178[/color]/[color=#0000FF]200[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#FF0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#FF0000]170[/color]/[color=#FF0000]200[/color][/b]
[spoiler=Technique(s) Used:]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Body Flicker Technique [LV 1][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Type: Ninjutsu[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Detail: This jutsu is a high-speed movement technique, allowing a ninja to move short to long distances at an almost untraceable speed. To an observer, it appears as if the user has teleported. A puff of smoke is occasionally used to disguise the user's movements. It is accomplished by using chakra to temporarily vitalise the body and move at extreme speeds.[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Efffect: Decreases 30% less DMG taken from Ninjutsu attacks by 25% chance.[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Cost: -25 Chakra. -25 Fatigue.[/size][/font][/color]

[ [b]Naoi Kaguwata[/b] ]

[i]He fell for it[/i], Jinkaku mused. In terms of chakra nature battles Earth is weaker against Lightning. And Jinkaku, a Lightning-user, was the perfect person to counterattack his Earth-based techniques. Performing several strings of hand seals Jinkaku called out his next technique. Lightning sputtered viciously, forming that of a large hound-like dog, and strikes against Naoi's wall of earth, which then easily penetrates and pierces right through it.

"Lightning Hound!".

The cackling sounds of electricity intensifies as the dog-like figure was soon upon him. Meanwhile Harumai watches from a safe distance, concerned with Naoi. She couldn't bear watching either of them getting hurt and instead flees, away from them. Kenji, their sensei, also didn't want to see them hurt, but it was necessary and stood watching from the stands.

"Naoi..." he uttered to himself, lending his support for him. "Come on."

All he could do now was watch and wait and see if Naoi had what it takes to win.

[u]Jinkaku Kyoushu:[/u]

[b][[color=#00FF00]Health[/color]] [color=#00FF00]200[/color]/[color=#00FF00]200[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#0000FF]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000FF]170[/color]/[color=#0000FF]200[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#FF0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#FF0000]185[/color]/[color=#FF0000]200[/color][/b]

[spoiler=Technique(s) Used]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091021173341/naruto/images/thumb/a/a3/Nature_Icon_Lightning.svg/18px-Nature_Icon_Lightning.svg.png[/img][/size][/font][/color][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3] Lightning Hound [LV 1][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Type: Element, Ninjutsu[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Detail: By manipulating lightning chakra into the dominant hand, the user can make the lightning expand to create the form of a hound. The hound-shape remains connected to the user's hand with a bolt of lightning, allowing them to control it during its attack.[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Effect: Does 10 DMG to a target. Opponent is unable to Dodge effectively for 1 post.[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Cost: -35 Chakra.[/size][/font][/color]

Jinkaku did 11 DMG.

[b][[color=#00FF00]Health[/color]] [color=#00FF00]189[/color]/[color=#00FF00]200[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#0000FF]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000FF]185[/color]/[color=#0000FF]200[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#FF0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#FF0000]170[/color]/[color=#FF0000]200[/color][/b]

[spoiler=Technique(s) Used:]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091012162504/naruto/images/thumb/5/52/Nature_Icon_Earth.svg/18px-Nature_Icon_Earth.svg.png[/img][/size][/font][/color][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3] Earth Release: Terra Shield [LV 1][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Type: DefNinjutsu, element, blocking[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Description: After striking the ground with their hands, the user creates a large wall of earth in front of him/her. The defence is not perfect though, since a hard or drilling impact can puncture the wall. Also, since this technique only guards frontal attacks, the enemy can easily attack from the side or even from above. Forms a minor earth shield[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Effect: Decreases 40% less DMG taken from attacks, except Lightning techniques, by 20% chance for 2 posts. [/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Cost: -15 Chakra, -25 Fatigue[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][/spoiler][/size][/font][/color]

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Kibuto wiped the water from his eyes and chuckled. "Watery Fist Technique, huh?" he asked. "I'd say it was a bad choice during the beginning of a match, but I digress." He then stuck his index finger in his mouth fora second and then took it out. Feeling the wind, he realized that there was very little wind today. "I guess it's time I should blow you away." He then prepared his hand signs and said, "Allow me to show you a technique I created." When he was finished with his hand signs, he yelled, "Wind Release: Solid Wind Clone Technique!" Just then, the wind around Kibuto began to mix with the chakra covering his body. The wind chakra then separated from Kibuto in two directions, in which began to form into solid clones. When he was finished, Kibuto sighed. He had a small strategy to go with using this technique. "Now, shall we continue? I want to be able to show you the error of your ways already." Kibuto and the clones then made stances and began to dash towards the Kiri-Nin, but because the clones are made of wind, their speed is somewhat higher than Kibuto's, in which was his intention. [i]As soon as he takes out the clones, I'll go for the kill.[/i] he thought.

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Ryu didn't answer his opponents question, rather taking the time to figure out what to do next. Lightning clones would shock him once he got rid of them, and he couldn't tell which one of them was the real Kumo-nin. His opponent obviously wasn't just another shinobi. Ryu smirked once more. It seemed like he was gonna have some interesting battles after all.

[i]"It seems I only have one choice really,"[/i] Ryu thought.[i] "If I use the Sun Disks Technique again, I'll have no risk of being electrocuted and I'll manage to destroy more than one clone, or even, hit this guy once more."[/i]

"One more time, [color=#ff8c00]Solar Release: Sun Disks![/color]" Ryu screamed, throwing the disks at two of the five Kumo-nin

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[ [b]Ryu Kazi[/b] ]

"Again...?" the Kumo-Nin uttered, annoyed.

[i]No matter[/i], he thought, [i]I have my clones to assist me[/i]. As the two fiery spinning disks made its way towards the Kumo-Nin and its clones all of them, except for one, rushed towards Ryu in zigzag formations. Time to launch an all frontal assault. Ryu's Solar Release: Sun Disk technique proved yet again to be effective against two of the five Kumo-Nin as it struck them, which they immediately exploded with electricity upon impact. The remaining clones still rushed at their adversary, determined to strike him. Lightning was soon surging around the Kumo-Nin's arms and attempted to punch Ryu with both fists. The real version was actually along side with the other clones when they rushed at him. The one that remained behind was in fact a clone, and soon exploded once the original was within range of his attack. The other remaining one exploded as well, as there chakra had ran out and couldn't keep its form any longer than a short while.

"Take this!" the Kumo-Nin cried ferociously, "Lightning Release: Electrical Fist Slamming Technique!".

You did 40 DMG to Kumo-Nin.


[b][[color=#00ff00]Health[/color]] [color=#00ff00]170[/color]/[color=#00ff00]260[/color]
[[color=#0000ff]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000ff]160[/color]/[color=#0000ff]260[/color]
[[color=#ff0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#ff0000]145[/color]/[color=#ff0000]260[/color][/b]

[spoiler=Technique(s) Used]
[img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091021173341/naruto/images/thumb/a/a3/Nature_Icon_Lightning.svg/18px-Nature_Icon_Lightning.svg.png[/img] Lightning Release: Electrical Fist Slamming Technique [LV 2]
Type: Element, Taijutsu
Detail: The user covers his/her entire arms with electricity and slams both his fists on the opponent, electrocuting them and causes great damage due to the sheer speed and power behind the attack.
Effect: Does 35 DMG to a target.
Cost: -20 Chakra. 45 Fatigue.


[b][[color=#00ff00]Health[/color]] [color=#00ff00]160[/color]/[color=#00ff00]200[/color]
[[color=#0000ff]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000ff]146[/color]/[color=#0000ff]200[/color]
[[color=#ff0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#ff0000]160[/color]/[color=#ff0000]200[/color][/b]

[spoiler=Technique(s) Used]
[img]http://i41.tinypic.com/2nrd8cz.png[/img] Solar Release: Sun Disks [LV 1]
Type: Kekkai Genkai
Detail: Forms two large, spiked disks in his hands made purely of pale fire. Can pierce through the strongest of metal.
Effect: Does 45 DMG to the target.
Cost: -35 Chakra. -15 Fatigue

[ [b]Kibuto Karanime[/b] ]

The Kiri-Nin narrowed his eyes. [i]Wind clones[/i], he thought, [i]what is he planning[/i]. Regardless, he made no attempts of figuring out Kibuto's strategy. All he cared about was winning the match by decimating him for insulting the Hyouketsu clan. Or when Chizu managed to beat his younger brother earlier before. Either way, he would make sure to teach her a lesson once he finishes his match with Kibuto. Deciding to attack for a change he created several complicating hand seals and immediately yelled after completing them, "Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave!". Once spoken water quickly gushes out from his mouth, creating a large tidal wave coming straight towards Kibuto and his clone as it slowly filled the arena. The Arbiter mutters to himself, cursing, as he springs forth towards the walls, successfully avoiding the crushing waves as it rapidly approaches the two of Kibuto. He was determined to end this as quickly as he could.

"Kibuto, look out!" Chizu shouted.

But her voice could barely be heard by the loud roar of the advancing waves and the bellowing crowd above the stands. And it soon it was upon them, a huge twenty-feet high tidal wave.


[b][[color=#00ff00]Health[/color]] [color=#00ff00]683[/color]/[color=#00ff00]690[/color]
[[color=#0000ff]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000ff]225[/color]/[color=#0000ff]485[/color]
[[color=#ff0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#ff0000]305[/color]/[color=#ff0000]485[/color][/b]

[spoiler=Technique(s) Used]
[img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091012165925/naruto/images/thumb/a/ab/Nature_Icon_Water.svg/18px-Nature_Icon_Water.svg.png[/img] Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave [LV 6]
Type: Element, Ninjutsu
Detail: The user spits out a great volume of water from their mouth, swallowing up and crushing the enemy with the advancing surge. The amount of water created is proportional to the amount of chakra used. Afterwards, the excess water can be used for additional Water Release techniques.
Effect: Does 30 DMG up to 3 target(s). Increases Water-based techniques by 50% DMG for 3 posts.
Cost: -110 Chakra. -60 Fatigue.


[b][[color=#00ff00]Health[/color]] [color=#00ff00]470[/color]/[color=#00ff00]470[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#0000ff]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000ff]286[/color]/[color=#0000ff]375[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#ff0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#ff0000]325[/color]/[color=#ff0000]375[/color][/b]

[spoiler=Technique(s) Used]
[img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091012163151/naruto/images/thumb/7/7a/Nature_Icon_Wind.svg/18px-Nature_Icon_Wind.svg.png[/img] Wind Release: Solid Wind Clone Technique [LV 2]
Type: Element, Ninjutsu
Description: The act of creating solid Shadow Clones out of solidified wind. If done in an area with strong winds, more chakra will be needed to solidify the wind into as many clones as possible. If in an area where there is no wind whatsoever, less chakra is needed and more clones can easily be produced with the excessive use of hand signs. Continuous use of this jutsu will have different side effects depending on the # of clones made, strength of wind in the area, and amount of chakra used overtime. If the clone is injured, the opponent shall be raised into the air uncontrollably. The more clones injured at a time increases the height in which the opponent would be restricted of any physical movements, allowing for a followup attack of either Ninjutsu or Taijutsu.
Effect: Weaponry and Taijutsu DMG is increased by 10% for 2 posts.
Cost: -15 Chakra X the number of clones made per turn, -15 Fatigue X the number of clones made per turn.

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Kasumi stood idly as her opponent recovered from her attack, her shuriken having barely grazed him. Despite the new opening Kasumi made no attempts to repeat her assault, she had two shurken left and she was detirmined to use them only if she was sure they would be able to strike. Her opponent followed up with another jutsu, this time an earth one as the ground around Kasumi shook. She looked down lazily as it began to crack and quickly realized just what was about to happen, quickly strafing backwards as a pair of slabs formed from the earth beneath and came together in an attempt to crush her, momentarily obscuring her view of her opponent.

She contemplated her next move, knowing that the same trick wasn't going to work twice and that she'd have to think of something else to ensure damage. She quickly set about preparing her next move, her hands moving in rapid motion to form the Tiger hand seal.

[b]"Water Clone,"[/b] She spoke softly, her voice barely audible as her chakra vented out of her body, forming into two solid clones of water.

Almost as soon as the clones formed the three charged rapidly at Kasumi's opponent, the clones splitting off to close in on the kumo-nin's flank. As she came up to him Kasumi aimed a sweeping kick at the kumo-nin's head while her clones both went for his mid-riff and abdomin area.

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Kazuki moved almost instantly, years of training and honed instinct taking over. He dodged the first spear easily, merely stopping in his tracks. Jumping off the wall, he landed upside down on the second spear, and started to run along it. As he approached the end of the second spear he leapt once more, landing on a third spear, a shallow cut appearing on his leg from an awkward landing. Adrenaline had built up though, and he could feel no pain from it. He grinned a malicious grin, jumping quickly off of the end of the spear, bypassing many of the other spears through his awkward tactics. He placed his kunai in his mouth as he made a hand seal. "[i]Shadow [/i][i]clone technique[/i]." He mumbled while biting down on the Kunai. 2 other clones appeared next to him, in the same position, before falling to the ground, Kunai's now in hand, racing towards the Iwa-nin.
Kazuki, meanwhile, was now starting to lose altitude, looking as though he was about to land on the Iwa nin. He smirked and threw his Kunai towards the Iwa-nin, while performing a multitude of hand seals. "Now then, want to see my signature technique?" Kazuki shouted, aiming himself to land right next to the Iwa-nin, on the side opposite from where the shadow clones were approaching.

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Kibuto and his clones stopped in their tracks, in awe by what is about to happen. [i]He's stronger than I originally assumed.[/i] he thought. He looked at his clones as they did the same to Kibuto. The clones nodded as all three of them began to dash to the wall in the opposite direction of the tidal wave. Charging chakra into their feet, they began to dash upward for a moment and then began to run left and right along the wall, the clones being together, and Kibuto being alone. It's the easiest means of confusing the enemy as to where the original is. However, it doesn't always work. Narrowly avoiding the tidal wave, as the clones did without a scratch, with a slight bruise to his right arm, Kibuto jumped from the wall and landed back on the ground. Breathing slightly heavier, he noticed that he was on the far right side of the Kiri-Nin. He then chuckled somewhat loudly so that the Kiri-Nin could hear him. "I'm impressed you were able to pull off such a large technique; you Kiri-Nin are a lot more powerful than I originally expected." he yelled somewhat so the Kiri-Nin could hear him. [i]However...[/i] He then took out a Kunai and dashed for the Kiri-Nin, while the Wind Clones watched and observed to study more of the Kiri-Nin's movements so that they would be ready to strike. And again, Kibuto clashed with the Kiri-Nin, but this time with more force, showing that he's being somewhat more serious. [i]Never underestimate the power of the Karanime Clan![/i] Kibuto thought in slight rage.

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Now shocked, Naoi had just realized he had fallen for the trick. Now shocked, he grew angry. He looked up in time to see Harumei run out. "See what you did?!" Naoi yelled, a bit angry. Your little shock made her run, in fear of me getting hurt!" Naoi said, not really meaning what he said, rather using it as an opritunity to attack Jinaku. Naoi focused on preforming one of his favorite techniques, the antlion. After preforming a seiries of hand seals, he shouted "Earth release: Antlion trap!" He struck the floor, and opend a huge pit as an attempt to swallow up Jinkaku. "[i]Now, if this works, ill be able to move in for a good hit in Tai, one of my strong points[/i]," Naoi thought to himself. "Chakra to the feet for a burst of speed!" He thought to himself, and began to dash at full speed twords the gaping slope that he had so masterfully created. Naoi didnt really plan on hurting jinaku, however. He planned on something that would work much better. "[i]If I want to win, i have to give it my A game. The mind transfer should do it.[/i]" Naoi secretly thought to himself. "Hey, Kenji, do you think you could get Harumei back in here? I promise I swont end this with hurting him." Naoi said in a mocking tone, but was seriouse. "[i]Maybe, just maybe, i could get him to lose his cool, and waste up alot of chakra and fatigue before i use my mind transfer, so ill be able to pull it off right.[/i]"

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Two down, two to go, not to mention the real one. Ryu already knew the outcome of this battle, but then again, he knew the outcome for this entire arena. Since the girl named Chizu was obviously not here, he would have to defeat a couple more shinobi until he could get the chance to get out of this district and on to the elite shinobi, where she would no doubt be. As the Kumo-nin charged, Ryu prepared for impact. No need for a ninjutsu to counter this attack, he would take it head-on. Taking out a shuriken, Ryu held it as if they were brass knuckles. He was obviously going to take some damage for this stupid move, but a simple lightning release technique was no equivalent to the attacks he endures from Shinobu during their sparring sessions. Infusing the shuriken with a little bit of his bright-colored chakra, Ryu ran straight into the Kumo-nin in the middle, who he had figured to be the real one. The two were running straight at each other, like bulls. One with hands powered by lightning, the other with a shuriken infused with chakra.

"Lets me feel your power!" Ryu screamed, before colliding with his opponent.

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[ [b]Kazuki Fukusawa[/b] ]

The Iwa-Nin watched amusingly as Kazuki dodged every single one, save for the last one that barely grazed him. But more spears shot themselves upwards at Kazuki and yet again seemingly dodging all of them. But he didn't seem at the very least worried about all this. All that mattered at this moment was the battle itself and how it gotten more interesting with each minute, with each passing second. The last time he fought his opponents were quite easily beaten. And this was the perfect opportunity to announce his name as Kazuki created several clones at his disposal.

"Allow me to introduce myself, [i]Fukusawa Kazuki[/i]. I am a member of the Senshu clan of Iwagakure, Issun Senshu," he grinned maliciously, pausing as the crowd grows wilder and wilder with each second before he continued, "And a former Doutaini Earth [b]Champion[/b]!!!".

The audiences have never been more loud than usual, and this was because they have been watching a former champion fight without recognizing him firsthand. But he was very pleased to of been remembered once he mentioned his name and couldn't help but welcome their adoration and thunderous applause. He promised himself not to do this but what better way to start off in the tournaments by declaring his name to a worthy opponent; Kazuki Fukusawa. The former member of the Kireidosu clan however was planning to end this as quickly as he could. And the words he expressed wasn't to Issun's liking.

"[i]Signature[/i]... [i]Technique[/i]?".

The Iwa-Nin was curious, but had an ill omen regarding Kazuki's words. But due to his actions earlier he couldn't do much else as Kazuki quickly was within range.


[u]Issun Senshu:[/u]

[b][[color=#00ff00]Health[/color]] [color=#00ff00]717[/color]/[color=#00ff00]735[/color]
[[color=#0000ff]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000ff]525[/color]/[color=#0000ff]715[/color]
[[color=#ff0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#ff0000]418[/color]/[color=#ff0000]628[/color][/b]

[spoiler=Technique(s) Used]
Ancient Stone Armor [LV 6] (Still in Effect for 1 more post)
Type: Element, Ninjutsu
Detail: This ancient technique makes earth-chakra flow through the body, absorbing the properties of stone around the user to form a skin-deep armor that is transparent and is only visible when light reflects off it. It's considerably more powerful than its weaker version, "Stone Armor".
Effect: 60% less DMG from Taijutsu, 50% less DMG from Weaponry and 40% less DMG from Ninjutsu attacks for 3 posts.

Issun Senshu did 51 DMG.

[b][[color=#00ff00]Health[/color]] [color=#00ff00]444[/color]/[color=#00ff00]495[/color]
[[color=#0000ff]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000ff]387[/color]/[color=#0000ff]475[/color]
[[color=#ff0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#ff0000]389[/color]/[color=#ff0000]425[/color][/b]

[spoiler=Technique(s) Used]
Shadow Clone Technique [LV 2]
Type: Ninjutsu
Detail: Similar to the Clone Technique, this jutsu creates clones of the user. But unlike the Clone Technique, these clones are actual copies, not illusions. The user's chakra is evenly distributed among every clone, giving each clone an equal fraction of the user's overall power. The clones are capable of performing jutsu on their own and can even bleed, but will usually disperse after one or two solid blows.
Effect: Decrease 50% less DMG taken from all attacks by 35%.
Cost: -60 Chakra. -15 Fatigue.
[ [b]Kibuto Karanime[/b] ]

The man from Kirigakure, Kibuto's adversary, watched as he thought the wave had consumed them. But that was just wishful thinking. In truth he knew already that that Kibuto was able to dodge it. Barely. But he did, much to the Kiri-Nin's annoyance. The nameless Kiri-Nin however now had to focus channeling his chakra beneath his feet as the arena was slightly filled with several feet of water. But he didn't seem to mind. In fact, this was now his home field advantage and the perfect opportunity to move in for an all-out assault. But he couldn't help but respond to Kibuto's words...

"Why, [i]thank you[/i]. We members of the [b]Seven Swordsmen of the Mist[/b] don't get a lot of praises these days." he declared, grinning as his razor-sharp teeth were visible.

It was odd. If he really was what he said is true, then where was his blade. Like its name entitles all members of the Seven Swordsmen each carry swords. The most infamous of them all was Samehada and it was in Kazuki's possession. And no doubt all of Kirigakure was in an uproar once it was deemed lost. But this one didn't seem to know it, neither did he know that Kibuto was teammates with Kazuki. Had he did, things would of probably turned out quite differently. Watching as Kibuto launched himself yet again to clash once more, the Kiri-Nin acknowledged him and pulled out a kunai of his own from its holster. He readied himself as he and Kibuto were within range.

"Attacking me head-on, eh?! Let's do this! I, Soshaku Hyouketsu, member of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, accept your challenge!".

With that, he leaps into the fray and clashes with Kibuto...

You did 11 DMG to Soshaku Hyouketsu.
Used 1x Shuriken.

[u]Soshaku Hyouketsu:[/u]

[b][[color=#00FF00]Health[/color]] [color=#00FF00]672[/color]/[color=#00FF00]690[/color]
[[color=#0000FF]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000FF]225[/color]/[color=#0000FF]485[/color]
[[color=#FF0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#FF0000]305[/color]/[color=#FF0000]485[/color][/b]


[b][[color=#00FF00]Health[/color]] [color=#00FF00]470[/color]/[color=#00FF00]470[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#0000FF]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000FF]266[/color]/[color=#0000FF]375[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#FF0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#FF0000]305[/color]/[color=#FF0000]375[/color][/b]

[spoiler=Technique(s) Used]
[img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091012163151/naruto/images/thumb/7/7a/Nature_Icon_Wind.svg/18px-Nature_Icon_Wind.svg.png[/img] Wind Release: Solid Wind Clone Technique [LV 2] (Still in effect for 1 more post)
Type: Element, Ninjutsu
Description: The act of creating solid Shadow Clones out of solidified wind. If done in an area with strong winds, more chakra will be needed to solidify the wind into as many clones as possible. If in an area where there is no wind whatsoever, less chakra is needed and more clones can easily be produced with the excessive use of hand signs. Continuous use of this jutsu will have different side effects depending on the # of clones made, strength of wind in the area, and amount of chakra used overtime. If the clone is injured, the opponent shall be raised into the air uncontrollably. The more clones injured at a time increases the height in which the opponent would be restricted of any physical movements, allowing for a followup attack of either Ninjutsu or Taijutsu.
Effect: Weaponry and Taijutsu DMG is increased by 10% for 2 posts.
Cost: -15 Chakra X the number of clones made per turn, -15 Fatigue X the number of clones made per turn

[ [b]Kasumi Harukara[/b] ]

The Mizukage, whom was blind and could not see the battle itself, was told by some servant of hers beside her what transpired between Kasumi's match. She remained reserved when she heard the member of the Harukara clan was doing pretty well for herself. She didn't want to force her like that but in order for her clan to gain its strength back she had no choice but to do so. It was her duty as leader of the Kirigakure to ensure that she remained strong in both appearance and in themselves, as her loyal subjects and every other clans belonging to her village were advised to do the same. She was taught that that when allies were weak than she would also appear weakened as well, which would allow her enemies to strike at them. Meanwhile as Kasumi and her clones neared the Kumo-Nin hastily forms several hand seals. Turning to his left and soon after to his right, he called out his techniques name, "Lightning Release Shadow Clone!".

But nothing happened. No clones, that were made out of Lightning, appeared before them. Instead, his technique ended up as a failure. He wasn't fast enough. Not quick enough to complete his move. But Kasumi was. And her clones. They struck him with incredible force and immediately he was sent hurtling, spiraling towards the impenetrable walls of the coliseum and collides with it. But no cracks were made as the Kumo-Nin falls helplessly towards the ground below, dust and small debris bursting upon impact from the hard surface. She could tell he was alive. The man was coughing, and seemingly coughs-up blood as well when he spews it all over his hand.

"You b-...".

He stands up, slowly. Somewhat feeling light-headed. His jaw. He couldn't finish his sentence because he felt pain from being kicked. And the sudden impact behind his head with the wall earlier. Regardless of these injuries he still had some fight left in him and again created several hand seals... Slowly. Painfully.

You did 5 DMG to Kumo-Nin


[b][[color=#00FF00]Health[/color]] [color=#00FF00]182[/color]/[color=#00FF00]200[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#0000FF]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000FF]105[/color]/[color=#0000FF]200[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#FF0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#FF0000]145[/color]/[color=#FF0000]200[/color][/b]

[spoiler=Technique(s) Used]
[img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091021173341/naruto/images/thumb/a/a3/Nature_Icon_Lightning.svg/18px-Nature_Icon_Lightning.svg.png[/img] Lightning Release Shadow Clone [LV 1] (Failed)
Type: Element, Ninjutsu
Detail: This technique allows the user to make a Shadow Clone infused with lightning. Because it is a shadow clone, it is able to perform jutsu and interact with the environment due to it having physical substance. If the clone is injured, it will revert to its natural lightning-state, at the same time electrocuting whatever it is touching.
Effect: Decreases 25% less damage taken from attacks by 20% chance. Opponent is unable to Attack or Block effectively for 1 post only by 25% chance.
Cost: -35 Chakra. -5 Fatigue.

Kumo-Nin did 35 DMG.

[b][[color=#00FF00]Health[/color]] [color=#00FF00]159[/color]/[color=#00FF00]200[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#0000FF]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000FF]178[/color]/[color=#0000FF]200[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#FF0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#FF0000]165[/color]/[color=#FF0000]200[/color][/b]

[ [b]Naoi Kaguwata[/b] ]

Jinkaku merely widened his eyes as the ground beneath him quickly formed into a crater and eventually a large pit. He didn't have enough time to make his escape and fell downwards. [i]Damn it[/i], he thought, [i]I can't believe I've fallen to his Antlion Trap technique[/i]. His hands were underneath the ground, as most of his entire body was, and only above his neck was visible. He tried to move but couldn't. He could feel the earth surrounding Jinkaku slowly crushing him, but not enough to kill him. But regardless of this he expected more from Naoi. He was a Lightning-user, after all. As Naoi explained to their sensei to bring Harumai back, Kenji was simply surprised. But he couldn't let himself ignore his students' wish and did as he was told, much to his annoyance. He nodded in confirmation and disappeared off to find Harumai.

"Have you already forgotten, Naoi, that my affinity is Lightning?!" he grinned.

Jinkaku focused his chakra points, mostly his hands and beneath his feet, to release a small amount of infused lightning to free himself. He punched through with his left hand first, slowly creating a crack with the other side as well. As he tried escaping Kenji was able to bring Harumai back, and the two were watching from the stands where mostly the contenders were spectating from. Jinkaku crawled out of there with the help of his Lightning Release, which enabled him to free himself from that Antlion Trap quite easily.

"[i]Hey[/i]..." teased Jinkaku, standing a few feet away from Naoi.

He stuck his tongue out as he did, blowing raspberries, and slightly pulls down his skin from his lower left eye with his finger to tease him even further, childishly.

You did 40 DMG to Jinkaku Kyoushu.

[u]Jinkaku Kyoushu:[/u]

[b][[color=#00ff00]Health[/color]] [color=#00ff00]160[/color]/[color=#00ff00]200[/color]
[[color=#0000ff]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000ff]170[/color]/[color=#0000ff]200[/color]
[[color=#ff0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#ff0000]185[/color]/[color=#ff0000]200[/color][/b]

Jinkaku Kyoushu did 10 DMG.

[b][[color=#00ff00]Health[/color]] [color=#00ff00]179[/color]/[color=#00ff00]200[/color]
[[color=#0000ff]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000ff]145[/color]/[color=#0000ff]200[/color]
[[color=#ff0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#ff0000]145[/color]/[color=#ff0000]200[/color][/b]

[spoiler=Technique(s) Used]
[img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091012162504/naruto/images/thumb/5/52/Nature_Icon_Earth.svg/18px-Nature_Icon_Earth.svg.png[/img] Earth Release: Antlion Technique [LV 1]
Type: Element, Ninjutsu
Description: This jutsu causes the ground and everything on and around it to be sucked in towards the middle of a large pit, much like the method an antlion uses to catch prey. Upon being dragged to the center, the victim will then be sucked underground. There the victim, depending on how deep the user makes them sink, will be trapped and/or suffocated.
Effect: Does 40 DMG to a target.
Cost: -40 Chakra, - 20 Fatigue

[ [b]Ryu Kazi[/b] ]

The two brutally clashes with each other, Ryu stabbing his opponent in the stomach whilst being punched at his thorax by his adversary. Blood gushes out from each of there own mouths as their chakra intensifies with each second. Until an unnatural explosion occurs from the unstable force of chakra which inevitably pushes them back away from each other, skidding along until each coming to a full stop. The people watching high above roar with absolute enjoyment, crying out for more. Ryu evidently checks his chest, as did the Kumo-Nin at the injury he sustained during the brawl. The clothing Ryu wore were tattered and destroyed where he got hit, revealing his Akatsuki-like cloak underneath. He was certain no one would know or recognize it, and simply brushed it off.

"I'm beginning to like you, my nameless adversary".

The Kumo-Nin had a weird sense of humor. And despite not knowing his name or his real identity the Kumo-Nin was starting to like Ryu. He took that punch like any other real shinobi and gained his respect for him. He couldn't help but ask him a question, now of all times...

"What is your name?".

Ryu however seemed distracted. A voice within his head. A familiar one. His partner, Shinobu Metsuki, in Hakumei was contacting him telepathically. A technique they used often whenever they were in range of each other. And Ryu thought it strange that Shinobu was close by. This was his assignment, and his only. Was Shinobu given one secretly? To keep a watchful eye on him, perhaps? Ryu didn't know.

"Have you found your target yet, Ryu? Were you able to capture her?".

You did 10 DMG to Kumo-Nin.
Used 1x Shuriken.


[b][[color=#00FF00]Health[/color]] [color=#00FF00]170[/color]/[color=#00FF00]260[/color]
[[color=#0000FF]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000FF]160[/color]/[color=#0000FF]260[/color]
[[color=#FF0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#FF0000]145[/color]/[color=#FF0000]260[/color][/b]

Kumo-Nin did 31 DMG.

[b][[color=#00FF00]Health[/color]] [color=#00FF00]129[/color]/[color=#00FF00]200[/color]
[[color=#0000FF]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000FF]146[/color]/[color=#0000FF]200[/color]
[[color=#FF0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#FF0000]160[/color]/[color=#FF0000]200[/color][/b]

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"You think you are sooooo great!" Naoi taunted. "Do you think that I simply forgot about your lightning? Well, that antlion trap, it was a diversion." Look at you now, mocking me. But you didnt relise that i used as an oppritunity to get close to you. You think that im fazed by your [i]great[/i] escape?" Naoi ranted on. But, naoi had a plan. "[i]Ill trap him in my jutsu, the mind transfer.[/i]" Naoi thought to himself. "[i]But, how will i get it to hit? If he moves, that wouyld do nothing, and i would lose." [/i]Naoi made a beckoning hand motion to Jinaku. "[i]If he dashes at me, ill catch his attack with my own. PERFECT[/i]!!!!" Naoi pulled out a green food pill, and popped it into his mouth, so he would have enough chakra to overcome Jinkaku.

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[i]"No, I do not believe she is in my district, I'll have to defeat my opponents so that I can leave to look for her. For now, I'm in the midst of a battle. How is it you are able to contact me? That can only mean you're at the tournament, which is suppose to be my mission alone. I was never told you were coming," [/i]Ryu said telepathically.

Focusing his attention back to his opponent, Ryu gave him a light smile. It was his sign of respect. Only in a true, exhilirating battle would Ryu smile at his opponent, and this Kumo-nin gave him a good one. Beginning a sequence of hand seals, Ryu replied, "My name is Jidan Kazi, of the Kazi clan. After I finish you off you can tell me yours."

Finishing his hand seals, Ryu screamed, "[color=#ff8c00]Solar Release: Solar Flare![/color]" Putting his hand out, Ryu concentrated all of his chakra to the palm of his hand. Then a blindingly bright fire emerged, headed straight towards the Kumo-niin.

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((Minor controlling, but only in basic Taijutsu attacks. It wont do any damage to either player.))

"A former champion?" Kazuki questioned as he landed, his back to Issun. He grinned widely, his bloodlust kicking in fully now. "Well this is a bit disappointing. A former winner, and you wont even make it through to the second round." Kazuki sighed, and turned around, aiming a roundhouse for the Iwa-nin's face. The Iwa-nin ducked in time, giving an opening for an attack. Of course, Kazuki wouldn't let that happen, so to avoid the Iwa-nin's fist, he fell, landing on his left hand and spinning himself around, his foot aiming for the Iwa-nin's shin.
As the Iwa-nin jumped, Kazuki pushed himself up from the ground, placing his hands together a single hand seal, the Tiger. "Here it is. [i]Blazing fire blade technique![/i]" He cried, enveloping his hand in chakra-supported fire. It wasn't even a second before a long blade of fire had extended from his hand and was flying towards Issun's shoulder, aiming to sever it.

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[i]He's bluffing...[/i]

The clash between Kibuto and the Kiri-Nin was very forceful. The ground actually caved into their feet slightly. Kibuto merely chuckled that someone is going nearly toe to toe with him. He wasn't being arrogant, he just felt that it would be ironic to be able to fight someone this strong so early in the tournament. Regardless, he stayed stationary, using as much strength as he can to do so. Doing a slight wink towards his Wind Clones without the Kiri-Nin noticing, the clones then proceeded to dash towards the Kiri-Nin, kunai in their hands. They then proceeded to jump simultaneously into the air and attempt to attack the Kiri-Nin. Kibuto noticed this and smirked. [i]If he falls for the bait, then I have my chance. I only got one shot, though. So, I better make this count, or else I'm done for.[/i] Kibuto then chuckled again. "Perhaps you forgot about the rule, 'Be wary of your surroundings.' since you're only focusing on just me. Have you forgotten about what I did earlier? Or are you too dimwitted to remember?" The Wind Clones then proceeded to attack.

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Kasumi's pincer attack was more than succesful, having interrupted her opponent's own cloning technique and throwing him backwards a good distance away. She took a moment to catch her own breath while her opponent recovered from her attack. Despite his obviously shaken condition her opponent was still very much conscious and still intended to continue their fight. She watched calmly as he got to his feet, wondering what he'd try and do next. She herself had very little in the way of offensive Jutsu, most of her own serving to help her evade attacks instead and this left her at somewhat of a disadvantage, she needed to play smart and catch her opponent off guard again if she wanted to defeat him.

She quickly got to work preparing probably the trickiest technique she knew, however if it worked then she might be able to get at least one last hit on him.

[b]"Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings,"[/b] her voice barely a whisper as she let her chakra take form.

The rubble from the Kumo-nin's earth technique shifted, taking the form of Kasumi apparently deep in concentration while Kasumi herself hid within the illusion. Once the technique was completed she made her move, reaching into her pouch and letting her second shuriken fly, almost praying that it would find its target.

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[ [b]Ryu Kazi[/b] ]

"Understood. And yes, you are correct to assume that I am here. I've been watching and am [i]considerably[/i] nearby. I have been since you arrived, actually. And as for reasons why I am here on my own accord, not on any orders from the Leader".

Shinobu replied telepathically whilst the Kumo-Nin was pleased to of known his adversary's name, and simply nodded and smirked at his remark regarding '[i]finishing him off and then he could tell him his name[/i]' he spoke of. Others would most likely find this insulting, but not him. He agreed to not tell him [i]his[/i] name until either he won or lost, and he wouldn't have it any other way. He seemed at awe as Ryu created an astonishing bright sphere-like condensed flames around his palms and the flare itself illuminated with incredible light that not only blinded the Kumo-Nin but the entire crowd, as well. Forced to close his eyes and cover them with his arms, the Kumo-Nin could actually feel the burning flames fast approaching. Regardless, he had no intention of losing to him and instead performed several hand seals, his eyes still remaining closed.

"Lightning Hound!".

A large hound made entirely out of Lightning is quickly unleashed, and the Kumo-Nin makes it so that it pounces its way where he last saw Ryu.

"Oh my, using the [i]Solar Flares[/i] now, are we?" Shinobi remarked, watching Ryu's battle elsewhere. "While you're busy playing with your opponent I'll try and search for this [i]Chizu[/i] person. But please note that I cannot do anything where I am currently at. In fact, I may have been noticed by the Se-...".



[b][[color=#00FF00]Health[/color]] [color=#00FF00]170[/color]/[color=#00FF00]260[/color]
[[color=#0000FF]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000FF]160[/color]/[color=#0000FF]260[/color]
[[color=#FF0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#FF0000]145[/color]/[color=#FF0000]260[/color][/b]

[spoiler=Technique(s) Used]
[img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091021173341/naruto/images/thumb/a/a3/Nature_Icon_Lightning.svg/18px-Nature_Icon_Lightning.svg.png[/img] Lightning Hound [LV 2]
Type: Element, Ninjutsu
Detail: By manipulating lightning chakra into the dominant hand, the user can make the lightning expand to create the form of a hound. The hound-shape remains connected to the user's hand with a bolt of lightning, allowing them to control it during its attack.
Effect: Does 25 DMG to a target. Opponent is unable to Dodge for 1 post.
Cost: -50 Chakra. -5 Fatigue.


[b][[color=#00FF00]Health[/color]] [color=#00FF00]129[/color]/[color=#00FF00]200[/color]
[[color=#0000FF]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000FF]146[/color]/[color=#0000FF]200[/color]
[[color=#FF0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#FF0000]160[/color]/[color=#FF0000]200[/color][/b]

[spoiler=Technique(s) Used]:
Solar Release
Type: Kekkai Genkai
Detail: User shoots out blinding, pale, yellow flame from his palm. This fire is hot enough to immediatly evaporate water.
Effect: 50 DMG, 10% chance of dodging opponents next attack.
Cost: -40 Chakra, -20 Fatigue

[ [b]Kazuki Fukusawa[/b] ]

"You make it sound like as if you already claim to be the victor of our match, [i]Fukusawa Kazuki[/i]!".

Issun was thrilled to be facing him in battle, and would do anything to prolong it. But this was the Doutaini tournaments and he couldn't take that risk, even if he was a former champion. Meanwhile the Stone Armor he had on was beginning to crack and dissolved into crumbled earth and eventually fell from his entire body. He couldn't sustain it any longer, even with the chakra he had left. This proved to be a concern to him, as evidenced by a small bead of sweat rolling down his face. Which left him vulnerable to the full extent of Kazuki's jutsu; Blazing Fire Blade Technique. His eyes widened in awe and froze still at the very same time.

"W-what is this...?!".

Not enough time to perform any hand seals, Issun instead channeled all his Lightning affinity throughout his body, releasing it mostly where he thought he'd get hit by Kazuki's technique. This was his only option left to shield himself as the concentrated fire-blade was fast approaching. "Damn! Not enough tim-..." his words were evidently cut short as the flames collided with its intended target, nearly successfully severing his arm. Upon impact, he is thrown viciously by the full force of Kazuki's technique and plunges quickly into the ground with enough impact to shatter the earth. The crowd gasps, most cheer on while others simply applaud by this astounding conclusion. The Arbiter deems it enough and raises his left arm to proclaim Kazuki as the winner. However...

"I-I'm... still standing... [i]Fukusawa[/i]... [i]KAZUKI[/i]!!!".

Issun Senshu, enraged, emerges from the rumble, blood everywhere. His left shoulder wasn't sliced off, as Kazuki expected it would, but it did cut deep enough to sever his tendons. And without his left arm, he could not produce any hand seals at all. Regardless of this Issun was determined to continue. But the Arbiter, as he thought earlier before, deemed this match to be over.

"We have our winner! Number 12, ladies and gentleman, is victorious!" declared the Arbiter.


You gained: 140 EXP!
You earned: [i]2,000[/i] Ryo!
You found:
2x [color=olive]Common Shards[/color]!
1x [color=olive]Senbon[/color]!
1x [color=orange]Smoke Bomb[/color]!

[ [b]Naoi Kaguwata[/b] ]

Jinkaku watched closely as Naoi inserts a small pill into his mouth, replenishing his stamina, chakra and vitality all at the same time. [i]Green Pill[/i], he thought. He didn't seem to of carried any, but that wouldn't stop him from continuing fighting his teammate. This was there only means of passing the Chuunin Exams and the only way to do so was to overcome each other. He was determined to win, much like Naoi was.

"You need to accept the fact that that both Naoi and Jinkaku are not fighting against each other, but [i]for[/i] each other, Harumai!" said Kenji, whom stood next to her. "They are still friends, teammates, and a simple [i]tournament[/i] or anything else for that matter, won't shatter their bonds this easily!".

She had her eyes closed since she arrived, but hearing these words from her sensei inspired her to open them. To watch the battle between Jinkaku and Naoi. To lend her support for them. Her desire to help them overwhelmed the emotions of fear and despair that clouded her mind for a very long time. [i]Right[/i], she thought, [i]for Jinkaku and Naoi![/i]. She then opened them, revealing her almost-featureless white eyes.

"Go, Jinkaku! And go, Naoi!" She yelled.

Jinkaku looked over to his left and thought it was strange to see her react like this. But at the same time he appeared to be blushing, distracted from his fight with Naoi. And this was the perfect opportunity Naoi had been waiting for...

Used 1x Green Pill.

[u]Jinkaku Kyoushu:[/u]

[b][[color=#00FF00]Health[/color]] [color=#00FF00]160[/color]/[color=#00FF00]200[/color]
[[color=#0000FF]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000FF]170[/color]/[color=#0000FF]200[/color]
[[color=#FF0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#FF0000]185[/color]/[color=#FF0000]200[/color][/b]


[b][[color=#00FF00]Health[/color]] [color=#00FF00]179[/color]/[color=#00FF00]200[/color]
[[color=#0000FF]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000FF]145[/color]/[color=#0000FF]200[/color]
[[color=#FF0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#FF0000]145[/color]/[color=#FF0000]200[/color][/b]


[ [b]Hasumi Harukara[/b] ]

The Kumo-Nin was obviously pissed, enraged, as evidenced with his insult earlier. Although he was forced to cut it short because of the intense pain he felt. But this soon intensified as Kasumi, upon completion of her technique's hand seals, threw yet another kunai aimed for the Kumo-Nin. He growled as it spun quickly towards him, and shifted himself from its trajectory, thus slightly avoiding any vital spots. But the Shuriken still struck him, nevertheless, just above his heart and below his collar bone. His hands still were forming into a hand seal. But with his mouth closed he couldn't yell out the name of his technique nor could he scream. The agonizing pain was already too much to bear. "[i]Lightning Illusion Flash of Lightning Pillar Technique[/i]!" his mind instead screamed, bellowing with fury. Almost instantaneously an incredible bright Lightning illuminates from him, hoping to catch her off guard for once.

He immediately proceeds to form several other hand seals. This was to be his trump card. Used only as a last resort.



[b][[color=#00FF00]Health[/color]] [color=#00FF00]182[/color]/[color=#00FF00]200[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#0000FF]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000FF]105[/color]/[color=#0000FF]200[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#FF0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#FF0000]145[/color]/[color=#FF0000]200[/color][/b]

[spoiler=Technique(s) Used:]

[img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091021173341/naruto/images/thumb/a/a3/Nature_Icon_Lightning.svg/18px-Nature_Icon_Lightning.svg.png[/img] [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Lightning Illusion Flash of Lightning Pillar [LV 1][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Type: Element, Ninjutsu[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Detail: This genjutsu blinds the enemy with an extremely bright light that appears to emanate from the user.[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Effect: Opponent is unable to Attack, Block or Dodge effectively for 1 post only.[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Cost: -35 Chakra.[/size][/font][/color]


[b][[color=#00FF00]Health[/color]] [color=#00FF00]159[/color]/[color=#00FF00]200[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#0000FF]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000FF]178[/color]/[color=#0000FF]200[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#FF0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#FF0000]165[/color]/[color=#FF0000]200[/color][/b]

[ [b]Kibuto Karanime[/b] ]

"I may have miscalculated [i]them[/i], but this is of little concern to me...".

As the brawl between the two continued onward, Chizu watched closely from where she stood. Her emerald-like eyes never leaving them, not for a second. Meanwhile Soshaku, the Kiri-Nin, had actually forgotten about Kibuto's clones, and gritted his teeth together in annoyance. He had at least thought they were destroyed whilst the real Kibuto was left unharmed during his tidal wave attack earlier before and did not anticipate them. His eyes shifted left and right, observing the two clones as they sprang quickly towards him. He had a plan to remove them from the fray, nevertheless. With his right hand holding the kunai, his left hand provided the necessary hand seals, albeit requiring only one hand to do so, to perform a technique.

"Water Release: Water Fang Bullet!".

He bellowed. The water beneath them shifts and three begin forming into a column of water that which spirals condenses-sly towards the three of them. Soshaku maneuvers the water attack with his left hand and soon retracts his right arm away from Kibuto, thus avoiding his own attack. He grins devilishly as he did.

"You were saying...?".


[u]Soshaku Hyouketsu:[/u]

[b][[color=#00FF00]Health[/color]] [color=#00FF00]672[/color]/[color=#00FF00]690[/color]
[[color=#0000FF]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000FF]225[/color]/[color=#0000FF]485[/color]
[[color=#FF0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#FF0000]305[/color]/[color=#FF0000]485[/color][/b]

[spoiler=Technique(s) Used]
Water Release: Water Fang Bullet [LV 6]
Type: Element, Ninjutsu
Detail: A technique that deals physical damage to the enemy with a liquid mass brought forth from underwater. Its power to kill and maim is augmented by adding a spinning motion to the compactly pressured water. During fights on water, taking advantage of its characteristic ability to attack from anywhere in a 360 degrees radius, in conjunction with other techniques for distraction, confusion and so forth, this technique has an extensive array of applications.
Effect: Does 70 DMG up to 3 target(s). Opponents are unable to block for 2 posts.
Cost: -90 Chakra. -75 Fatigue.


[b][[color=#00FF00]Health[/color]] [color=#00FF00]470[/color]/[color=#00FF00]470[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#0000FF]Chakra[/color]] [color=#0000FF]266[/color]/[color=#0000FF]375[/color][/b]
[b][[color=#FF0000]Fatigue[/color]] [color=#FF0000]305[/color]/[color=#FF0000]375[/color][/b]

[spoiler=Technique(s) Used]
[img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091012163151/naruto/images/thumb/7/7a/Nature_Icon_Wind.svg/18px-Nature_Icon_Wind.svg.png[/img] Wind Release: Solid Wind Clone Technique [LV 2] (Still in effect for 1 more post)
Type: Element, Ninjutsu
Description: The act of creating solid Shadow Clones out of solidified wind. If done in an area with strong winds, more chakra will be needed to solidify the wind into as many clones as possible. If in an area where there is no wind whatsoever, less chakra is needed and more clones can easily be produced with the excessive use of hand signs. Continuous use of this jutsu will have different side effects depending on the # of clones made, strength of wind in the area, and amount of chakra used overtime. If the clone is injured, the opponent shall be raised into the air uncontrollably. The more clones injured at a time increases the height in which the opponent would be restricted of any physical movements, allowing for a followup attack of either Ninjutsu or Taijutsu.
Effect: Weaponry and Taijutsu DMG is increased by 10% for 2 posts.
Cost: -15 Chakra X the number of clones made per turn, -15 Fatigue X the number of clones made per turn

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Kazuki grinned as his technique made contact. He had expected the stone armour to have weakened, but not this much. It was practically gone. Pleased at this unexpected bonus, he increased the intesity of the flames, hitting Issun with an insane amount of force. He cancelled his technique as Issun went flying, turning to look at the Arbiter with little injury. "I win?" He questioned, as the arbiter started to raise his hand.
However, something confusing happened. Issun was still alive. What's more, he still had his arm, though it was practically useless at the moment. Kazuki chuckled at the foolishness of the attempt, as most techniques needed two hands to use, and the ones that didn't were quite rare. He sighed and looked at the Arbiter, who called it a victory for Kazuki.

Kazuki turned around to looked at the cheering crowd, waved once, and walked towards the exit, aiming to greet Taro, and perhaps watch one of his teammate's matches.

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Naoi grinned. "You little fool" Naoi thought. "Good bye Jinkaku, Ninja art: Mind transfer jutsu!" Naoi said pointing his hads to his head in a cup shaped form. He then channeled all of his chakra to his hands, his spiritual energy. All at once, he unleashed them into a projectile. His spirit was charging at jinkaku, at a mild pace, but it didnt look like Jinkaku had enough time to dodge. Naoi, still able to think, but no longer talk thought to himself "[i]I pulled out all the stops[/i]. [i]there is no more I can do. I just hope this works.[/i]"

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Ryu was a little confused upon Shinobu's reply, but decided not to dwell on it. Knowing his partner, he probably just wanted to see some secret and unique justu in effect. Actually, it would seem that with Shinobu around, Ryu's job would be completed a little quicker. This took him back to his opponent, who was closing his eyes and perorming a justu at the same time, due to his Solar Flare. He unleashed a lightning hound that made Ryu raise an eyebrow. The hound was engulfed by the fire, and soon the Kumo-nin would be too. But to Ryu's surprise, the hound ran through the fire, towards Ryu. Knowing the Kumo-nin wouldn't be able to tell where Ryu was, and also having knowledge that the Lightning Hound technique needs the user to control the hound, Ryu jumped off to the side. He began running towards the Kumo-nin, intending on kicking him into the fire. But at that moment his partner Shinobu contacted him again.

"Oh my, using the [i]Solar Flares[/i] now, are we?" Shinobi remarked, watching Ryu's battle elsewhere. "While you're busy playing with your opponent I'll try and search for this [i]Chizu[/i] person. But please note that I cannot do anything where I am currently at. In fact, I may have been noticed by the Se-...".

"By who, the Sentinels? Shinobu? Shinobu!" Ryu screamed in his head, concerned for his partners well being. Ryu's worst enemy seemed to have gotten to his partner, and Ryu was still here fighting a regular Kumo-nin. Enraged at his own inefficiency, Ryu sped up, so that only the fastest eyes in the room could see him, and kicked the Kumo-nin hard into the fire. He knew it wouldn't kill him, he had not intended for that, but he hoped that it would be enough to put him to sleep.

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