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Garden Of Dreams [IC/PG-13/Started Accepting]

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Charlotte looked up from her reading as she spotted the boy following her through the door, taking a seat at another desk and getting out some reading material of his own as well as his lunch, Charlotte resisted the urge to glower at him when she noticed all he had was a bag of crisps he probably got from a corner shop on the way while she'd taken the trouble of cooking her own lunch before leaving, her adoptive father had servants that could do it for her but Charlotte didn't trust them to do it right.

She went back to reading, choosing to ignore the boy for the time being and immersed herself in a fictional world where the laws of reality where all but non-existant, she didn't care if people called her out on it or made fun of her either, if you couldn't appreciate a story where a man could juggle planets with one hand and breath in space then you had no sense of fun. She stole a brief glance at the boy as she continued reading, having had the nagging feeling that he kept looking over at her. Eventually he seemed to speak up and introduce himself. Charlotte heaved a small sigh and decided to at least be polite.

[b]"My name's Charlotte,"[/b] she replied without looking up, adjusting her glasses slightly as they where starting to slip down her nose.

She close the comic and put it back into her bag, pulling out a clear plastic box with her own lunch in it and popping the lid open, casting a brief glance up at Adrian as she did so.

[b]"You want some?"[/b] She asked, pulling out an egg salad sandwich and taking a non-chalant bite out of it.

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"Charlotte. Nice name." He muttered, sighing to himself. He heard her offer some of her lunch to him, but shook his head in reply. "No thanks. I'm not a big eater." He explained, smiling slightly. He looked towards her lunch and noticed that he could not see any 'Junk' food, or much unhealthy things at all. [i]Obviously takes care of herself. [/i]Adrian noted, looking back down at his book. He could tell it would be quite an awkward lunch, and that there would be little more than short, polite conversation, but the presence of another person allowed him to feel like he had at least one friend. He smiled at the thought, reading a few lines before blanking out. It was an amazing book, JRR Tolkien was one of his favourite writers, but he'd read it before, and was currently more interested in the girl across the room, almost hoping they could become friends.
He sighed at the thought and folded the top of the crisp packet, having only eaten half. After putting it back in his bag, in a small pocket by itself to avoid it spilling, he turned back to his book and at least attempting to read it, resisting the urge to talk for he could see she was into her book.

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Gabrielle staggered to the wall. "Oh, are you hurt?" Fumore asked. Before he expected an answer a student came up to him telling him that a student had been knocked unconscious in the cafeteria. Fumore turned to her, but quickly turned back to Gabrielle to make sure she was okay. By the time Fumore had turned to her she had left. He could still see her, but it looked as if she wanted to be left alone.[i] "Don't tell me that thos rumors are true"[/i] he thought to himself. He truly wanted to go after her, but he had to take care of the students.

As for the students in front of him he really had his hands full. "You two" refering to Jazz and his friend, "your off the hook this time. You better thank this student here for saying that what you said is true." He then turned toward Nancy. "As for you, are you sure he is unconscio-" Fumore stopped talking. His eyes opened wide.

[i]"Crap!" [/i]he thought to himself.[i] "Why now, this isn't a good time." [/i]Fumore had sensed that nightmares were coming. They were weak, but it felt like a swarm of them. With the students still around he wouldn't be able to handle it by himself without some getting hurt. Usually nightmares would appear at night, when people around the school were sleeping. This was the first time they appeared during the day. [i]"Don't tell me that I need to awaken their powers now. Some aren't ready"[/i] he continued to think.

Before he could get another thought in reality started to warp. The school slowly started to become dark. A malicious aura could be felt in the air. The warping stopped. "Hurry, into a class room!" Fumore screamed. "Now!" This was one of the biggest swarm of nightmares that had ever. Fumore grabbed the students and pulled them into a classroom. "Stay here if you want to survuve this." Fumore stepped out of the room and started to run around the hallways telling students to go into classrooms and close the doors. Some students wouldn't listen though, they just though the power was going out.[i] "Crap! They won't listen." [/i]he thought.[i] "I guess I need to awaken them afterall."[/i]

At that moment reality started to warp once again. This time what seem to be like egg sacks covered in what seemed to be webs started to appear all around the school. Within minutes spiders of diffrent sizes came out of the egg sacks. They ranged from a small dog to as big as a minivan. "No, no, no, no, no!" Fumore screamed. "This warping is heppening too quick. But I have no choice, I must awaken their powers." Fumore closed his eyes and started to murmur something, some type of incantation. [i]"It will take a while, so I hope the students can take care of themselves for a few minutes."[/i] he thought.

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((OOC: Spiders eh? Well this is a pretty s*** day to be Gabrielle Belvedere x'D))

Gabrielle didn't notice the changes at first, her eyes were closed as she was sobbing, but as she opened them up again it had gotten noticeably darker, which was strange. She sniffled a little as she arose from the bench she was sat on, looking out. No, the sun was still shining brightly, but the corridor was definitely darker than it had been before. She looked up at the ceiling, yes the lights seemed to have gone out, but it was way to dark in here to just be caused by that. While Gabrielle wasn't afraid of the dark she had to say that this made her feel very uneasy. Something was wrong, and it was [i]not[/i] the lightbulbs or generators.

[i]"maybe I should head back to the teacher's lounge or the cafeteria..."[/i] she thought to herself, starting to walk in the direction she had come from. For some reason, being alone did not feel like a very good idea right now. Her suspicion of the darkness being caused by something else was definitely true because as she started walking the corridor grew gradually darker. "what the hell is going on here?" she whispered to herself, picking up her pace a little.

However, she Gabrielle didn't notice the worst part until she turned a corner, spider webs, spider webs everywhere! She gasped as she saw them. They were [i]definitely [/i]not there before, it wouldn't have mattered how out of it she was at the time she would [i]not[/i] have ran through a corridor filled with cobwebs. Given the size of that web... she would probably not even have been able to run through it. It was covering the whole corridor!

She took a step back from it, deciding to continue straight ahead instead. It was dark, but it didn't have spider webs.

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[i]Hm? Why is it suddenly so quiet in here? [/i]Claude looked up from his latest sketch to find the classroom empty. It seemed class had ended while he'd still be engrossed in his drawing.[i] I've really gotta remember to pay attention, [/i]he thought as he shoved his sketchbook back into his bag before heading out toward the cafeteria. [i]Wait a sec, what the-[/i]

He had never rembered the school as dark as it was now, not even in a blackout. Obviously something else was afoot, but what? Cautiously, he crept down the corridor, but stopped when he heard...a scuttling sound? [i]Now what on Earth could be making that so-Holy..![/i]

Spiders. A large swarm of vicious-looking spiders were crawling about from, it seemed, everywhere. And as they went, more and more webs seemed to pop up from wherever, blanketing the walls. Claude backpedaled to the nearest classroom door, wrenched it open quickly, and slammed it shut. Gasping, he slid to the floor with a hand over his chest. [i]Okay...what the hell was that about? Giant spider monsters rampaging in school, everything suddenly going dark, what's going on with the world..?[/i]

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Nancy looked around, It suddenly had gotten dark, However, She can feel the darkness just seeping into her as she Nancy looked around, Fumore was trying to get her into the classroom, However, She can feel the darkness just seeping into her as she heard clattering, as if something was there, However, Nancy wasn't Scared of such clattering, It sounded like Spiders, But she was not scared of such creatures that prattled in the night, Not her, so she resisted and ran away from Fumore...

Thankfully, She was anticipating something like this happening so she had packed a Kendo Stick inside her locker in the case of a break-in, but she could not feel it, even after feeling all parts of the locker, Her Kendo Stick was gone, but that wasn't even the worse part, Nancy could feel something swirling around her hand, her fingers, and her arm, This caused her to pull her hand immediately, She then said [color=#006400]"What the!?... Where did it go!?". [/color]Nancy then looked around as she heard 2 Spiders approaching her, both the size of a small dog. Nancy jumped to avoid one charging and stomped it as a counter, taking out half the legs of it, rendering it unable to move for a while, As she crushed that spider, She could feel threads gliding across her skin as if something was trying to make a glove on her hand, but she did not have a look see as she saw the other Spider Charge at her, She simply dodged that, causing the spider to crash into the webbing around her...

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[color=#800080]"Huh, took her long enough," [/color][color=#000000]Casey muttered, before turning back to hamburger, only to have a slight reaction to the aioli that they put on it, [/color][color=#800080]"God damn it, they put garlic in [i]everything[/i] these days. Gr, wonder when they're gonna realize I'm allergic to it,"[/color]

[color=#000000]As she trashed the hamburger, everything went black for some reason, and Casey [i]knew[/i] this because all of a sudden, all she could see were various shades of green. This could only mean one thing, her night vision kicked in, allowing her to otherwise see everything perfectly fine, but that only begged the question. How could it be that [i]dark[/i] already that Casey's night vision would need to kick in. Shrugging off the sudden darkness, Casey moved on to walk down to her favourite corridor when all of a sudden, a gargantuan mass of cob webs took over the whole space of it, with spider eggs to boot.[/color]

[color=#800080]"The hell?"[/color][color=#000000] Casey voiced, before suddenly turning at the sound of scuttling, only to see a large spider, [/color][color=#800080]"'Sup, spider. S'pose you wanna throw down, huh? Alright, I'll throw down with you. Gotta warn ya, I'm pretty good at this,"[/color]

[color=#000000]Casey adopted a battle stance of sorts, waiting for the large spider to launch its attack.[/color]

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[b]"Suit yourself,"[/b] Charlotte shrugged, taking a bite out of the sandwich.

She continued eating the rest in silence, the conversation seeming to have died completely. Charlotte wasn't really complaining though, she wasn't all that fond of conversation, especially when she was trying to read or eat. She was just about done when the room became suddenly darker and an air of foreboading fell across the room. Charlotte glanced up at the cieling, noticing that the lights had gone out.

[i]A power cut?[/i] She thought [i]Wait, it's noon, the lights don't need to be on.[/i]

She glanced outside the window, noting that it still seemed perfectly bright and sunny outside. She then heard shouting in the distance as well as hurried footsteps. She walked over to the door and poked her head out, hearing a teacher yelling for students to get inside the classrooms and being met with several confused stares.

[b]"What's his problem?"[/b] Charlotte wondered aloud.

She was about to go back into the room when a slight noise caught her attention, looking around behind her she saw something apparently growing from the walls and cieling, huge sack-like growths covered with webs and growing like a fungus across the hall. Charlotte's eyes widened as the sacks began to split open and gigantic spider-like creatures began to crawl out of them. Charlotte immediately backed into the room, slamming the door shut behind her and pressing herself against the wall.

[i]Right....That was what he was yelling about,[/i] she concluded.

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Jace saw the sudden blackness appear, thinking that his day was really going crazy now. The darkness cleared up slightly so he could see again, but a new problem presented itself instead. Spiders. Several the size of large dogs came his way. [i]"Wow, I knew I was kinda crazy, but I didn't know I was this bad."[/i] The spiders were getting close now, showing no sign of stopping, but Jace, not believing them to be real, just stood in place waiting for them to pass through him and prove his point. That was the point he felt something land on his left shoulder, webbbing shot by one of the lead spiders, and it stung where it had hit him. [i]"If I can feel that hit then these aren't imaginary spiders."[/i] With no time to run away by that point, he reached behind him to grab his dagger from underneath his shirt. [i]"Just as well I carry a dagger around with me, I think I might just need it now."[/i]

The closest of the spiders jumped at him, as he brought his hand around to slash at it, knocking it away dead to the ground. With the rest of the flood of them following behind though, he charged forward, hoping to block and damage enough in his charge to get past them and onwards to somewhere without as many. Indescriminately using his fist and dagger, as well as the occasional kick, he fought his way through them until he broke out the other side, turning around to stab one who tried to jump at him as he emerged from the group of spiders. Running again now, he kept moving just to try and keep away from the large group of spiders still alive and chasing after him.

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Adrian closed his eyes for a while, waiting for something to happen. He sighed and opened his eyes to look at his book...then opened them again....then opened them again. "What the...?" He started, looking to the sides. The lights had blacked out, and the only light was faint, coming from the now open doorway. But the school had blackouts occasionally, and none of them were as dark as this. It was as if..."As if all the light has been sucked from the room." Adrian muttered, placing his book inside his bag and standing up, walking up to the door to see what all the commotion was about. "Whats going on?" Adrian asked as Charlotte slammed the door shut.
He looked through the small window near the top of the door to see giant egg sacs, most with giant spiders crawling from the innards. "Oh." Adrian muttered, before pulling the nearest desk in front of the door. "Soooo. What do we do now?" Adrian asked, hoping that Charlotte had at least some kind of plan.

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Nancy Glared at the Spider that whose legs she stomped on, then she stomped on the body of the Spider, Killing it, She stepped off the Spider and it immediately dispersed into darkness, She could feel more threads on her Right arm, which she had a look at, She was quite shocked as she could see and feel the black threads creep around her fingers, but then that Spider came back and tried to jump on Nancy, but was met with a hard punch from her right arm, dealing severe damage to that Spider. Again, More threads crept on her right hand, essentially forming a glove around her hand. She also felt more threads weave on her left hand, Black Threads. She clenched her fist as that spider charged at her, Which she countered by Stomping it, Killing it...

Nancy clenched her right arm as the Black Threads crept on her fingers of her left hand, She grinned as a third spider Cautiously approached her, This time, It was the Size of a Small Car. She took a battle Stance, ready to take on such a threat...

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Concentio who was still in the lunch area had absolutely no idea what was going on. The sudden darkness was something that was unexpected. "What going on?" one of the students said. "Is it a blackout?" The students were starting to panic, especially those in the lunch area. It was only going to get worse. The egg sacks started to appear all over the lunch area. From them the spiders started to come out. Within seconds panic swept the students. They sarted screaming and running around. They were easy targets for the spiders. Concentio wrote on his notepad and showed it to his friend. His friend then screamed. "Everybody, to the corner of the room, grab tables and flip them. We need to create a walll between us and them." And so they did; the students began getting table and flipping them. Slowly they created a wall between them and the spiders. The bigger spiders were too heavy to be able to hold their weight up on a vertical surface, so they couldn't reach the students. The smaller ones that did make it were easily taken care by the combined strenght of the students.

Fumore was almost complete with his incantation. He opened his eyes and slammed his right hand to the floor. "Awaken!" he yelled at the top of his lungs. There was a second of silence, almost as if it didn't work. Then a magic circle appeared under his hand, it glowed a variety of colors. At first the magic cirlce was only around his palm, it then increased size to be completely be around Fumore. The circle glowed brighter and brighter until it was actually blindning. Fumore of course closed his eyes and covered them with his free arm. It only took a few seconds before the magic cirlce stopped glowwing, dissapearing soon after. Now Fumore's hand was glowing, which he held in a fist. He lifted it up straight ahead of him.

'I'm sorry." Fumore said. "This might sting a bit." He opened his fist, making a variety of colored lights shoot out of it. A mark which resembles a snowflake appeared on the chosen knights'(you guys) palms. Like Fumore said, it hurt. All those with it felt a burning sensation. This mark didn't only awaken the chosen knights abiliteis, but it temporarily gave them the ability to communicate telepathically. "Please tell me you haven't died. Tell me that you can hear me." Fumore said, hoping that the chosen knights would be able to hear his telephatic message.

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Jason was still running, taking a few corners as he went and getting lost in what had appeared now as a twisting labyrinth of corridors. He had just taken a right turn, brushing his knife along the wall to give him a path back when a burning sensation appeared on his hand, showing itself as a grey snowflake on the back of his hand. Being startled by it's sudden appearence, he dropped his knive, reaching for it to try and grab it before it hit the floor, and it stopped in mid air, as if waiting for his hand to grab it. He didn't have time to dwell on that though as at that moment the telepathic message sounded in his head. [i]"I'm still alive, and can hear you. Seriously though, what is going on here, I've just been attacked by a swarm of spiders and now I can hear you even though you are nowhere near me?"[/i] Jason looked around skepticly, looking around for a hidden microphone in the corridor, still not wantingto believe that all this was actually happening.

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"Please tell me you haven't died. Tell me that you can hear me."

[i]Oookay...Now what's going o-Argh!" [/i]Claude's face contorted with pain as a strange mark, curiously resembling a snowflake, appeared upon his palm. The burning sensation slowly faded away, leaving him clear-headed once more. Although...it didn't really explain why the voice had come through to his head. Plus there was also the matter of why power seemed to be coursing through him, an unsettling and yet not unwelcome sort of feeling.

[i]Given recent events, I guess whoever spoke just now may have been communicating telepathically? It's worth a shot. [/i]Speaking out with his thoughts, Claude said, "Yeah, I'm alive. Whatever you just did hurt a helload, but that's pretty much beside the point. More importantly, why are there all those spiders out there? And while I'm at it, why did that mark appear out of nowhere?"

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Jazz was caught completely off guard by being thrown into the classroom, and the door being slammed in his face. His eyes looked to his friend as he flashed the confused look on his face. Beat nodded as they skated to the door, looking out the window, noting on how dark the school was becoming. “Ok, looks like a storm is rollin in.” Jazz said casualty. It wasn’t until the sound of crawling caught Jazz’s attention, that he noticed the spiders.

His blue eyes looked out from behind his glasses, and his body froze. “B….b….beat?” He stammered almost incoherently to his friend, who in turn started to rotate and look where Jazz was looking. His eyes bugged (Bad pun) out of his head as he saw the multiple spiders crawling towards them. Jazz was useless in this situation. [i]Spiders…..why does it have to be spiders?[/i] He thought to himself before coming back to reality, mostly cause Beat was snapping his fingers in Jazz’s face. “Hey, come to dude, wake up.” Jazz shook his head slowly. “Huh? What?”

Beat looked sternly. “I have an idea, but I need your lighter and a can.” Jazz nodded and dug in his pocket, pulling out a Zippo and one of the cans on his hip. Beat sparked the lighter and aimed the can, spraying into the flame, and thus creating a torch, and incinerating the spiders crawling towards them. The arachnids screeched as the fired and Jazz high fived Beat. The looked at each other and nodded, bursting out of the classroom and blading down the halls, each taking a turn with the makeshift torch.

Out of nowhere, Jazz cried out in slight pain as the symbol appeared on his palm. He crashed into a locker as Fumore spoke in his head. [i]Yeah dude, I hear ya, but where are ya? I can’t see anyone around.[/i] Beat had turned to see if Jazz was ok, still holding the torch, and if Jazz hadn’t put his hands up to stop the blaze, his hair would have caught fire. His hands, however, absorbed the flames, as if purifying them, and making them more into energy which was absorbed into his skin. His finger tips crackled as if electricity surged through him. “BEAT LOOK OUT!” He pointed, and a bolt of electricity rocketed out of his index finger, frying a spider that almost latched onto Beat’s shoulder. “Duuuuuuude…..” Jazz said kinda speechless as to what to say. “THAT WAS KILLER!”

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Nancy could feel a harsh burning on her gloved hand, which a White Snowflake shined through her glove, then a Telepathic message rung through her head, The Car-Sized Spider Charged at Nancy, only for Nancy to counter the Spider with an Uppercut with her right fist, Flipping it upside down, Fumore could hear Nancy's thoughts as she was busy pummeling the Spider with her Right Fist, She telepathically responded to the message, [color=#006400][i]"I'm fine, Aside from several huge Spiders trying and failing to eat me and my Kendo Stick being Missing, I'm STILL wondering what this thing on my hand is..." [/i][/color]She Killed the spider that she was fighting with a final punch from her right hand as she was telepathically speaking, and the Glove finished weaving on her left hand, She still wondered about the glove, She then gave another Telepathic Message to Fumore [i][color=#006400]"What is going on? It's dark in here, The Spiders are enormous, That Thing with the Snowflake earlier, But enough complaining, I never had this much fun in my life!"[/color][/i]...

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If it weren't for the horde of spiders just outside the door Charlotte might have given a chuckle at Adrian's response, rignt now she was more interested in making sure the either-legged freaks didn't notice they where in the room, she doubted a desk would be enough to stop an arachnid the size of a grizzle bear from bursting through, hell why stick with the door? She imagened the things where strong enough to punch through wall like some freakish mutant Kool-Aid-Man.

[b]"Well,"[/b] Charlotte began in response to Adrian's question [b]"Unless you have a can of giant bug spray I think we're gonna have to sit tight for the moment and hope they don't spot us."[/b]

[i]Funny thing about dreams,[/i] Charlotte thought as she contemplated her situation [i]No matter how weird it gets, you never stop and think to yourself 'this must be a dream', you just carry on running through candyland on the back of a giant robot platapus fairy like it was the most normal thing in the world.[/i]

Her thoughts where interrupted however as a sudden burning pain shot through her palm, causing her to cry out on both pain and alarm thinking that one of the spiders had someone knocked their way through the wall silently and bitten her hand. When she brought it up to examine it, however, she instead found a faint glowing mark in the shape of a snowflake. As she stared at this strange phenominon she heard something else, a voice speaking in a tone of slight panic.

[i]"Please tell me you haven't died. Tell me that you can hear me."[/i]

This was followed by more voices with various reactions, however Charlotte was already freaked out enough by the first voice.

[i]I'm going mad,[/i] she concluded, the only rational explanation she could find for all this [i]Years of reading stupid comic books has finally driven me mad.[/i]

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As Gabrielle, jogged through the corridor she came to an abrupt halt and winced, looking at her hand. "snowflake?" she mumbled, as she looked at the back of her hand where the pain had originated, feeling like someone had burned her with a cigarette. The pain was swift but short lived, as was the mark as it disappeared shortly after she had noticed it. [i]"did I just imagine it?" [/i]she thought to herself, turning her hand over a few times to look for the mark, but it was no use.

[i]"Please tell me you haven't died. Tell me that you can hear me."[/i]

Her eyes became wide at hearing this, followed by a series of other voices, all seeming to come from [i]inside[/i] of her head. "What the hell is going on here?" she gasped, looking around trying to make sense of it. "Fumore? This isn't funny, come out from wherever you are I can hear you!" she yelled, looking around and waiting for him to come out from a classroom or from behind a corner. "I'm serious Fumore, this is [i]not[/i] funny!" she yelled again as he hadn't come out from where he was.

She heard a scuttling from behind her shortly thereafter though, and turned around with a triumphant look upon her face. "Okay now I really heard you, so co-" Her voice broke off and her look changed from one of triumph to one of sheer terror. The scuttling she had heard coming from behind her, from the end of the corridor was [i]not[/i] Fumore. It was probably as far from Fumore it could possibly be. No, instead of Fumore there was a group of three spiders walking towards her. [i]Very[/i] large spiders at that, probably close in size to a Pony.

"I must be dreaming... I have to be dreaming... wake up Gabrielle, wake up" she mumbled to herself in panic as she walked backwards away from the Spiders. "this can't be real, I hit my head and I fainted and I'm dreaming.. yes that's it. Now, you figured out it's a dream Gabrielle so wake up!" she reasoned with herself as she kept backing away, shaking lightly over the presence of the spiders, "WAKE UP!"

((OOC: Sorry for being inactive, I've been in London with my boyfriend so I was unable to post :) ))

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"Hah hah, very funny." Adrian stated sarcastically at Charlotte's joke. He sighed and back away from the door, watching smaller spiders, about the size of a small cat, crawling all over the small window. He could here larger ones crashing around the hall, realising they were doomed. "Crap." Was all he could mutter, running to the teacher's desk and pulling open the drawers, looking for something that could be used as a weapon. "There's nothing." He cursed.

He was about to slam his hand on top of the teacher's desk when Charlotte cried out in pain. Worried, he started to run over to her, but was soon crippled with the same pain she'd felt. He fell to the floor quickly, his eyes blacking out and his mind pulsing, not noticing a glowing snowflake on his palm. He leaned his head against the desk, cursing himself for being so weak, barely able to move, when a voice burst through his head.

[i]"Please tell me you haven't died. Tell me that you can hear me."[/i]

Adrian looked around in desperation, his eyes still dull, but hope returning to him. He thought someone had entered the room, someone was saving them. He could feel power returning to his body. But all he could see was darkness and Charlotte looking worried nearby. [i]Did she hear it too?[/i] He wondered, gaining a little more energy. He couldn't speak yet, but if he was right, then he could still communicate.

[i]"There are two of us alive here." [/i]He shouted with his mind, hearing a multitude of incoherent voices at a similar time. He looked towards Charlotte, wondering if she heard him.

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Ashe was asleep on top of the school. When the lunch bell sounded, he groaned and said [color=#800000]"Five more minutes."[/color] More than five minutes past when he woke up. Ashe heard a commotion coming from inside the school and wondered what was going on. He reached over and picked up his broad sword. He quickly chained it to his back. Ashe clapped his hands and slammed them on the ground using alchemy to create a pillar of stone to launch himself off the building. When he landed, he peered through a nearby window. It was dark inside for some reason so he had to strain his eyes see inside. Ashe saw spiders and spider webs in the hallway. He quickly realized what was going on and dashed inside. A spider scuttled towards him, but he quickly sent it flying into a group of them with a swift punch. Ashe ran through the hallways, looking inside classrooms and seeing students inside them.[i] At least they're safe[/i], he thought. He ran around some more when he saw Fumore. Fumore slammed his hand on the ground and soon a magic circle appeared around him. Snowflakes shot away from Fumore and Ashe said [color=#800000]"What the hell is going here!"[/color]

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Nancy looked around, The Spiders were likely afraid of her at this point for the moment, She looked around to see if any classrooms are in trouble, She could still feel the Darkness around her flowing into her. She ran around to look for others that may be caught up by spiders until after a few seconds of running around, She saw another Small Car-sized spider approaching Jazz and Beat that they seem to have missed, the 2 kids that she had to vouch for earlier, She sighed as she charged and jumped, Landing on top of it and punching it down several times, alternating with both fists at the center of the spider, Killing the Spider rather quickly...

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"Oh thank goodness your all Okay" Fumore said for everybody can hear. "Look I have no time to explain, all I'm going to say is that I know you've all had dreams of yourselfs having some type of supernatural ability. Well those abilities are real, the pain you felt earlier, is a sign that your abilities have awakened. Don't worry though, the mark should dissappear in case you think it doesn't look good." Fumore laughed trying to lighten the atmosphere. Look it may all seam like a dream, that's because to a certain point it is. These abilities are ones you have in dreams." Fumore paused. "Well...I do got to apologize in advance for some of you. Just because I said dreams, it doesn't mean that their good ones.". At that moment Ashe appeared.

"Oh, it took you long enough." Fumore told him. "There's very little time to explain, the biggest swarm of nightmares have appeared and there's no way we can handle this on our own. So just like you, I awakened the abilities of many others. Just do what you normally do against these nightmares. Kill them" Fumore then proceded to start running around looking for Gabrielle, she seemed to be the one in most danger. "Gabreille listen to me-" Fumore stopped as he was interrupted by an unfamiliar voice.

"Uhmm, yeah we're okay" Concentio thought. "Well I guess I should introduce myself first. I'm Concentio, you know the mute student in band. Well anyways if what you say is true then i guess we have no choice, but defeat these bugs. It's our duty isn't it."

"Concert? Oh I wasn't expecting you in this chat. Well that's besides the point. Gabrielle listen, this isn't a dream. It is all real. Get a hold of yourself if you want to live. This telephatic communication is only going to last a few more second so listen closley, protect the students and kill these spi-" The telephatic ability stopped. "Crap" Fumore yelled.

It didn't take Fumore long to find Gabrielle. Three spider were closing in on her. "Don't worry Gabrielle!" Fumore yelled. As he ran acroos the hall, he managed to jump over the spiders, putting himself between Gabrielle and the spiders. [i]"I can finally act like a knight onca again" [/i]he thought. He lifted his right arm straight foward, a snowflake shape appeared on his palm. Soon after armor started to appear around his hand, then arm, then shoulder, soon his whole body was covered in armor. A sword appeared in front of his raised hand and a shield in front of his other. He grabbed them and steam shot out of his armor. Now he was the[url="http://i44.tinypic.com/2iifrsw.jpg"] knight[/url] he once was.

"Stay behind me" Fumore told Gabrielle. He put his shield in front of him and then yelled, "Steam Wave!" Steam shot out of his shield frying the three spider that were ahead of him. It was anti-climatic, but effectice nevertheless. "You okay?" he asked Gabrielle.

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[color=#000000]Casey was about to aim a punch at the spider when all of a sudden, a strange mark appeared on her right hand... before it blew off completely, taking a good chunk of flesh, sinew and [i]plenty[/i] of skin with it. The two bones in her right forearm had been bent by the blast, which... well, if the whole chunk of [i]arm[/i] going missing didn't cause Casey to scream in pain, that [i]would[/i].[/color]

[color=#000000]Taking advantage of the failed attack, the spider lunged at Casey, tackling her into the ground, before gnawing into her chest, trying to get to her heart. Casey, however, was having none of it. Immediately, she fired off a ball of ice from her right arm, which seemed to freeze the spider in its place, before performing a roundhouse kick that shattered the frozen spider instantly. Several more spiders came from the hallway, which she had obliterated with a dark energy beam from the same arm. However, Casey's new-found powers were starting to take their toll. Her arm was literally [i]enveloped[/i] in pain, which had even vastly overpowered that caused by the first spider that was gnawing its way into her heart, and had managed to poison her in its attempt.[/color]

[color=#000000]Suddenly, she heard a voice that she seemed to recognize, asking if everyone was OK. She ignored it, but the same voice had then given a short explanation that their powers should've awakened by now. This was now coincidence.[/color]

[color=#800080][i]'Fumore? I-is that [b]you[/b]?'[/i][/color][color=#000000] Casey asked telepathically before the pain in her arm started to get to here, [/color][i][color=#800080]'The-...there's something you need to see. It concerns my arm and... argh, F***!! It hurts! Wh...where [b]are[/b] you?!'[/color][/i]

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Nancy then telepathically asked Fumore [color=#006400][i]"I have not been dreaming those dreams, What would I get?"[/i][/color]. She looked ahead to find that a horde of 20 spiders of various sizes coming towards her, She clenched her fist to find out the hard way that she now had claws on her gloves that hurt, She was waving her hands in pain, Unknowing to her, her eyes had turned blood red and with one final harsh sling, A black hand flew down from the very dark ceiling and crushed around 12 of the spiders and caused a rather deep thud to resonate through the floor of the school, which then disappeared after crushing the Spiders to death. Nancy was pretty much in shock as she answered her own question. She thought, but unknowingly relayed that thought to Fumore [color=#006400][i]"That Strange Dream that had kept me up in all night and kept me from sleeping in class... Was my power!? I wonder..."[/i][/color] Nancy assumed a defensive stance as her eyes turned red again...

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Again, the jumble of voices roared through his mind. Each individual had obviously put their own preservation first, and the telepathic communication was almost stretched to breaking point; individuals clammering to talk to Fumore, the only person who knew what was going on it seemed.
Listening to Fumore talking, the only voice that seemed to give anything helpful at the moment, Adrian was told he had a power. One that would be activated now, one that he'd been dreaming about. Adrian groaned and pushed himself away from the desk. [i]Dreams? What dreams? [/i]Adrian questioned to no-one in particular, aware that the communication had shut down, the last things being Fumore trying to communicate with Ms Belvedere. Adrian sat there for quite a few moments, trying to think of any dreams he'd had. There had been a few recurring ones, but he didn't sleep often so was unsure whether they were the right ones. [i]Well, there's not much choice.[/i] Adrian sighed, concentrating hard now.
He was stood up before he knew it. His body was sore, and he had no energy, but he seemed to be in complete control of it. Well, more accurately, his bones. He moved over to the door, rather awkwardly, and looked out as the spiders started to gather. He moved to Charlotte, crouching down in front of her. "Are you okay? We need to get out of here." He stated, holding out his hand.

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