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Garden Of Dreams [IC/PG-13/Started Accepting]

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[center][size=8][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#008000]Garden of Dreams[/color][/font][/size][/center]

The place, Somnium High School. It was the first sunny day in weeks. In fact it had been raining for about two weeks non-stop. People began to worry thinking that the constant rain was an omen. Some of the older folks even though that the world was going to come to an end. Now they laugh at that assumption; that the constant was rain was an omen. How could anything happen on a beautiful day like this. The birds where chirping, the sun had a wonderful warmth to it, and everyone was laughing.

Diing! “Oh class is over already?” Fumore, the knight, said. He looked at the clock on the wall across from him. “Well class don’t forget to study, you have a test in two days. Have a good lunch.” The students began to get up from their chairs, some even jumped out of them. Lunch seemed to be the best part of school to the students. Maybe it is because they can freely hang out with their friends without the constant interruption by the teachers. One of the students in his class was Concentio Mutus. His name was awkward to say, so his friends and teachers tend to call him Concert due to the similarity of the word and his first name. He stood up and put away all of his materials, except for a small notebook and a pen.

On the notebook he wrote “You have a good lunch as well Mr. Chavel.” Concentio walked up to the Fumore and showed him what he wrote. Fumore smiled. “Why thank you, Concert.” Concentio the proceeded to walk out of the classroom to get his lunch. He was the first one to the table where his friend and he hang out. He took out lunch bag from his backpack and decided to start eating while he waited for his friends.

As soon as the students left Fumore’s smile disappeared. “There isn’t much time.” He said to himself as he leaned back on his desk. “Sooner or later those nightmares are going to make their move, and I don’t think I can handle them by myself.” He now stared at the ceiling. “Should I really go ahead with this? Tell me princess, must I be forced to use the insurance you gave me. I know you gave me this ability for a reason, but I wish not to use it. It will just show how weak I am.” Fumore closed his eyes and started to imagine the princess. He started to laugh. “Well that’s what I would have said before I met you, wouldn’t it. I guess I’ll awaken their abilities when a weak nightmare decides to attack. The safety of the world will be a burden they need to carry. I do feel bad for this, but it the best choice that can be made.”

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“Get back here you little punk!” That call echoed down the now cluttered hallway of students on their way to lunch. The source of the voice was one of the more athletic guys in the school, and the “Punk” was a boy named Jayson, though to everyone he preferred to be called Jazz. So to set the scene again, “Jazz can be seen running, or more so rollerblading down the cluttered hallway, weaving between people while the lunk of a jock chased him.

Luckily, “Jazz” had speed on his side, partially due to his blades, and another part due to his smaller size. He looked over his shoulder to see exactly how far ahead of his pursuer he was. Quite a bit to be honest, which was a good thing. Jazz had no intention of becoming a human pancake today, let alone any time soon. His eyes darted around under his blue glasses as he whizzed by people, bobbing and weaving, then skidded to a stop, changing direction as he headed for a stairwell.

Nearing the stairs, he pushed off his wheels and leapt into the air, only to come down on the center rail, grinding as sparks flew from under his feet. Reaching the end of the first flight, he leapt off the rail, turned his body, letting his wheels hit the wall as he rode sideways to the second flight of stairs, landing on the center rail again, passing a few students. He waved his hand as again he pushed off the rail, wall-rode, and landed on the last rail.

Grinding to the end, he leapt and landed, still “burning rubber” to get away from his pursuer as best he could. He rounded a corner, and slammed through the doors of the cafeteria, pushing through the people as best he could before coming to the end. He skidded to a stop as he was greeted by his friends. “Jazz! Over here. Thought you’d never make it.” He smiled as he skated slowly towards them, extending his hand to the one who had greeted him. “You should know me Beat, I’d never miss a chance to relax during school.”

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The bell rang, signalling the end of class and the start of lunch time. "Oh, already?" Gabrielle mumbled to herself, being a bit distraught over this as she hadn't properly started the class yet. She scratched her head a little and sighed, "Well, I guess we will have to pick this up next time..." she said, smiling sheepishly at her students. They had gotten way too caught up in music discussions and gossip about various tv-shows, taking up way a bit too much time apparently as she hadn't had time to go through everything she was supposed to do this lesson. "Please remember to practice at home if you can or use the music equipment that is available to you during your breaks." She reminded the class, she knew only a handful would actually do it but she liked to believe that by reminding them there was a better chance of more people actually doing it. "You all have a nice lunch now~" she finished off, and then added "please remember your sheet music as well!" which caused some students to run back to their seats and gather the sheet music they had left behind. To which Gabrielle giggled a little, there was always a couple that would forget if she didn't remind them.

After the last student had left and she had cleared up her space, she exited the class room. As she set foot outside of the classroom she could feel her mood dropping a little bit. She didn't like lunch time very much, or she guessed the more accurate thing to say was that she didn't like the teacher's lounge very much. People always fell silent when she walked in to then proceed to whisper amongst their little groups. She didn't have very many friends here at work, or in general. Her reputation and bad luck had taken care of that, and she guessed that her depression didn't really help either.

Sighing she started to walk down the corridor, but she came to a stop as she heard a voice coming from one of the other classroom, or at least that's what she thought it was that she'd heard. Strange though, it only sounded like one person talking. She walked over to the classroom where she thought she'd heard the voice and stepped in to have a look, making sure it wasn't a student being up to no good.

Looking in she found that she must have, indeed, heard someone but it wasn't a student at least. "Ah, Fumore.." she said, exhaling a bit as she relaxed a bit. "Sorry to disturb you, I thought I heard a voice coming from here so I was just making sure that it wasn't a student horsing around or something" She excused herself, smiling apologetically.
Fumore was one of the people that hadn't completely shunned her here at the school, she may even go as far as saying he was a friend. Well, possibly not that far as they didn't really socialise outside of work, but when you are generally shunned by everyone around you that may just as well be the definition of having a friend.

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Nancy perked up when the bell rang, saying [color=#008000]"It's the end of class already? maybe I'll get some rest after eating some lunch"[/color] She got up and left the classroom, as she walked in the halls, She recalled the rather creepy dream that she had last night...

[i]Nancy was outside on a dark, stormy night, Crying as a few people had advanced toward her, Bullies that had taken advantage of her own fear for their own entertainment, touching her to make her freeze up, as every time they touched her, She felt a burning sensation where they touched her, She said [color=#006400]"Stop!"[/color] The bullies had not stopped touching her, She screamed [color=#006400]"I Said [b]STOP![/b]"[/color][/i][i]. Suddenly, behind Nancy, Many hands shot from the shadows and started clawing at the faces of the bullies, which then ran away rather quickly, Nancy then fell to her side exhausted from the burning she felt as they touched her, She did not know where the hands came from, but when one started to caress her to try to sleep, She did not feel any sort of troublesome sensation as the hand touched her, and she quickly fell asleep...[/i]

[i]She woke up to look at her hands, Her skin was pitch black-[/i]

Her Recollection was interrupted by a random, not-so-careful student bumping into her, It was a small one, but it was enough to freeze up due to the burning sensation caused by her Haphephobia, Her case was very strange, Normally Haphephobia causes a burning feeling when anywhere was touched, but her own Haphephobia did not mind the floors and walls and desks, Only anything that was living (Except plants) triggered that annoying sensation, She started thinking about the meaning of her dream as she entered the lunchroom, She sat alone as usual and ate her sandwich and chips rather quickly, then she put her head down to try to sleep...

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Charlotte sat at the back of the classroom as the teacher droned on. To anybody just peaking in it would simply look as if Charlotte was taking down notes in her book, to the trained eye (clearly not belonging to the teacher she had currently) it was obvious that Charlotte was not paying attention, instead opting to doodle little pictures in the back of her book, most of them of horrific, deformed creatures. She stole a wary glance at the teacher who still had their back to her and continued her doodling.

Charlotte was not a problem child so much as a lazy one, pretty much every teacher had caught her slacking off at least once and a few more had certainly given her a good lecture about it but Charlotte continued nonetheless. The most annoying part was that despite how she slacked off in class she still managed decent resulsts on many of her tests (not brilliant, but decent) despite having not listened to the related class.

She stole a wary glance at the clock, not being able to make out the numbers pefectly but having already memorized where they all where it was easy to tell that the class should be ending soon. She put her pencil down and closed her book, opting a few confused glances from the students around her just as the bell went. Charlotte couldn't help but smirk slightly at the subsequent rush of students leaving the room as the teacher tried in vain to give a short wrap up to their lesson. Charlotte packed up her things and left without so much as a second glance back, heading down the hall with the rest of the crowd. Her usual plan for lunch was to find an empty classroom and just hole up in there till it was over, usually with eithera comic to read or something else.

A loud yell from behind alerted Charlotte to a pair running down the hall, only to discover that the persuee was in fact on a pair of roller blades as he whizzed passed her, the oversized jock chasing him soon following with nowhere near the correct pace to eventually catch him. Charlotte shrugged the scene off, it was nothing unusual to see and so long as they weren't picking on her she was fine. She eventually broke away from the crowd and wandered into an empty corridor. She wandered down it, stealing a glance in the classrooms as she went, most of which had teachers still filing reports at their desk. She came to a halt when she noticed something up ahead, what appeared to be a student listening at the door, except students couldn't get away with wearing their hair like that (much as she'd like to). It took Charlotte a moment or two to remember it was in fact a teacher, albiet a rather small and young-looking teacher. Charlotte hung silently where she was, keeping an eye on the scene as the teacher opened the door and seemed to strike a conversation with another person in the room.

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Adrian groaned slightly as he listened to the bell stop ringing, watching through the small window on the practice room's door as the class dispersed out of the classroom. He looked down at the guitar he had been holding and sighed, standing up and leaning it against the wall. "Argh." He grunted, wincing as pain shook up through his body, causing his eyes to black out for a second. "Dammit." He muttered, grabbing the tablature from the nearby stand. It might annoy any other musicians, but he couldn't read sheet music to save his life. He read tablature, and that was what he did. He sighed, folding the sheets and stuffing them into an inside pocket on his jacket, before picking up his nearby bag and watching through the window for the teacher to leave.
It wasn't as though he didn't like the teacher, Ms Belvedere was actually one of his favourite teachers. But he didn't want to surprise her again. He often stole into the practice rooms during lessons, for most of the lesson time was wasted due to Ms Belvedere and the other students gossiping and the like. Of course, that wasn't that much of a problem; it just meant he wasn't assigned anything in particular, and could practise whatever he wanted.
He sighed again as Ms Belvedere left the room, opening the practise room door at the exact moment Ms Belvedere closed the classroom door. He walked swiftly but carefully over to the classroom door and, making sure no-one saw him, exited the room quickly, before moving to a slightly more crowded area, making sure to preserve some space for himself.

He quickly noticed, due to the lack of motion from the crowd, that there was some sort of commotion. He had little time to wonder what it was before a guy on roller-blades - 'Jazz', if Adrian remembered correctly from their occasional lessons together - zoomed past, followed by a significantly slower 'Jock', a term that Adrian found humourous. He chuckled slightly at the sight, gaining the attention of the Jock for a second. "Shut up wimp." Was all he got, before the Jock ran off again. Adrian merely shrugged the threat off, before following the rest of the crowd into the cafeteria.

He quickly identified that there were no empty tables, so, slightly dismayed, he turned back out of the cafeteria, looking for a quiet place to eat and relax, alone. He was walking down the halls, relatively slow, listening to some music in his left earphone. He was nodding his head softly along to it as he noticed a girl floating quietly at the corner of a corridor, obviously spying on someone. Adrian walked up to her quietly, his light weight allowing him to make no noises as he crept up behind her. "Isn't that an invasion of privacy." He uttered, loud enough for her to hear but quiet enough to escape the teachers notice.

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Nancy fell asleep on the table, thankfully she cleared all of her food before falling asleep, but unfortunately for her, that creepy dream started back up...

[i]After the hand caressed her to sleep, Nancy woke up, She looked at her hands and found that they were pitch black[/i], [i]She looked around for a reflective piece of glass and held it front of her, confirming that somehow, her skin had turned pitch black and her eyes turned red. When Nancy heard growling, She turned to face what seems to be any Haphephobic's worst nightmare, An 8-armed demon, She giggled at the demon and said [color=#006400]"You think you can take me on?" [/color]The demon then spoke "Who are you, and what did you do with my plaything?"[/i][i] Nancy then grinned a relatively evil grin at the demon as a rather fiery aura appeared around her-...[/i]

Another student bumped into her, this time, on purpose, Waking her with another burning sensation, That Student that had just bumped her was one of the class bullies that exploit her Haphephobia for their sick-minded entertainment. Nancysighed out of frustration and said [color=#006400]"I suggest that you do not touch me again..." [/color]"What might happen?" The bully responded as he proceeded to touch her again, This time, the Next thing Nancy knew was that the bully was on the floor unconscious, She face-palmed and said [color=#006400]"That..."[/color] She sighed and got up to leave the cafeteria, she also hated that at times when people touch her, Her arm moved to knock people out without actually thinking about it...

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Fumore's alone time with his imagination was cut short. He was startled when Gabrielle came into the room thinking that a student was fooling around. He didn't expect anyone to come into his room at this time. The smile that he had while the class was still in the room came back. "Don't worry about it." he said. "And yes, you did hear someone talking. I was thinking out loud. Silly me." Fumore stopped leaning and lifted his hands straight up, stretching them. He gave a big yawn and laughed. "Well the students aren't the only ones that are hungry. I'm starving as well, how 'bout you?" He walked toward Gabrielle grabbing her hand then started pulling her out the door. "To be honest I don't know why I'm asking you. Me asking you is just a courtesy, your eating with me whether you want to or not." Fumore turned away from Gabrielle facing the direction in which the lunch area was. "Don't worry Gabrielle, I'll treat."

Concentio only needed to wait a few minutes before his friends started showing up. Although he is mute, Concetio still had a good amount of friends. The table quickly filled with people who started laughing. Even Concentio, although laughed was barely heard. One would need to really pay attention to hear him laugh and when they do it sounds like weezing. Being high school boys their way of fun was by unsulting each other. While conversing Concentio started to write in his notepad. "What are you writing there Concert" one of the students said. Concentio flipped the page and started to write, when finished he showed the student the page. It read "I'm writing a song, for some reason I can only think of stuff when I'm having fun. Unlike most of my other songs this one has singing, a female role to be exact."

"Let me see!" The students started shouting. They always seemed to enjoy the music Concentio wrote. Concentio quickly closed the notepad and put it in his pocket. He then nodded no with a smile."

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[i]"Talking to himself? And [/i]I[i] am the one seeing a psychiatrist?" [/i]Gabrielle thought to herself, struggling to keep a straight face and not giggle at this. She was a bit startled though as she suddenly was being half dragged out of the room by Fumore. "W-What're you!?" She cried out, ripping her hand away from him shaking a little and staring at him. [i]"What the hell was that?" [/i]she thought to herself, staring at him in disbelief. Fumore was nice and all but he wasn't usually one to grab her by the hand, he [i]knew[/i] she had issues with intimacy.. or he should at least as that was surely one of the things that people gossiped about in the teacher's lounge when she wasn't there, or doing so quietly when she was.

She relaxed a bit, rubbing her hand and looking at it. "I-I'm sorry, you startled me..." she mumbled, glancing back up at him. He probably just forgot, or maybe he thought that taking her hand wouldn't be something that would freak her out even with her... [i]issues. [/i]Sometimes she could be perfectly fine with someone taking her hand or even hugging her, but when it comes out of the blue like that... "I'm sorry" she mumbled again. She had to apologise, he definitely didn't mean to do anything to hurt her, Fumore wasn't like that. And she couldn't really afford to be snappy with him, she didn't have enough friends to start being careless.. and she put people through enough whenever she has her bad days anyways.

"L-Lunch sounds good, b-but you don't have to pay. Really" she said, straightening up a little and trying to relax. [i]"stop studdering you fool, you're perfectly alright!" [/i]she scolded herself mentally, oh how she longed for the day when she could get over this fear of hers.

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Fumore was startled once again by Gabrielle, but this time it was by the loud cry she gave. She apologized soon after explaining that him grabbing her hand had startled her. "Oh, I do apologize for that." Fumore said "I didn't think that you would panic by our hands touching. I was just trying to make you feel better. You looked kind of distracted. I really thought it would be okay because we are friends after all, are we not?" Fumore gave another smile. He then turned around facing the door. "But if you wish I won't touch your hand again unless you allow it."

At that moment Gabrielle stated that Fumore shouldn't pay. "Don't worry about it, I am a gentlemam after all. It is my job to pay for your meal. And besides I've been saving money so I have money to spare." Fumore proceeded to walk out the door and turned to Gabrielle. "If those gruesome rumors are true, which I don't think they are, you don't need to worry about it. I won't pass those boundries again. So come on, lunch isn't going to last all day." Fumore started walking toward the lunch area, not looking if Gabrielle was following.

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"It's ok... I can get jumpy sometimes if someone grabs on to me very suddenly" She explained, giving an apologetic smile to the man. "I know you were just meaning well, it's just the way I am" she added, her voice trailing off a bit so she didn't have to add the 'nowadays' afterwards. [i]"so he does consider me a friend at least, I'm glad"[/i] she thought to herself, relaxing a bit. She hadn't scared him off with her sudden outburst.

She giggled a bit at him saying he was a gentleman, "you know sometimes you act so courtly that I can't help thinking that you must have been a knight of a royal court in a past life or something". She stopped though as she noticed that he started to walk off and she had to do a half jog to catch up with him. "Well, I'm not entirely sure what rumours you speak of... there are many" she trailed off a bit but to make sure he wouldn't start feeling bad for her she added "I wouldn't be surprised if they come up with one saying I eat children next" to which she laughed. Yes Gabrielle was one of those people that would laugh at her own jokes and silliness.. [i]"Because I am f***ing hilarious".[/i]

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The doors to the cafeteria slammed open, and the jock that had been chasing Jazz stormed in, his face a deep red from his running. Jazz gulped a bit as he saw the hulking guy walk in, obviously looking for him. His friend, aforementioned nicknamed Beat, saw the obvious panic in Jazz’s face and leaned over. “Hitting on Lisa Silver again?” Jazz nervously laughed. “Hitting on is an overstatement. All I did was say hi.” Beat shook his head. “Told ya dude, she’s bad news and you have to stop talking to her.”

Jazz didn’t answer, only slunk in his seat. “I have to get out of here Beat. Help me out.” Beat nodded and clicked his yellow glasses down over his eyes. “Can’t hold him forever dude.” Jazz shook his head. “Long enough to high tail it past Seth, and then find a safe place till the bell rings.” Beat chuckled. “I heard the bathroom is nice this time of year.” Jazz shoved his friend. “Be serious dude.” Beat laughed as he got up with his tray, skating over to where Seth was.

“Hey Seth.” He said as he skated around the jock. Seth growled as he grabbed the skater by the scruff of his collar. “Listen you little twerp, where is your friend…tell me, or I’ll just have to rearrange your face instead of his.” Beat was obviously terrified, this wasn’t how he planned. Jazz sighed as he stood up, his friends were more important than his health. “Seth, put him down.” He said. The jock looked up and dropped Beat with a loud thud. Jazz skated slowly, noticing a small hush that fell over the room. He gulped slowly as his hands fell by his sides, resting on the two cans of spray paint on his hips. He had a plan; he just hoped it would work.

Seth slowly made his way towards the skater, and in the blink of an eye launched a punch at his face. Jazz had a small window to act, which he took. He dropped, grabbed a can from his side and aimed, spraying the paint into Seth’s eyes. The bully staggered around, blinded and screaming in agony. Jazz took the opportunity and ran to Beat. “Get up! We gotta split.”

“Ain’t gotta tell me twice bro!” And with that, the two slammed through into the hall and bolted down the corridor. “Just like old times huh Jazz?” Jazz only laughed. He knew what Beat meant; this was just like the time they had to outrun a small squad of police. But that’s better saved for another time. The two skaters rounded a corner, slamming into two teachers and ultimately falling on their butts, disoriented.

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Nancy saw Fumore as he walked to the lunch area, One of the few people that she could rely on in times when people, however, Saying "Hi" to him would have to wait, She heard something about someone hitting on some jock's girl, then she saw the commotion that went on with 2 boys and another bully. Nancy Sighed and walked up to the bully(Seth) and patted him on the head and on the back, saying [color=#006400]"I could not help but see something rather idiotic, Jealousy makes you rather predictable, Predictability means you're gonna fail quite often." [/color]Nancy Giggled as she turned around to look around, waiting for the kid to respond...

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Charlotte continued to watch the pair as the other teacher walked out of the room, she could make out exactly what they where doing but the younger one gave a sudden yell followed by a quick apology.

[i]They dating or something?[/i] Charlotte thought to herself as the two began to walk down the hall, idly chatting to one another [i]Well, whatever. The room'll be empty now anyway.[/i]

A sudden voice from behind startled her for a moment and she quickly whipped around, a look of utter annoyance across her face as she glared at the boy who'd snuck up on her.

[b]"Funny,"[/b] she hissed [b]"I wasn't aware sneaking up on people was an acceptable social practice either."[/b]

She glared at the boy for a moment or two before looking back down the hall to check that both the teachers had gone, the room would be free now and she would be able to relax by herself without any annoying interruptions, or at least she would if the other boy hadn't stuck his nose into her business.

[b]"Shouldn't you be in the lunch room gorging yourself on junk food, or do you enjoy stalking girls?"[/b] She asked, her annoyance still very much evident in her voice.

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Adrian jumped at her reply, with it being a bit more violent than he had expect. "S-sorry. I didn't mean to surprise you." He stuttered, shaking a little bit. He grabbed his fore head for a moment, sighing, before apologizing again. "The lunch rooms busy, so I was looking for a classroom to eat in." He explained, stilled shaking slightly. "Besides, junk food wouldn't sit well with me, with my condition." He sighed and stepped back a bit. "If you want the classroom to yourself, then go on, I wont intrude." He said, sincerely. "Unless you want someone to talk to, of course." He added, putting his hand into his pocket and sighing again.

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Charlotte gave the boy a puzzled look as he seemed to jump in surprise at her reaction. Looking the boy up and down briefly she noted that he looked as though he was about to drop dead, noting by his thin build and pale skin, he obviously wasn't the healthiest person around. She gave a slightly irritated sigh and turned away, walking up to the classroom the two teachers had just vacated and opening the door to check that it was indeed empty. She cast a glance back at the boy, her eyes narrowing slightly.

[b]"I ain't gonna stop you,"[/b] she replied simply, she could easily relate to someone not wanting to eat their lunch in a crowded room with a bunch of loud school students causing a racket, though she would've preffered to be alone [b]"You look like you could use a sit down anyway, you got sun stroke or something?"[/b]

She calmly stepped into the room and pulled up a seat, leaving the door open in case the boy wanted to join her. She put her bag down on the table and took one of her comics out, hesitating slightly when she reached into her pocket for her glasses.

[i]Meh, there's just one guy, he might not even come in,[/i] she reassured herself as she slipped them on and began to read.

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If it wasn't for Fumore looking away from Gabrielle she would have seen the smile Fumore had dissapear for a second. Her statement about him being a knight in the past life. He mumbled to himself, "You have no idea." He continued to walk and his smile came back once Gabrielle caught up. "Maybe, just maybe. Although a knight may be pushing it. Maybe a loyal servant. I don't think that I am good enough to be-" Fumore stopped what he was saying.

[i] "Alright princess" the knight spoke. "I will see you when the seal is ready to break. Now please, let a smile be the first thing I see when I come back." [/i]

[i]"Why, why did I let her go through with that."[/i] Fumore thought. [i]"I'm not worthy have the rank of Knight. A real knight would have never let you go thr-"[/i]

His though was interrupted by two student on rollerskates crashed into both him and Gabrielle. As they fell back his instinct took over. His grabbed Gabrielle in a way where they were chest to chest while falling and turned making his back face the floor. Fumore took the hit of the fall, with exess weight at that. Gabrielle layed on top of Fumore, their faces only apart by an inch or two. There was a pause at that moment, but Fumore recovered quickly after that pause. He stood up laughing, almost as if he had fun, and then helped Gabrielle up. "That was quite the rush if I many say so myslef." he said still laughing. "But quite dangerous too. You two." he looked at the two boys. "You got to be more careful, you could have hurt Ms. Belvedere. I know you guys were having fun, but still. This is a school after all. I honestly would give you a warning, but I don't know if Ms. Belvedere here would do the same. It's up to her whether you get punished or not." He then looked at Gabrielle, wating for a response.

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"servant?" she repeated a bit quietly looking confused. "But that's not as exciting is it, being someone's servant I mean?" she asked, mostly rhetorically perking up a bit and smiling at him. Her smile disappeared quite quickly though as a student slammed into her sending her flying backwards. Everything happened really quickly and before she knew it she was lying on top of Fumore, just inches from his face. She froze up from this and felt panic building inside of her. Everything was weird to her after that, she somehow got up she didn't really know how and she heard Fumore talk to the students that had rammed into them, but it was if they were far away in the distance rather than right by her.

They all fell silent after a little while and suddenly they were all looking at her. Why? Was she supposed to say something? She couldn't even move her lips, she was completely frozen in fear from what had happened. Not the fall, being that close to Fumore. She was trembling a little, looking around seeming very confused. She wanted to run away, but her legs wouldn't let her. She couldn't even speak, so she couldn't say anything.

"[i]They are all staring at me too, why?[/i]" she thought to herself, managing to stagger to the wall so she could lean on it.

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[color=#000000]Nothing was happening on Casey's end. [i]Absolutely[/i] nothing. Not even the few minutes in the lunch-room could [i]really[/i] be seen in her eyes as anything but uneventful... all she did was grab stuff to eat, and by stuff, just a single hamburger. That was all she felt like that day, for whatever reason. Still, it was enough to feed such a petite girl as Casey, so she grabbed it and left. Along the way, one of the jocks in the school got owned by another student, which was simply [i]pathetic[/i][/color][color=#000000].[/color]

[color=#800080]"Tch, dumbass,"[/color][color=#000000] Casey spat, spraying piece food all over the fallen jock as she spat in his face, before disrespectfully walking over him on her way out. She didn't have time in her mind; she just wanted to get to her safe little haven that she designated a dark corridor as, and she obviously didn't care who was in her way. Despite that, she didn't seem to be in much of a hurry, otherwise she wouldn't have been walking there. Casey stopped as she finished walking over the jock and got to solid ground, as she saw that someon[/color][color=#000000]e [i]else[/i] [/color][color=#000000]was in her way (Nancy). She then leaned herself on the wall waiting for her to move.[/color]

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Jason was sitting at the back of the room, in a seat he had long since taken to be his. Watching the chaos all around him, he smiled as he looked over to where one of the goth girls had insulted a rather humiliated jock. Looking down to his food, he picked up the pie he had retrieved from the cafeteria. Still eating, he kept watching and looking at all the commotion that was going on, before getting bored and starting to fiddle with a small usb he carried with him. He finished off the pie, before starting on the other item on his tray, a small block of chocolate that he managed to eat quickly. Standing up, he moved towards the entrance to the cafeteria, dropping off the empty tray on the way, and walked out the same way the two Jammers had sped out of.

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Nancy giggled as another girl furthered Seth's Humiliation by spraying food all over him, She then said to that girl [color=#006400]"Well, Jocks tend to be the most predictable people in the bunch, Most of them tend to be pretty retarded, I heard that Most of a Jock's Girlfriends tend to be as stupid as that same Jock who is their Fiance" [/color]Nancy was sorta Stereotypical against Jocks, She viewed them as lacking any sense, and therefore stupid, because they tend to 'Lack any brains under all that muscle they have', In order to get through life, Even School life, You not only had to be strong, but Smart and Cunning, Maybe that is why She admired that other boy a bit. Speaking of boys, She looked around to find that boy, but he wasn't anywhere to be found in the Cafeteria, She went out of the Cafeteria, looking further around and found a teacher on the ground with a nervous girl nearby on a wall, She may as well do some good and tell the teach about the person she had knocked out earlier, With that, She walked toward Mr. Fumore, but before she could say something, The next thing she saw was 2 guys on Roller-skates also on the ground, She paid attention to Mr. Fumore and said in a sad tone [color=#006400]"Excuse me, Mr. Fumore, Some random person decided to touch me for the heck of it, and well... He's Unconscious near the Lone Table that seats 1... or at least last I saw of him..."[/color]

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-In the Cafeteria-

The Jock, Seth, was not able to answer Nancy, nor was he able to even utter a word aside from the screams and growls of pain the paint in his eyes generated. If no one had ever had paint in their eyes before, it’s not a pleasant experience. To Seth, the sensation was unbearable. It felt like his eyes were being burned and melted out of his head over a very slow amount of time. It wasn’t long before the nurse came to get him. What happened after that is anyone’s guess.

-Meanwhile in the Hall-

Jazz and Beat still sat pretty much on the floor, still trying to figure out what had happened to cause them to stop hauling. Noting the teachers, Mr. Fumore and Ms. Belvedere, standing before them, they knew they would be in trouble. Hearing that it was up to Ms. Belvedere to decide if they get a warning or not, Jazz did the only thing he could think of, pleading his case. “Mr. Fumore, if I can explain. I was being chased by Seth. Dude has a serious impulse control problem and a real short temper. All I did was try to get away from him.” Jazz rambled a bit, flailing his arms at his sides as he talked, hoping the teachers would take some leniency with the two as he talked. “I didn’t mean to crash into ya sir, just….ok I was going faster than I should have and I am sorry to you and Ms. Belvedere.”

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Gabrielle started to regain control of her body, though everything else seemed to be a blur to her. She staggeringly started to walk away from there, whatever the reason was to why they had all stared at her had to wait. She couldn't deal with that right now, she just needed to get away. She wasn't sure if anything would get better from going away from there but it was the only thing that was on her mind right now. She had to move, run away, get as far away from there as she could and quick. She started to run, taking a left and a right and a left again, running through the corridors in the school, thankfully being quite empty due to it being lunch time.

After a little while she came to a halt, sitting down on a bench in one of the corridors. She wasn't sure where she was exactly in the school any more, she had just been running without an aim. It would probably not be too hard to find her way to her next class later on, for now she just needed to be by herself for a little bit and calm down. She was shaking a little and she could actually feel tears welling up in her eyes. "[i]oh great I'm going to cry over this as well?" [/i]she thought to herself, finding herself ridiculous, yet she was unable to stop herself. Tears were streaming down her face now and she was sobbing quietly. Thank goodness it was lunch time so students wouldn't have to witness the mess she was right now. It was bad enough they would have to deal with her on her bad days.

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Nancy looked at the boys and immediately recognized them, They were the 2 boys that were running away from that idiotic and rather predictable Jock. [color=#006400]"Yep, I can vouch for those two, I have seen everything that had happened in the cafeteria"[/color] Nancy Immediately spoke up to Fumore, in a hope to back up Jazz and Beat, but when Ms. Belvedere started running away, She felt a little saddened, then sighed and said [color=#006400]"I wonder what's gotten into her? It could be possible that she can't stand to be around people for some reason. Anyway, about that unconscious bully..." [/color]Nancy Waited for Fumore's response

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"Okay....?" Adrian questioned, moving hesitantly towards the classroom, cautious of whether the girl had actually let him in there or not. He shrugged and followed her in, setting himself down on a table 3 rows up, next to the wall. He looked out the window and sighed, opening his bag. Pulling out a small bag of crisps and a copy of Lord of the rings, he leaned against the wall. He tried to read while he ate, but instead kept looking up at the girl, wondering about who she was. He couldn't remember her name, but he was sure he'd seen her before in at least some of his lessons. She seemed about his age, at any rate.
"I'm Adrian by the way. Adrian Baines." He called over the top of his book. "What's your name?" He asked. He realised that he hadn't answered her question about whether he'd 'got sun-stroke or something', but decided against answering, prefering not to talk about it.

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