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Pokemon, the Olene Island Challenge! [PG16 -OOC - Started/Accepting]]

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I'm back and will hopefully be posting now, definitely tomorrow.
Thanks for keeping the post count low.


[s]Reading through it, it seems V is more important than I figured, if he's on a first name basis with X. (I guess X was sort of a Father figure, but whatever.) [/s]

Just read Kotomi's post after that. I was hoping my character would get much more than being the Arsehole of the group.


I'm also very disappointed that no-one even recognised Aaron, the world famous uber-trainer who is the Champion of Johto and has defeated the Champion of Sinnoh and Kanto. *Sigh* Fame is fickle.


There seems to be no plan. The members of Genesis are just running around catching Legendary pokémon like it's the easiest thing ever, and the normal trainers are just sleeping with each other.


Going to give my characters something to do, and the beginning of some recognition in the next post.

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[quote name='KCNameless' timestamp='1335300138' post='5924241']
I'm back and will hopefully be posting now, definitely tomorrow.
Thanks for keeping the post count low.


[s]Reading through it, it seems V is more important than I figured, if he's on a first name basis with X. (I guess X was sort of a Father figure, but whatever.)[/s]
[b]Every admin knows his name, it's coincidental than he told it to V that time.[/b]

There seems to be no plan. The members of Genesis are just running around catching Legendary pokémon like it's the easiest thing ever, and the normal trainers are just sleeping with each other.
[b]Genesis does have a plan. To avoid spoilers, it will be said when all legendaries are caught. Just don't do it so fast, please. You say the part about sleeping with each other as if it was a bad thing.[/b]


Going to give my characters something to do, and the beginning of some recognition in the next post.

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Huge post is huge, no matter.

Personally, I am disturbed at the rate K is catching legendaries. First the Eons consecutively, now BartholoMewTwo? (I call him that.) Its just very unlikely.

W is only going after two, and I'm building his entire character plot around them: Deoxys (Who he's not even gonna catch. Probably.) and Giratina.

Also, I'll be reserving Genesect and Victini for later dates. Genesect I wont get into detail on, but Victini is gonna have involvement with Archer. If anyone wants to reserve a legendary for a later date too, just make yourself known.

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