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Pokemon, the Olene Island Challenge! [PG16 -OOC - Started/Accepting]]

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K. Heres my Genesis guy.
[spoiler='W ']Username: AkatsukiPride!
Alliance: Team Genesis
Character's Name: W (Wolfram T. Stein)
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Appearance: Wolfram wears a long, whit, open trench coat over a black shirt. He wears white pants as well. He has long dark blue hair down to his waist. The center of his hairs is a light blue streak that starts as a triangle. He wears a black holster were he keeps his pokeballs and such.
Biography: Wolfram was born in Kanto, but it wouldn’t be classified as his home region. His father always moved around for business reasons, taking him and his mom with him. During trips, Wolfram would go to ruins, shrines, and other locations dedicated to legendary Pokémon, studying their legends and the myths of the region. He always found Sinnoh’s stories the most interesting. Most of his Pokémon journey revolved around the collection of information in hopes he could one day publish a book on his studies and findings. In the Kanto League Tournament, he was eliminated in the quarter-finals. He was then challenged unofficially by Lance, and was defeated. He then retried by challenging the Elite Four. He defeated them, and lost officially to Lance. After that, “Wolfram T. Stein” disappeared from all records, and two years later, a man by the alias “W” appeared in Unova, claiming to be searching for “Other Worlds.” W admitted to being Wolfram to few people, one of which was X, before W resurfaced. Sometime during his two year absence, he was recruited and joined team Genesis. He traveled to Olene with X before the challenge began, and has been there for two weeks, searching for what makes legendary Pokémon flock to the island, the source of a mysterious energy presence, and links to “Other Dimensions.” His team, Lieutenant Smith, Captain Lopez, Captain Brandon, and Private Jackson were all hand-picked by him, and he travels with few other grunts due to his mutual respect for his Four-Man team.
Personality: W keeps to himself, not often letting people in on his thought. He respects other no matter what their choices. He doesn’t talk much, but when he does, people listen. Some grunts consider him to be an “emissary” for X, mainly because he does whatever he says instantly with no question. He honors his enemies, but often ridicules their battles techniques. He helps all admin below him to better themselves. Most grunts consider him loony because of his belief inn Other Worlds.
Home Region: Kanto
Pokemon Leagues or Gyms Defeated Before: Kanto: Eight Gyms, League, but not Lance
Banette-Shadow Ball, Sucker Punch, Charge Beam, Will-O-Wisp, Protect, Thunder, Psychic, Shadow Claw| Cursed Body
Haunter- Shadow Punch, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, Hypnosis, Nightmare, Sludge Bomb, Poison Jab, Thunder Punch| Levitate
Confagrigus-Protect, Destiny Bond, Shadow Ball, Ominous Wind, Will-O-Wisp, Hyper Beam, Energy Ball, Memento| Mummy
Tyranitar-Dark Pulse, Crunch, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Focus Blast, Hone Claws, Screech| Sand Stream
Froslass-Ominous Wind, Wake-Up Slap, Blizzard, Shadow Ball, Thunder, Toxic, Double Team, Weather Ball| Cursed Body

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[quote name='H.E.R Her Elegant Rawr' timestamp='1334791846' post='5918375']
I am not nameless.

Never said you were. But your character is not a Genesis Admin.

[quote name='Kotomi Ichinose' timestamp='1334791915' post='5918379']
Kotomi's nickname can be [b]K[/b].

That would be fine.

Also, It seems like we may have more Genesis Members than trainers. We can't have that. We need more good guys! I'm also considering changing my Genesis Admin's age. To, like, 20.

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Kotomi (K) is going to start the RP in Legenew Port, due to a reported sighting of Latias. I also plan to have Kotomi cause trouble for the new trainers by blocking off areas of the town to send her grunts to work on discovering a possible Latias in the area. The blocked area will be the only way out of Legenew Port.

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So, in other words we have to fight our way out of the Port, amirite? If it's like that, those grunts should only have 1 or 2 Pokemon each, being that the only way for regular trainers to catch more Pokemon is to leave Legenew, or to catch some Magikarp on the shore.

Also, I believe each Genesis Admin controls their own grunts, how is that?

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With some help...

Also, remember that you can fish or find wild Pokemon on the beach like Azurill, Totodile, Squirtle or Krabby, not only the Magic Karp.

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[quote name='Damage Inc.' timestamp='1334883008' post='5919449']
So, in other words we have to fight our way out of the Port, amirite? If it's like that, those grunts should only have 1 or 2 Pokemon each, being that the only way for regular trainers to catch more Pokemon is to leave Legenew, or to catch some Magikarp on the shore.

Also, I believe each Genesis Admin controls their own grunts, how is that?
Agreed. Each Admin should control about 20-40 grunts, with the head admin controlling anyone higher than a grunt. Kotomi will have about 30 grunts around Legenew.

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OMG, I'm not lazy anymore!

[left][b]Username: Pacmanexus[/b][/left]

[left][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Alliance: Team Genesis[/b][/size][/font][/color][/left]

[b][b]Character's Name: S ([/b]Steve Mercil)

[b]Age: 26[/b][/b]

[b][b]Gender: Male[/b]

[b]Appearance: [/b][/b][b][b]Steve is 5 feet, 6 inches tall. He has green eyes, and he's bald with a red beard and moustache. He is broad-shouldered and muscular. He likes to dress fancy, usually wearing a plain black suit with a Pokeball patterned tie. On the back of his left hand, he has a scar from the attack of a wild Pokemon when he was younger. He's also left-handed.[/b][/b]

[b]Biography: Steve grew up in the Sinnoh region, living like a normal kid. His first Pokemon, a Starly was obtained in an interesting way, however- he met it in the wild, and it attacked him, leaving the scar on his hand. However, it was small, and he was able to physically subdue it, and carry it back to town where he was given a Pokeball to officially catch it. Later in his life, he moved to Olene, and there he learned of Team Genesis. He had long believed that the regions of Pokemon were terribly managed, and the government was disgustingly inept. In fact, he thought he would be a great ruler for the regions. As such, he joined Team Genesis with the intent of later betraying the team and taking the legendaries and regions for himself. Despite his goal, he was still able to rise to a high rank in the Team.[/b]

[b]Personality: Steve is a very proud man, and believes that he is superior to all (or most) other people. He is cool under pressure however, and almost never loses his calm. He exclusively uses Flying-type Pokemon, because he thinks that the freedom and power of air is the greatest power in the universe. As such, as a personal joke, he gives all of his grunts only ground and rock-type Pokemon.[/b]

[b]Home Region: Sinnoh[/b]

[color=#9BA2A9][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Pokemon Leagues or Gyms Defeated Before: [/b][/size][/font][/color][color=#000000][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]n/a[/b][/size][/font][/color]

[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][color=#9BA2A9][b]Team: [/b][/color][/size][/font][/color]
[font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#5a5a5a][size=3][b]Staraptor (Aenir)[/b][/size][/color][/font]
Brave Bird
Aerial Ace
Hyper Beam
Double Team
Close Combat
Final Gambit

Aerial Ace
Air Slash
Double Team
Focus Energy

Hyper Voice
Feather Dance
Echoed Voice
Mirror Move

Sky Attack
Aura Sphere
Solar Beam
Shadow Ball
Air Slash

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