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Pokemon, the Olene Island Challenge! [PG16 -OOC - Started/Accepting]]

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Ahh, I dont think I'm going to face Umbra yet. My character isn't in it solely for the challenge, he's in it for the experience and such. And as such, he will be focussing on raising his pokémon, and will only use Uber Lapras when necessary. If offered a challenge from Umbra, my character will kindly refuse until he has had longer to train his pokémon.

My guy is the equivalent of Brock, without the failed womanizing.


Oh, and since Aaron has no saddening and emotional back story, he's going to be failed in love, though he doesn't mind.

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Lol I suppose I'll face Umbra as well, since Kotomi already told me her plans against Umbra, I might do something against him as well, but different. I don't really know how I can face all those beasts lol that's a really hard first Castle. I mean, mine goes after yours and I battle with a Piplup XD

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It's not that I have it planned out, it's just that I know my character. And he isn't going to be the type that challenges them all the time.


By the way, do you not think we've gone through this very fast. It's been a total of two days(IC) and we've travelled over half the distance of the entire Island. And about half the second day was spent travelling perpendicular to the initial distance. It needs to go slower, really. Have side things and fillers or something. Makes it better. (Need more NPCs)

Genesis can have some side missions as well, like recruitment missions, or capture rare pokémon for strength and research.

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[quote name='KCNameless' timestamp='1337039197' post='5939472']
By the way, do you not think we've gone through this very fast. It's been a total of two days(IC) and we've travelled over half the distance of the entire Island. And about half the second day was spent travelling perpendicular to the initial distance. It needs to go slower, really. Have side things and fillers or something. Makes it better. (Need more NPCs)

Genesis can have some side missions as well, like recruitment missions, or capture rare pokémon for strength and research.

Agreed. I'm gonna be doing that before I meet up with Umbra, and Quincy is gonna do some stuff to. W is gonna go om side missions with his team.

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[quote name='KCNameless' timestamp='1337039197' post='5939472']
By the way, do you not think we've gone through this very fast. It's been a total of two days(IC) and we've travelled over half the distance of the entire Island. And about half the second day was spent travelling perpendicular to the initial distance. It needs to go slower, really. Have side things and fillers or something. Makes it better. (Need more NPCs)

Genesis can have some side missions as well, like recruitment missions, or capture rare pokémon for strength and research.

Thirded. By the way, I do feel somewhat left out. Seems like everyone has plans and such for their characters.

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[quote name='Ketodama' timestamp='1337044856' post='5939523']
[color=#9BA2A9][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]By the way, do you not think we've gone through this very fast. It's been a total of two days(IC) and we've travelled over half the distance of the entire Island. And about half the second day was spent travelling perpendicular to the initial distance. It needs to go slower, really. Have side things and fillers or something. Makes it better. (Need more NPCs)[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#9BA2A9][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Genesis can have some side missions as well, like recruitment missions, or capture rare pokémon for strength and research.[/size][/font][/color]

You are right guys, sorry. After it's day time again I'll make some different fillers, and since we aren't together, I'll think of something to make everybody do something. I'll add more NPC's too.

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I'm not saying it should take years(Like Aaron took with his leagues), but it shouldn't take a week either.
We need more NPC interractions, and busy cities. Because so far, it seems like we're the only people on the Island.


An Idea for a later filler(If we get to Domia City) is a tournament held in Domia City to find powerful trainers. Secretly it's being organised by Genesis to look for new/future members.
Just an Idea.


Is Yamada coming on to Aaron? I dont think Aaron is going to go for a girl who is 10 years younger than him, and only just above the British legal age(And I think under the american one?).
So she can try, but Aaron's gonna say no.

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Yamanda is under the American age, and she's waaaay younger than Aron. She's such a whore...

Anyway, liked the idea of the Domina City subplot. I was gonna have a Hory City Crime-Spree subplot with Deoxys and Genesect later, and W will probably go on some ridiculous adventure in the reverse world, for anyone who wants to join that when I get around to it.

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[quote name='AkatsukiPride!' timestamp='1337111273' post='5939944']
Yamanda is under the American age, and she's waaaay younger than Aron. She's such a whore.

Thought she was. It's 18 in the US aint it? Here it's 16.
Anyway, I'll be gone again over this weekend. Visiting Grandpa again cos he got worse. I'll hopefully have W-fi, but I wont be as active.

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Yamada is two years under the American limit and no, she isn't coming onto Aaron. She is just all shook up from the events that happened. Her Charmander died, she almost drown, and now, she was nearly eaten by Houndoom.

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Quincy has an Uber Lucario and Bisharp, not to mention a 350-meter long Steelix. Haven't gotten into much detail about that, but yeah, its big. His other pokemon are pretty awesome too. Don't forget his giant flying naval carrier. He also has a surveillance system over most parts of the island. He's not magic, but he's pretty damn close.

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My Uber Lapras shall pwn tehm awl!!! (Though it does have a type advantage against some >:])

Anyway, Kotomi, I was just asking. Because she has seemed to be planning to come onto him throughout the RP (Y'know, after she was done with Leon.)

[quote name='AkatsukiPride!' timestamp='1337127468' post='5940176']
Quincy has an Uber Lucario and Bisharp, not to mention a 350-meter long Steelix. Haven't gotten into much detail about that, but yeah, its big. His other pokemon are pretty awesome too. Don't forget his giant flying naval carrier. He also has a surveillance system over most parts of the island. He's not magic, but he's pretty damn close.

I'm fearing battling Quincy. His team makes him seem like the strongest guy on the Island. '¬-¬

BTW, considering how fast this is going, when do you reckon people's pokémon would start to evolve? Because, if the castle's are like gyms, the 1st castle would be like the second gym. And pokémon have usually evolved by then.
Just asking, because I really wan' ma Croconaw(Crocka).

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I'm in on that.

Just battle Allegretto, who just challenged you, and Toto should get good experience. He should evolve soon, cuz you use him a lot.

And I'm not trying to make Quincy unbeatable, he just has two ubers, a flying naval carrier, a very large Steelix (I'll probably make him smaller), and a surveillance system.

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