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Pokemon, the Olene Island Challenge! [PG16 -OOC - Started/Accepting]]

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Username: HijackAttack

Alliance: Trainer

Character's Name: Caldus [color=#ee82ee]Fulgur [/color](Latin for "New Thunder")

Age: 14

Gender: Male


He is Caldus Fulgur. One of two things he remembered upon waking up on the docks of Olene several years ago, a Pokeball next to him, which contained a Druddigon, which was also the other thing he remembered: Pokemon, and how to use them, so I suppose that's three. Not surprisingly, the Druggion seemed to know more about Caldus then he himself did. He has lived on the docks, in a tent with a TV and pantry, for 3 years, and has about 250,000$ stored in various places in that tent. Oddly enough, he keeps receiving strange messages from the coastline in the form of blank playing cards with the letters [b]D[/b], [b]M[/b], [b]A, E, H, X, [/b]and [b]T[/b] printed on them.

Completely insane. Caldus can be kind, smart, funny and arrogant, hot-headed and rude at the same time. He has been known to hold a grudge, and also to return a favor - always. This has almost gotten him and his Druggion killed multiple times, for both reasons. He can be trusting and paranoid (Mostly paranoid), gullible when not and guarded when he is. As inferred before, Caldus' personality can alternate between various extremes, never finding a middle ground. He will often shout out random things around his Druggion, which to most nearby makes no sense, except, according to Caldus, Druggion.

Home Region: Unknown, possibly Unova given the Durddigon he has.

Pokemon Leagues or Gyms Defeated Before: If he has, he does not remember it.

Starter Pokemon: Druddigon
Ability: [url="http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Sheer_Force_(ability)"]Sheer Force[/url]
1. Dragon Claw
2. Dragon Rage
3. Scary Face
4. Charge Beam (Via TM)
5. Crunch
6. Shadow Claw (Via TM)
7. Flash Cannon (Via TM)
8. Arial Ace (Via TM)

Main Theme:

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[spoiler=Other app]
[b][b]Username:[/b][/b] KCNameless

[b][b]Alliance:[/b][/b] Team Genesis (Admin #5)

[b][b]Character's Name:[/b][/b] V/Vex (Shivexel Utori)

[b]Age:[/b] 24

[b][b]Gender:[/b][/b] Male

[spoiler=Appearance:][img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/233/3/2/Pokemon_Trainer_N__WIP_lineart_by_Chatoyant_Epoch.jpg[/img] Minus the mile long hair.
The cap is black with a red outline and Genesis' logo on the front, the shirt is plain white, with a light blue undershirt, and the jeans are a dark blue denim. He wears Black and white converse trainers. [/spoiler]

[b][b]Biography:[/b][/b] Vex was never much of a peaceful person. Being the youngest among 5 brothers, he was raised in a family of play fighting and violence, and as such learned to defend himself. He enjoyed his life with his brothers a lot, and although he was the most violent of the brothers, he was also originally the most compassionate, showing adoration and Idolisation for his brothers, and a love for pokémon. He had originally dreamed of becoming the strongest trainer, like many other kids, and couldn't wait to collect pokémon.
Until he was 12.
He had just recieved his first pokémon, a gift from his rich uncle, who was visiting due to said uncle's birthday. Being a rich and powerful person, their uncle had managed to find 5 different Psuedo legendaries, and awarded them to his Nephews. Some were already pokémon trainers, but they all accept the rare pokémon with gratitude. Vex recieved a Dratini, the largest of all the Psuedo's there.
However, during the party, when Vex went out side to play with his new pokémon, the house exploded. A rival business man had been plotting to kill Vex's uncle, and had finally succeeded.
So Vex was left homeless, and along with his Dratini was left to travel alone and hungry. He had been travelling for only 6 days before he was unable to move, having not had any food. Luckily for him, a mysterious man arrived and saved him, bringing him to his house.
Without revealing his Identity, this man explained some plans to Vex, and how he would make him strong enough to get revenge on his family. He identified himself as 'X', and gave the then named Shivexel the nickname Vex, and code name V, before taking him to be trained.

Nowadays, he has lost his previous compassion, and has almost forgotten all about his fight for revenge, only wishing to get stronger, and in essence has become what X most likely wanted. He has become probably the widest known Genesis admin throughout the organisation, known for his cruelty and his treatment of those that are weak or those that betray Genesis. He will only acknowledge the other admins, the Castle lords and X, and among them the only person he will obey is X directly.

[b][b][b]Personality:[/b][/b][/b] Vex is almost what you'd call a stereotypical antagonist. He's cunning, deceiving, surprising and exceedingly and deceptively intelligent (owning an extremely large Library and having a in depth knowledge of most things in the pokémon world) and lacks moral respect for most people, with the other Admins, X and the Castle Lords being the only people in Olene he will acknowledge. He is power-mad and power-hungry, protecting his current rank with a rabid ferocity, and aiming for much more. He is cocky and snide, and will most often insult an opponent before a battle. He also refuses to battle people he considers 'unworthy', sending in grunts to deal with the dirty work in his stead.
The only things he will be 'kind' to are his pokémon, who - despite the murky history between them - seem to be his only friends. He's not one of the guys that will protect and love his pokémon, but he dislikes seeing them injured, and acts much nicer around them, aswell as telling them many things that he wouldn't tell others.
During battle he gain a manic attack, using attack after attack from his powerful team, unleasing a barrage of destruction meant to cripple the foe quickly. While in battle he also insult his opponent less, concentrating more on the battle at hand than the opponent.
He has a facination with Dragon type pokémon, seeing them as Lords of Pokémon, and viewing their power as legendary. As such, he collects them as a way to demonstrate his own power. Despite him being the lowest of the Admins, Vex views himself as the strongest, and although his all out offensive strategies most often have him lose to the other Admins, it is a dangerous/damaging strategy, and no-one ever escapes unharmed.

[b][b][b]Home Region:[/b][/b][/b] Sinnoh (Celestic town)

[color=#9BA2A9][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Pokemon Leagues or Gyms Defeated Before:[/b] None.[/size][/font][/color]

[font=tahoma,helvetica,arial,sans-serif][color=#9BA2A9][size=3][b]Pokemon[/b][/size][/color][/font][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#9ba2a9][size=3][b]: [/b](Order in Pokémon app = Name~Gender~Moveset~Ability)
Dragonite~Female~Fly, Hyper Beam, Draco Meteor, Flamethrower, Aqua tail, Hurricame, Dragon Pulse, Thunderbolt~Inner Focus
Garchomp~Male~Dragon Rush, Dig, Crunch, Stone Edge, Giga impact, Aerial ace, Surf, Dragon Pulse~Rough Skin
Salamence~Female~Fly, Crunch, Dragon Pulse, Hydro Pump, Fire fang, Zen headbutt, Draco meteor, Strength~Intimidate
Seadra~Male~Surf, Hydro Pump, Agility, Dragon Pulse, Ice Beam, Flash cannon, Octazooka, Double-Edge~Damp[/size][/color][/font]

[b]Other:[/b] He owns the most grunts out of any Admin, having 50. They are usually the most battle hungry grunts, and most own only vicious & agressive pokémon such as Tauros.
Of his 50 subordinates, he has 5 that are stronger than the rest, who he calls his 'mods'. Each is roughly 20 times stronger than any of his grunts, being as strong as a gym leader, and controls 9 of the other 45 grunts. They are nicknamed after the original 5 elements, each relating to the type of pokémon used and their attitude(Aether being Psychic).
[spoiler=Mod 1, Aether][img]http://images2.layoutsparks.com/1/103972/Anime-Guy-Dark-BlueBlack-31000.jpg[/img]
Personality: The calmest and most intelligent of all V's Mods, Aether is the back bone of most of V's plots and strategies. He has close to - if not equal - intelligence to his master, but he has loyalty and little ambition to go any further. His is by far the strongest of all V's mods, close in power to that of an Admin, and uses mostly Psychic type pokémon.
[spoiler=Pokémon]Alakazam~Psychic, Shadow ball, Dark pulse, Hypnosis, Dream eater, Protect, Trick room, Thunder Bolt
Medicham~Mach punch, Psychic, Shadowball, Close combat, Thunderpunch, Fire punch, Ice punch, Detect
Metang~Bullet Punch, Psyshock, Iron defence, Agility, Take down, Magnet rise, Zen Headbutt.
Wobbuffet~Counter, Mirror Coat, Safeguard, Destiny Bond, Splash, Charm, Encore, N/A
Gardevoir~Teleport, Magical Leaf, Heal Pulse, Psychic, Imprison, Attract, Thunder Bolt, Shadow Ball.
Slowking~Power gem, Psychic, Water Pulse, Heal Pulse, Zen Headbutt, Ice Beam, Protect, Yawn[/spoiler][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Mod 2, Earth][img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/338/2/5/pokemon_trainer_karrik_by_coyote12-d34892i.png[/img]
Personality: The most loyal and trusted of all V's mods, he is by V's side as much as possible. He is V's self-assigned bodyguard and would gladly give his life to protect his master. He is the oldest of V's mods, and is a father-like figure to all the mods but Aether. He uses primarily earth types and has a near unbreakable defence.
[spoiler=Pokémon]Bastiodon~ Take Down, Protect, Iron Defense, Metal Burst, Iron Head, Endure, Sand Storm, Rock tomb
Rampardos~ Head Smash, Zen Headbutt, Ancient power, Chip away, Headbutt, Flamethrower, Sandstorm, Focus Blast.
Onix~ Dragonbreath, Iron tail, Rock tomb, Sand storm, Double edge, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Dig.
Golem~ Defence curl, Rock blast, Steamroller, Magnitude, Explosion, Heavy Slam, Stone Edge, Protect.
Sudowoodo~ Mimic, Low Kick, Woodhammer, Rockslide, Double edge, Hammer arm, Suckerpunch, Protect
Lairon~ Iron defence, Protect, Headbutt, Iron head, Take down, Ancient power, Water pulse, Dragon Rush[/spoiler][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Mod 3, Fire][img]http://quizilla.teennick.com/user_images/K/KI/KIT/kittenplush66/1130283688_ysshow015b.jpg[/img]
Personality: The first thing, Fire likes to thing of herself as either V's girlfriend, or his wh*re. She will follow him around incessently, and is usually teasing him and such. He doesn't usually treat her as such, but will occasionally kiss her, and does show some slight affection for her. She is the oldest of the three 'kids', being 20, and is the most rebellious, rarely listening to either Earth or Aether. She is fiery and violent, just like her master, and primarily uses Fire types, and fights with an aggressiveness similar to V's.
[spoiler=Pokémon]Charmeleon~ Shadow Claw, Dragon Claw, Slash, Hone Claws, Flamethrower, Ancient Power, Dragon Pulse, Thunder Punch
Ninetales~ Psyshock, Flamethrower, Flame blitz, Sunny Day, Solar Beam, Ominous Wind, Double Edge, Iron Tail
Arcanine~ Extremespeed, Flamethrower, Flame Blitz, Sunny Day, Solar Beam, Aerial Ace, Dragon Pulse, Iron Head
Flareon~ Flamethrower, Shadow Ball, Double edge, Dig, Lava Plume, Fire Spin, Protect, Heal Bell
Houndoom~ Shadow Ball, Flamethrower, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Crunch, Double Team, Faint attack, Sludge Bomb[/spoiler][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Mod 4, Water][img]http://i977.photobucket.com/albums/ae260/krrthedruid/c10887dd312f35a0b01f0ea629dc8832.jpg[/img]
Personality: Water is the quietest of V's mods, and is also the youngest. Being only 11, he is also a child genius, though will rarely boast about it. He is usually found reading a book or taking a swim, though Air will usually glomp him when she is around, claiming he 'looks too depressed.' He usually retorts by saying that breasts will not make him happier yet. He becomes much happier and 'free-er' in and around water, and he loves to surf. It will be rare for him to smile when not around water. He uses Ice and Water type pokémon, and is frighteningly cold in battle. [spoiler=Pokémon]Wartortle~ Bubblebeam, Rapid Spin, Hydro Pump, ice Beam, Withdraw, protect, Water pulse, Rollout
Golduck~ Psychic, Aqua Jet, Water Pulse, Ice Beam, Protect, Dig, Brick break, Aerial Ace
Vaporeon~ Quick Attack, Dig, Aurora Beam, Muddy Water, Shadow Ball, Water Pulse, Double Edge, Heal Bell.
Croconaw~ Crunch, Ice Fang, Aqua Tail, Water Pulse, Ice Beam, hydro Pump, Thrash, Dragon Claw.
Sharpedo~ Crunch, Ice Fang, Aqua Jet, Agility, Skull Bash, Ancient Power, Water Pulse, Double Edge
Corphish~ Bubblebeam, Vice Grip, Crabhammer, Protect, Night Slash, Sword Dance, X-scissor, Water Pulse.[/spoiler][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Mod 5, Air][img]http://www.advancedanime.com/pictures/normal_1202770054_assiepics3.jpg[/img]
Personality: Air is the 'middle child' of the three 'siblings', being 15. She is extremely hyper and usually has a wide smile on her face, and is quite ignorant of the other two 'siblings' complaining about her. She finds fun in battling, though she claims to dislike excessive violence. She generally uses bird pokémon, and is known to sit on the roof of the Domia City base a lot.
She doesn't get along with many people, though she seems slightly obsessed with Admin S, due to their like-affinity to Bird Pokémon. She is unsure whether he minds her or not, but usually, when she is away from her team, she can be found talking with S. Or sleeping.
[spoiler=Pokémon]Pigeotto~ Quick Attack, Air slash, mirror Move, Roost, Aerial ace, Protect, Double Team, Faint attack.
Noctowl~ Hypnosis, Air Slash, Take down, Zen headbutt, Dream Eater, Fly, Shadow Ball, Aerial Ace.
Murkrow~ Dark Pulse, Faint Attack, Wing Attack, Aerial Ace, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Mirror Move, Icy wind.
Staravia~ Quick attack, Aerial ace, Agility, Brave Bird, Feather Dance, Steel Wing, Detect, Heat Wave.
Swellow~ Quick Attack, Agility, Aerial Ace, Brave Bird, Double Team, Mirror Move, Steel Wing, Defog
Although he does not partake in experiments and the like, he does have possibly the greatest collection of books(Fiction/Non-fiction, Pokémon/Non-Pokémon) of any Genesis member, on almost any topic, lining the walls of his office, along with a seperate, personal, library; accessable only through a hidden door in his office.[/spoiler]

Admin #5.

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Fully evolved pseudos? I request you down at least one of them at least one evolution. Your whole team shouldn't be fully-evolved pseudos. So some variety. Even if you just knock one down a notch.
BTW, I'm reserving myself a Genesis Admin.
So far, we have X and V, so I think I'll stick with the letter thing for his name. W, maybe. Or U. Also, I will be taking control of Genesis Grunts as well.

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[quote name='AkatsukiPride!' timestamp='1334777901' post='5918060']
Fully evolved pseudos? I request you down at least one of them at least one evolution. Your whole team shouldn't be fully-evolved pseudos. So some variety. Even if you just knock one down a notch.

It was supposed to be his team type, but w/e. I'll take out Metagross, and have a Dragon based one. I'll replace it with a Seadra, and have that evolve later.

If both of you got a Admin, there'd be 4 Admins. I'm not gonna argue, cos you're the bosses, but I would then presume that'd be it for admins.

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