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Pokemon, the Olene Island Challenge! [PG16 -OOC - Started/Accepting]]

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[quote name='Altαir' timestamp='1335813261' post='5929447']
I'll have to jump in somewhere just to be there, but I've no plans for further plot.

Especially since all I have is a Swablu and a Magikarp, and everyone else has super powerful pokemon of epic proportions.

Not really, only the Genesis admins, all I have is a Cubone and a Togepi.

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Username: XvegetaX

Alliance: (Trainer/Team Genesis)
Character's Name: (First and last)
Reggie Cental
Age: (11-40)
Gender: (Male, Female,)
Appearance: (At least 3 lines or a picture in spoiler)
[color=#660066][attachment=34548:Me pokemon trainer.png][/color]
Biography: (At least 3 lines)
Reggie a young energetic trainer who has eagerly started his adventure off with a cool collective start. Has fought three gyms and succeeded in two.(Falkner and bugsy). His parents raised him from a nice start, with a lot of pleasure and ease. But on one day while his parents were out a strange man rang his doorbell. The man claimed to be a friend of his father. He told Reggie “your parents have been in a crucial accident and will not return home”. But before he left he gave Reggie an egg and told him his father and mother left it for him to avenge their death from the wicked team rocket. So he set out on his journey when he came across the ad for the Olene Island Challenge so he decided to start his journey there. So he gathered the left over money in the house and took a boat there.
Personality: (At least 3 lines)
Young Reggie is a go getting person who brightens the people around him. He is a determined trainer who doesn’t want to lose. His sparking heart leads him to be semi vi]ctorious. His bond with his munchlax leads him to be stronger. His out going characteristics make him a charging fun loving kid who is an amazing friend. But mainly his fun attitude makes him an enjoyable kid.
Home Region:
Pokemon Leagues or Gyms Defeated Before:
0 leagues 2 gyms
Starter Pokemon (must be a Basic, non-Evolved Pokemon and non-Legendary. Can't belong to the evolutionary line of any
Moveset: (8 moves)
Metronome, odor sleuth, tackle

Sorry i don't know how to use spoilers.
please FORGIVE ME :(

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Yo XVegeataX.

Anyway, I think you did miss something. Read rule...3. Last name in pink to make sure you read the rules. Also, refer to the fact that Metronome can't be godmodded. And why not make Munchlax know 8 moves? And delete all the unneeded stuff in the app, like the specifications for the different entries.

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Username: XvegetaX

Alliance: (Trainer/Team Genesis)
Character's Name: (First and last)
Reggie [color=#EE82EE]Cental[/color]
Age: (11-40)
Gender: (Male, Female,)
Appearance: (At least 3 lines or a picture in spoiler)
[color="#5a5a5a"]Biography: (At least 3 lines)
Reggie a young energetic trainer who has eagerly started his adventure off with a cool collective start. Has fought three gyms and succeeded in two.(Falkner and bugsy). His parents raised him from a nice start, with a lot of pleasure and ease. But on one day while his parents were out a strange man rang his doorbell. The man claimed to be a friend of his father. He told Reggie “your parents have been in a crucial accident and will not return home”. But before he left he gave Reggie an egg and told him his father and mother left it for him to avenge their death from the wicked team rocket. So he set out on his journey when he came across the ad for the Olene Island Challenge so he decided to start his journey there. So he gathered the left over money in the house and took a boat there.
Personality: (At least 3 lines)
Young Reggie is a go getting person who brightens the people around him. He is a determined trainer who doesn’t want to lose. His sparking heart leads him to be semi vi]ctorious. His bond with his munchlax leads him to be stronger. His out going characteristics make him a charging fun loving kid who is an amazing friend. But mainly his fun attitude makes him an enjoyable kid.
Home Region:
Pokemon Leagues or Gyms Defeated Before:
0 leagues 2 gyms
Starter Pokemon (must be a Basic, non-Evolved Pokemon and non-Legendary. Can't belong to the evolutionary line of any
Moveset: (8 moves)
Metronome, odor sleuth, tackle[/color]

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[quote name='Ketodama' timestamp='1335831398' post='5929700']
Sorry about the lack of posts from me. I'll read over and figure something out, maybe have Edward run into the fight between Aaron and X or Yamada and K.

Kinda boring when every opponent is already taken... By the way, is it cool if I have Ed run into Mew?
Well Yamada and K are locked in a room with Regice and no. It is not cool if Ed runs into Mew. Mew trying to help Yamada and Leon. Oh, and there's a Persian around here too.

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