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Pokemon, the Olene Island Challenge! [PG16 -OOC - Started/Accepting]]

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[quote name='KCNameless' timestamp='1335601299' post='5927378']
Like what keeps happening to me? :(It's really getting annoying. Both Damage and Kotomi totally blanked V approaching them. Had to read 3 pages of OOC this morning, and it's ruining this for me. It's a great RP, but it's just not working for me.
And Ketodama, you could bump in Aaron and Allegretto?

And K just happened to run into Regice? -_- There should at least be some puzzle or maze inside the Shrine.

Sorry man, I sometimes tend to not notice. I'll try to notice you more often ;)

Puzzle? not really, since X found Regirock's DNA outside the Shrine, It's because they've become active. There are a lot of long, dark path's that just go deeper under the Shrine.

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Yeah, it's a b**** being ignored. Now's the trouble with finding some way to make it seem as if the loud, angry, maniacal member of team genesis was merely ignored, when he blatantly just walked up to them and shouted in their face. ¬_¬ Or whatever else could've happened. But I dont see what.

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[quote name='Kotomi Ichinose' timestamp='1335636965' post='5927673']
Even though Leon and Yamada are messing around in the shrine.

We should have the trainers get together for the shrine plot.

Yeah that's the reason I ultimately decided not to go ahead with that idea. And I agree with Kotomi, the Trainers should be together for the shrine.

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[quote name='Kotomi Ichinose' timestamp='1335639637' post='5927707']
Well I plan to have the two "feline-like" characters try to free the Regis. And to have a little problem ruin Yamada and Leon's moment.

Hmm. I wonder who they could be. :DConsidering there are only two feline-like legendaries, let alone pink ones, plus your decision on a plot line, I think I could guess quite easily.

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[quote name='Kotomi Ichinose' timestamp='1335644697' post='5927773']
[s]Who's going to flood the shrine?[/s]

I was planning on Aaron having a run in on someone, and when Totodile's about to be defeated, he tells it to headbutt a wall. That wall would then break, which would reveal either a coincidentally placed underground lake, or a hole to an above ground lake. Although totodile faints after this last headbutt, the Lugia battling, league smashing, uber awesome Lapras is released, unleashing some uber wrath, revealing his identity, and hopefully scaring Genesis away, but not before they ( A ) Have Regi(s) or ( B ) have Regi(s) DNA.

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Seems like a good idea. And Yamada, Leon, K, and W could be battling deep in the shrine and have to find a way out before they drown.

Seems like a good idea. And Yamada, Leon, K, and W could be battling deep in the shrine and have to find a way out before they drown.

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Since everyone was meeting their legendaries, I figured I should mention mine. If I have time, I might take a little side trip in the desert for a few things. Which is why I wanted to go alone for a little bit.

To clarify a bit, Swablu doesn't have a name, yet. So it will be referred to as Swablu. Swablu the Swablu.

EDIT: I'm going to be needing a really powerful cannon that shoots people into a city in the sky. No reference there.

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