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Pokemon, the Olene Island Challenge! [PG16 -OOC - Started/Accepting]]

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I plan to have K find Giratina, but fail to catch it. But she will catch Palkia and Dialga, but she'll dump them both later.

I plan to have K find Giratina, but fail to catch it. But she will catch Palkia and Dialga, but she'll dump them both later.

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[quote name='HijackAttack' timestamp='1335488009' post='5926263']
When you make a CM: To teach it to a Pokemon, the Pokemon would have to be able to learn BOTH OF THE TMS YOU USED TO MAKE THE CM.

There's also a CM library. See below. You can make your own CMs. I'll add them too the library when I see it.
[spoiler=CM Library]CM01
Type: Electric
Category: Physical
Agility + Thunderbolt
Effect(s): Increases the user's Speed Stage by 1 Stage, inflicts damage, and has a 45% chance of paralyzing the opponent.
Description: The user's arms or appendages glow yellow, as the user rapidly punches the opponent, shocking the target.

Type: Psychic
Category: Physical
Zen Headbutt + Dragon Pulse
Effect(s): Deals damage and has a 30% chance of making the target flinch.
Description: The user's claws glow purple, and they quickly slash the opponent, causing heavy damage.

Type: Dragon
Category: Special
Hyper Beam + Draco Meteor
Effect(s): The user calls out, causing multiple powerful beams to rain down from the sky. The user must rest for a while, however.
Description: The user lets out a cry, causing multiple Hyper Beams to rain down from the sky at the target. The user becomes extremely tired after use.

"Mirror Geyser"
Type: Water
Category: Special
Hydro Pump + Reflect
Effect(s): Doubles the user's Defense and will always cause a move that inflicts damage to fail.
Description: The user shoots a blast of reflective liquid out from their mouth, reflecting an attack and smothering the opponent with the substance.
Well my character was a pokemon coordinator, so he already combines moves, sort of. You know what I mean. So this is even better, it will be like using a combination of three moves buahahahahaha!

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[quote name='Kotomi Ichinose' timestamp='1335495333' post='5926404']
I've realized that by now. Giratina is a small part of K's plot. She just needs DNA from Giratina and then I'll start the Mew/K/Kotomi/Yamada/Mewtwo plot because thats when K is going to try to create the powerful Pokemon.

W would give to K the DNA and encourage her to move on with the plan of making an ultimate pokemon. He'd even help her. He's actually a pretty nice guy. And both Dialga and Palkia is just uncanny an god-like, dare I say god-modded. And before Hijack, Nexus, or Damage say anything about what I just said, yes I'm a hypocrite.

@Hijack: Awesome song. It seems like you like to give people themes. If I recall, Greg's is Escape from the City by CashCash.

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[quote name='AkatsukiPride!' timestamp='1335555644' post='5926844']
W would give to K the DNA and encourage her to move on with the plan of making an ultimate pokemon. He'd even help her. He's actually a pretty nice guy. And both Dialga and Palkia is just uncanny an god-like, dare I say god-modded. And before Hijack, Nexus, or Damage say anything about what I just said, yes I'm a hypocrite.

@Hijack: Awesome song. It seems like you like to give people themes. If I recall, Greg's is Escape from the City by CashCash.

Yeah. It's partly because I play bass.

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Nice. I play drum set.

EDIT: Just cuz, I gave my characters theme songs.

Absol (Yeah, he gets a theme song)-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzCsLACnLtA&feature=relmfu

Stupid site wont make them hyperlinks...

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Hmm... Now that I look at it, it seems like K catching both of them is very overpowering. I'm going to alter the plot. It just wouldn't make sense to have her catch both. I stick to her catching Mewtwo and I'll have Yamada snatch up Mew.

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Ok, so K drops the Time and Space Duo, Yamanda catches Mew. W is gonna end up with Giratina, and just as a little spoiler, make a Deoxys clone. Archer finds Victini. X gets the Regi's and already has Darkrai, and he takes Zekrom from Caldus when he catches him. Aaron gets Lugia while S gets Ho-oh. Genesect is going to be involved later, no spoilers. Is that all?

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Mewthree? Um, no. And it'd be Mewfour, anyway. No one takes Mirage Mewtwo from Pokemon: Mirage Master or whatever it's called into account.

Yeah, good guys should get Palkia and Reshiram. Aaron already gets Lugia, Archer Victini, and Yamanda gets Mew. Leon and Allegretro should get them, or we command them collectivly. And Kyurem should be involved.

Look up Black Kyruem and Whit Kyruem from Black&White 2. They look awesome.

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I've found themes for my people too!

K - (Paper Mario 2: The Thousand Year Door - Shadow Queen Final Battle) [[[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcQ4Ttq4lzM]]"]http://www.youtube.c...v=qcQ4Ttq4lzM]][/url] Fits K nicely.
Kotomi - (Clannad - Kotomi's Theme) [[[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQACLvGwBMU]]"]http://www.youtube.c...v=zQACLvGwBMU]][/url] Kotomi is sweet, unlike K, so the song fits!
Yamada - (B Gata H Kei: Yamada's First Time - Oshiete A to Z; Opening Theme) [[[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0Yq6dtmFEQ]]"]http://www.youtube.c...v=j0Yq6dtmFEQ]][/url] If you've seen the anime... Nuff said.
Lillipup - (Sonic Heroes - Follow Me; Team Rose Theme) [[[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nhp4fT8iyS8]]"]http://www.youtube.c...v=Nhp4fT8iyS8]][/url] Don't really know why I picked this one...
Mew - (Clannad - Hurry Starfish; Fuko's Theme) [[[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXKblOkccvs]]"]http://www.youtube.c...v=hXKblOkccvs]][/url] It fits Mew if you listen.
Mewtwo - (Persona 4 - Pursuing My True Self) [[[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKrPtx6LzrU]]"]http://www.youtube.c...v=VKrPtx6LzrU]][/url] I think it fits him too. Just listen.

What do you guys think? Should I change them?

EDIT: Had to break the links and add the [[ to post them. Sorry, but please listen to them!
EDIT 2: Now the links work DX

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