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Yu-Gi-Oh! Hearts of Darkness *Reboot* [IC/PG-13/Started/Not Accepting]


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So much was happening all of a sudden, it seemed. First, the static storm and revelation of a Number holder, then Dr. Faker dropping in, and then a girl literally dropping in and challenging the Number holder to a Duel. It was becoming a bit much to follow, and III bit his lip thoughtfully. With luck, Dr. Faker would focus on this Duel, seeing as he allegedly came to this spot specifically because of the Number. While he considered that watching the Duel might reveal to him more about that specific Number, he still wanted to address the matter of the Duelist now standing beside him, and find out whether he too had a Number.

III passed Palir a sideways glance, then his expression lifted for the first time since Dr. Faker's arrival. "With so many exciting Duels during the Carnival, watching them all will set us behind everyone else," he said, smiling. "How about a Duel with me as your opponent?" he asked, gesturing to himself almost humbly.


Meanwhile, Jenna had been having very little luck acquiring a second opponent. Everyone she saw was either recuperating from a recent victory, in the middle of a Duel, or no longer could participate (she made a mental note to ask all potential opponents to prove they even had a Heart Piece before Dueling them). This was fine in the long run, since prelimineries would take a couple days, but it still felt like a pain.

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Thomas raised an eyebrow. [b]"So you run a Hero deck...as you probably assume, I do also. Not the Elemental variety, though...draw."[/b]He flicked a card stylishly out of his deck. [b]"Hm...I can't get over Woodsman at the moment. Therefore, I summon Vision Hero Vyon in attack mode. (ATK: 1000) When Vyon is summoned, I send a Vision Hero from my deck to the graveyard. I'll send Vision Hero Increase!" [/b]A man in a black and light blue suit with an elongated helmet jumped up next to Thomas. As it did, he took a card from his deck, and slid it into the Graveyard.

[spoiler=Vision Heroes Vyon and Increase]

[b]"Then I'll set two cards of my own, and end my turn."[/b]

Neo's Status:
Life Points: 4000
Field: V-Hero Vyon (ATK 1000), 2 s/t
Hand: 3
Grave: V-Hero Increase

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Greg flashed a grin.
"Sorry to dissapoint, lass, but I activate the effect of the Merciful Angel - Hope in my Extra Deck. By removing it from play and paying half my Life Points when I would take 2000 or more damage, all battle damage becomes 0 that turn."
[spoiler=The Merciful Angel - Hope]
The Merciful Angel - Hope
Level 6
ATK 1900 / DEF 2300
2 Fairy-type monsters
When you would take 2000 or more Battle Damage: You can remove this card from play from your Extra Deck and pay half your Life Points; All Battle Damage becomes 0 this turn.
"Hashino turn," said Greg. "Draw. I set 1 card in face-down Defense Position, switch Behemoth into Defense Mode and end my turn."

[GREG LP: 1250]
[HAND: 0]

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Under his mask, a quizzical look came over Palir's face. [color=#006400]A Duel...? Well... if you're sure...[/color] He pulled his deck out of a pocket, then rolled his left sleeve back up and stated the command. [color=#006400]Duel Disk, set![/color] Once again, his left forearm reconfigures into the shape of a clockwork Duel Disk, complete with analog Life Point counter. Palir inserted his deck into the holder, causing the lights on the 'table' to glow weakly. [color=#006400]Who do you... think ought to... go first? By the way... who are you... and what do... you want with... the Numbers?[/color] Palir's tone was still conversational, but a harsher edge underlay it beyond the slight metallic tone his voice already carried.

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[color=#000000][b]The Duel[/b][/color]

[color=#800080]"[i]You're[/i] not getting away!"[/color][color=#000000] Aivea conjured a lattice of electricity around Rai, preventing him from making his painfully slow escape, [/color][color=#800080]"Hmph, serves him right for thinking I forgot to claim my just reward. Now then... where [i]were[/i] [/color][color=#800080]we?"[/color]

[color=#4b0082]"Just make your move already!"[/color] [color=#000000]Akuma spat.[/color]

[color=#800080]"Oooooh right, [i]thaaat[/i],"[/color][color=#000000] Aivea mused sarcastically, [/color][color=#800080]"Anyway, I draw, and activate a Monster Reborn of my [i]own[/i], reviving my Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon in Attack Mode, and then I immediately have it attack Legendary Flame Lord with Neutron Blast!"[/color]

[color=#4B0082]"Well, now, I'll just have to activate MIRROR FORCE!!"[/color][color=#000000] [/color][color=#000000]Akuma shouted.[/color]

[color=#800080]"I counter your paltry trap with Forbidden Lance,"[/color] [color=#000000]Aivea stated in an ill-concerned tone,[/color] [color=#800080]"True, Blue-Eyes loses 800 Attack Points, but it still has enough power to destroy your Legendary Flame Lord."[/color]

[b][color=#000000]Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon's ATK: 4500 --> 3700[/color][/b]

[color=#000000]A lance had managed to pierce straight through the barrier that was meant to protect Akuma's monsters, thus allowing Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon's Neutron Blast to surge on through the hole created by the lance. Not all of the energy blast managed to make it through, but what [i]did[/i] make it was still strong enough to vaporize the Legendary Flame Lord on the other side.[/color]

[color=#000000][b]Akuma's LP: 6000 --> 4700[/b][/color]

[color=#800080]"Next, I activate De-Fusion, separating my Blue-Eyes into three different monsters,"[/color] [color=#000000]informed Aivea.[/color]

[color=#000000]The creature was no more. In its place were three still very large and still powerful monsters, each of which had more than enough power to destroy the Dark Magician and wipe out Akuma's Life Points... assuming she didn't have an answer to them.[/color]

[color=#000000][b]Dragon-type/LIGHT/Level 8/3000 ATK/2500 DEF[/b][/color]

[color=#4B0082]"I chain with Magical Hats, bringing in two Statues of the Wicked from my Deck and mixing them in with my Dark Magician, making all three serve as monsters,"[/color][color=#000000] Akuma declared, [/color][color=#4b0082]"This'll ought to stop your assault on my Life Points cold!"[/color]

[color=#800080]"Fine, I'll just attack all three of them!"[/color][color=#000000] Aivea retorted, [/color][color=#800080]"Go Blue-Eyes! Ravage the field with White Lightning! Then I set 1 card."[/color]

[color=#000000]After the three creatures attacked, Aivea signalled for Akuma to get on with her turn, taking note of the two tokens.[/color]

[color=#000000][b]Fiend-type/DARK/Level 4/1000 ATK/1000 DEF[/b][/color]

[color=#000000][spoiler=Turn 3][spoiler=Aivea's Status]LP: 6000[/color]
[color=#000000]Cards in Deck: 25[/color]
[color=#000000]Cards in Hand: 0[/color]
[color=#000000]Cards on Field: Blue-Eyes White Dragon x3 (Atk), 1S/T[/color]
[color=#000000]Cards in Graveyard: The White Stone of Legend x3, Totem Dragon, Hieratic Seal of the Dragon King, Polymerization, Future Fusion, Enemy Controller, Monster Reborn, Forbidden Lance, De-Fusion, Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon[/color]
[color=#000000]Banished Cards: N/A[/spoiler][spoiler=Changes to Akuma's Field]1S/T revealed to be Mirror Force; activated, but countered by Forbidden Lance[/color]
[color=#000000]1S/T revealed to be Magical Hats; activated, targeted 2 Statues of the Wicked from Akuma's Deck[/color]
[color=#000000]Legendary Flame Lord, Dark Magician and 2 Statues of the Wicked destroyed[/color]
[color=#000000]2 Wicked Tokens Summoned[/spoiler][/spoiler][/color]

[color=#4B0082]"Alright, deck, don't fail me [i]now[/i]..."[/color][color=#000000] Akuma stated simply to herself, before continuing, [/color][color=#4b0082]"DRAW!! And I activate Card of Sanctity, banishing my two Wicked Tokens so I can draw another two cards. And look what I have, here. Since you're the only one of the two of us that has any monsters, I can Special Summon Oracle of the Sun in Attack Mode, which I think I will! And I'll follow that up by summoning Arcane Apprentice, also which I place in Attack Mode."[/color]

[color=#000000]Two Spellcasters jumped into the fray, staring down the three Blue-Eyes White Dragons. Neither of the two monsters could stand a [i]chance[/i] [/color][color=#000000]against the towering monsters, but that's not why Akuma summoned them.[/color]

[color=#000000][b]Spellcaster-type/LIGHT/Level 5/1000 ATK/2000 DEF[/b][/color]
[color=#000000][b]Spellcaster-type/FIRE/Level 2/1000 ATK/400 DEF[/b][/color]

[color=#4b0082]"Now, I tune my Level 5 Oracle of the Sun with my Level 2 Arcane Apprentice to Synchro Summon Arcanite Magician in Defense Mode!"[/color][color=#000000] Akuma declared, [/color][color=#4b0082]"Also, since I used Arcane Apprentice as my Tuner, I get to add Assault Mode Activate to my hand,"[/color]

[color=#000000]As a new, much more formidable being stood his ground, assuming a defensive position, Akuma added said card to her hand.[/color]

[color=#000000][b]Spellcaster-type/LIGHT/Level 7/400 ATK/1800 DEF[/b]
[b]Arcanite Magician's Spell Counters: 0 --> 2[/b]
[b]Arcanite Magician's ATK: 400 --> 2400[/b][/color]

[color=#4b0082]"Oh, and one more thing,"[/color][color=#000000] Akuma informed, [/color][color=#4b0082]"Arcanite Magician gets two Spell Counters on it when it's Synchro Summoned. I can keep these Spell Counters to have Arcanite Magician gain 1000 Attack Points apiece, but that's obviously not enough to hold back your dragons. So I'll use both of them to destroy 2 of those Dragons and set Assault Mode Activate. I'll call that a turn."[/color]

[color=#000000][b]Arcanite Magician's Spell Counters: 2 --> 1 --> 0[/b][/color]
[color=#000000][b]Arcanite Magician's ATK: 2400 --> 1400 --> 400[/b][/color]

[color=#000000][spoiler=Turn 4][spoiler=Akuma's Stats]LP: 4700[/color]
[color=#000000]Cards in Deck: 27[/color]
[color=#000000]Cards in Hand: 0[/color]
[color=#000000]Cards on Field: Arcanite Magician (Def, 0SC), Assault Mode Activate (face-down)[/color]
[color=#000000]Cards in Graveyard: Advanced Ritual Art, Monster Reborn, Dark Magic Attack, Mirror Force, Legendary Flame Lord, Magical Hats, Dark Magician, Statue of the Wicked x2, Card of Sanctity, Oracle of the Sun, Arcane Apprentice[/color]
[color=#000000]Banished Cards: N/A[/spoiler][spoiler=Changes to Aivea's Field]2 Blue-Eyes White Dragons destroyed[/spoiler][/spoiler][/color]

[color=#000000][b]Dr. Faker[/b][/color]

[color=#800000]"Suppose I best be on my way, then,"[/color][color=#000000] Dr. Faker told the two after a brief sigh, having a more important duel to observe than that which Palir and III have suddenly decided to have. However, he didn't want to walk too far [i]ahead[/i] as he reckoned he should at least keep an ear on III. Still, he was likely [i]well[/i] ahead of all the other WDC participants, so he could afford to take a back seat for once. Faker had immediately witnessed Aivea launching the electric lattice on Rai, but he wasn't too concerned.[/color]

[color=#800000]"Hmm, something tells me to be glad I'm not [i]him[/i],"[/color][color=#000000] he muttered, before watching the duel unfold. Aivea was obviously making some sort of relentless dragonic assault, but Akuma seemed to be holding her own for now, despite taking a hit on her Life Points when her Mirror Force had backfired on her. Naturally, Dr. Faker was mentally rooting for Aivea for the moment, since he [i]knew[/i] Akuma intended to banish Number 91 upon her victory. That was something Dr. Faker couldn't afford to allow to happen.[/color]

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III gave a nod, then retreated a short distance from the ongoing duel, as well as the intended opponent, so that their link would not overlap with the other Duel. "Duel Mode, Change," he stated plainly, as he produced a white object and tossed it upwards. With an almost dramatic flick of his arm, he exposed his left arm, which had a Dueling gauntlet of some sort upon it. The thrown object expanded outwards, snapping its shape into a feather-like fan which in turn clicked into place on the gauntlet.

A green marking with an odd insigna flashed upon III's left hand, and an orange circular tattoo formed itself around III's left eye, much like a D-Gazer, changing the green iris to red instead. As the AR space formed around them, a voice informed them that the link had been successful.

III gave Palir a bright, friendly smile, pointing vaguely towards the virtual LP counter hovering above him, where his name was labeled as 'III'. "If you don't mind, I'll take the first turn," he said, not losing his polite manner as he flicked five cards from the top of his Deck, then drew a sixth. "My turn!"

His gaze flicked over the cards, pausing a moment before nodding. "I Summon OOPArts Golden Shuttle!" he stated. A mid-sized golden rocket materialized on the Field. (Lvl 4, 1300/1400) "Then, I activate the effect of my OOPArts Crystal Skull," he continued, revealing a card in his hand before slipping it into his Disk's Graveyard slot.

"When I control an OOPArts monster, I can send this card from my hand to add one 'OOPArts' monster from my Deck to my hand," III explained. "I choose to add OOPArts Moai," he said, revealing the monster and placing it in his hand. He paused for a moment, well aware of how he could combo this play further, but decided against it.

"I set two cards, and that ends my turn," III finished, two facedown cards appearing on either side of the Golden Shuttle. He looked towards his opponent. "My interest in Numbers is in what others can do with them," he stated, finally addressing Palir's earlier statement, although answering it vaguely.

LP: 4000
H: 3
M: OOPArts Golden Shuttle (ATK: 1300)
S/T: 2 f/d

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Amber was a little surprised by this turn of events, but she didn't let it bother her.. She was going to keep her cool, as she knew he would only to be able to do something like that so many times. In the end, it wouldn't matter. She drew her card and began her turn.

[b]"Alright then Greg... You managed to stall me for a turn I suppose, but lets see how long you can keep that up."[/b] Said Amber As she Placed her card face-up on the field. [b]"Alright... To begin my turn, I will play R.K. Cadet: Spike on to the field in Attack Mode, and then... I'll Overlay Both him and Geo to XYZ summon my Number Card.. Number 93: R.K. King - El Zebulos! Come on out by dear friend!"[/b]

First a Grey Hedgehog-like Character appeared in Green Armor and Rocket Boots and carried a sword on him. Then, Both he and Geo kneel down as An Elder Oppossum-like character in Kingly Attire and a large sword appeared. The look on his face was a calm, but some-what intimidating as he stared up at the Large Insect-like monster before him. He showed no fear whatsoever.

Kohaku's and her Options Attack are now at 6000/5800

[spoiler='R.K. Cadet: Spike'][img]http://i135.photobucket.com/albums/q159/Kohaku_The_Winged_Neko/RKC_Spike.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
[spoiler='Number 93- R.K. King El Zebulos (keep in mind that the effect has a typo)'][IMG]http://i135.photobucket.com/albums/q159/Kohaku_The_Winged_Neko/zeb.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler]

[color=#008080]"I am here M'Lady... Shall I remove this fowl creature from site...?"[/color]
[b]"We'll let Kohaku handle him... I want you to take care of that face-down monster he has in defense..." [/b]Amber looked to Greg [b]"Alright.. Now I will detach one of my xyz materials to send your face-down monster back to your deck!"[/b]
[color=#008080]"Young Cadet, Geo, loan me your strength and rest." [/color]

Zebulos pulled out his sword and dismissed Geo. Geo disappeared and left energy which was transmitted to Zebulos' Sword. Zebulos points his sword at the face-Down Monster and blasted it, not destroying it, but returning it to the deck.

[color=#008080]"It is done M'Lady."[/color]
[b]"Good.. Now! Kohaku Attack Steelworm Hercules!"[/b]

The young Feline Cadet rocketed up towards the Colossal Beast and aimed for the heart as she rocketed straight through it, leaving a gaping hole in it's chest and destroying Steelworm Hercules. <--- Assuming no response.

[b]"Now that Kohaku destroyed your monster, you know the drill, and once again, I will choose United We Stand, but instead of equiping it to Kohaku, I will equip it to Zebulo, putting him at 4200/3900. Zebulos and Option! Attack Directly for a total of 10200![/b]

Both Monsters Strike using Their Attacks, the Option's being a projectile blast like before, and Zebulos' being a wave of light formed as he swings his sword.

[Game- Winner Amber] <--- Assuming no response.

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[color=#daa520][b]“Isn’t this all about luck, I have been waiting a while for the tables to turn,”[/b][/color] James replied drawing a card with a wide smirk. [b][color=#daa520]“I should have known this from the second my turn started; your decks weakness is when your field is cleared by returning your BES to your hand. How foolish of me to have not figured it out,”[/color][/b] he said blind with arrogance as he slammed a card down. [color=#daa520][b]“I Normal Summon my Wind-Up Shark in Attack Position (1500/1300)(Level 4),”[/b][/color] he said triumphantly as an silver and blue metal shark emerged onto the field with an engine attached to it. Voices pounded his head with fury as they began to fill him with a desire for power.[b][color=#daa520] “I activate my [url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Wind-Up_Shark"]Wind-Up Shark’s[/url] effect that decreases its level by one (Level 3). You obviously remember that the effect of Wind-Up Factory will allow me to add a level 4 or lower Wind-Up monster from my deck to my hand.”[/color][/b]

[color=#daa520][b]“To be honest my luck has ran out, I could have swarmed the field…But making a scar into your strategy is good enough for me,”[/b][/color] James commented as he hesitated for a moment.[color=#daa520][b] “It's hopeless for you to win, I will equip my Wind-Up Shark with Megamorph doubling it's orginal attack (3000/1300)...Now Wind-Up Kitten and Wind-Up Shark will attack you directly!”[/b][/color] he commanded as the small robot cat activated a vacuum pushing a gust of wind towards Seth (Seth: 2200 Life Points)(If no Response) and the jet themed shark blasted towards Seth firing an rally of missiles from it's mouth at Seth (Seth: 0 Life Points)(Assuming no response).

[b]LP: 2000[/b]
[b]Deck: 27[/b]
[b]Hand: 1[/b]
[b][b]Monsters: Wind-Up Kitten in Attack Position (800/500), Wind-Up Shark in Attack Position (3000/1300)(Megamorph)[/b]
[b]S/T zone: Wind-Up Factory[/b]
[b]Grave: 13[/b]
[b]Banished Zone: 0[/b][/b]

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[color=#000080]"Sorry Kid.. but I have other ways of dealing with punks like you! My face-down card activate! Magic Cylender causing you to lose 1500! Now I'll draw my card, and play it immediately! I play Poison of the Old Man! I can either deal 800 damage to you, or gain 1200, and I choose to deal 800 to you!"[/color]

And Old man appeared from the spell card an poured the poison on the the ground, creating a purple haze, which in turn depletes the last of Jame's LP. <<--- Assuming no response.

[color=#000080]"It's over kid... I win!" [/color]Said Seth as he deactivates his D-Gazer and Duel Disc approached James.

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James frowned as the last of his Life Points were wiped away to nothing (James: 0 Life Point). [b][color=#daa520]“It…Is over,”[/color][/b] he replied weakly as his black tuxedo slowly faded back into his white tuxedo and he fell down to his knees exhausted. He had little to resist to Seth’s comment as he held out his Heart Piece from his pocket. [color=#daa520][b]“As anted, here is a Heart Piece for your victory Seth. Congratulations. I hope to see you in the final,”[/b][/color] James informed as he then gave a smile; little would anyone watch realize the anger inside him.

[color=#daa520][i]‘I was so close, I almost had it…What will Omega say knowing that I got put out so easily on my first duel in the WDC just when it begins?’[/i][/color] James thought shivering numbly. [i][color=#daa520]‘How could I be in this bit of pain? Was it the Number or the Photon Transformation?’[/color][/i]

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[color=#000080]"Don't take it so hard kid.." [/color]Said Seth as he accepted the Heart Piece. [color=#000080]"You actually almost had me there... There's only one person who has ever been able to cripple my deck and win, and I'm the one who taught her how to play."[/color]

As Seth watched James walk away, he said one last thing. [color=#000080]"Hey kid! I've heard a rumor that there are hidden Heart pieces lying about.. If I were you, I'd look for one before you throw in the towel or otherwise get officially thrown out of the tournament. Good luck."[/color]

Soon the boy was no long in sight, Seth compared his two Heart Pieces, but could not determine if they were a match for sure,

[color=#000080]"Hmph... It seems these pieces could go on either side of the heart.. They both cover one curve on either side of the heart... hmm.. It'd be easier to tell if I could tell which side was supposed to be the front... Oh well.. Time to find another challenger..."[/color]

Seth then began to walk about looking for a suitable opponent. He couldn't find Greg Anywhere at first... until he felt the power of Amber's Number.

[color=#ff0000]"It would seem that the girl has summoned her Number, I've sensed Greg's Number as well, though this time it was a little different. It's gone now however..What a weakling Greg is. Worthless!"[/color]

[color=#000080]"You're wrong 89... He's not weak, nor is he worthless.. Amber is simply more skilled than Greg, and her Number has the power to easily send monsters away from the field... Lets check it out..."[/color]

[color=#ff0000]"If you wish..."[/color]

Seth wandered toward the Duel Amber and Greg were in the middle of just before the Duel was about to end. He finally got a good look at the number that Amber had, and how she used it to her advantage. He was a little surprised at how brutal Amber had become as a duelist, was she that determined to stop him...? He had to stop and wonder. He decided to stand by and wait to see the outcome.

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James was startled after hearing from Seth. [color=#daa520][i]‘This person he talks about sounds familiar, who would Seth know who has an strategy against BES?...Whatever, my next priority is to regain myself into having at least one Heart Piece before Omega or one of these Bouncers find out,’ [/i][/color]James thought as he left the alleyway they dueled and skimmed his mind across the streets to find a suitable Opponent to find. There was none. James then checked his Extra Deck and was surprised to find his Numbers still there.[color=#daa520][i] ‘OK, Seth didn’t suspect a thing, or did he?...Nevermind, I have to find an Opponent and trick them into betting their Heart Pieces against mine,’ [/i][/color]James smiled as from his pockets he found several fake Heart Pieces that he bought in preparation incase of an emergency.[color=#daa520][i] ‘From an distance even Bouncers will be fooled. I just have to not lose or I will then have to rely on Omega,’[/i][/color] he realized as he continued onwards.

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Greg raised 1 hand in his defense, his red eye glowing. There was a flash of light, and he tumbled backwards, onto his knees. He looked around.
[i]This isn't Heartland...[/i]He thought, looking around and getting to his feet. The surrounding area was some sort of sanctuary on the clouds, a temple surrounding a massive tree with golden leaves. A masked knight clad in blue, red, and white armor with a halo floating over its head stood before him. Flanking it on both sides were Poki Draco and Plasma Behemoth. The Number looked at Greg, crestfallen.
[b][i]It made you wager me, [/i][/b]the Behemoth said. [b][i]This may be the last time we see each other.[/i][/b]
"But I would nev-" Greg began, but the Knight motioned for him to stop.
[color=#0000cd]We know, [/color]replied the Knight. [color=#0000cd]It was [i]them. [/i]They made you wager your Number in a Duel. You dueled. You lost. Now Number 76 belongs to your opponent. [/color]
[color=#ff0000]Me and Behemoth were trying to tell you to snap out of it, man, but we couldn't. Something had imprisoned us. [/color]Poki Draco told Greg.
"What do you mean, [i]they?[/i]" Greg asked.
[color=#0000cd]The Darkswarms, [/color]answered the Knight.
"You mean those cards were-"
[color=#0000CD]Yes. Evil. You will fall under their control again soon, but for now you are safe. [/color]
"Is there anything I can do?" The boy asked of the Knight, who nodded, handing him a half-deck of cards.
[color="#0000cd"]These are the Radiant and Angel cards. Add them too your Steelswarm deck. They will help you combat the Darkswarms. I am Radiant Genesis Knight. [/color]Genesis Knight handed Greg his Xyz monster card. [color=#0000cd]I will assist you, as well. [/color]Greg took the card. [color=#0000cd]It is time for us to go. [/color]
Plasma Behemoth and Greg looked at one another. The Number's soon-to-be-former owner wiped tears away from his eyes.
[i][b]Guess this is it, [/b][/i]76 told Greg. [i][b]I'll see you around. [/b][/i]With that, the scenery started to wash away, like paint, leaving only white. The void began to glow, and Greg was blinded.

[left]When the light cleared, Greg saw the surroundings in which he had dueled. He was on his back. Getting up, he added the Radiant and Angel cards to his deck. He took both Number 76: Plasma Behemoth, and it's Malefic counterpart, Black Heart Behemoth, and tossed them to Amber. He also threw 1 more card: Number M93: R.K Overlord - Diablon Zebulos.[/left]
[left][spoiler=Number M93: R.K Overlord - Diablon Zebulos (You can make changes too it if you want)] [/left]
[left]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned, by removing from play 1 "Number 93: R.K King- El Zebulos" from your Extra Deck. There can only be 1 face-up "Malefic" monster on the field. Other monsters you control cannot declare an attack. If there is no face-up Field Spell Card on the field, destroy this card. Once per turn: You can Banish 1 face-up Beast-Warrior-type monster you control; Banish 1 monster your opponent controls and inflict damage to your opponent equal to the banished monster's Rank or Level x 300.[/left]
[left][/spoiler] [/left]

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Josep walked back from the hotel, going around the streets looking defeated, he may not have lost but he sure felt it, he looked around towards the other duelists still in battle and wondered if there was any way for him to overcome this deep feeling of loneliness....he had felt it ever since he heard about Numbers, and ever since one had hurt Hannah....

"What exactly are these Numbers?" he began to wonder, and at that moment he felt a strong pain in his stomach, the same pain he had felt so many times during this whole tournament....ever since his first duel with Yuki, It didn't have anything to do with him....he could feel that...but ever since he first summoned Red-Eyes....he held himself and moved into an alley, the city may have been mostly clean but alleys were alleys, and he tripped over his own feet in his disorientation. He honestly felt he was gonna throw up, the pounding in his head increasing more and more until....nothing. It just went away. "What was that?" he asked, no one responded, and he simply headed out of the alley, in the air however Red-Eyes' Darkness' Dragon's Hologram was perched on the roof, glaring at Josep as he neared Amber's group once more, the only people he knows even remotely.

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Palir looked up at the AR screen and drew his hand. His immediate thought was that 'III' sounded more like a code name, but decided not to press III on it. He frowned when looking at his hand, and began thinking of a way to play this. After III announced the end of his turn, Palir drew his sixth card. [color=#006400]My turn, draw! Entering Main Phase... 1. I Normal Summon... "Card Gunner"(Lv.3/400ATK/400DEF) in... Attack Position. Next I'll activate... its effect. By sending the... top three cards... of my Deck... to the Graveyard... it gains 500... Attack Points... for each. "Card Gunner"'s Attack... Points become equal... to 1900 until... my End Phase.[/color] Palir proceeded to do this, sending "Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 Inashichi", "Seven Tools of the Bandit" and "Bottomless Trap Hole" to the Graveyard, and he winced behind the mask. [color=#006400]Entering Battle Phase. "Card Gunner" attacks... your "Golden Shuttle". Next... I enter the... Main Phase 2... and set one... card face-down. Turn end. "Card Gunner" returns... to normal.[/color] Finishing the movements of his cards onto his Disc, Palir thought about III's last statement. [color=#006400]What others can... do with them? In the same... manner as her?[/color] This last remark was combined with Palir pointing in Aivea's direction.

Palir's Field State (assuming no response):
LP: 4000
Hand: 4 cards
Field: 1 Monster (Card Trooper 400ATK)
1 f/d s/t

Changes to III's field (assuming no response):
"OOPArts Golden Shuttle" destroyed by battle
III receives 600 Battle Damage

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"Ooh! Vision Heroes!" Blazey chimed at Neo's opening move. "I'm not too familiar with those. They like to swarm to the spell and trap card zones, right? Anyway, draw. (Hand: 5, one of which is Polymerization)" Blazey looked over her hand, weighing her options. "So," she started, "I'll Normal Summon E-Hero Heat in attack mode! (ATK 1600) He gains 200 attack for each Hero I control, including him. I count two, so he's at 2000!" Blazey smirked. "Nice, huh? 2000 defense for Woodsman, and 2000 attack for Heat. I'll set a face-down, and now, Heat, attack his monster!" Heat raised his right arm, creating a ball of fire around his fist. "Flare Impact!" He charged at Vyon, yelling, "For Skyscraper!" in stead of "For Sparta!" because he was indeed not Spartan.

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[b]"Indeed, they do. In fact, I'll start doing that right now." [/b]Thomas didn't react as Heat rushed forward (although he did have a vision of Peter yelling "FOR NARNIA!"). Vyon was hit by Heat's attack, and disolved into little holographic sparkles. (Neo: 4000 -> 3000) [b]"Now, I activate the effect of the Vision Hero Increase I sent to my graveyard. When I take battle damage, I can place it in my spell and trap card zone as a continuos spell." [/b]A short-ish man with spiky white and red armor appeared behind Neo. He seemed to be shimmering, like he was a hologram that was flickering. [b]"This is the power of the Vision Heroes...they can resurrect from the grave as images. Of course, an image can't do anything to you. But who says a vision can't become reality? Anyway...is your turn done?"[/b]

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III raised his Disk defensively as his Golden Shuttle shattered apart, inflicting 600 damage to him. (III LP: 3400) He seemed about to respond, but did nothing, watching calmly as Palir finished his move with a facedown card.

Before drawing, he paused, "Among other things. How a person reacts and uses a Number for whatever agenda. The Numbers seem to have almost limitless applications," he said brightly, then flicked a card swiftly to his hand. "My turn now!"

He studied the cards carefully, then nodded. "I activate the Spell Card OOPArts Technology!" he stated, the Spell revealing itself. "By banishing my OOPArts Golden Shuttle from the Graveyard, I pick up two cards, and send one to the Graveyard," he explained, drawing two cards, revealed to be OOPArts Crystal Bone and OOPArts Colossal Head. He casually slipped Colossal Head into the Graveyard.

"During this turn, I cannot Special Summon monsters, except for OOPArts," III added as an afterthought. "I Special Summon OOPArts Crystal Bone!"

In front of him, an odd silvery skeleton materialized. (Lvl 3, 1300/400)

"Crystal Bone can be Special Summoned if my opponent controls monsters while I do not," III explained brightly. "When Summoned by this effect, I can Special Summon an OOPArts monster from my hand or Graveyard. I Special Summon my OOPArts Crystal Skull!"

The skeleton's body shimmered, and a hole appeared in the ground, a silvery skull materializing from that void. (Lvl 3, 900/600)

III raised his hand over his Field. "I Overlay my 2 Level 3 OOPArts!" he announced. The two monsters shimmered, dissolving into pale streams of light before launching into the air and entwining themselves. The ground opened into a red swirling vortex, which the two beams of light swiftly descended into. "Xyz Summon!"

The vortex exploded outwards, showering the field with sparks as a purple skeletal being emerged, twin spheres of light orbiting its winged body and its chest bearing a reflective orb. "OOPArts Crystal Xenoform!" (Rank 3, 2100/1000)

III thrust his hand forward. "Crystal Xenoform, attack Card Gunner!"

The bizarre creature brought its claws in front of its chest, forming a beam of energy and then launching it towards the small robot.


LP: 3400
H: 3
M: OOPArts Crystal Xenoform (ATK: 2100, Overlay 2), attacking Card Gunner
S/T: 2 f/d
Grave: OOPArts Technology, OOPArts Colossal Head
Banish: OOPArts Golden Shuttle

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Blazey nodded at Neo. "Yeah, I'm done. I'm interested to see what you do now. So yeah, I end." She winked at Neo again. "Gimme your best. Don't hold back because I'm a girl." Mikey had a very serious look on his face. [i]Whats he planning on summoning? Trinity? Adoration? I've never known that much about Vision Heroes. Wonder what He'll pull next?[/i]He looked up at Blazey. "You can do it sis! Just let the elements flow through you and go with what'cha got!"

Blazey Stats-
Field: Woodsman DEF (2000), Heat ATK (2000)
Backfield: 3 set
Hand: 3, one of which is Polymerization
Grave: None
Banished: None
LP: 4000

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As the strange, crystalline alien's attack reached his monster, Palir braced himself. [color=#006400]Argh![/color] (Palir LP: 2300) [color=#006400]Tch. When "Card Gunner"... is destroyed... I can draw... one card.[/color] Looking at the card he had drawn, Palir began to feel a bit better about his chances in the duel. [color=#006400]"Limitless potential." I believe that... I've heard that... one before. Power has many... applications but I... can't help but... feel that many... of these "Numbers"... are merely malicious.[/color] Palir stared at his Disc for a second, almost wistfully. [color=#006400]I believe that... your turn has... not yet completed.[/color]

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III examined his remaining cards, considering just how much more resources he wanted to commit against the still unevaluated opponent. "I'll end my turn with that," he said finally, gazing calmly back at Palir. "The Numbers being malicious is possible, but without study, one will never be sure. What a person does when in control of a Number may vary, it depends on the heart the card touches."

He waited for Palir to begin his move.[i] If he has a Number, he may soon be in a position to Summon it.[/i]

LP: 3400
H: 3
M: OOPArts Crystal Xenoform (ATK: 2100, Overlay 2)
S/T: 2 f/d

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Amber caught the cards and heart piece, which were passed over to her by Greg, and she looked to him. She could see that Greg was different somehow.

[b]"H-hold on a minute... You seem different from before Greg.. Are you alright...?" [/b]Amber asked..

[color=#008080][i]"M'lady..? Is something the matter?"[/i][/color]
"[i]I can't help but feel that accepting his number is wrong and out of place.."[/i]
[i][b]"Greeting young master.. [/b][/i][i][b]I am Plasma Behemoth, how might I address you?"[/b][/i]
[i]"Oh. My name is Amber.. I'm sure you are familiar with Zebulos already.."[/i]
[i][b]"Yes.. I apologize for what happened, but I can't help but notice you are feeling a bit perplexed. Is there something wrong...?"[/b][/i]
[i]"You tell me Plasma.. Did something happen to Greg...? He's different all of the sudden..."[/i]
[i][b]"Darkswarms... They took control of him and.."[/b][/i]
[i][color=#008080]"Forced him to wager you on this duel...."[/color][/i] Zebulos looked to Plasma Behemoth and bowed his head apologetically [color=#008080][i]"Forgive me... I falsely pointed my past aggression towards you..."[/i][/color]
[b][i]"It is alright, I would have probably done the same."[/i][/b]
[color=#008080]"[/color][i][color=#008080]It would seem that there are others we must worry about M'lady..."[/color][/i]
[i]"You're right... but first.. I have one thing I must do.. Plasma... I'm afraid that I cannot be your master, You belong with Greg.. Not me."[/i]
[i][b]"Are you serious?"[/b][/i]
[i]"Yeah! He didn't wager you on his own, I shouldn't take you away... If it were me and Zebulos in that position... I would be devastated.. So.."[/i]

Amber reached out to Greg, and grabbed his hand. and placed the placed the card back from where they came, but held on to Zebulos' alternate card.

[b]"You really only bet one number on this duel.. So I'll just take this card, and the heart piece." [/b]She said with a smile. [b]"Take GOOD care of him, okay, and don't ever let this happen again. The next person you come across may not be as kind."[/b]

Amber, despite needing another number around just to keep her safe from Bacterian, was more than happy to let Greg keep his number, cause she knew that he would need him just as much, if not more than she would have. Plus, the threat on Greg was immediate, Amber wouldn't have had to be concerned until the time came to duel Seth. She then looked to Leon (and Josep if he is present)

[b]"Alright guys, [/b][b]We should probably keep searching for more challengers so you can all get your heart pieces, and so that I can find Seth and free him from his wicked number 89."[/b]

[color=#008080][i]"Well Said M'Lady... and Good luck to you Plasma."[/i][/color]

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IV looked in surprise as the girl (Amber) was able to pull through and defeat the young boy's (Greg) M-Number and other dark cards. "So," he said, "She's a Number Holder? Number 93: R.K. King El Zebulos. Seems interesting. She'll be one of my targets. I'll wait a bit." He raised an eyebrow when he saw Amber give Greg his Number back. "A holder, but she's no hunter." He then looked over at Greg. "He seems like a good target. I'll go after him soon. But no need to rush, they just finished." He then inspected the other boy with Amber (Leon). "Could he be a holder? If he were a hunter, he'd be in a good stop to strike. Lets wait and see." He stood a bit longer atop the building before leaving.

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Seth wasn't too surprised that Amber had won the Duel, but he was very surprised when Amber had chosen not to take Gregs number as a prize. Instead she took a different card, but Seth had very little idea as to what card that was.

[color=#000080]"Very curious... She could have easily had a new number at her disposal, but she took some other card instead?"[/color]
[color=#ff0000]"Clearly the girl has a weak heart, to simply refuse such power. Or perhaps she's cocky?"[/color]
[color=#000080]"And she just pockets the heart piece without even comparing it to those she already has... It's like the ONLY reason she's hear is to come after me."[/color]
[color=#ff0000]"Who cares, that pathetic creature didn't stand a chance before, and she never will... And Human... Don't think I have forgotten your actions before."[/color]
[color=#000080]"Yeah.. well I honestly do give a-" [/color]Seth suddenly stopped to put his hand over his forehead and his eyes were changing to red. [color=#000080]"Agh! What are you.."[/color]
[color=#ff0000]"I will be taking over from here on out! hahahaha!"[/color]
[color=#000080]"Uuugh! I can't let Amber see.." [/color]As Seth ran into an Alley to fight against his own number. [color=#000080]"A..Aaah!"[/color]

Try as he might, Seth's mind could not put up much of a fight, as his eyes turned into a deep red, and he finally was forced to stop struggling. As he spoke, both his and Number 89's voice were one.

[color=#800000]"Now that I have you under my complete control... We will find more Duelist and spread my influence across the city, and then the world!"[/color]

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[color=#006400]My turn, draw![/color] Palir focused on the card he had just drawn. [i][color=#006400]Would now be the right time to use this? I may need it later, but I can't do anything while ha has that monster. Also, a Number user's action depend on their heart?[/color][/i] He shook his head, then proceeded to put his current plan into motion. [color=#006400]From my hand... I activate the... spell card... "Heavy Storm"! This destroys all... spell and trap... cards on the... field.[/color] With the card's activation, a small hurricane began to form around the duel, threatening both III's and Palir's spell and trap cards.

Palir's Field State:
LP: 2300
Hand: 5 cards
Field: 1 activated s/t (Heavy Storm)
1 f/d s/t

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