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Comic Book Classics - My first cards on YCM!!


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I wanted to make Spell and Trap cards that incarnate different aspects of Comic Book characters instead of numbly creating monster cards for the characters themselves.



What do you think? This is my first stuff....

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Pretty good. Try to calm down on the extremeness of some cards, like Venom's(and Joker's could be used for a kind of cheap OTK). I like Captain America's card a lot though, really imaginative.


Also, if you wanna give more depth to cards than simply making monsters of them, I suggest also making Normal monster cards of them, then creating equip cards and the such which can only be applied to them.

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Pretty good. Try to calm down on the extremeness of some cards, like Venom's(and Joker's could be used for a kind of cheap OTK). I like Captain America's card a lot though, really imaginative.


The Joker's card I wanted it to be unfair. hehehe. I mean, afterall, he fights unfair.


I also like the whole idea of the Symiote Infection card. It's whole purpose is that you and your opponent switch places and you each see how badly you can damage each other by playing AS each other! mwahahaha. That is perfect for a card called Symbiote Infection.


I guess I could make them a bit less overpowering.... but then again..... meh.



Here are some more that I just created:















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I didn't know if I could double-post on this or not but um...


Well... after thinking about the Joker's trump-like card... I decided to make it a bit more reasonable. Check it out! I also decided to edit a my Cpt America card.


Thanks for all the positive feedback so far.


I also decided to create a few more cards, just for good taste. What do you think of my cards on a 1-10 scale (10 being best)?


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[attachment=24647] [attachment=24657] [attachment=24662] [attachment=24664]

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I was just reading through some of the rules and I realized I should probably post this... the card art above this message are not originally from me. I have used Wikipedia to get the images of the super heroes / villians.


Could somebody please review my more recent cards? I'd like to know what you think of them. Thanks.

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