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Pokemon Paramount Ventures: The Legendary Cygrus Region; Co-Hosted by -Dharc- and Zextra [IC - Not Accepting/Started]


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As Silver and Alex was rushing to the ferry port where people were ready to board, Alex was trying to run ahead of Silver, “[color=#FF0000]You’ll never catch me Silver.[/color]” Silver gave a smug look on his face as if he was accepting his challenge, though he tripped on a rock that he did not see. A thought then came into his head and thus he asked Alex,
“Hey mate, what if we can’t get to the ferry in time?”
“[color=#FF0000]Don’t worry, I have a Gyarados which we can use to get to Rockius, a red one if that.[/color]”
“A Red Gyarados?” Silver said as he got up and trying to get head start on Alex when he wasn’t looking, but Alex tripped him up again, but knowing he had a Gyarados, Alex asked Silver,
“[color=#FF0000]How about a quick battle?[/color]”
“But the ferry?” Silver replied, but Alex instantaneously replied “[color=#FF0000]I have a Gyarados, remember? So are we gonna battle?[/color]” Silver gave a nod as they both got a pokeball ready for battle.

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[font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][color=#8b4513]Rose hesitated, then smiled. "Hey, good job, Caden! I didn't think you were [i]that[/i] strong...Wow. Now I'm kinda nervous about battling you after the Rockius Gym..." Rose laughed sheepishly, then let the world fall silent again.[/color][/font]

[font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][color=#006400]Nathan was the next to speak up. "Well, Judas? Are you going to leave now? I don't suppose you want me to battle you too?" Nathan looked at Judas quizzically, looking for a hint of fear in the Elite Four member's eyes. He saw nothing but fury and madness.[/color][/font]

[font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][color=#daa520]"Dammit...Mark my words, brothers Caden and Nathan Azure, when the time comes, you will be kneeling before me, begging me to not destroy you. And when that day comes...I will grant you no reprieve." Judas moved in closer, grabbed Caden's cheeks in his hand, and leaned in. "You. Will. Fall." There was a slight electrical flicker in Judas' left eye, and he shoved Caden away once more. He pulled on a cloak and stormed off into the woods. Zangoose slowly picked himself up off the ground and limped after him, casting glares in the direction of Nathan, Caden, and Rose.[/color][/font]

[font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][color=#006400]Nathan turned back to Caden. "So, can we talk now? Or is somebody else going to worm themselves out of the woodwork and challenge you?"[/color][/font]

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[color=#ffa07a]"Saved him?"[/color] Sierra hadn't gone on. Maybe she didn't want to, but Bree didn't think it was something she would've been sad about. Sierra was smiling at her Castform as she said this, clearly being proud of having him with her. Then again, maybe it's a story she'd rather share with someone she knew.

Well Bree didn't know anyone else. Not from around here, anyway. She didn't know where to go to outside of Greenvine Hill so she's never really explored. Thinking about it now, she wished she had. No wonder she feels she's stuck in a rut.

Pixi noticed how Milo's expression changed. Maybe the flower didn't sit well with him after all. She immediately grew worried but had no idea what to do.

[color=#ffa07a]"Hey, do you wanna.. explore with me? I've never been outside of the Greenvine area. I just think maybe it'd be a good idea since we're both new here."[/color]

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[color=#000000]All of a sudden, Coral looked up angrily, only to see that the girl's back was turned to her. Strange, she had her eye on the girl for all this time, and she [i]did[/i] yell and curse so loudly that she could startle [i]anyone[/i] within a mile radius. Coral softened her glare nonetheless, correctly assuming that the girl had only been startled temporarily, and now saw that she was watching a Pokemon battle. Coral [i]herself[/i] was none too interested in the battle, and only wanted to see what the [i]girl [/i]was up to.[/color]

[i][color=#4b0082]'Oh well, at least they didn't compromise me as much as I [b]thought[/b] they would,'[/color] [/i][color=#000000]Coral thought to herself.[/color]

[color=#000000][b]Olivia Redwood[/b][/color]

[color=#800080]"Alright, let's get going, Dino,"[/color][color=#000000] Olivia stated, [/color][color=#800080]"Let's see if we can catch ourselves a Surskit."[/color]

[color=#000000]Dino moved on ahead in the forest, while Olivia kept an eye out for Grass-type Pokemon. That wasn't because she wanted one, no soiree. Rhyhorn were known to struggle against Grass-types because of their slow nature, and Dino was no exception. Several different species Grass-types were around these forests, but although there were a similar number of species of Bug-type Pokemon, Surskit were nowhere to be seen. However, Dino found something of interest; honey. It stormed after it, unaware that it accidentally disturbed a nest of Beedrill in its wake. Olivia however, saw the swarm coming from a mile away.[/color]

[color=#800080]"DINO!! LOOK OUT!!" [/color][color=#000000]she called, hoping to get the Rhyhorn's attention on the swarm.[/color]

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A flicker of panic or fear rushed through Caden as Judas grabbed him; As Judas reprimanded him, Caden could have sworn he saw something flash in Judas' eye. However, the next thing he knew, he was shoved against the ground as Judas stomped off. Caden winced for a split second before he started pushing himself off the ground. As he got up, Judas' words echoed throughout his brain: "You. Will. Fall." Though Caden was unsure of what Judas meant, there was a constant, uneasy feeling resonating throughout his body, telling him that Judas would not stay down for long.

Caden suppressed the awkward feeling before turning to Rose. "I don't think you should be worrying about that too much" he responded, managing to force a smile. He then turned towards Nathan. "Oh, excuse me Rose, could you give us a minute?" he added hurriedly before trailing off with Nathan.

"Sure, I think all the distractions are gone - so what's up?" Caden asked.


Rectus stood atop the Cygrus Elite Four Headquarters, which towered above Evraflow City. He removed the pair of binoculars from his eyes. "Hmm...I didn't quite see that coming, but it makes things interesting nonetheless" he commented, a slight smile spreading across his face. "Now, to observe how Judas takes this...I hope he won't freak out and blow up a building like last time..." he thought, rolling his eyes, before heading into the elevator behind him.

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[font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][color=#8b4513]Rose nodded. "Sure, Caden. I'll just go and spend some time over here, training with my Pokémon..." Rose knew something was up, but he dared not ask what it was. It wasn't his place to ask...He just barely knew the two. He'd probably just get in the way...[/color][/font]

[font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]— — —[/font]

[font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][color=#006400]Nathan sighed. "Caden, listen..." he hesitated. "There was...An incident. You see...Dad died." He paused for a moment. "Now, listen, Mom and everyone else are fine. It seems like it was just an accident...But that's not truly what happened. Y'see, Caden, there was some guy running around Sootopolis, looking for the Cave of Origin. Now, as you know, it's been sealed off for some time, and it was Dad's turn to stand guard. So, the guy runs up and says something to Dad about needing to enter the cave. Now, of course Dad didn't let him in. Now, we enter the gap in the story. So, the man forces Dad into the cave, and a couple minutes later, the man leaves. However, Dad is nowhere to be found. So, another person goes to investigate, and they see Dad's arm protruding from a pile of fallen rocks."[/color][/font]
[font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][color=#006400]Nathan stopped and sniffed as all people due when they cry.[/color][/font]
[font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][color=#006400]"Now, I'm here because I asked around basically all of Hoenn, asking if anyone knew about the man. Then, someone told me that he bore the logo of a criminal organization here in Cygrus. The organization is called 'Team Nebulus', and they're looking for Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza, Thundurus, Tornadus, and Landorus. This person also told me about an organization called 'Team Draconius', who is looking for Dragon-type legendary Pokémon. So, that's the long and short of it." Nathan wiped is eyes. "Oh, right, here. Mom told me that Dad left this Pokémon for you. She said you and this Pokémon are 'meant to protect eachother', whatever that means." Nathan handed Caden a Pokéball with a tarnished surface, as though it had been used for many years.[/color][/font]

[font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][color=#000000]— — —[/color][/font]

[font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][color=#daa520]Judas stood in a clearing in the forest of petrified trees at the outskirts of Graklus Isle. He held his head in his hands, and a strange noise was coming out of his mouth. It wasn't quite words, but more sophisticated than the primal noises one makes when they are upset...It sounded like another language...A language beyond human pronunciation and comprehension. Finally, he shouted, and the noises stopped.[/color][/font]
[font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][color=#DAA520]For whatever reason, Judas understood what all of it meant...The Pokémon Thundurus had spoken through him once more, as he always did in his dreams...[/color][/font]
[font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][i]"Thou art I, and I am thou...Thou hast given me the strength to escape my prison...Thou must now giveth me my means of escape..."[/i][/font]
[font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][color=#daa520]Judas screamed and slammed his fist into a petrified tree trunk. It cracked a little, and Judas cut his hand. He stared down at his clenched fist, and an electric-blue magatama-shaped mark appeared on the back of his hand. His cut healed itself instantly with a brief burst of sparks, and there was no sign it had ever existed in the first place. The mark disappeared as well.[/color][/font]

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Seraphine took her focus away from planning her next destination, which was Gradnis Village. The first gym was located in the small village and was a bit far in the north, making walking by foot seem like it'd be in vain rather than taking the trouble to take a faster method, but she had insufficient cares to see a loss of time as significant. She was exceedingly quiet recently, only replying to Axew with expressions and movements though she'd finally use her voice upon being called. Either way, she had begun her preparations for leaving such a fruitless destination. She had no expectations but realized the redundance of beginning in this place when she'd be alone, anyway. While she fled here as a means of improving her situation, she had no loneliness to fear, as if she ever did, with her Axew.

She quickly scouted for an exit, attempting to be as inconspicuous as possible so she would not attract attention, at least not in a place where everybody was a servant who seemed to have forgotten their places. Seraphine didn't have to notify Axew of her leaving, Axew following her step with loyalty as she continued north and left the town. Nothing of interest had occurred and she was appreciative she could venture with nobody to be a distraction. Outside the town, the scenery was very clean and untainted. The grass was practically emerald, the wild pokemon lively and people harmless. She looked north and could see the mountain marking her being nearly to Gradnis, though she intends to train her Axew a bit in order to give herself a chance at winning.

Nigh an hour past walking, she encountered a dead Seismitoad. It was an incredibly odd sight, with pale skin, a bone broken enough to impale the skin surrounding it and burn marks. It had wounds sufficient to deform its body. The Seismitoad's stomach was cut open but badly taped back together. What could be seen through the tape repelled her; disfigured corpses and blood smeared across the tape and filling the Seismitoad's body. Seraphine calmly walked away as she saw the Seismitoad's babies were eating its corpse, not realizing it was their own mother. She hoped to forget the image, but it had been engraved in her mind, appearing by itself. The image in her mind was easily ignored, though, as she had been very used to macabre and gruesome imagery. 

She continued walking north, wondering if anything would happen as she decided to sit besides a tree with the Axew holding a piece of Seismitoad meat in its mouth and take a break.

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"Oh...I see..." Caden replied, somewhat dazed as he accepted the Pokeball. "That's...really too bad..." Caden thought about the situation, but was surprised regarding his own reaction - though there were signs of sadness on his face, Caden had not even come close to tearing up. Sure he was sad upon hearing about the death of his father, and his face showed it, but it was nothing compared to the extent of Nathan's remorse. He looked up sadly at Nathan. "Sorry, Nathan...I hope he's resting well, wherever he is..." he sighed as he embraced his brother, attempting to comfort him.

"I know this is much harder on Nathan than it is on me..." Caden thought, trying to conjure up the few memories he had of his father. "Since dad was on constant business trips since I was born, I was never able to bond with him the way Nathan must have...I mean, I've probably only seen the guy ten times, but even then..." he recalled as he began to close his eyes.

"Team Nebulus...Team Draconius...Nathan, I know why you're here now...and I have a request: Let me help you track down those teams. Please...I'd be willing to quit the league if it means being able to find the ones who took down Dad, and to be able to restore order around here; I owe you at least that much" he muttered softly, subtly glancing around to make sure that nobody was around them.

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[quote name='salseethrough' timestamp='1334791617' post='5918372']
[color=#ffa07a]"Saved him?"[/color] Sierra hadn't gone on. Maybe she didn't want to, but Bree didn't think it was something she would've been sad about. Sierra was smiling at her Castform as she said this, clearly being proud of having him with her. Then again, maybe it's a story she'd rather share with someone she knew.

Well Bree didn't know anyone else. Not from around here, anyway. She didn't know where to go to outside of Greenvine Hill so she's never really explored. Thinking about it now, she wished she had. No wonder she feels she's stuck in a rut.

Pixi noticed how Milo's expression changed. Maybe the flower didn't sit well with him after all. She immediately grew worried but had no idea what to do.

[color=#ffa07a]"Hey, do you wanna.. explore with me? I've never been outside of the Greenvine area. I just think maybe it'd be a good idea since we're both new here."[/color]

"explore?" Sierra repeated after Bree as if she had never heard the word before. She mentally slapped herself for acting before thinking. Travelling with someone would definitely be nice, but doing so also increased the risk of slipping up and saying something she shouldn't. Then again declining would not only be rude but also weird and suspicious. "[i]ugh, neither answer is actually going to do me well!" [/i]she thought to herself, knowing she had to answer soon or it'd seem even more odd.

"Yeah sure, I haven't really had a chance to have a look around myself yet and I guess it's more fun if you're not all alone" she answered, trying her hardest to both sound and look cheerful. She didn't know how good of a job she did with that but hopefully she just came across as a bit nervous or shy if she seemed a bit odd.

Milo's body was turning gradually redder from the inside and his eyes were watering slightly. That flower had triggered something in him, and it was making him run hot, really hot. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" he yelled and as he did flames came spewing out from his mouth.

Sierra turned around as she heard Milo's shriek and then frowned when she saw him spewing flames around him, obviously having eaten that flower. "damn it Milo, you know you can't eat flowers!" she yelled and grunted a bit as she started to dig around in her bag for something. She found it eventually, bringing out a squirt gun which she aimed at the flamethrowing Castform and squirted a couple of times, knowing this would help him cool off quicker than just having him spew flames around him for quite a while.

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Sierra repeated the notion aloud and seemed to be thinking about it. [color=#ffa07a][i]Dang it. I probably asked something too sudden for her. I hope she doesn't say no. I don't wanna have to go around on my own. Dang it, dang it, dang it...[/i][/color]

But Sierra had answered her question with a yes, also saying that she hasn't explored either. [color=#ffa07a]"Oh my gosh, yes!" [/color]Bree actually started jumping up. She almost hugged Sierra, but hadn't for she knew Sierra had her reservations. [color=#ffa07a]"You're [i]soo [/i]not gonna regret this! Do you wanna go to, like, a store or somewhere to get yourself ready? Or, are you good now?" [/color]She really couldn't wait until they were on their way. She was finally gonna get out of the rut she's dug herself into.

Sierra had then tended to her Castform, who was spitting fire like mad, spraying some water to cool him off. Pixi ran from the spray of water and sought shelter behind Bree's legs.

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After a couple of sprays Milo had cooled off enough to stop spitting fire around him, but he still had a faint red glow to his body. He sighed a bit from relief and then drifted off to Sierra, smiling and dancing around her to show his appreciation.

Sierra sighed a bit and put the squirt gun back into her bag again, turning back to Bree again. "Sorry about that, I don't know why he keeps eating flowers because he knows it makes his current element go berserk." She apologised, shooting Milo a small glare to let him know that she had not appreciated his behaviour right then. "I think I'm good to go, my dress is a little bit dirty from when I fell on the ground but it's not too bad. I can always wash it later" She said, being a bit caught off guard by how excited Bree seemed to be by it all.

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Both trainers threw their pokeballs in unison as the one-on-one battle commenced, Silver's pokeball sent out Luxio and Alex's pokeball sent out Sneasel. It looked as if it was going to be an even match as Silver called out the first command,
"Luxio use Spark!" Blue electricity appeared around Luxio as it charged onto his foe,
"[color=#FF0000]Icy Wind Sneasel![/color]" Alex said to counter Luxio's attack in an attempt to slow it down to do less damage, Sneasel then decided to stand his ground as the now slower Luxio's attack made contact with Sneasel, causing some damage. "[color=#FF0000]Now go for the Ice Punch![/color]" Alex called out as Silver shouted "Dodge!" just before the point of impact "Now Thunderbolt!" As Luxio jumped out of the way, it released more blue electricity fired straight at the unaware Sneasel causing significant damage.
"[color=#FF0000]I think we'll try Ice Beam![/color]" Alex commanded as Sneasel fired a freezing beam at the Luxio, as Silver got a smirk on his face "Use Spark right at the Ice Beam!" Alex was shocked at this idea as he was thinking Silver was risking it. Blue electricity appeared around Luxio as it charged towards the Ice Beam, as the Ice Beam made contact with the attack, although an ice shell appeared around Luxio, his attack was still going through, Silver's risk paid off "[color=#008080][b]Freezing Spark[/b][/color] Luxio go!" The new combo move had shocked both Alex and Sneasel to the point that Sneasel couldn't do anything to stop the oncoming attack, causing it to faint.
"[color=#FF0000]That was a great battle, i certainly didn't see that attack coming.[/color]" An impressed Alex said to the triumphant Silver "[color=#FF0000]I haven't felt that fired up since, as long as i can remember.[/color]"
"Now its onwards to-- oh drat." Silver replied as he saw the ferry had gone.
"[color=#FF0000]Well, on my Gyarados then.[/color]" Alex said in response as the both of them raced down to the harbor.

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Olly woke up to a much-too-violent nudge from Glaceon, though he managed to avoid a dip in the ocean this time. He looked up from his Pokémon to the small village in front of him. The dock was incredibly small, being able to fit three or four small boats, or a couple of Pokémon. The town was quiet and peaceful, and as he got up onto the docks, a group of kids ran past to look at his Lapras. Laughing, Olly put Lapras' pokéball back onto his belt, letting the kids play with his pokémon for a bit. Lapras seemed content with this, so Olly went on ahead to through the small village, nodding cheerfully at some of the passersby, searching for an inn or pub or something of the like.
He found it quickly, being one of the loudest parts of the village, and entered quickly, his glaceon staying close to her owner. He chuckled a little as he looked around. The men looked like hardened farmers and were obviously physically strong, but they seemed like nice cheerful folk, and it was slightly comforting for Olly. He smiled slightly and walked to the bar, ordering a small bottle of local beer.
Drinking a bit, and savouring the flavour, he turned his head to look at the nearest window, looking directly at the Gym, waiting for some trainers to appear; while Glaceon jumped up on the seat next to him and curled up, keeping a wary eye out for trouble.

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[color=#ffa07a]"Haha. Maybe he just likes their flavor so much, he forgets what happens to him. If you think you're ready now, then alright! Let's go!" [/color]Bree almost grabbed Sierra's hand as she turned around to walk towards Greenvine Hill, but thankfully she remembered the girl's introversion. Vulpix tagged along mewling out loud, jumping and swiping at Bree's messenger bag, attempting to remind Bree that she herself forgot to ensure she was equipped for the start of her adventure. Bree eventually got the hint and began rummaging through its contents. [color=#ffa07a][i]Two potions, a bag of berries, extra Pokeballs.. Yeah, I think I'm good.[/i][/color]

Bree couldn't contain how happy and excited she felt this. She was finally getting out there. The thought of catching her own Pokemon, battling trainers and Gyms, seeing the world, it was ground shaking to her. Bree was incredibly grateful that Sierra had agreed to join her. This might of not happened otherwise. On that note, Bree had turned around to see of Sierra was actually following her. She had never made sure while her brain ranted.

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"Possibly, I hope he stops though because not only is it annoying it can also be dangerous" She said, giving a slight shrug. Milo seemed to have cooled off completely now, being back to the regular shade of orange that his sunny form should have. He was also back to his curious and easily excited self, zooming past Pixie and Bree and circling them while Bree was going through her bag.

"[i]was that what she meant with being prepared? Having pokeballs and potions?" [/i]Sierra thought to herself, observing Bree silently from a short distance away and then jumping a bit and hurrying to catch up with her as she saw the girl looking back at her. It seemed this Bree girl had herself all figured out at least, that must be nice. "[i]I need to figure out what I want to do now" [/i]she thought to herself, being careful not to get all caught up in her own mind again as that wouldn't be very appropriate now.

Training had never appealed to her, she didn't see much of a point to just collecting badges and being 'strong'. But her plans of a scientist career had been thrown out the window after the incident so she had better figure out another path for herself, and soon. She knew she was slowly losing herself to her painful past. Finding a new dream might help that.

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The previously flaming spewing Milo was now floating around Bree and Pixi, and Pixi took it as a challenge. She began running after Milo, jumping after him, trying to catch him between her paws. After a moment, Sierra had caught up with her and Bree turned and resumed walking down the intended direction once again.

[color=#ffa07a]"Yeah, I noticed. He was just throwing flames left and right earlier. Well, it's a good thing you've known your Pokemon long enough to know his quirks. As far as I've known Pixi, she's like me."[/color]

Bree was now leaving the park area where she'd met Sierra and Milo. At present, she was facing Greenvine Hill. Bree knew from overhearing locals that a forest was nearby, but what is farther down after the hill? Or did one have to enter the cave and wander through it, eventually reaching the other side. The other side being the forest of course. Either way she had no idea.

[color=#ffa07a]"Um, I don't know if you would know, but do we have to enter Greenvine Hill to get to the forest that's near by, or..." [/color]She turned to Sierra while walking forward still.

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"Yeah, it took me a while to figure out what exactly caused it but then I realised it was the flowers" she stated and shrugged a little. "Well that's the most important thing really, you'll pick up on other things as time goes by believe me" Sierra reassured Bree, and observing Milo teasing the Vulpix by floating higher up so she couldn't reach him, sticking out his tongue at her.

"Um.. I'm not sure to be honest. I haven't really looked at a map or anything yet. I wasn't even sure where I wanted to head first" Sierra answered, scratching her cheek a little as they were walking. "Why are you so keen on getting to that forest if you don't mind me asking?" She then asked, hoping she didn't come across as rude. She was merely trying to make some small talk. The more she talked the more likely she was to not slip off to her own little place inside her mind again.

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Becca stared at the sky boredly, listening in to the basics of the conversations around her. She wasn't in the mood for battle. She vaguely knew many of the trainers around her, and knew that battles against them would be boring and easy to win even when she played fairly. And she well knew the quality of her fair play wasn't as good as that of her more devious actions. Nowhere near as good.

From the corner of her eye, she saw two people talking. One sounded upset, the other not so much.

After a moment, it sounded like nothing new whatsoever. Some accident somewhere, father was killed bla bla. Run of the mill accident, could happen to anyone anywhere.

For no reason, she suddenly remember the League in Sinnoh, and her horrible - to her standards - defeat at a competitor younger than herself by a few years. Humiliating. She hated herself for weeks afterwards, and hated the damned Milotic-


She turned around quickly, looking at the boy who didn't sound so sad.
[i]No way. It can't be.[/i]
Becca balled up her hands into fists, and hid them in the pockets of her jacket.
[i]Why is it that when I'm adventuring, [/i]he [i]just so happens to be in the same area, showing off his skills by beating Elite 4 members? Why?[/i]

Realizing she probably looked insane, staring daggers at another, so she stood up and walked away quickly, not looking back. She frowned as she walked, replaying that horrible match in her head over and over.
[i]Why is it that when my guard is down, that damned kid reappears to mess with my mind? Now my luck will be against me and he'll be an opponent of mine at the Conference. Dang it.[/i]

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[color=#ffa07a]"Yeah. I'm sure you're right." [/color]Bree looked at Pixi, who was getting frustrated by Milo. He was easily dodging any of her leaps, just soaring up a little above her reach. She eventually gave up after he stuck his tongue out at her and started walking by Bree, holding her chin up high. Bree smoothed over the tuft of fur on Pixi's head. [color=#ffa07a]"But either way. I love her Pixi already. It's not so much that I want to get to the forest. I just want to get out of Greenvine. There's nothing there. And I'm hoping a Pokemon that I'll wanna catch will be there. Do you know how in Viridian Forest, you can find a Pikachu? I'm hoping the same is true for this region's forest. Or-" [/color]Bree gasped to herself. [color=#ffa07a]"Or maybe an Eevee! Oh my gosh I'd love an Eevee! Two of them!"[/color]

Bree couldn't help but fantasize. She knew Eevee's were extremely rare. But, she was happy to settle for a Pikachu for a while.

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[color=#000000]It wasn't until Coral realized that the old man had a Zangoose that her little spying mission was under serious threat of being compromised. She always had a problem with Zangoose; one that was in fact so big that she wanted to kill every Zangoose in the whole of the Pokemon world. Normally she'd just go [i]right up[/i] to the old man and seize it from him, but what about that girl? Wasn't Coral supposed to continue to spy on her? All of a sudden, she [i]completely[/i] forgot why spying on her was so important. Instead, she focused on the old man with the Zangoose, and approached him, casting a glare of pure venom.[/color]

[color=#000000]However, Coral remained mostly silent, only giving off the occasional hiss at the lesser man, and just [i]waiting[/i] for him to release that Zangoose once again so she could beat the cursed Pokemon to death. Perhaps she was too expectant of the girl to intervene. It might explain why Coral opted to take a more cautious approach after all, which wasn't her usual style.[/color]

[color=#000000][b]Olivia Redwood[/b][/color]

[color=#000000]"Rhy?" Dino turned around after collecting the honey, just in time to see the swarm of Beedrill, "HOOORRNN!!"[/color]

[color="#000000"]Charging at the swarm with its Take Down attack, Dino managed to disperse the Beedrill, but they dodged the attack with ease. But that's not the reason why Rhyhorn used Take Down; it just wanted the Beedrill out of the way for the moment, so it could drop the honey off in a safe place. It was after it was done with that that Dino [/color][i][color="#000000"]really[/color] [/i][color=#000000]wanted to fight off the Beedrill, as it stood its ground while the Beedrill swooped in after it, waiting for an order from Olivia.[/color]

[color=#800080]"Wait for it,"[/color][color=#000000] Olivia stated, allowing the Beedrill to get closer to Dino, [/color][color=#800080]"Wait for [i]it[/i]! NOW!! Use Rock Blast, go, go, go!"[/color]

[color=#000000]Dino fired off a barrage of rocks at the Beedrill, just when they got too close to avoid the attack. All of them had fainted in one fell swoop, as they lay fainted over the forest floor where Dino had fought them.[/color]

[color=#800080]"Yay, good job, Dino!"[/color][color=#000000] Olivia complimented, [/color][color=#800080]"Now let's go get that Surskit."[/color]

[color=#000000]Olivia already took off in search of a pond, but Dino had took some time to recollect the honey, before racing after her.[/color]

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[color=#006400]Outside the Cygrus Elite 4 HQ at Evraflow, Desu walked forward and got out his binoculars and looked all around looking for suspicious activity. He walked around the HQ constantly looking through his binoculars, when he got back to his starting location he rose to the conclusion, "No sign of the enemy around here, perhaps i'll have better luck from the top." He gave a little sigh and then he said "I wonder how Silver is doing, maybe he'll encounter the enemy."[/color]

Meanwhile at the ferry port, Alex sent out his Gyarados ready for them to go to Rockius "You really do have a red Gyarados." Silver said with awe. "[color=#FF0000]Would i lie to you?[/color]" Alex replied with a smirk on his face, though his statement led to Silver questioning him, "Well.. there was the.."
"[color=#FF0000]Ok i get your point.[/color]" Alex interrupted "[color=#FF0000]So you gonna get on then?[/color]" But before Silver got on, he froze dead in his tracks, Alex wondered why this was and just shrugged it off whilst he waited for Silver who heard another female voice like last time.

"[color=#800080]Silver, be careful out there, your friend still needs to be protected.[/color]"
"I know Cresselia, it's not like i don't know what i'm doing and if something happens i'll try to fix it, like when he fell into the nightmare during our Sinnoh adventure."
"[color=#800080]Ok, good luck.[/color]"

When Silver came to, he shrugged off the whole incident as if it didn't happen, but Alex was getting a little impatient "[color=#FF0000]C'mon Silver, time's a wasting here.[/color]"
"Yes Alex, i'm coming." Silver swiftly replied as he done a little run up and jumped onto the Gyarados which was ready to leave for Rockius.

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Milo giggled a little and drifted off in front of the girls and the vulpix, taking an opportunity to investigate some buildings and lamp posts before any of the others could have a chance to do so. He did make sure to stay somewhat near the group though as he didn't want to get separated from them.

"Oh I see, fair enough I guess" Sierra simply stated, walking on. She guessed the girl was a run of the mill trainer like most others, not that she had a problem with that. Training was just not for Sierra, not really. But she needed to figure out something she could do with herself, maybe she should capture some Pokemon as well? It would certainly keep her mind busy and if her mind was busy she wouldn't drift off.

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[color=#ffa07a]"Yeah. Hm, well I think I see a trail that goes beyond Greenvine Hill. I'm supposing it'll lead us to the forest. Unless.. you want to go inside the cave. Which I'm completely okay with! I'm not scared of the dark or anything.. like that." [/color]Honestly, she was afraid of the dark, but besides that, Bree couldn't think of any Pokemon from a cave that she would want for herself. So, she left it up to Sierra.

Bree was out of Greenvine now, passing the welcome sign and entering the dirt route. It, indeed, was a great, sunny day, hence Sierra's Castform being in his fire form. The cave of Greenvine Hill was getting closer on the right. She could swear there was a hint of honey in the air, as well. Which led her to think of honey trees, and that lead to the forest. So she was sure if she kept on the trail, she'd get to the forest.

[color=#ffa07a]"You [/color][color=#FFA07A]don't talk much, do you?" [/color]The question had just launched itself and Bree realized that it couldn't easily become awkward between them, so she continued. [color=#ffa07a]"But that's okay. You probably think I talk a lot. Say! What made you agree to join me? Did you want to leave Greenvine, too?"[/color]

Pixi noticed that Milo had lingered a little behind and actually slowed down to be between the girls and the Castform, calling him. She thought maybe Milo had forgotten they were leaving amidst his investigating of Greenvine, and she didn't want him to get lost.

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"No I'm alright, I don't like the idea of wandering through a cave too much" Sierra answered honestly, hoping it didn't make her sound like a total wimp. They walked in silence for a while after that until Bree broke the silence by stating that she was quiet. "Um, yeah sorry. I've never been very good at making small talk" she answered and blushed a little. "I don't mind that you talk lots, it makes it easier on me really" She then added, making sure that Bree didn't think she found her annoying. "Well, mostly I'm just trying to 'find myself' really. That's why I was staying at Maiden's Peak as well, but that place was way too creepy for me to be doing any kind of finding at all" She explained, shuddering a little at the memories from the creepy village.

Milo hurried up to Pixie after she had called for him, making a lap around her and then rushing up to Bree and Sierra, staying right behind them but at a low level so that Pixie wouldn't be annoyed by him flying around too high up.

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[color=#ffa07a]"Oh, that's good. I didn't want to go in there either." [/color]Bree continued on, passing Greenvine Hill. [color=#ffa07a]"I'm glad you don't think I'm annoying. I would think the type of person you are would find my person a little irritable. But you're cool." [/color]Bree attempted to give Sierra a nudge on her elbow. For whatever reason, she felt Sierra and her could be friends. [color=#ffa07a]"I think 'finding yourself' isn't something you set out to do, but more like something you just come across. You find it, like you said, but without looking for it."[/color]

Pixi followed after Milo, and soon caught up with the girls, appreciating the fact that he wasn't flying so high. She felt as if at any moment, she could just pounce up and catch him. And that apparent fact actually satisfied Pixi enough that she didn't need to prove it to herself. Instead, she blew an ember of flame at him and sprinted up ahead the trail, laughing.

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