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This is a series of cards dedicted to my favorite enemies from paper Mario. They are called Yuxes


Yuxes are biological creations made by hte evil "X-Nauts".Each time they attack, they spawn "Mini Yuxes", which begin to orbit them. The Mini Yuxes an't attack you, but when enough are orbiting the Main Yux (This number is different for each.), a force field is produced and the Yux is invunerable to items and attacks. If a yux has its max number of mini yuxes cicling them, they can do a repeating combo attack.


Grodus, the leader of the X-Nauts had the best in Yux technology installed in him. HIS mini yuxes. (Called Grodus X's) are cabable of attack and are more durable than most mini yuxes.



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