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Midgets' Conformity

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Monster: 15
Water Spirit-3
Tune warrior-3
Ojama Yellow-3
Ojama Green-3
Ojama Black-3

Spell: 16
The Law of the Normal
Heart of the Underdog-3
Enchanting Fitting Room-2
Future Fusion
Super Poly-2
Dark World Dealings-2
Mystical Space Typhoon-2
Heavy Storm

Trap: 11
The League of Uniform Nomenclature-2
Common Charity-3
Narrow Pass
Call of the Haunted-2
Solemn Warning-2

Extra: 15
Terror Byte-2
Ojama Knight
Ojama King
Armory Arm-2
Iron Chain Dragon
Black Rose Dragon-2
Stardust dragon-2
Mist Wurm-2

Basically get out your tuners ASAP and continue to flood your field with them to get Synchros out fast. Use revival cards to continue synchro summoning until you win.

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1. Why are you using Super Poly?
2. Why aren't you running Torrential, Dark Hole, Monster Reborn, Solemn Judgment, Fiendish Chain or Duality? At max.

Duality > Common Charity, so replace Common Charity with Duality.

Running Birthright over Call of the Haunted is stupid. Neg 1 Birthright for a Call of the Haunted.

I genuinely would fix more, but it's impossible.

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