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HQ Logo Wanted - Name Your Price


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I need a logo that says ".:RED♦DUSK:." and must include this render: [url=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/063/7/e/sephiroth_render_by_l_renders-d3avcl0.png]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/063/7/e/sephiroth_render_by_l_renders-d3avcl0.png[/url].

It's very important that the logo be high quality and you can use the logo entitled ".:BLU•DAWN Logo" in my sig as a reference to how I want it to be styled like. Not saying I want it exactly the same, the best way I can explain it is to make the logo an "opposite" of it. Red is the main color that you must use.

As for the payment, you can name your price and if it's reasonable (not like 10000000 points) then I will gladly pay it. I will also give credit if necessary.

~Thank you in advance~

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