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Bilbo Baggins

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Trolling is associated with video games at time, it's just nearly as detestable as in the other places.


Trolling is the act of purposefully attempting to bring out anger in a person. This is done quite a lot in games with unexpected or cheap tactics. I've seen plenty of these kinds of things, taking out snipers who think they're well hidden in any FPS game, suicide moves in Smash Bros, unblockable wall combos in 2d fighters, etc.


Favorite one for me is in Smash Bros. Play as Kirby/DDD, get down to 2 lives with your opponent's 1, jump off the edge, suck them up with B, die. Can do the same with Bowser's forward smash B.

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I'm a gaming troll. I always go for those "You're a hardened penis" moves whenever possible. And yes, big difference from just winning. Doing the moves I mentioned earlier could give you victory, but it is more necessarily more for just making your opponent reag. It is why I like to play in a controlling position (or in Kid Icarus, Aggro-Control with Hedgehog Claws + Freeze).

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