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Starlight Chaos!: King's new Sacred (stellar) build?

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[center][spoiler='Deck List'][/center]


1x Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
1x Honest
1x Sangan
2x Stellar Pollux
2x Stellar Gredi
2x Tour Guide From the Underworld
2x Tour Bus From the Underworld
3x Stellar Kaust
3x Stellar Sheratan
3x Cyber Dragon


1x Heavy Storm
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn
1x Foolish Burial
1x Pot of Avarice
1x Mind Control
1x Book of Moon
2x Stellar Starsign
2x Instant Fusion
2x Mystical Space Typhoon


1x Solemn Judgment
2x Solemn Warning
2x Torrential Tribute
2x Xyz Reborn


1x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
1x Number 61: Volcasaurus
1x Number 50: Black Corn
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Leviair the Sea Dragon
1x Verz Ouroboros
1x Wind-Up Zenmaines
2x Musician King
3x Stellar Pleiades
3x Stellar Ptolemys Messier 7

The main deck is pretty much completed, could use some help on the side deck though. Discuss.

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So you put BLS and tour guide in stellar and called it chaos when chaos isnt even a reliable win condition here with BLS as your only chaos monster?

I would...

-1 Foolish
-2 Bus
+1 Pollux
+1 Tour guide
+1 Raigeki break/fiendish chain

2 Gellenduo
2 Veiler
1 D.D. Crow
1 Spirit Reaper
2 Rai-Oh
2 Bottomless
2 Royal decree
1 Gorz
2 Maxie

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[quote name='mido9' timestamp='1334225017' post='5911143']
2 Gellenduo
2 Veiler
1 D.D. Crow
1 Spirit Reaper
2 Rai-Oh
2 Bottomless
2 Royal decree
1 Gorz
2 Maxie

Thank you for giving side deck suggestions, but can you please explain on Gellenduo and why he should even be considered for the side deck? I'm not dissing the card I'm just asking why because it's an odd suggestion. And by "Maxie" do you mean "Maxx C"?

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[quote name='=KINGSTAR=' timestamp='1334236883' post='5911256']
Thank you for giving side deck suggestions, but can you please explain on Gellenduo and why he should even be considered for the side deck? I'm not dissing the card I'm just asking why because it's an odd suggestion. And by "Maxie" do you mean "Maxx C"?
Gellenduo blocks off the evolzars,reaper wont work so well against them since they lance it,marshmallon activates his burn so they can dollkka it,so this is the best wall,it also has a solid 1700 which can destroy kabazauls or guaiba and fuels chaos food.

Maxie is maxx "C".

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