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DK be taking Lightsworns to Dallas (and it's at 40 cards! O:)

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[quote name='Manjoume Thunder' timestamp='1334133702' post='5909884']
dandylion won't do much for the deck

I thought the same thing when I decided to throw it in. But honestly, it's increased my synchro options. On top of that, it's helped me be quite defensive when put into a tough spot. But I understand your reasoning, and it's more of a personal touch of mine along with Blade Armor Ninja. ^^

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Take out one garoth and one JD for either troopers or a wulf and a trooper.
[quote name='jabber2033' timestamp='1334155438' post='5910109']
-1 CyDra
-2 Garoth
-1 Aurkus
-1 Dandylion

+1 Celestia
+1 Wulf
+2 Card Trooper

That's what I'd do anyway.

I'd also side the Veilers in place of a pair of Dualitys

Garoth, arkus and Cydra are good to have. Garoth adds speed, arkus is a name, and CyDra is for Zenmaines.

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Rai-Oh or a 3rd Jain is better than CyDra if you're not Rank 5ing. Keep CyDras in the side if you're worried about Wind-Ups. I'd happily switch a Reincarnation for a Duality. If you don't have a Duality, well, I have no clue how you don't have a Duality.

Gozen Match is far better than Rivalry of Warlords, by the way. Especially since you're running Lightsworns.

In the side:

-2 Hanewata
+2 Doomcaliber Knight/Maxx "C"/D.D. Crow/Compulsory Evacuation Device/More Dualities

Add in Fiendish Chains if you have them. Add in Gorz if you have one. Add in 1 Beckoning Light alongside your Royal Decrees.


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[quote name='.Rai' timestamp='1334340616' post='5912455']
Rai-Oh or a 3rd Jain is better than CyDra if you're not Rank 5ing. Keep CyDras in the side if you're worried about Wind-Ups. I'd happily switch a Reincarnation for a Duality. If you don't have a Duality, well, I have no clue how you don't have a Duality.

Gozen Match is far better than Rivalry of Warlords, by the way. Especially since you're running Lightsworns.

In the side:

-2 Hanewata
+2 Doomcaliber Knight/Maxx "C"/D.D. Crow/Compulsory Evacuation Device/More Dualities

Add in Fiendish Chains if you have them. Add in Gorz if you have one. Add in 1 Beckoning Light alongside your Royal Decrees.


1: I've tested my LS with Duality. It just doesn't work for some reason. .-.
2: ....I AM running Gozen Match. .-.
3: Avarice no work for me in testing!!!!! D:

I will consider all other suggestions as they are good ones. But I do enjoy having a Cyber Dragon mained. :3

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[quote name='Dwarven King' timestamp='1334341009' post='5912461']

1: I've tested my LS with Duality. It just doesn't work for some reason. .-.
2: ....I AM running Gozen Match. .-.
3: Avarice no work for me in testing!!!!! D:

I will consider all other suggestions as they are good ones. But I do enjoy having a Cyber Dragon mained. :3

oh lol, mixed up the two cards. Never mind about that :P

In testing, Avarice is probably just you having unlucky draws. Should work in concept anyway.

Duality's more a preference choice really. Recharge and Charge are by far enough. Depends on your personal consistency/power balance.

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[quote name='.Rai' timestamp='1334341168' post='5912464']
oh lol, mixed up the two cards. Never mind about that :P

In testing, Avarice is probably just you having unlucky draws. Should work in concept anyway.

Duality's more a preference choice really. Recharge and Charge are by far enough. Depends on your personal consistency/power balance.

I've been known to mill nearly half my deck first turn using the Charge and Recharge. xD

[quote name='Manjoume Thunder' timestamp='1334341234' post='5912465']
The way I see it, Zenmaines is going to be huge against this deck and Cyber Dragon is a 1-card answer (the only other answer he has is ehren) to it that pluses.

This man understands.

You guys should take a look at what EXACTLY I have here in Dallas with me for YCS. If you guys don't mind, would you go to the following link and leave some comments on each build? We would appreciate it!


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[quote name='yugipwn' timestamp='1334354528' post='5912691']
last time i checked wulf is great to have in your hand when you have lumina. just throwin that out there lol

But that's with Lumina/Recharge

There comes times where you don't have CotLB or the combo peices, so it can and will clog you :/

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