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Taking Quickdraw to YCS Dallas

Miror B

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This is the list as it stands currently. I will list possible changes depending on trades after the list.

[color=#ff8c00]Monsters: 24[/color]
[color=#FF8C00]2x Card Trooper[/color]
[color=#FF8C00]1x Dandylion[/color]
[color=#FF8C00]2x Doppelwarrior[/color]
[color=#FF8C00]2x Effect Veiler[/color]
[color=#FF8C00]2x Junk Synchron[/color]
[color=#FF8C00]2x Level Eater[/color]
[color=#FF8C00]3x Quickdraw Synchron[/color]
[color=#FF8C00]2x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter[/color]
[color=#FF8C00]1x Sangan[/color]
[color=#FF8C00]2x Spirit Reaper[/color]
[color=#FF8C00]2x Synchron Explorer[/color]
[color=#FF8C00]2x Tragoedia[/color]
[color=#FF8C00]1x Unknown Synchron[/color]

[color=#006400]Spells: 12:[/color]
[color="#006400"]1x Allure of Darkness[/color]
[color=#006400]1x Charge of the Light Brigade[/color]
[color=#006400]1x Dark Hole[/color]
[color=#006400]1x Heavy Storm[/color]
[color=#006400]1x Monster Reborn[/color]
[color=#006400]2x Mystical Space Typhoon[/color]
[color=#006400]1x One for One[/color]
[color=#006400]2x Pot of Duality[/color]
[color=#006400]1x Pot of Avarice[/color]
[color=#006400]1x Reinforcement of the Army[/color]

[color=#800080]Traps: 4[/color]
[color=#800080]1x Solemn Judgment[/color]
[color="#800080"]2x Solemn Warning[/color]
[color=#800080]1x Torrential Tribute[/color]

[color="#696969"]Extra Deck: 15 (all are played at 1)[/color]
[color=#696969]Armory Arm[/color]
[color=#696969]Ally of Justice Catastor[/color]
[color=#696969]Black Rose Dragon[/color]
[color=#696969]Drill Warrior[/color]
[color=#696969]Formula Synchron[/color]
[color=#696969]Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth[/color]
[color=#696969]Junk Destroyer[/color]
[color=#696969]Junk Gardna[/color]
[color=#696969]Junk Warrior[/color]
[color=#696969]Shooting Star Dragon[/color]
[color=#696969]Shooting Quasar Dragon[/color]
[color=#696969]Stardust Dragon[/color]
[color=#696969]Nitro Warrior[/color]
[color=#696969]Turbo Warrior[/color]
[color=#696969]Road [/color]

Alright, here are thoughts on fixes for me:
Lose Dualities for Tunings. Dualities are consistency boost that I lack without Tunings so they go once I get my Tunings.
Lose Reapers for a second Unknown and a second Torrential Tribute.
Lose Gaia Knight for a Brionac.

The above are basic ideas that I can'd do right now due to not actually owning the cards I want.

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I would go to dallas, but it's a bit...far away.
Anyway, I want you to run 2 torrents, but at the same time, I can't find space. I kinda hate on SJ a lot as well, because it's half the time kinda dead, but at the same time really useful, so bleah.

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[quote name='Pacmanexus' timestamp='1334108338' post='5909611']
Mage told me to inform you that this is "the shittiest".

Also, Tuning idea seems good.
Ask him how to not make it "The shittiest" since that doesn't help me make it any better.
[quote name='⌈Remote⌋' timestamp='1334108849' post='5909622']
I would go to dallas, but it's a bit...far away.
Anyway, I want you to run 2 torrents, but at the same time, I can't find space. I kinda hate on SJ a lot as well, because it's half the time kinda dead, but at the same time really useful, so bleah.
Look at ideas, already made some pick on what to swap with Torrent.

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[quote name='Tsukasa Hiiragi' timestamp='1334130114' post='5909849']
Already planned on negging reapers for a possible Torrential and Unknown bro :/

And I'm just being safe.

EDIT: Could probably drop both Trags for a Junk and Gorz instead. Thoughts?

Hmm...I like having trag in here though. Mainly for the level manipulation. Drop both reapers for a torrential and unknown, then drop one trag for a junk?

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