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Sutekh Summoning Dance (Normal Dragon.Dek)


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[center]Like a lot of my decks, this is purely casual.[/center]

[center]If I wanted to do something to make this more competitive, first off I would go straight for Evolzars, but I kinda wanted to stay away from them for right now so I could have more monsters to fulfill Sutekh summoning requirements.[/center]

[center]After that, I can revive him with REDMD to keep going with his effect, even though it's a silly deck idea.[/center]

[center]Haven't really tested but once, but it WAS pretty fun to use and it shows that Rabbit on his own isn't really a big problem, just what he makes (IF IT WASN'T OBVIOUS ENOUGH THAT IS).[/center]

[center]Wanting to replace the Sorcerer's, but not entirely sure what to go with yet.[/center]

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