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Wind-Up Stun

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Monsters: 18

1: Gorz, Emissary of Darkness

1: Wind-Up Hunter
3: Wind-Up Shark
3: Wind-Up Rat
3: Wind-Up Rabbit
2: Wind-Up Magician
2: Effect Veiler
2: Thunder King Rai-Oh
1: Sangan

Spells: 14

3: Mystical Space Typhoon
2: Wind-Up Factory
2: Smashing Ground
1: Monster Reborn
1: Heavy Storm
1: Dark Hole
1: Book of Moon
1: Mind Control
1: Instant Fusion
1: Pot of Avarice

Traps: 8

2: Torrential Tribute
2: Dimensional Prison
2: Solemn Warning
1: Solemn Judgment
1: Mirror Force

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Perhaps lose the 2 Torrential for 2 Trap Stuns? I know it doesn't seem logical but if indeed you need to concentrate on the loop as most W-U Decks, it couldn't hurt to be safe when doing the loop. Or if not Trap Stuns then 2 Decrees? It's all up to your style of playing so you can choose if you should add anything, i'm just trying to give some helpful advice.

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Yeah I guess you're right, usually when I make the loop it's stopped by maxx c or veiler as well, but sometimes the Stun let's me keep a bit control over the opposing traps, cause sometimes it won't be a maxx c or veiler, it will be a warning or who-knows what. So if you manage to find place put at least 2 Stuns or 2 Royals, maybe not instead of Torrential but if you find a card that you don't use in the deck, consider Trap Stun. If not with the loop it goes great with other cards, even with rai-oh sometimes when you need a clear shot.

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Side Royals imo. You'll come across more than a few decks that'll side traps in against Wind-Ups.

You could also use Kitten as part of your stun (or side it) since it can bounce anything, preferably a Zenmaines.

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[quote name='Ctrl' timestamp='1333989813' post='5907584']
Mst or smashing

Imo bottomless > Prison, because you deal with rabbit easier

I tested Bottomless and it was ok...but I like Prison because it gives me a chance to deal with threats that are already on field.

And with 2 Torrential and The Solemn Brigade I should have enough things to deal with summons.

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