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[MTG] Temporal Mastery

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As saying Combo as per Combo doesn't exist in Standard...Combo Decks usually win from the Combo you are just using a pair of creatures that go synergistically cool togheter....

Not to mention that the overkill...coz if you wanted tribute fodder for Grimgrin Gravecrawler is already in the Deck...

On the Note of Control...Control work also in its very special way...Control by definition plays with advantage...incrementing your while decrementing the opponent's till the point when you overwhelming advantage simply gives you the position to go for the kill without problems...

Not saying that your Deck are bad or anything...althought they seem cramped with Lots of Stuff...but are not exactly what you define them to be...

By Instance: For what I saw your Red Deck is actually a Big Red deck...the Zombie one...is...a Zombie/Grimgrin Deck...XD

BUT THEN AGAIN: Maybe Seen the Actual Decks will help us define them better...XD

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