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Gestalt [OoC/Started/Accepting (See for more info)]

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Bump: Adding new rule.

Here's the low down: I know for a fact long and winding posts will reduce the ability for character interaction, which to a degree renders their personality relating to social situations purposeless. So, this new rule will basically state that "After one's plot driven long post has been made, one can post three additional times if they are interacting with another."

So, for example, Katz and Amai's brief moment of interaction. Installing this rule prior would have allowed them to have a greater conversation and thus develop their relationship with one another. Coming up, for example, if not for the need to drive on ahead, would be perfect for Hyde and Amai to interact much more.

I think this should A - Develop our characters much further, B - Increase the interactions between characters, and C - Give us an overall beneficial understanding of each other's characters.

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[b][u]Personal Information[/u][/b]
[b]Character Name:[/b] Ayumu Kichi
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Age:[/b] 28

[b]Personality:[/b] Kichi is a liar, scammer and a shark. Not saying he's a bad person, because he's not, just saying he's bad influence! Kichi has a habit of betting and gamble about most things in life, including the infamous occasion when he arranged a bet with his entire class about which one of the teachers would be the first one to die. Even though the teacher's death was unfortunate Kichi made a huge profit, and this was also the moment in life when he gambling became a giant part of his life.

While one could argue Kichi is a bad person because of his gambling addiction and scamming tendencies, he is actually a good person, and a lot of the money he make, ironically, goes to children not able to attend school. These kids admire him and his gambling skills, but he always discourages them to do it themselves because of the dangers included in the act of lying straight to the face of a rich man, usually guarded by bodyguards twice your size. Kichi is also a real flirt and playboy, something that his fortune doesn't usually halt.

[b]Biography:[/b] Kichi was born into a poor family. No wait. His family was rich when he was born, but at the age of 2 his father lost almost every yen in a bet with the wrong kind of people, and as a consequence his wife, Kichi's mother, left him and took Kichi with her to Lazuli City, where her father resided. He passed away, however, and left Kichi and his mother alone with almost no money.

Kichi lived a mostly normal life from then on, untill the age of 12 when he made a bet with the rest of his class on which of their two teachers would die first. One of them being close to retirement, and the other one being around the age of 25, everyone other than Kichi said the old guy would die first. However, only a week later the younger teacher died in a freak car accident and naturally Kichi blamed himself, just because of the bet. It was only a joke, but he still earned a small fortune on it, and he couldn't help but feel victorious. He started making smaller bets and believe it or not he won each and everyone of them.

He started to realize he didn't need school to earn his living, and with a mother almost dying from starvation he decided to drop out of school to become a full time gambler. Nowadays he is a rich man and owns an international company called Lucky Ace Corporations, or LAC for short. His mother lives at a retirement home, and most of the money he makes goes to charity, especially poor families and orphans in Lazuli City.

[b]Appearance: [/b]Kichi has an averagely built body, leaning more towards the athletic kind than the chubby and thick. He stands at an impressive height of two meters and has shoulder-length, wavy, brown hair. His lower face is covered by a stubble, and there's something mystic about his eyes, as they are of such a bright, emerald color that one could think they would glow in the dark (they don't) Another strange thing about Kichi's appearance is that his body seem to be completely free from defects such as scars and molds. Kichi usually wears a bowler hat, a black, sleeveless suit jacket with a purple shirt underneath and a pair of dark chinos. Along with this he wears a pair of silk gloves and business-like shoes. He also carries a necklace with the Fleur de Lis symbol on it.

[b][u]Combat Information[/u][/b]
[b]Weapon[/b]: Kichi doesn't use weapons, or at least not what a normal person would call weapons. A deck of cards and a pair of dies are the only weapons Kichi needs.
[b]Attacks/Technique(s)[/b]: Kichi is an incredibly skilled illusionist, as well as a so called "Itemist", a magician who channels his magic through items that lie close to his heart and interests (a bowler, for example, would most likely channel his magic through a bowling ball) He has quite a few techniques up his sleeve, utilizing both his illusion and item skills, and sometimes combining them. Besides this, Kichi is also very skilled in a couple of martial arts.[list]
[*][i]Loaded Dies: [/i]Kichi throws one or more dies at the ground near the target, causing a magical explosion whos power scales with the number shown on the dice. Unfortuantely for his opponents, Kichi always rolls the number he wants...
[*][i]Wild Card: [/i]Kichi flings a number of cards at the opponent, infusing the cards with magic. The cards does not only wound the target, but Kichi is a very skilled card thrower and can make them home into their targets.
[*][i]Under the Table: [/i]Objects in his proximity appear to be able to change their location to Kichi's hands, or to disappear from his hands only to appear at other locations near him.
[*][i]Mirror Magic:[/i] Kichi decorates his house with a lot of mirrors. Why? Because his illusionist skills allow him to travel inside the mirrors, confusing his opponents and allowing for quick transportation.
[*][i]Future Sight: [/i]Kichi does have a sense of future sight, although it is mostly limited to minimal things like what number that will win the lottery and similar things. It does, however, at times give him a warning about grave danger.
[b]Gestalt[/b]: Kichi doesn't really have a Gestalt form in the sense that other magicians do, but instead a channeled state where his eyes start to glow green and magic is channeled around him, empowering both his and his allies magical abilities.
-Coup de Grâce:[list]
[*][i]Royal Straight Flush: [/i]Five cards appear in front of Kichi, surging with extreme magical energy. They then charges towards the enemy with four of them aiming for the limbs, nailing them to the ground, while the energy around the final card takes the shape of a green sword that pierces straight through the body of the opponent. Kichi has only used this ability once, and it was not beautiful...
[b][u]Other Information[/u][/b]

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[quote name='Desperado of Finale' timestamp='1335842528' post='5929857']
[color=#0000CD]I like how Daisuke is telling Hyde not to flirt while he's shirtless and serving a bunch of his fans drinks.[/color]
Thank you very much, I appreciate the compliment ^_^

[quote name='Aesirson' timestamp='1335898707' post='5930271']
Updated my application to meet the Appearance requirements.
[/quote]Good job.

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