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I'll second that Sonic. I'll post when I can[s], but since my internet at home is down I cannot get on so, if AT&T f*cking does as they say I'll get it fixed tomorrow.

Kyng that is a message to you, so you know I won't be able to get on as frequently as I normally do; thoguh you might have discovered that by now. I'll let you and everyone else know when I get the wifi fixed.[/s]

EDIT: My internet is repaired so now all that could prevent me is College!

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[b][u]Personal Information[/u][/b]
[b]Character Name: [/b]Rika Kisaragi (如月 リカ lit Kisaragi Rika)
[b]Avatar Name: [/b]Marr Grimjaw
[b]Sex: [/b]Female
[b]Age: [/b]19
[b]Avatar’s Species: [/b]Ogre
[spoiler=Personality:]Rika is definitely one whom has an issue with confidence. Online and in-game especially, her true self is revealed as a sophisticated and well-mannered, head-strong girl with a heart blazing of passion and eagerness. Empathic somewhat and very caring in nature, she’s quite stubborn upon her beliefs and values, and can be, at times, somewhat condescending upon others. However, the reason in particular she’s a gamer is her shy nature, which takes a profound effect in reality. This is why games, especially Dungeon Zero Online, appeal to her: she can be herself without fear of prejudice as well as being able to engage anyone on an equal level. Being a hard-core fan of the game and its lore, a frequent member on the Forum under her Avatar’s name of “Marr Grimjaw” she was over the moon when she heard that, amongst the others, she was selected for the Beta test of the game.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Avatar’s Appearance:][img] http://safebooru.org//images/782/565689e1ec8aae274a3e678af8a05083b3baf8e5.jpg?787703 [/img][/spoiler]
[b][u]Combat Information[/u][/b]
[i]Strength[/i] 7/99
[i]Perception[/i] 5/99
[i]Agility[/i] 5/99
[i]Charisma[/i] 5/99
[i]Endurance [/i] 6/99
[center][img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120712141020/finalfantasy/images/1/1a/FFXI_Great_Sword_3.png[/img][/center][hr][b]Standard Claymore:[/b]
The Starter Two-Hand Sword, the Claymore deals a vicious blow of damage with each heavy swing. Where it lacks in speed, it more than makes up for the shortcoming in the might bellow it can deal to oncoming foes.

[b]Standard Clothes:[/b]
In correspondence with her avatar’s image, Marr’s equipment consists of her black fur leotard tied up to a collar underneath her black fur scarf with a metal ring, with a black fur kilt around the waist; in addition to bracelets she wears simple leather shoes.[/spoiler][spoiler=Inventory:][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/lPM4I.png[/img][/center][b][hr]Basic Health Potion: [/b]
A simple basic healing potion, an essentially for the novice wayfarer.

[b]Standard Battleaxe:[/b]
A heavy, two-handed axe capable of chopping an enemy down to size under its lean and mean steel; being on the wrong end of this practise weapon is a recipe for disaster!

[b]Standard Club:[/b]
The initial Club, though simple wood, packs a powerful punch; the heavy spikes rendering it a two-handed weapon, it can send shields packing with enough traumatic beatings.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Attacks/Technique(s):][b]Rage Rush:[/b] An Ogre passive ability that allows Marr to deal additional damage in direct proportion to how low her hit points are.

[b]Zwei Strike:[/b] An attack that allows Marr to inflict an additional hit when connecting a blow with a two-handed weapon, with a recharge time of two in-game minutes.[/spoiler]
[b][u]Other Information[/u][/b]

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