Desu the Blue Nerd Posted August 4, 2012 Report Share Posted August 4, 2012 [color=#0000CD]He mentioned still being in a mini-funk yesterday. I hope he's better now. :/[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyng's Old Account Posted August 5, 2012 Author Report Share Posted August 5, 2012 Do not worry, I'm in the process of writing it up as we speak. I'm going to remove all distractions and get right on it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Desu the Blue Nerd Posted August 5, 2012 Report Share Posted August 5, 2012 [color=#0000CD]This calls for a party. After the post is done that is.[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hotaru987 Posted August 5, 2012 Report Share Posted August 5, 2012 Cool story bro Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyng's Old Account Posted August 5, 2012 Author Report Share Posted August 5, 2012 Posted! Finally! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Desu the Blue Nerd Posted August 5, 2012 Report Share Posted August 5, 2012 [quote name='Hotaru987' timestamp='1344127600' post='5997644'] Cool story bro [/quote] [color=#0000CD]Sarcasm is at its cruelist when it comes from you.[/color] [quote name='Kyng' timestamp='1344127715' post='5997645'] Posted! Finally! [/quote] [color=#0000CD]Huzzah! *Confetti falls from the celing.* I've had that set up for nearly a week and a half.[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Super Chaos Sonic Posted August 5, 2012 Report Share Posted August 5, 2012 *hear's Hyde call Kaito's name* Hell, yeah! Gonna work on my post right away! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jake the Sage Posted August 5, 2012 Report Share Posted August 5, 2012 So I can post finally? Sweet ([sup]=[/sup][sub]u[/sub][sup]=[/sup]) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Super Chaos Sonic Posted August 5, 2012 Report Share Posted August 5, 2012 Kaito Asano's first appearance...bring on the babes! XD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Elƒie Posted August 5, 2012 Report Share Posted August 5, 2012 Finally typed in what Mak does as a familiar. xD Being lazy and forgetful sucks. Lol. [spoiler=Updated App][u][b]Personal Information[/b][/u] [b]Character Name: [/b][color=#000000][font=sans-serif]甘い [/font][/color][color=#000000][font=sans-serif]恵み (Amai Megumi)[/font][/color] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age: [/b]18 [b]Personality: [/b]Only being 4' 8" tall, Amai could almost be described to have Big Dog Syndrome. You know, how small dogs tend to act like big dogs? Amai is almost like that, but in a polite way. She tends to lash out at her opponents using words and in games like Chess, often making them unaware of her lashing out at them. Only those who have gotten close enough to her know's when she's being polite or being a polite b*tch [ya know, the people who could tell you to go to hell and you'd look forward to it]. Other than that, Amai tends to be quiet, often sipping on tea and reading a book. She's also one to become rather grumpy, quickly; happening often when something it too loud, her tea isn't brewed right or isn't the right temperature, when she keeps getting constantly interrupted and when she has to physically exert herself. [b]Biography: [/b]The Megumi family has recently risen over the years. Rather than abuse the power of having the Ace of Hearts, the Megumi's continued on with life as it. After all, to better protect something, don't draw attention to it and yourself. Instead, the Megumi's have started to raise up as owners of successful cloths store that sells not only the trendiest of clothing, but the best in cosplay as well! Currently, her parents are off in America, working on setting up another store in the hustle-bustle of Los Angeles, California. This leaves her 25 year old [url=""]brother[/url] [acronym=The one on the left]Karai[/acronym] 'in charge' of the house and store. With her brother often out partying, going to college and often disappearing off into some sort of 'adventure' as he calls it [trouble is the way Amai would describe it], she is often the who is actually taking care of the store and house. With her being busy with her senior year of high school, running the store and making sure things are in check at home, Amai loves nothing more than to relax with a good book, music, tea and a snack. But to her dismay, her brother is constantly trying to get her to go out and socialize with people [mostly at the parties he goes to, which annoys her even more]. [spoiler=Appearance][img][/img][/spoiler] [b][u]Combat Information[/u][/b] [b]Weapon[/b]: A pair of 4' rapiers, one [url=""]white[/url] and one [url="§ion=&q=black+rapier#/d17duzy"]black[/url]. [b]Attacks/Technique([/b][b]s)[/b]: Amai's spells mostly surrounds her rapiers and her performance with them. With enough training, she can learn to use her spells on a fellow swordsman, but has no desire to learn how to do that at this time.[list] [*][i]Phantom Strings: [/i]This spell mostly works for when Amai has thrown her rapier(s) or they are separated from her. By 'tugging' on an imaginary string that's attached to her rapiers, she can either alter the way they've thrown or can be pulled back to her hand. She's able to use this spell on other smaller objects, as well, but she mostly uses it with her rapiers. [*][i]Razor's Edge: [/i]This spell gives Amai's razor sharp edges for a certain number of strikes. [*][i]Fencer's Adrenaline: [/i]This spell Amai a boost of a speed for about a minute at most. More practice with this spell will give her a longer affect. [*][i]Lancer's Parry: [/i]This spell extends Amai's rapier out by 2 feet for one time as she's thrusting forward with it. [*][i]Fiery Passion: [/i]This spell imbues Amai's rapiers with fire for about half a minute. [*][i]Shocking Resolution: [/i]This spell covers Amai's rapiers with lightning for one strike each. [/list] [spoiler=Familiar][b]Name: [/b]Mak [b]Gender: [/b]Male [spoiler=Appearance][img][/img][/spoiler] [spoiler=Attack/Techniques]Mak is able to summon forth and control bound weapons and shields for mostly a one-time use thing. He's also able to conjure up little misc things, like cups, towels, catnip, napkins, etc. For more stronger attacks, Mak is able to transform into a shield to protect Amai for a short time. Mak's also able to transform in a sword, but Amai prefers to stick with her rapiers.[/spoiler][/spoiler] [b]Gestalt: [/b]If things get dire or overwhelming for Amai, she gets transforms into an old Norse legend: a Valkyrie named Véurr. When she transforms, her two rapiers merge together to transform into a sword (as seen in picture) that's perfectly balanced for both slashing and thrusting. Along with the ability to fly, she is also faster and stronger then Amai. Véurr, much like dwarfs, is also unable to use magic and is more resistant to magic, even to white spells such as healing. [spoiler=Véurr][img][/img][/spoiler] -Coup de Grâce:[list] [*][i]Valknut's Rebirth[/i]: Uttering out a small prayer, Véurr slices three overlapping triangles into the air in front of her. As her prayer finishes, a large golden [url=""]valknut[/url] made of pure energy forms in front of her. Then, by placing her fingers on the valknut softly, it shatters. the energy then reforming into 9 large arrow head-like shapes. After declaring the attack's name, the arrow heads then shoot off towards the opponent, tracking them down until they either hit or are disrupted via another source of energy. [/list] [b][u]Other Information[/u][/b] Enjoys:[list] [*]Sweet and spicy foods. [*]Classical and techno music. [*]Good reading, long novels. [*]Cooking. [*]Challenges. [/list] Dislikes:[list] [*]Loud sounds. [*]Poorly made tea and food. [*]Blandness. [*]Boredness. [*]Oxymorons.[/spoiler] [/list] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Desu the Blue Nerd Posted August 5, 2012 Report Share Posted August 5, 2012 [color=#0000CD]I'm going out to dinner but I'll get back to my post when I get back.[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Elƒie Posted August 6, 2012 Report Share Posted August 6, 2012 And I thought Amai was going to have troubles with Mak.. .__. Btw, rep to you Desu for that post. xD Love the interaction between those two! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Desu the Blue Nerd Posted August 6, 2012 Report Share Posted August 6, 2012 [color=#0000CD]Thanks, Aisu. I was actually pretty worried about it when Kyng randomly sent me a PM asking for a favor. XD[/color] [color=#0000CD]But just good to get this RP back going with awesome posts from everybody. And Jake.[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jake the Sage Posted August 6, 2012 Report Share Posted August 6, 2012 [quote name='useD Swordsman' timestamp='1344222124' post='5998431'] [color=#0000CD]Thanks, Aisu. I was actually pretty worried about it when Kyng randomly sent me a PM asking for a favor. XD[/color] [color=#0000CD]But just good to get this RP back going with awesome posts from everybody. And Jake.[/color] [/quote] [color=#ffffff]Kiss my ass DF jk[/color] At least you included me. I guess that is victory enough for me >> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyng's Old Account Posted August 7, 2012 Author Report Share Posted August 7, 2012 If I recall, we are waiting on Raine; I'm not sure whether I should post immediately based on Raine's activity (or, more appropriately, lacking there of) in Aisu's RP. Based on Desu's information to me, he's still interested, however unless I get DIRECT contact from Raine to me personally, he's not getting a shot in Gestalt, simple as. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Desu the Blue Nerd Posted August 7, 2012 Report Share Posted August 7, 2012 [color=#0000CD]*Facedesk.* Maybe you should have...I dunno...TALKED TO HIM ABOUT THIS INSTEAD OF HOPING HE'D SEE THAT ONE SINGLE POST JUST NOW TELLING HIM HE CAN POST IN GESTALT AND HE'D JUST POST?!?!?! I'll do it since you two seem so god damn incapable of telling eachother how you feel.[/color] [color=#0000CD]Edit:[/color] [color=#0000CD]By the way it's Lunar. We're also waiting on Lunar whom I guess I'll ALSO be the one to talk to.[/color] [color=#0000CD]And Raine will post in the IC later tonight. It was that F*CKING simple.[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyng's Old Account Posted August 8, 2012 Author Report Share Posted August 8, 2012 [quote name='useD Swordsman' timestamp='1344375722' post='6000367'] [color=#0000CD]*Facedesk.* Maybe you should have...I dunno...TALKED TO HIM ABOUT THIS INSTEAD OF HOPING HE'D SEE THAT ONE SINGLE POST JUST NOW TELLING HIM HE CAN POST IN GESTALT AND HE'D JUST POST?!?!?! I'll do it since you two seem so god damn incapable of telling eachother how you feel.[/color] [color=#000000]Don't think I haven't tried...nor has Aisu... Secondly, I should not have to chase up someone who claims he's still interested in this; it should be the other way around. Lastly, if he can be active anywhere else on YCM, why is he shying from the OoC Section? In short, not that f*cking simple. ¬_¬[/color] [color=#0000CD]Edit:[/color] [color=#0000CD]By the way it's Lunar. We're also waiting on Lunar whom I guess I'll ALSO be the one to talk to.[/color] [color=#000000]You don't have to, Lulu DOES respond back. ¬_¬[/color] [color=#0000CD]And Raine will post in the IC later tonight. It was that F*CKING simple.[/color] [color=#000000]Read the above, and see the fact that Raine doesn't seem want to talk to me. *facedesk* Why the f*ck else would you be a mediator? Furthermore, why didn't he respond to this OoC to say that himself? I'm going to re-state the clause that, unless I don't hear DIRECTLY from Raine (note: not Desu) I will have him out of Gestalt. That will not be compromised on. Consider your response moot, or if anything worsening for Raine's position.[/color] [s][color=#ff0000]24 hours.[/color][/s] [color=#000000]Issue has been resolved.[/color] [/quote] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raine Posted August 8, 2012 Report Share Posted August 8, 2012 Koichi's intro is on the board. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jake the Sage Posted August 8, 2012 Report Share Posted August 8, 2012 Okay since Raine has [i]finally[/i] posted I suppose we're only waiting on Lunar? My God it feels like you people, mainly the last two, are taking forever[color=#000000] ¬_¬[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyng's Old Account Posted August 8, 2012 Author Report Share Posted August 8, 2012 [quote name='Jake the Sage' timestamp='1344400145' post='6000797'] Okay since Raine has [i]finally[/i] posted I suppose we're only waiting on Lunar? My God it feels like you people, mainly the last two, are taking forever[color=#000000] ¬_¬[/color] [/quote]Please note Chaos posted, essentially, immediately before me, and you were the fourth to reply which took longer than the others, whom respectively took a moderate amount of time to post; I do not want my RPers to be rushed, nor pressured into a post, because Gestalt is an RP, and not to be a priority. All I ask is an explanation for the lacking of activity. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jake the Sage Posted August 9, 2012 Report Share Posted August 9, 2012 Kyng I you do know that I hadn't been aware that we were able to post until the day [i]of[/i] my post, which in fact I immediately went and did . . . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Desu the Blue Nerd Posted August 12, 2012 Report Share Posted August 12, 2012 [color=#0000CD]Are we still waiting on Lunar?[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyng's Old Account Posted August 12, 2012 Author Report Share Posted August 12, 2012 Yes, she's on vacation which makes posting hard; no post today = skipped. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jake the Sage Posted August 14, 2012 Report Share Posted August 14, 2012 Okay since there was no post are we going to skip ahead? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hotaru987 Posted August 14, 2012 Report Share Posted August 14, 2012 Ok I should have a bit of free time tomorrow to make a post. If not then I'll definitely get to one on Wednesday. If Kyng gets his in by that time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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