.:Blu:. Posted April 10, 2012 Report Share Posted April 10, 2012 you gave one to Michael O_o lol, I know it doesn't have anything to do with this xD Yeah what Kyng said (about the link) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Desu the Blue Nerd Posted April 10, 2012 Report Share Posted April 10, 2012 [quote name='Kyng' timestamp='1334022671' post='5908419'] I like the charm and realistic nature of the toy gun rather than a real one: it limited in comparison to a real one, a balancing factor, as well as the sheer fact it'd be easier to acquire than a real gun [color=#0000CD]All that stuff you just said too. :3[/color] Desu, your "magic circles and seals" link is either broken or doesn't work, I get a 404 Not Found error: [url="http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110104054621/fairytailfanon/images/6/6d/Richard"]http://images3.wikia...es/6/6d/Richard[/url] [color=#0000CD]I'll try and fix it. It was the first time I've ever used those hyperlinks so it's understandable.[/color] [/quote] [color=#0000CD]EdIt:[/color] [color=#0000CD]Completely different RPs, Blu. Your RP pretty much required real guns and put them in a position so that they were incredibly common for anybody to have one.[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.:Blu:. Posted April 10, 2012 Report Share Posted April 10, 2012 Yes Desu, and that was a good thing Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Desu the Blue Nerd Posted April 10, 2012 Report Share Posted April 10, 2012 [color=#0000CD]Indeed it was. Not something I'm complaining about.[/color] [color=#0000CD]And I think I fixed the problem with the hyperlink. Although it's not the greatest quality it had more than one and therefore pretty good variety although what they look like when actually used can be left up to imagination. :3[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyng's Old Account Posted April 10, 2012 Author Report Share Posted April 10, 2012 Nicely done Desu-kun, can't wait to see him finished Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hotaru987 Posted April 10, 2012 Report Share Posted April 10, 2012 Sorry it's taking me so long for my app. I doubt I'll get to it tonight. I gotta do other work and stuff. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyng's Old Account Posted April 10, 2012 Author Report Share Posted April 10, 2012 No apology is necessary when their's nothing to forgive: I don't mind any time taken, it gives me time to increase this thing's potential. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Desu the Blue Nerd Posted April 10, 2012 Report Share Posted April 10, 2012 [quote name='Kyng' timestamp='1334025786' post='5908549'] Nicely done Desu-kun, can't wait to see him finished [/quote] [color=#0000CD]Thanks, man. [/color] [quote name='Hotaru987' timestamp='1334026032' post='5908557'] Sorry it's taking me so long for my app. I doubt I'll get to it tonight. I gotta do other work and stuff. [/quote] [color=#0000CD]That sounds more like a blessing to me. Now I'm not alone in not getting the app done soon. <3[/color] [color=#0000CD]And I'll be looking forward to yours Hotaru. You always have awesome characters. :3[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raine Posted April 10, 2012 Report Share Posted April 10, 2012 RAINE IS HERE! ...guys? ...anyone? ... ... ... [spoiler App] [b][u]Personal Information[/u][/b] [b]Character Name:[/b] Izanagi Muira [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Personality:[/b] Analytical, in a word, describes Izanagi. A person of extreme discipline and intelligence finding no refuge in unnecessary mercy and irrational action. He is ruthless and will stop at nothing to achieve his goals, find the most effective path towards it. Thought, by these standards, he generally displays a friendly and confident demeanor to strangers and acquaintances as an act of politics and the possibility of furute connections. Although, through all this he is only human and is prone to both over-bearing emotional burden and his own anger and rage. underneath his cold and calculated shell, is a far darker and fragile being long since sealed off by himself and his deep caring for his sister. [b]Biography:[/b] Izanagi was born far from the dizzying lights of the city, in a peaceful village settled in the mountains. The little azure streams, wide plainss of emerald grass, and seas of resting rice fields. He grew up just as any other; making friends, playing soccer, smiling and laughing. Along side which, his elegant and caring elder sister, Izanami, of whom he had became espessially close with as their parents both worked long hours outside town. For years, those endless blue skys and playful laughing seemed to last forever. On his 12th birthday, both he and Izanami sat waiting deep into the storming night for the arrival of their parents who were returning for the occassion. That's when a knock came to the door, but it was not their parents but a police officer. Devestated by the death of his mother and father, Izanagi's mind slipt into reclusion, denial. The siblings moved in with a friend of Izanami's, who had offered since no immidate family were anywhere to be found. During this time, his sister took care of her brother who blamed himself for thier parent's death. Though time heals all wounds, eventually Izanagi begame to come back to himself, go back to school, and meet up with his friends again. Only to have tragety strike again as Izanami feel gravely ill. Turns out, she had been exhausting herself between maintaining her old life, taking care of her brother, and ignoring the damage that came with her parent's death to cope. Her body weak, the cold she was suffering from grew into stronger until sending her into a coma. Staring at his comatose sister in those sterile white hospital rooms, he was destroyed. His weakness made her overextend herself, for him. He made her this way. To be responible for all of his family's death, everyone he had loved. What happened to those blue skys and smiles? What cruel and unfair world takes life like this? It wasn't long after that Izanagi left his hometown, after ensuring his sister's condition was no longer critical while comtose. He promised, vowed to lose himself of his weakness and to create a life and future for him and his sister. One free of the wrath of a dark world that took his parents and her. [b]Appearance[/b][url="http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff473/GrandRaine/f753007afe551f4ea705fa13111caf93-d3kfdhy-1.png?t=1334025589"]http://i1237.photobu...ng?t=1334025589[/url] [b][u]Combat Information[/u][/b] [b]Weapon[/b]: None [b]Attacks/Technique(s)[/b]: [spoiler Attacks]Process Gears, a manifestation of a massive azure clockwork gear that can summoned in multitudes to be used as a shield or offessive blunt weapon. Data Comprehension/Deconstruction/Reconstruction, a support series of support abilities allowing to respeviely, read and scan information from any target including the human mind, disinetgrate objects into bytes obviously limited by the strength and size of target, recreate those bytes into an object of equal data. Use of this can turn entire buildings into various structures or even clones with pre-programmed personas as long as equal material is used. Upgrade-Plus, the ability to enhance the strength and magic profissency of himself or other within 3 miles radius. [/spoiler] [b]Gestalt[/b]:Cybernetic Pinnicle Arc: Noah - summons forth a massive inferstructure that surrounds and suspends the user in mid-air. THis inferstructure is comprised entirely of data and creates a multitude of data weapons such as cannons, and chains as well as hexagonal platforms the encompass and orbit the Arc as shields. A self-sufficent, defined by a perfect offense and defense arc weapon. -Coup de Grâce: Net Crisis: Flood - An instant release of the arc, focusing all remaining energy into 5-7 azure phantasmal chains which on contact burst into massive shock-waves of 10-meter radius also converting obliterated mass into data. [/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dharc Posted April 10, 2012 Report Share Posted April 10, 2012 [b][u]Personal Information[/u][/b] [b]Character Name[/b]: Takao Henjin [i](変人 たかお Henjin Takao)[/i] [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Age[/b]: 15 [b]Personality[/b]: [color=#000000][font=Arial, sans-serif][size=3] Takao is very shy and soft-spoken. He has difficulty speaking his mind, as he believes that everyone else's happiness is more important than his well-being. Takao earnestly listens to and cares for everyone, but his ability to respond to questions and information is hindered by these aforementioned qualities and the facts that he is prone to blushing, stuttering, and repetition when he's nervous, along with him having a very short attention-span. Beneath all of this, however, is one of the most caring, well-intentioned people that you will ever meet. However, even further beneath that, there is a dark, tortured child. He feels so much emotional pain from his family being ripped from him and lack of childhood friends, and he constantly blames himself for it, saying that he should have never been born and he was the cause of so many people's misfortunes.[/size][/font][/color] [b]Biography[/b]: [color=#9BA2A9][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][color=#000000][font=Arial, sans-serif]Takao was born to rather wealthy parents, his mother owning a cosmetics company and his father being a successful actor. He was also rather spoiled, as he was the first of his parents' children to survive outside the womb. When he was about seven, he witnessed his mother's rape and murder just a few hundred yards from their lavish home. (They were on a pleasant evening walk, just the two of them...Bear in mind that Takaohad an EXTREMELY close bond with his mother.) Takao's father spiraled down in his life, engaging in heavy drinking of alcohol and bouts of depression, before finally hanging himself. All the while, Takaowas tormented at school by his classmates, all of whom resented him due to his wealthy upbringing and unnaturally kindhearted nature. Also, due to the fact he had once made a comment about a fellow student, he had been labeled as a homosexual, something that simply caused more hatred. This all lasted for seven years after his mother's death.[/font][/color][/size][/font][/color] [color=#9BA2A9][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][color=#000000][font=Arial, sans-serif]Now that both of his parent's are dead, Takao went to go live with a foster family in Lazuli City, where he felt he could start his life over...Now, it's been two years, and he finally feels that maybe, just maybe, he'll be able to live a normal life...[/font][/color][/size][/font][/color] [b]Appearance[/b]: [spoiler=Takao] [img]http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/1843/15022804m.png[/img] [/spoiler] [u][b]Combat Information[/b][/u] [b]Weapon[/b]: [color=#000000][font=Arial, sans-serif][size=3][i]Hoshi no Tsubasa ([/i][/size][/font][/color][color=#000000][font=Arial, sans-serif][size=3][i]星の翼 [/i][/size][/font][/color][color=#000000][font=Arial, sans-serif][size=3][i]"Star Blade”)[/i][/size][/font][/color][color=#000000][font=Arial, sans-serif][size=3] — A metal gauntlet appears on Takao's right forearm. The gauntlet is open-ended, with three spiraling tendrils coming off of the rim of the opening and converging toward the center. From the opening of the gauntlet, a two-foot-long blade of golden energy emerges. Takao can alter the shape and size of the blade through sheer force of will.[/size][/font][/color] [b]Attacks/Technique(s)[/b]: [i]Energy Blasts[/i][color=#000000][font=Arial, sans-serif][size=3] — Takao can fire golden energy blasts from either his hand or the tip of [/size][/font][/color][i]Hoshi no Tsubasa[/i][color=#000000][font=Arial, sans-serif][size=3].[/size][/font][/color] [b]Gestalt[/b]: [i]Agony[/i][color=#000000][font=Arial, sans-serif][size=3]— Takao is surrounded in a pitch-black aura. The color of [/size][/font][/color][i]Hoshi no Tsubasa[/i][color=#000000][font=Arial, sans-serif][size=3] and his energy blasts change from gold to black, as well. In this state, his speed, physical strength, and reflexes are all incredibly enhanced, but he is in a very fragile emotional state, as this is formed from all of the physical and emotional pain he's felt in his life. If he loses control, he'll scream in agony (a sound which seams even more horrific coming from him), and the aura will completely overtake his body before bursting outward in a massively destructive explosion. Afterwards, his emotional state is completely shattered. As a result of this, he can only maintain this form for a couple minutes at a time safely.[/size][/font][/color] -Coup de Grâce: [i]Burōkunhāteddo no Kumon[/i][color=#000000][font=Arial, sans-serif][size=3] — Takao enters the Agony state. He rushes forward and thrusts [/size][/font][/color][i]Hoshi no Tsubasa[/i][color=#000000][font=Arial, sans-serif][size=3] into his target and begins charging an energy blast inside its core. The end result is a massive burst of black energy from the blade which decimates the surrounding area.[/size][/font][/color] [b][u]Other Information[/u][/b] [b]Theme Song[/b]: [spoiler=Sousei no Aquarion] [url="http://youtu.be/oE6RtY7a2a0"]http://youtu.be/oE6RtY7a2a0[/url] [/spoiler] [b]Gestalt Theme[/b]: [spoiler=Colors of the Heart] [url="http://youtu.be/oje9DgXZ-nk"]http://youtu.be/oje9DgXZ-nk[/url] [/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyng's Old Account Posted April 10, 2012 Author Report Share Posted April 10, 2012 Dharc's been PMed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raine Posted April 11, 2012 Report Share Posted April 11, 2012 So, how many more applications do we need before an IC is put up? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Elƒie Posted April 11, 2012 Report Share Posted April 11, 2012 I won't be able to edit mine till Thursday.. So hopefully, the IC won't be up till Friday. Lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Desu the Blue Nerd Posted April 11, 2012 Report Share Posted April 11, 2012 [quote name='Яaine™' timestamp='1334107767' post='5909602'] So, how many more applications do we need before an IC is put up? [/quote] [color=#0000CD]I assume he'd want to wait for Hotaru, Aisu and I. That's half the RPers of this RP so you should just chill for a bit while we get finished.[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raine Posted April 11, 2012 Report Share Posted April 11, 2012 [quote name='Desperado of Finale' timestamp='1334108919' post='5909624'] [color=#0000CD]I assume he'd want to wait for Hotaru, Aisu and I. That's half the RPers of this RP so you should just chill for a bit while we get finished.[/color] [/quote] I AM NEVER CHILL! I AM HOT... and we- *murdered* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyng's Old Account Posted April 11, 2012 Author Report Share Posted April 11, 2012 Raine, is your app 100% yet? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hotaru987 Posted April 11, 2012 Report Share Posted April 11, 2012 gahh!! Im soo sorry. its almost finished I promise. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.:Blu:. Posted April 11, 2012 Report Share Posted April 11, 2012 Yeah Hotaru promised! >:[ *storms off angrily for no reason* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hotaru987 Posted April 11, 2012 Report Share Posted April 11, 2012 [spoiler=App] Character Name:Yoshiko Watanabe Gender:Female Age:16 Personality: Yoshiko, at first glance, appears to be a very cold individual. The aura that she gives out is one of isolation and being alone, and because of that most people don't approach her. Because of this she has been given the name "The Ice Queen" which is also a play off of her abilities. A lot of people also attribute her loner behavior as her thinking she's better than them, and with all of this combined she hasn't really had a friend before so she is used to being alone. In order to try and hide her true feelings she keeps an emotionless face on at all times. In truth she feels rather lonely, which can be seen clearly by the sad look in her eyes - the only thing that betrays her emotionless face - , which is usually interpreted as a glare by most. In truth she is shy, which is why she is really quiet with with others. To make up for the loneliness she took up reading, and so she had obtained a lot of knowledge about many things. She blushes easily when in contact with the other sex due to her inexperience with them, however her facial expression would hardly change. Instead all of her spazzing out moments happens inside of her head. The only time when Yoshiko can be seen as happy is when she is dancing. Another thing about Yoshiko is that she is completely blind without her glasses, and she gets scared very easily without them since she can't see without them. [spoiler=Biography:] Born into a very strict house hold in Lazuli Yoshiko was pretty much striped of her childhood. Her parents were of good income, and very proud, controlling people. Ever since she was a young girl, her moves were planned out by her parents, and being their only child all of the expectations and hopes were all put on Yoshiko's shoulders. Bother of her parents were educators, her mother at an early education level, and her father at a high school level, and because of their desire to have Yoshiko be the best she was always studying. Due to this she never had time to make friends like other kids, and developed a distant personality from the lack of people her own age. Since she was tutelage at a young age her intellect grew much quicker than that of other children, which only increased the distances between her and her peers. Not only that, but even her magic ability was already being developed. So without much else to do, Yoshiko took up reading books as a pass time. She found them interesting and very satisfying, especially those which seemed to take her from the real world and into a fantasy world where anything was possible. As her relations with her peers grew even more distant, she delved into even more books. By the time she was 9, she was already going through 5 books per weeks. There really wasn't anything else to do, because if she wasn't studying then her parents believed that it was a waste of time. When she was 12 years old, she found a book about dancing and she was instantly intrigued by it. More so than she was about other books. The way the dancer in the book seemed to be alive and moving across the pages fascinated her to no end. Not only that, but the dancer in the book seemed to be so happy, and Yoshiko wanted to know what that was like. Knowing that her parents wouldn't want her wasting her time with dancing, she started practicing in secret whenever she could. Yoshiko used books to teach herself the basics, and after three years of training she seemed to have finally felt something. It was a euphoric feeling, much better than when she would escape to her books. It was like she was flying through the air without a care or worry in the world. Now 14 and enrolled in Lazuri High, Yoshiko managed to maintain her distant and seemingly cold personality. Yoshiko pretended not to noticed the others making an effort to stay away from her, but it was plainly obvious that they thought of her as different. Yoshiko may have made some efforts to speak to others if it hadn't been her father, who just happened to teach at Lazuri High. Because of him being there, she simply kept to herself and focused on doing well in her studies, which wasn't hard to do with parents like hers.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Appearance:] [img]http://i42.tinypic.com/2nw1p2f.jpg[/img][/spoiler] [u]Combat Information[/u] Weapon: N/A [spoiler=Attacks/Technique(s):] Yoshiko's makes use of ice or water type of techniques. When in the form of ice, it is extremely dense and has the consistency of diamond. Even when in it's liquid form, it can block fairly strong attacks and is as sharp as a katana. When Yoshiko is using it she favors long range, but isn't afraid to get up close and personal. Since dancing is something close to her heart she incorporates it into her fighting close range style, making her style a bit unpredictable. All of her attacks require a lot of energy to use, so her energy is drained fairly quickly. As one would expect it's biggest weakness is fire, however, if enough is used it can even overcome fire but that takes a lot of power. It's also weak to lightning, but the weakness is reduced when in it's solid form. [u]Water Vixen: [/u]This attack is a close ranged attack, in which Yoshiko performs one of her dances and the water moves around her. It's both beautiful and deadly, because the water moves in a whip like movement and follows her movements so closely it makes it hard to counter this attack. [u]Winter's Blade[/u]: Pretty self explanatory. She encases her right hand in ice to mimic a blade when she is in close combat. [u]Winter's Chill: [/u]A cold wind is blown towards the enemy with dozens of ice shards mixed in to cut the opponent. The attack is done by Yoshiko taking a deep breath and releasing the breath at the opponent. [u]Ice Breaker: [/u]Forms numerous ice shards that surrounds Yoshiko and then shoots out to the targets that she aims at. She can control the individual ice shards, and can form up to 6 at one time. This is the primary long range attack she uses. [u]Red Water: [/u]Similar to ice breaker in which shards of ice are formed, however this one completely surrounds her and the opponent in a sphere of ice shards (Similar to Byakuya's Bankai when his swords are in a straight line. Only Yoshiko's ice shards are in a circle). The ice shards then rain down on the opponent completely impaling them unless then can manage to dodge[u].[/u] So far this is her strongest attack.[/spoile] [Spoiler=Familiar] Name: Nyru ("Ny" as in [b]ni[/b]ght - "Ru" as in [b]ro[/b]of) [Spoiler=Appearance][img]http://i45.tinypic.com/i297dk.jpg[/img][/spoiler] [spoiler=Attacks/Techniques][/spoiler][/spoiler] [spoiler=Gestalt:] [u]Boreas' Dancer[/u] When Yoshiko changes into her Gestalt form, the surrounding area becomes cold and an icy wind blows through the area. The icy wind swirls around Yoshiko in a violent manor completely obscuring her from view. When the wind vanishes, Yoshiko is seen wearing an all blue suit with a blue with a white metal looking mask over her mouth and her hair and eyes also turns blue. There is a blue icy mist seemingly coming off her body, almost as if she was smoking (Think of dry ice). Around her waist is a stiff, ice looking skirt which can also be used as a weapon if needed. To fish up her outfit, her shoes are essentially ice skates, with blades of sharp ice at the bottom. Whenever she moves, she does so as if she was skating and a lane of appears wherever she has been. In this form she looses her glasses. -Coup de Grâce: Final Request: Similar to the attack "Water Vixen" in that she does a specific dance, however ice is used with this attack instead of water. Her speed and power are, needless to say, increased causing much more damage to the opponent. This technique can cause the opponent to suffer from severe frostbite, numbness and a loss of feeling in the body. [/spoiler] [u]Other Information[/u] - Yoshiko cannot handle the heat very well, which is most likely due to her ice affinity abilities. In contrast to this, she is not bothered by cold whether. - Yoshiko has never had a cold before. - She is very interested in food, and loves eating different kinds of good food. However, she cannot cook at all and ends up burning everything. - Yoshiko has read up to 4 times as many books as an average person would ready in their entire life time. - Afraid of heights, and will quickly pass out if up too high. - Has a secret sweet tooth, especially for cakes and other baked goods. [/spoiler] I hope it's good enough. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.:Blu:. Posted April 11, 2012 Report Share Posted April 11, 2012 Accepted! Another wonderful app Hotaru Random Person: This isn't your RP Blu... Oh, Kyng, accept this app, now! EDIT: Okay... so why does everything I post look bold? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyng's Old Account Posted April 11, 2012 Author Report Share Posted April 11, 2012 Accepted, however Hotaru, you'll need to fix it: your app is causing a Bold glitch, it appears. [spoiler=Please replace your app with this one, it should remove the glitch.][code][spoiler=Hotaru987] [b]Character Name:[/b]Yoshiko Watanabe [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Age:[/b]16 [b]Personality:[/b] Yoshiko, at first glance, appears to be a very cold individual. The aura that she gives out is one of isolation and being alone, and because of that most people don't approach her. Because of this she has been given the name "The Ice Queen" which is also a play off of her abilities. A lot of people also attribute her loner behavior as her thinking she's better than them, and with all of this combined she hasn't really had a friend before so she is used to being alone. In order to try and hide her true feelings she keeps an emotionless face on at all times. In truth she feels rather lonely, which can be seen clearly by the sad look in her eyes - the only thing that betrays her emotionless face - , which is usually interpreted as a glare by most. In truth she is shy, which is why she is really quiet with with others. To make up for the loneliness she took up reading, and so she had obtained a lot of knowledge about many things. She blushes easily when in contact with the other sex due to her inexperience with them, however her facial expression would hardly change. Instead all of her spazzing out moments happens inside of her head. The only time when Yoshiko can be seen as happy is when she is dancing. Another thing about Yoshiko is that she is completely blind without her glasses, and she gets scared very easily without them since she can't see without them. [spoiler=Biography:] Born into a very strict house hold in Lazuli Yoshiko was pretty much striped of her childhood. Her parents were of good income, and very proud, controlling people. Ever since she was a young girl, her moves were planned out by her parents, and being their only child all of the expectations and hopes were all put on Yoshiko's shoulders. Bother of her parents were educators, her mother at an early education level, and her father at a high school level, and because of their desire to have Yoshiko be the best she was always studying. Due to this she never had time to make friends like other kids, and developed a distant personality from the lack of people her own age. Since she was tutelage at a young age her intellect grew much quicker than that of other children, which only increased the distances between her and her peers. Not only that, but even her magic ability was already being developed. So without much else to do, Yoshiko took up reading books as a pass time. She found them interesting and very satisfying, especially those which seemed to take her from the real world and into a fantasy world where anything was possible. As her relations with her peers grew even more distant, she delved into even more books. By the time she was 9, she was already going through 5 books per weeks. There really wasn't anything else to do, because if she wasn't studying then her parents believed that it was a waste of time. When she was 12 years old, she found a book about dancing and she was instantly intrigued by it. More so than she was about other books. The way the dancer in the book seemed to be alive and moving across the pages fascinated her to no end. Not only that, but the dancer in the book seemed to be so happy, and Yoshiko wanted to know what that was like. Knowing that her parents wouldn't want her wasting her time with dancing, she started practicing in secret whenever she could. Yoshiko used books to teach herself the basics, and after three years of training she seemed to have finally felt something. It was a euphoric feeling, much better than when she would escape to her books. It was like she was flying through the air without a care or worry in the world. Now 14 and enrolled in Lazuri High, Yoshiko managed to maintain her distant and seemingly cold personality. Yoshiko pretended not to noticed the others making an effort to stay away from her, but it was plainly obvious that they thought of her as different. Yoshiko may have made some efforts to speak to others if it hadn't been her father, who just happened to teach at Lazuri High. Because of him being there, she simply kept to herself and focused on doing well in her studies, which wasn't hard to do with parents like hers.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Appearance:] [img]http://i42.tinypic.com/2nw1p2f.jpg[/img][/spoiler] [u]Combat Information[/u] [b]Weapon:[/b] N/A [spoiler=Attacks/Technique(s):] Yoshiko's makes use of ice or water type of techniques. When in the form of ice, it is extremely dense and has the consistency of diamond. Even when in it's liquid form, it can block fairly strong attacks and is as sharp as a katana. When Yoshiko is using it she favors long range, but isn't afraid to get up close and personal. Since dancing is something close to her heart she incorporates it into her fighting close range style, making her style a bit unpredictable. All of her attacks require a lot of energy to use, so her energy is drained fairly quickly. As one would expect it's biggest weakness is fire, however, if enough is used it can even overcome fire but that takes a lot of power. It's also weak to lightning, but the weakness is reduced when in it's solid form. [u]Water Vixen: [/u]This attack is a close ranged attack, in which Yoshiko performs one of her dances and the water moves around her. It's both beautiful and deadly, because the water moves in a whip like movement and follows her movements so closely it makes it hard to counter this attack. [u]Winter's Blade[/u]: Pretty self explanatory. She encases her right hand in ice to mimic a blade when she is in close combat. [u]Winter's Chill: [/u]A cold wind is blown towards the enemy with dozens of ice shards mixed in to cut the opponent. The attack is done by Yoshiko taking a deep breath and releasing the breath at the opponent. [u]Ice Breaker: [/u]Forms numerous ice shards that surrounds Yoshiko and then shoots out to the targets that she aims at. She can control the individual ice shards, and can form up to 6 at one time. This is the primary long range attack she uses. [u]Red Water: [/u]Similar to ice breaker in which shards of ice are formed, however this one completely surrounds her and the opponent in a sphere of ice shards (Similar to Byakuya's Bankai when his swords are in a straight line. Only Yoshiko's ice shards are in a circle). The ice shards then rain down on the opponent completely impaling them unless then can manage to dodge[u].[/u] So far this is her strongest attack.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Gestalt:] [u]Boreas' Dancer[/u] When Yoshiko changes into her Gestalt form, the surrounding area becomes cold and an icy wind blows through the area. The icy wind swirls around Yoshiko in a violent manor completely obscuring her from view. When the wind vanishes, Yoshiko is seen wearing an all blue suit with a blue with a white metal looking mask over her mouth and her hair and eyes also turns blue. There is a blue icy mist seemingly coming off her body, almost as if she was smoking (Think of dry ice). Around her waist is a stiff, ice looking skirt which can also be used as a weapon if needed. To fish up her outfit, her shoes are essentially ice skates, with blades of sharp ice at the bottom. Whenever she moves, she does so as if she was skating and a lane of appears wherever she has been. In this form she looses her glasses. -Coup de Grâce: Final Request: Similar to the attack "Water Vixen" in that she does a specific dance, however ice is used with this attack instead of water. Her speed and power are, needless to say, increased causing much more damage to the opponent. This technique can cause the opponent to suffer from severe frostbite, numbness and a loss of feeling in the body. [/spoiler] [b][u]Other Information[/u][/b] - Yoshiko cannot handle the heat very well, which is most likely due to her ice affinity abilities. In contrast to this, she is not bothered by cold whether. - Yoshiko has never had a cold before. - She is very interested in food, and loves eating different kinds of good food. However, she cannot cook at all and ends up burning everything. - Yoshiko has read up to 4 times as many books as an average person would ready in their entire life time. - Afraid of heights, and will quickly pass out if up too high. - Has a secret sweet tooth, especially for cakes and other baked goods. [/spoiler][/code][/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hotaru987 Posted April 11, 2012 Report Share Posted April 11, 2012 ok i think its fixed now Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Desu the Blue Nerd Posted April 11, 2012 Report Share Posted April 11, 2012 [color=#0000CD]Good job on the app, Hotaru. [/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VGVentus Posted April 12, 2012 Report Share Posted April 12, 2012 I'm kind of confused, is thing accepting or have you got everyone you need? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyng's Old Account Posted April 12, 2012 Author Report Share Posted April 12, 2012 This is constantly accepting, however we are not accepting Primary Characters, more so Secondary Characters, who serve a more finite role, which can be restricted to a single up to an entire Arc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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