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Gestalt [OoC/Started/Accepting (See for more info)]

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Guuuys~ The OOC had a brain fart and lost our apps...

BUT! Kyng says our apps need to be updated anyways! So there's the silver lining in that. Use Hyde's app for reference for what the update is. It's just the Familiar that above the Gestalt part of the app that's new.

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Desu: Yeah.. Your guys' apps should be somewhere in this OOC when ya posted them for review..

As for the Familiar part of the app it looks like the set up is this..

[b]Familiar Name:[/b]
[b]Appearance: [/b](in a spoiler)

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Hotaru: App update Kyng wants us to do.. All he really told me was to let you guys know that there's an app update so unless ya have your app saved on the comp, I'd recommend spending the rest of tonight looking for it in the OOC. Lol. And possibly getting an idea of what you want your familiars to look like.

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Familiars: Small creatures which your Magician will be able to Summon willingly (once Captured, we've a whole Chapter driven for the capturing of these little things). Limitations are simply to size and strength, as they cannot be half as strong as your character; however, they can compliment them (Hope's Merging Technique)

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F- Google! dA where I go nowadays. Before, it was photobucket. Lol. And Kyngy, expect the updated app by tomorrow. Got work in a few hours (2) and I've been scrambling around like a chicken without a head for the past 4 hours trying to keep things in order for my rp. xD

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