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[quote name='Hotaru987' timestamp='1337820019' post='5945780']
Me too...His very sweet ass...I'm kind of disappointed about his RP, since I doubt it will continue when/if he comes back. It didn't really get anywhere. I was real sad that you didn't join since someone else took your idea. It kind of ruined the whole trio thing. I was bummed for a few days.
[color=#0000CD]Yeah, I'm still sorry about that. I felt pretty bad myself that I seriously let myself do that to you guys. I'll beat him if he doesn't finish that RP with or without me.[/color]

Hey, are you still interested in making that character for my story? (should we take this convo to PM?)
[color=#0000CD]Yeah, I'm just REALLY busy lately. I just finished one project and have two more do next week. Also dealing with some other sh*t.[/color]
[quote name='Hanako Ikezawa' timestamp='1337820120' post='5945782']
I will be joining this roleplay and am working with Kyng on an app. I just wanted to get involved in something really good and this stood out. Like, really.

Anyways, I won't be in it for a while if things go as planned. So, hello guys. I look forwards to roleplaying with you soon.

...Wait, Desu and Blu are in this roleplay...

so it MUST be good. ^_^

[color=#0000CD]Sweet, we have another awesome as hell chick in here. Wait...*Pokes Kyng.* Hey...hey Kyng...we're being outnumbered...awesome...[/color]

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And I'll help you! Beat Blu that is. As for the character for me, you can take your time. I still hadn't finished the 1st chapter yet, so there isn't any rush. I just wasn't sure if you were still interested because I hadn't heard anything.

Also, welcome aboard Hanako! Looking forward to work with you. If Desu says you're awesome then you must be. He's never wrong(except during the times when he's wrong.)^^

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[quote name='Hotaru987' timestamp='1337820876' post='5945791']
And I'll help you! Beat Blu that is. As for the character for me, you can take your time. I still hadn't finished the 1st chapter yet, so there isn't any rush. I just wasn't sure if you were still interested because I hadn't heard anything.
[color=#0000CD]Thanks Hotaru. <3[/color]

Also, welcome aboard Hanako! Looking forward to work with you. If Desu says you're awesome then you must be. He's never wrong(except during the times when he's wrong.)^^
[color="#0000cd"]You want to know something not wrong? You're awesomer. :3[/color]

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Hehehe, thanks Desu. You're too good to me.

Though now I suggest we either continue in a PM, or just stop because I would hate for this to get locked. I think it already has one warning due to off topicness (which is strange since Blood Blue's OOC was majorly off topic conversations...^///^)

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[quote name='Hotaru987' timestamp='1337821763' post='5945797']
Hehehe, thanks Desu. You're too good to me.
[color=#0000CD]I try. <3[/color]

Though now I suggest we either continue in a PM, or just stop because I would hate for this to get locked. I think it already has one warning due to off topicness (which is strange since Blood Blue's OOC was majorly off topic conversations...^///^)

[color=#0000CD]I'll hopefully get a post in tomorrow.[/color]

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Now, it's time to handle all this wonderful activity like a sir~[hr][b]@Desu:[/b] I'm terribly sorry to hear about your Dad. My mother's been in recently due to a cyst in her pancreas, so I can understand if it's causing any issues as such. Please, there is no rush, take the time you need in order to be at your best; if tomorrow (or today for me) suits you, that's wonderful news, but I'll give you (as with Blu and Raine) as much time as you need to get sorted. Same goes with everyone else, by the way.

As for the Male/Female ratio, though unexpected, I can say without question that either this new Avi works, or Desu is far too sexy for his own well being...or, of course, there's always the chance of me being too sexy for my own well being, but I'd rather let Desu-kun fall under that clause.

[b]@Hotaru:[/b] You're doing a story? I assume it's a fan fiction, since you did say Chapter 1 somewhere, but whether or not I'm wrong I hope it goes well. If it's an RP, I'd love a sneak preview, of course that's only if you're willing to let me at it, but like I said with Hanako's RP, I cannot promise activity, so whether or not I reserve will be difficult in order to fully establish.

[b]@Hanako:[/b] Things will go ahead as planned, you've nothing to worry there. As for your App, we'll continue to discuss it over the Private Message upon which you've sent it to me.

[b]@DesuTaru:[/b] You two, seriously, are a cute couple, and as much as I love to see flirting, or even romance being the romantic that I am, I'm afraid it'll need to be taken elsewhere. Thanks for bringing it to a conclusion Hotaru, I'm glad to know who's wearing the pants in the relationship...those damn leather pants...Desu, good luck.

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Yeah, it's a fanfiction, not an RP. If it was an RP, I would have definitely given you and Aisu a sneak peak. Though...If you still wish to look at it to give any critiques it would be most helpful.

As for a post, I'll be getting a post in, in a few moments.

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[quote name='Kyng' timestamp='1337854939' post='5945990']
[b]@Desu:[/b] I'm terribly sorry to hear about your Dad. My mother's been in recently due to a cyst in her pancreas, so I can understand if it's causing any issues as such. Please, there is no rush, take the time you need in order to be at your best; if tomorrow (or today for me) suits you, that's wonderful news, but I'll give you (as with Blu and Raine) as much time as you need to get sorted. Same goes with everyone else, by the way.
[color=#0000CD]Thanks man but it's all fine on my end. My dad will be out tomorrow. Today on the other hand~[/color]

As for the Male/Female ratio, though unexpected, I can say without question that either this new Avi works, or Desu is far too sexy for his own well being...or, of course, there's always the chance of me being too sexy for my own well being, but I'd rather let Desu-kun fall under that clause.
[color=#0000CD]I think it just might be that we're both far too sexy for our own good. I got ther whole badboy a**hole thing going and you're British.[/color]

[b]@DesuTaru:[/b] You two, seriously, are a cute couple,
[color=#0000CD]Am I the only one who thinks Desutaru sounds absolutely adowable? Oh...uhhh...nobody else...? Yeah, me neither. >///>[/color]
and as much as I love to see flirting, or even romance being the romantic that I am, I'm afraid it'll need to be taken elsewhere.
[color=#0000CD]Sorry, man. A bit of a habit and Hotaru is like an addiction.[/color]
Thanks for bringing it to a conclusion Hotaru, I'm glad to know who's wearing the pants in the relationship...those damn leather pants...Desu, good luck.
[color="#0000cd"]Oh, good. I was beginning to think it made my ass look big.[/color]

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Damn right Kyng is too sexy for his own good~ Wapecially tgat voice of his. I just love his voice~

Anyways... Desu, there are far too many things about your post that I love to mention. XD Btw, just to clear things up, Amai's parents are in America, getting a second store running. Ya can keep Katz thinking that they are dead in order to make an awkward moment in the future when he learns they aren't, k? Lol

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[quote name='Quεnn Aisu' timestamp='1337905448' post='5946347']
Damn right Kyng is too sexy for his own good~ Wapecially tgat voice of his. I just love his voice~
[color=#0000CD]I agree.[/color]

Anyways... Desu, there are far too many things about your post that I love to mention. XD
[color=#0000CD]Thanks, I figured since I haven't gotten a post in so long I'd really have to spice this one up and I love RPing as Katz. I find him to be such an interesting character.[/color]
Btw, just to clear things up, Amai's parents are in America, getting a second store running.
[color=#0000CD]Oh sh*t, I forgot. DX[/color]
Ya can keep Katz thinking that they are dead in order to make an awkward moment in the future when he learns they aren't, k? Lol
[color=#0000CD]Amai: I want you to meet my parents face to face.[/color]
[color=#0000CD]Katz: You're a terrible person for wanting to dig up the remains of your parents![/color]

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[quote name='Quεnn Aisu' timestamp='1337907685' post='5946379']
Wut? Anyways.. Katz is one of the most interesting characters I've come to know. Especially his random outbursts and thoughts. Like the diareah, not in my school, etc. Lol. And to think, he's not the usual arse your characters are.

[color=#0000CD]Thanks again. He's just so fun to use. I feel like if I get to writing I need to put a character like him in my work. He's just one of my favorite characters to have ever RP'd with. And yeah, I usually play an "arse" but I do try to diversify pretty often or go with a character somebody else hasn't. Blu took the a**hole. F*CK YOU BLU! But not really. Thanks, Blu. <3[/color]

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And could ya imagine the look on his face when he enters the roof and sees not only Amai and Hyde NOT doing it, but also sees Shiro leaning against an invisible wall, only inches from death. Yep. I would pay for someone to make this into an anime JUST to see his face. Lol!

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