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Gestalt [OoC/Started/Accepting (See for more info)]

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[right][b][size=2]Hosted by Kyng & Rin
[acronym=Opening]♫[/acronym]An Original RP[acronym=Ending]♬[/acronym] [/size][/b][/right]
[hr]Lazuli City, a large coastal city in contemporary Japan, isn’t well known for much beyond its Lapis Lazuli Export, its name rooting from the gem rock; however, this story looks at a different aspect about Lazuli City. Magic is a very influential tool, more so in Lazuli City, as there is a deep secret that very few families are aware of, a secret which makes this remote city somewhat a very crucial place.

Even though Japan had very little to do with European History, there has been a myth passed down through the ages. In times of olde, the 12[sup]th[/sup] century, the Knight of the Round table under the name of Lancelot was asked, by an oriental seer Chihensen, to come to a land untouched by nature, and forever symbolise his legend under a magical heraldic seal as the Knave of Clubs, activating this ancient seal and unleashing the magic bloodline who would save the world form inevitable destruction. Thus as the knight parted with a portion of his blood, he forged the final piece in the seal, setting in stone the Magical Seal of the Four Suits, awakening a new golden age. Each year, once, in the ancient temple, a seal would appear upon the ancient ground, to signal the child of the suit had been born, and thus Arcane magic had entered the world, graspable by mortal means, these children being granted the power more thoroughly than others. Lancelot, though voluntarily granting his words and activating the seal, was for some reason displeased with his position as the Knave of Clubs, his own greed taking hold of him, and thus he had his revenge by informing the Church of this, who had begun to persecute of the magic seal, which caused strife to such a degree eventually an order, Twilight, had made their march towards the site of the Temple, and took control of it with ease due to their technological prowess at this time. After seizing control of the temple, each time the symbol flashed a suit, Twilight would search and slaughter children who they believed who bore the heraldic seal. Despite this, the ageless seer Chihensen, who had managed to evade this mistreatment, and who had watched the horrific death of her order’s men and women, escaped with the 12 cards, as well as 5 more. She escaped with the 3 Royals of the 4 Suits, as well as the aces, and one different card, the Fleur de Lis. By removing the cards, she turned off the seal, and thus stripped humanity once again of magic, as Twilight had proved they could not be trusted. She hid these cards well, these relics, and gifted them away to families, who then gifted them to families, and so on until Twilight could not keep track of the cards, eventually giving up their cause and abandoning the temple. In doing so, Chihensen had returned a final time, to place in the aces, so that the children could be born with dormant magic inherited in their spirits.

Now, today, there are twelve families who hold these royals, one to each family; their goal is simple: compete against each other, one’s magicians against another’s, to collect all of the cards to a single holder, so that the seal could be safely reactivated and guarded by the most magically powerful people upon the earth. However, one day, it was fabled that the Fleur de Lis would reveal him, or herself, and would become the turning tide in the battle for the cards; the four Aces and the Fleur de Lis would act upon the Gestalt principle, the whole being greater than the sum, in order to assemble the cards before the seal breaks, unleashing an ancient evil: a gate to the underworld.

Little does Hyde Kokobunji or those around him know, their lives will soon change forever, and not necessarily for the best…[hr][spoiler=Rules & Database][b][u]The Norms of Conduct are the following:[/u][/b]
[b]♠ [/b]All YCM Rules apply, including the Advanced Clause. This is a PG-16 RP, and consequentially there is likely to be higher grades of swearing and sexual references in this RP.
[b]♦ [/b]Kyng is the host of this RP, and consequentially he will have the final overriding say in relation to this RP. However, a co-host may be accepted.
[b]♥ [/b][b]NEW: [/b]Despite a defined posting routine, feel free to post up to thrice in instances of character interaction.
[b]♣[/b] Anyone who falls under the [acronym=Little to no contact to any one member of this RP for a period of time.]Bermuda Triangle Syndrome[/acronym] for a week will be removed from the RP.
Please take precise care in your app, as I will know if you have read the rules or not based on it.
[spoiler=Database][spoiler=Encyclopaedia of Terms][b]Lazuli City: [/b]The primary location of the RP; Lazuli City, as its name implies, is a huge exporter of Lapis Lazuli, mines being further away from the town in the woods, accessed through a Mine Shack, where these Lapis hotspots are found. It is a coastal city, and rather large in size.
[b]Lapis Lazuli: [/b]Lazuli City’s main export; see [url="http://en.wikipedia....ki/Lapis_lazuli"]http://en.wikipedia....ki/Lapis_lazuli[/url]
[b]Knave: [/b]Another name for the Jack (Royal Suit)
[b]Twilight: [/b]A chivalric order who rose from the Church’s distaste towards the Magic Seal of the Four Suits, a deep corruption laying within the organization; they persecuted magic users, and slaughtered those who were born during a Seal’s flash (whereby the specific suit upon the Magic seal would flash brightly); after the disappearance of the cards, they disbanded their cause and left the temple, however their true situation remains vague.
[b]Fleur de Lis: [/b]A Fleur de Lis is a stylised Lily or Iris used as a symbol, often upon a Coat of Arms. In this context, however, this refers to a Magical Seal. Rather than the usual Suit (Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts & Spades), one can be born under a Fleur de Lis seal; it signals great magical power within the one born with the seal’s flash, powerful enough to collect the Royal Cards and return them to their sanctuary. The current Fleur de Lis is Hyde Kokobunji.
[b]Gestalt: [/b]Meaning “The whole is greater than the sum.”: the zenith of magical power; any magic wielder can access a Gestalt form, which is unique to the individual user, however to unlock it requires specific conditions to be fulfilled. In activating their individual Gestalt, one’s magical energy, including the current and used, become a whole and transform the user into an entity which their magic best represents their magic; because of this, the user’s magical might is, at least, tenfold stronger. Each Gestalt has a special attack, donned their Coup de Grâce, an attack which burns up all of the Gestalt’s magic reserve to unleash, often, a lethal attack; upon using this the Gestalt will retire, the user’s normal form returning.
[b]Families: [/b]This refers to the Magician Families, the 12, who hold Royal Cards. The currently know families, as well as their respective cards, are the following:
-The David House - Current Head: Garethe David – This family shares a strong tie with a religious faction the protagonists soon will encounter. – Holds the King of Spades (King David).
-The Raquel House - Current Head: Santana Raquel – This house is amongst the first two hold two cards. – Hold the Queen of Hearts (Saint Rachel) and the Jack of Hearts (Étienne de Vignolles).
-The Gringham House – Current Head: Francesco Gringham – This Family was not amongst the original twelve, its origins to be discovered in depth later. – Holds the King of Clubs (Alexander the Great).
[b]Magic Seal: [/b]A simple spell all magicians can use in order to separate the users from their own dimension, a magical dimension being opened, so that magicians can use to combat inside at any time without causing any damage to the environment in which they are surrounded in. Causes significant changes to the environment: examples [1] [2] [3].
[/spoiler] [spoiler=Lauli City & it’s Features]Lazuli City is an extremely vast city, with an assortment of places of interest. This RP involves the protagonists from Lazuli High, more so in Classroom 2-A. Hyde Kokobunji's parents run a nearby place, the "Thanks A Latte" CafÉ, living not too far away in a lovely apartment with his brother, his room not being the most tidiest. However, there are much more features to see in Lazuli City, especially it's Bazaar, a place filled with excitement and hot air; furthermore, the Eclipse Building is quite the landmark. There's a number of places here, such as a nice Manga Shop, Lazuli Park, an Arcade, a rather undersized Library which is often simply called a Book Shop, and even a Dancing School, a number of restaurants; one could even stroll down Memory Lane by having a look at Lazuli's Kindergarten, or if wanting to get fit, or just have fun, the Track Field is the place to be.

More to come soon.[/spoiler][/spoiler]

[/spoiler][hr][spoiler=Character Application][i][u][b]If you wish to take part in this RP, copy this application and fill in the information where relevant. A few notes you must consider prior to creating your character:[/b][/u][/i]
[u]Factual Requirements:[/u]
You must fill in each section provided in the app, save the “Other Information” section which, in turn, can have any information not previously disclosed elsewhere. In the instance of NPC characters, depending on who they are and what role they will play, other sections may be permitted to be excluded, or left enigmatic (???).

[u]Notable Advice:[/u]
This RP takes place in Japan, therefore Japanese names will get you a likelier spot here. I won’t be accepting names such as “Blaze”, “Blade”, “Jet”, etc. There is an age restriction to that of Highschool students for main characters.

[u]Currently on offer, there is:[/u]
Undefined Secondary Character Spots available;
(as of yet) 0 Antagonist Spots available.

[code][b][u]Personal Information[/u][/b]
[b]Character Name:[/b]

[b][u]Combat Information[/u][/b]
[spoiler=Familiar:][b]Familiar Name:[/b]
-Coup de Grâce:

[b][u]Other Information[/u][/b]
[/code][/spoiler][hr][spoiler=Host's Applications][spoiler=Hyde Kokobunji][b][u]Personal Information[/u][/b]
[b]Character Name:[/b] Hyde Kokobunji
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Age:[/b] 16
[b]Personality:[/b] Hyde Kokobunji is, without question, that typical Average Joe, despite having luxuries in life. He beckons humility, and always does his absolute best to try and behave in a civil manner, to show respect and polite manners to whomever he is to acquaint himself with; this doesn’t mean, at all, he’ll act snobby! Hyde is a guy-guy, the one who gladly shirks from studies to relax, or just procrastinate by doing sod all. Hyde doesn’t seem to be shy about anything really, but can be prone to miss obvious signs at times. Regardless, the pounding ragazzo in his heart shows he won’t ever tap out, will never surrender; he’s a scrappy hound alright. Hyde does get an awful lot of attention from his brother’s fangirls, and the occasional fanboy or two, to which he has to try keep his cool and not give out his brother to them as food; his strong relationship with Daisuke would never allow such a thing to happen. This relationship could very well be put into jeopardy with the coming events…
[b]Biography:[/b] Hyde Kokobunji was born on the 23rd of August in Lazuli City Central Hospital to loving parents Riho and Hayate Kokobunji, two high school sweethearts who splashed out their funds on their dream, of opening a chain of successful cafÉs around Japan, under the name of “Thanks a Latte”, and successful brother Daisuke, who was born 7 years prior to Hyde; unlike Daisuke, Hyde’s childhood was by far less stressful. His brother did a lot of help with his mother and father when the parents were busy working, and so they had a very close relationship from the start, his big brother there for him each and every step, save changing the diapers and other stuff he flatly refused of course, although to be fair who could blame him. From kindergarten upwards to late elementary school, Daisuke always looked over Hyde’s shoulder, although obviously as time passed they distanced due to many issues, amongst those Daisuke’s education as well as his future career suddenly skyrocketing.

At age 12, Daisuke’s career landed both him and Hyde an place in Lazuli City, as well as Daisuke sacrificing his scholarship for his little brother to attend the many schools in the grand land of opportunity, however they didn’t go there empty handed! In fact, the Kokobunji CafÉ Business had made their mark by securing a beach-side shop, "Thanks A Latte"'s second shop, where Daisuke's career had attracted many attention to the place enough to get them both an apartment near the coast, a swell little place which beckoned humility, a nice place not too far from school either; Hyde had the privilege of walking to the school and from. Life was really good for the Kokobunji brothers, and Hyde had plenty of time for luxuries here and there, let alone the simple enjoyments that life offered.

His second year in Lazuli High is jut starting, and Hyde expects old friends to be abundant, but is much more enthralled at what this new year has to offer him; he never knew what would soon turn around the corner…
[spoiler=Character Appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/LkYHD.png[/img][/spoiler]

[b][u]Combat Information[/u][/b]
[u]Vulcan’s Hand[/u]
An innate ability within the body of Hyde; Vulcan’s hand is granted to those who are born upon the day of the Roman God Vulcan, the 23rd of August, however activation of the weapon requires much more than mere ownership. God Hands are all empty, without power, unless recharged by an external source, and this weapon in itself is difficult to make full usage of, requiring great levels of practise prior to perfection. The God Hand of Vulcan is within Hyde’s right hand.

Vulcan can materialize himself in situations where Hyde has lost consciousness, such as sleep, fatigue, etc, inside Hyde’s mind; Vulcan has yet to develop sufficiently to be able to take a physical form as one of Hyde’s Gestalts.

[u]Xaphan’s Hand[/u]
An innate ability within the body of Hyde; the Xaphan’s Hand was given to Hyde from birth on a contract which, for now, shall be only briefly described as a fateful encounter in the future is to be guaranteed. This Demon hand bears no magic within it unless it has been recharged, and correct usage requires great restraint, as this weapon feeds upon the inner anxiety to break their wielders into submission and corruption. The Demon Hand of Xaphan is within Hyde’s left hand.

Xaphan can materialize himself in situations where Hyde has lost consciousness, such as sleep, fatigue, etc, inside Hyde’s mind; Xaphan can take a physical form as one of Hyde’s Gestalts.

[u]Fauchet de Lis:[/u]
At any time in his Gestalt State, Xaphan can manifest from the air the Fauchet de Lis, a Scythe with the Fleur de Lis insignia embedded upon it: he can use this as a medium to channel his powers, however this scythe is also the embodiment of Hyde’s Fleur de Lis powers: this scythe, whilst being held, slowly absorbs the Magic from the surrounding environment, fueling the wielder with the absorbed magic as a result. Manifesting this can allow a complete magic draining.

[u]Illusion Magic Expert:[/u] As all associates of a Magician Family, Hyde becomes completely capable of performing any and all Illusion Magic, however due to only being an associate he can only excel in one branch. Hyde’s branch is Escapology, inspired by Houdini, and thus he has the ability to form a method of escaping from situations. This has gone to an extent to allow Hyde to use the attack Escapade Push (an attack that releases a burst of energy from the user; it requires 24 hours to recharge after 1 use).

[u]Fire Manipulation:[/u] Hyde has two very powerful weapons, both which represent entities of fire, Vulcan representing beneficial and hindering fire and Xaphan resembling fire and inventiveness; thus Hyde has been granted the ability to wield fire to his will. Hyde is currently just a novice, and thus his power is limited to three:
1 - Hyde can make prominent use of flame throwing, simply done by charging an orb of fire in his palm which he then lobs at his opponent, inflicting moderate fire damage to those inflicted by the attack.
2 - Hyde can imbue his limbs with sufficient fire to either deal high-heated temperatured or even flaming physical attacks, or to such an extent to cause flames to envelope the limbs allowing him to generate flaming weaponry and/or armour.
3 - Hyde can upgrade his fire to, depending upon which Hand he uses:
3a -Vulcan’s Hand: Hyde’s fire becomes Holy Fire, which does significantly greater damage to evil entities or demons, as well as having healing properties if not used offensively.
3b -Xaphan’s Hand: Hyde’s fire becomes Hell Fire, which is so intense it leaves no by-products of what it incinerates; it is a much more aggressive form of fire, used for dealing heavy blows.
[spoiler=Familiar:][b]Familiar Name:[/b] Hope
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[i]Holy Fire Empowerment:[/i] Being struck by Holy Flames increases Hope's overall power, as well as allows him to distribute this power amongst allies of this bird's wielders.
[i]Phoenix Physiology:[/i] Can take the form of a small flame swallow, able to swiftly burn and strike foes with it's Holy Flame Body.
[i]Fire Ball Projection:[/i] Literally what it says on the can.
[i]Gestalt Negation:[/i] Hope can merge with Xaphan in order to bring Hyde out of the Gestalt; as such, Hope can enter the bodies of Gestalts and negate them.

Xaphan - An ability outside of Hyde’s control; Hyde’s left arm glows tremendously, and a flame of Hell-Fire erupts from the center of his chest, burning with a specific symbol: following this, flames scourge around him before flying into his mouth, corruption taking hold of him, and as his mouth begins to "flood" with the fire, it begins to cover his entire self; from these flames Hyde's anatomy changes, and he takes the form of Xaphan, a demon with mastery in the art of Hell Fire. This is a Type 2 Gestalt, one whereby the Gestalt takes on a life of it's own, rather than complimenting that of it's master; Xaphan's concious isn't one to reason with. He simply lusts for violence, blood, and destruction. In this form, Xaphan's incredible Demonic abilities are unlocked, including levitation, Shadow Manipulation, and Hell Fire manipulation.
-Coup de Grâce: Apocalyptic Fire – Usually began with a smirk, and certainly without any warning, Xaphan swiftly lifts his left arm into the air, causing the very earth beneath him to shatter as the strongest flames from the very pits of Hell erupts from the now shattered earth, incinerating all within the radius of it's cylindrical diameter of 10 metres, as well as a height of 100 metres, scorching the clouds and the sky in the process. Besides Xaphan, all in this cylinder of Hell-Fire is no more.

[b][u]Other Information[/u][/b]
[b]Hyde’s Theme[/b] Hyde Kokobunji's Theme
[b]Gestalt Theme:[/b] Xaphan's Theme
[/spoiler][spoiler=Shiro Gringham][b][u]Personal Information[/u][/b]
[b]Character Name:[/b] Shiro Gringham
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Age:[/b] 16
[b]Personality:[/b] Very proud of his heritage, it isn't uncommon to find Shiro as rather boastful in his way of doing things: Shiro's quiet, yet very direct nature is unique to himself...
[spoiler=SPOILER ALERT!]
Shiro was born as a genetically engineered soldier, since birth, alongside Hikari, for Twilight's own usage, however both children at this time were inhabbited by the souls of Francesco Gringham's sons, Blanco and Negro, and as such their magical prominence originates from the intense power hidden within the souls of these vessels; as such, when the previous head of the David House inspected their development, he shunned them from the program, deeming them as wizards, not machines, and thus they do not comply with the norms of the organization.

Age five, Shiro was then left with sister Hikari whom both were placed into an orphanage. Unlike Hikari, Shiro was immediately adopted by Francesco Gringham, and from Age 5 trained, unconditionally, until he became at the level he currently is at, acheiving such at age 9. Currently the longest 10 of Spades, Shiro's magic, though not strictly offensive, is very difficult to best, and as such he makes prominent use of it to wave the banner of the Gringham House: however, with only one magician, it was not enough to capture the rest of the cards. So, Shiro patiently awaited those who would join him and his father's conquest.[/spoiler]

[b][u]Combat Information[/u][/b]
[b]Weapon[/b]: n/a
[i]Light Magic:[/i] Shiro's use of Light Magic is unrivaled, being capable of using almost each and every single technique he desires in the branch; his favourite techniques include Bright Blade, and GigaFlash...
[spoiler=Familiar:][b]Familiar Name:[/b] Peggy
[b]Gender:[/b] Female
-Coup de Grâce:
Gestalt Switch: A very tactical Coup, Galahad is able to force the activation of another's Gestalt by powering his own down.

Unmovable Object: One of the two secret Infinite Techniques, Galahad can create an invincible barrier to block a powerful attack, a perfect counter; as such, it burns up his entirety of his Gestalt to use it, and will render Shiro unconcious.

[b][u]Other Information[/u][/b][/spoiler][/spoiler][hr][spoiler=Accepted Apps][spoiler=Rosa Esphera] [u][b]Personal Information[/b][/u]
[b]Character Name:[/b] Rosa Esphera
[b]Gender:[/b] Female
[b]Age:[/b] 15
[b]Personality:[/b] Rosa Esphera is a wily individual, manipulative, but her manipulation of people is almost never with malicious intent. Given her special ability granted to her by her symbiotic partner, Ull, she has to put up a barrier to shield herself from any and all outwardly negative emotions; she usually does this by simply joking, ignoring any air of professionalism, and making fun of other people as to make herself feel better.

Ull is her symbiotic demon. Ull is very, very overprotective of Rosa, as if she dies, he dies. Although Ull can't speak or (usually) act for himself, he will go at any lengths to use his powers to protect Rosa from any sort of harm, even if it means showing his true demonic form.

[b]Biography:[/b] Rosa was born to a pair of magicians, each well known as demon hunters. Wanting to experiment with the power of demons, they sealed the most powerful one they could handle, known by many as the Ull, into their daughter. Ull and Rosa got along swimmingly throughout her younger years. She even began speaking the demonic language before she began speaking her first human language- Spanish.

Her parents, realizing her scary potential, fooled her into thinking that she would just live a normal life from then on out. They ushered her into normal human school, with Ull still tagging along appearing as a normal headband to those unknowing of his true nature.

It was around the time that she hit puberty- thirteen years of age- that her unique power began to surface. This power made even her parents scared of her. Not knowing what to do with the child, or the demon inside of her, they sent her away to live with someone they knew well in Japan; a certain Lord Gringham.

Lord Gringham realized her potential himself, but instead of him sealing it away like her parents, he nurtured it, encouraging her to speak in her 'native' tongue. It was then that she and Ull started showing signs that she could possibly be one of the single most powerful summoners to have ever walked the planet; with her near effortless ability to call forth entities from the demon's world, she excelled at this study.

She is now fifteen, and is newly inducted to Lord Gringham as an 'associate', instead of someone just living with him.

[u][b]Combat Information[/b][/u]
[b]Weapon:[/b] Ull, Advanced Summoning Techniques
Ull's Protection: As Rosa's death would mean the death of Ull as well, Ull will do anything in his power to protect Rosa. Using his precognitive abilities, he shields Rosa from any and all attacks as she performs her summoning chants.

Demonic Drive: Rosa does not draw off of her own energy to summon or complete magical spells, thus allowing her to fire off so many more spells or incantations than the usual. This is achieved through Ull; his connection with the otherworld allows him to tap into its energy to power Rosa and himself. This is also why Rosa shows so much potential as a summoner, and what grants her so much knowledge over the demonic language for a human.

Breaker Horn: Using her incantation abilites, Rosa can summon a monster she's befriended in the otherworld. As this monster is quite large, parts of it are the only things that will fit through the portal. Using this technique, she calls forth that monster. The portal would open and its claws, or its hands would exit from the portal, smashing or decimating anything in its path. The most powerful body part that would exit through the portal would be the monster's horn, with its most dangerous attribute being its immense size and speed.

[i][b]Demonic Drive:[/b][/i]
[spoiler=Ull Forme][img]http://pjw-productions.com/images/ShadowMonster1a.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
In this form, Ull takes precedence over Rosa's mind in her own body, gaining control. He then uses his own energy to form a perfect barrier around the body. Rosa is then pushed back in control over her own body, but she is rendered immobile within Ull's newly formed 'shell'. It is here that she may fire off incantations whilst Ull decimates the surrounding area with his true form.

[b]Breaker Blast:[/b] Ull fires off a huge laser from his eye. Quite deadly, if not destructive.

[b]Triplicate Summoning Art:[/b] Her summoning skills far exceed that of her norm in this form. Her language, unlike the normal, becomes quite flawless, and she may summon literally any amount of monster that she wishes. She can also produce reverse portals, transporting things from this world into the other. Useful for getting rid of projectiles.

[u][b]Other Information[/b][/u]
-Ull, when in his eye form, can sense literally anything about an individual; their past, their thoughts, their ambitions, motivation, likes, dislikes, truths, lies, etc. etc. He freely communicates this information to Rosa at all times.

-Ull will die if Rosa dies.

-Rosa will die if Ull dies.

-Rosa gets along with animals far more than other people. Her ability allows her to sense their feelings and 'connect' with them.

-Rosa's favorite color is pink.[/spoiler][spoiler=Yoshiko Watanabe][b]Character Name:[/b] Yoshiko Watanabe

[b]Gender:[/b] Female
[b]Age:[/b] 16

[b]Personality:[/b] Yoshiko, at first glance, appears to be a very cold individual. The aura that she gives out is one of isolation and being alone, and because of that most people don't approach her. Because of this she has been given the name "The Ice Queen" which is also a play off of her abilities. A lot of people also attribute her loner behavior as her thinking she's better than them, and with all of this combined she hasn't really had a friend before so she is used to being alone. In order to try and hide her true feelings she keeps an emotionless face on at all times. In truth she feels rather lonely, which can be seen clearly by the sad look in her eyes - the only thing that betrays her emotionless face - , which is usually interpreted as a glare by most. In truth she is shy, which is why she is really quiet with with others. To make up for the loneliness she took up reading, and so she had obtained a lot of knowledge about many things. She blushes easily when in contact with the other sex due to her inexperience with them, however her facial expression would hardly change. Instead all of her spazzing out moments happens inside of her head. The only time when Yoshiko can be seen as happy is when she is dancing. Another thing about Yoshiko is that she is completely blind without her glasses, and she gets scared very easily without them since she can't see without them.

[spoiler=Biography:] Born into a very strict house hold in Lazuli Yoshiko was pretty much striped of her childhood. Her parents were of good income, and very proud, controlling people. Ever since she was a young girl, her moves were planned out by her parents, and being their only child all of the expectations and hopes were all put on Yoshiko's shoulders. Bother of her parents were educators, her mother at an early education level, and her father at a high school level, and because of their desire to have Yoshiko be the best she was always studying. Due to this she never had time to make friends like other kids, and developed a distant personality from the lack of people her own age. Since she was tutelage at a young age her intellect grew much quicker than that of other children, which only increased the distances between her and her peers. Not only that, but even her magic ability was already being developed. So without much else to do, Yoshiko took up reading books as a pass time. She found them interesting and very satisfying, especially those which seemed to take her from the real world and into a fantasy world where anything was possible.

As her relations with her peers grew even more distant, she delved into even more books. By the time she was 9, she was already going through 5 books per weeks. There really wasn't anything else to do, because if she wasn't studying then her parents believed that it was a waste of time. When she was 12 years old, she found a book about dancing and she was instantly intrigued by it. More so than she was about other books. The way the dancer in the book seemed to be alive and moving across the pages fascinated her to no end. Not only that, but the dancer in the book seemed to be so happy, and Yoshiko wanted to know what that was like. Knowing that her parents wouldn't want her wasting her time with dancing, she started practicing in secret whenever she could. Yoshiko used books to teach herself the basics, and after three years of training she seemed to have finally felt something. It was a euphoric feeling, much better than when she would escape to her books. It was like she was flying through the air without a care or worry in the world.

Now 14 and enrolled in Lazuri High, Yoshiko managed to maintain her distant and seemingly cold personality. Yoshiko pretended not to noticed the others making an effort to stay away from her, but it was plainly obvious that they thought of her as different. Yoshiko may have made some efforts to speak to others if it hadn't been her father, who just happened to teach at Lazuri High. Because of him being there, she simply kept to herself and focused on doing well in her studies, which wasn't hard to do with parents like hers.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Appearance:] [img]http://i42.tinypic.com/2nw1p2f.jpg[/img][/spoiler]

[b][u]Combat Information[/u][/b]
[b]Weapon:[/b] N/A
Yoshiko's makes use of ice or water type of techniques. When in the form of ice, it is extremely dense and has the consistency of diamond. Even when in it's liquid form, it can block fairly strong attacks and is as sharp as a katana. When Yoshiko is using it she favors long range, but isn't afraid to get up close and personal. Since dancing is something close to her heart she incorporates it into her fighting close range style, making her style a bit unpredictable. All of her attacks require a lot of energy to use, so her energy is drained fairly quickly. As one would expect it's biggest weakness is fire, however, if enough is used it can even overcome fire but that takes a lot of power. It's also weak to lightning, but the weakness is reduced when in it's solid form.

[u]Water Vixen: [/u]This attack is a close ranged attack, in which Yoshiko performs one of her dances and the water moves around her. It's both beautiful and deadly, because the water moves in a whip like movement and follows her movements so closely it makes it hard to counter this attack.

[u]Winter's Blade[/u]: Pretty self explanatory. She encases her right hand in ice to mimic a blade when she is in close combat.

[u]Winter's Chill: [/u]A cold wind is blown towards the enemy with dozens of ice shards mixed in to cut the opponent. The attack is done by Yoshiko taking a deep breath and releasing the breath at the opponent.

[u]Ice Breaker: [/u]Forms numerous ice shards that surrounds Yoshiko and then shoots out to the targets that she aims at. She can control the individual ice shards, and can form up to 6 at one time. This is the primary long range attack she uses.

[u]Red Water: [/u]Similar to ice breaker in which shards of ice are formed, however this one completely surrounds her and the opponent in a sphere of ice shards (Similar to Byakuya's Bankai when his swords are in a straight line. Only Yoshiko's ice shards are in a circle). The ice shards then rain down on the opponent completely impaling them unless then can manage to dodge[u].[/u] So far this is her strongest attack.[/spoiler]

[b]Name:[/b] Nyru (“Ni” as in [b]ni[/b]ght – “ru” as in [b]ro[/b]of)
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[spoiler=Appearance] file:///C:%5CUsers%5Cshasha%5CAppData%5CLocal%5CTemp%5Cmsohtmlclip1%5C01%5Cclip_image001.jpg[/spoiler]
Like his owner, Nyru deals with ice and water base attacks. His weaknesses are the same as Yoshiko’s. Unlike his owner he is even faster, his small size allowing him even greater speed. On Nyru’s back there are ice crystals on his back which constantly gives off a cold air, giving it a dry ice effect. The cold air is also an indicator of Nyru’s life. The less cold air coming off of him means he is weak, and if it is to stop completely then that means he is dead. Nyru has the ability to “fly” which is actually him just constantly and rapily freezing the moisture in the air, but because it’s so quick the process isn’t seen and thus makes it look like he is flying. The less moisture there is the harder it is for him to accomplish this. Nyru’s body temperature is always below zero, however Yoshiko doesn’t seem to notice this while other people are often left cold just being around him.
[i]Glacier Freeze- [/i]The ice crystals on his back grow extremely large and is then shot towards the enemy in 6 individual attacks. The ice crystals then reform on his back.
[i]Dense Ice – [/i]The cold air that comes off of him suddenly gets thicker and larger until the entire area is covered in a fold fog obscuring the vision of those around him. Allies’ vision is not impaired, and the attack lasts for 5 minutes.
[i]Mist Reflector – [/i]Just as the name implies the Cold air radiating off of him, shoots out in front of Nyru in a swirling pattern which then acts as a shield reflecting and blocking attacks.
[i]Nyru’s Praise- [/i]Let’s out a howl, which then boosts allies attributes, strength and speed for 6 minutes
[i]Encore- [/i]When Yoshiko is in Gestalt, Nyru can use this. His body glows a blue hue, which Yoshiko’s body does as well. Nyru positions himself in front of Yoshiko, and then opens his mouth while Yoshiko holds both of her hands out in front of her. Both of them charge a blue orb before shooting simultaneously. The attacks combine for one large, snowy energy blast.[/spoiler][/spoiler]

[spoiler=Gestalt:][b][u]Boreas' Dancer[/u][/b]

When Yoshiko changes into her Gestalt form, the surrounding area becomes cold and an icy wind blows through the area. The icy wind swirls around Yoshiko in a violent manor completely obscuring her from view. When the wind vanishes, Yoshiko is seen wearing an all blue suit with a blue with a white metal looking mask over her mouth and her hair and eyes also turns blue. There is a blue icy mist seemingly coming off her body, almost as if she was smoking (Think of dry ice). Around her waist is a stiff, ice looking skirt which can also be used as a weapon if needed. To fish up her outfit, her shoes are essentially ice skates, with blades of sharp ice at the bottom. Whenever she moves, she does so as if she was skating and a lane of appears wherever she has been. In this form she looses her glasses.

[i]-Coup de Grâce:[/i]

Final Request: Similar to the attack "Water Vixen" in that she does a specific dance, however ice is used with this attack instead of water. Her speed and power are, needless to say, increased causing much more damage to the opponent. This technique can cause the opponent to suffer from severe frostbite, numbness and a loss of feeling in the body. [/spoiler]

[b][u]Other Information[/u][/b]

- Yoshiko cannot handle the heat very well, which is most likely due to her ice affinity abilities. In contrast to this, she is not bothered by cold whether.
- Yoshiko has never had a cold before.
- She is very interested in food, and loves eating different kinds of good food. However, she cannot cook at all and ends up burning everything.
- Yoshiko has read up to 4 times as many books as an average person would ready in their entire life time.
- Afraid of heights, and will quickly pass out if up too high.
- Has a secret sweet tooth, especially for cakes and other baked goods.
[/spoiler][spoiler=Kaito Asano]
[b][u]Personal Information[/u][/b]
[b]Character Name:[/b] Kaito Asano
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Age:[/b] 18
Carefree and flirty, just two of the many things that make Kaito who he is. This kind hearted teen is always being somewhat of a gentleman to the ladies he comes in contact with(when he isn't being such a little perv), while being a normal guy who just likes making people smile. Whether he decides to do a small card trick or make roses appear in his hand, Kaito does everything he can just to see those around him smile. He's a very bold person, wanting to speak his mind about anything that people discuss, a sort of "I'm giving you my two cents whether you want it or not!" type feeling to it. With a strong determination in his soul/heart/etc, Kaito proves to others that there isn't anything he won't do, and giving up? Well that word is no where in his vocabulary. Though, when he isn't busy flirting or being chased off by girls who he's peeped on, Kaito takes being a magician/helping his friends very seriously.[/spoiler]

Kaito's early years were good, at least what he thought of them. When he was born, he never really knew his father, so he only knew his mother along with his uncle and aunt. His friends that he had made around the area he grew up in, actually made fun of him for not having a father to teach him things every boy needs to know. And because of this, Kaito was beat up for no apparent reason. That's when his uncle, an apparent retired show magcican, stepped in and taught Kaito the basics of magic and even how to fend for himself. When he saw those friends of his again, he was about to be picked on again...but he began to show the small magic tricks to them, which only impressed them. As to how Kaito learned this, well, he gave them the truth and said that it was all thanks to his uncle. It was then Kaito's life began changing for the better.

In his teenage years, beginning when he was 14, he moved to Lazuil City with his uncle, after his mother became very ill and fell into a coma. He was homeschooled by his uncle, who taught him many things other than magic..one of those things happened to be flirting with girls. Though when Kaito first started his first year of High School, he instantly became popluar with all the ladies, taking the simple magic tricks and flirting his uncle taught him, and putting them to use. All the girls in his class just enjoyed Kaito's tricks and gave him the day, except for the girls, who always seemed to ignore him. But he finds it a challenge to try flirt with them, no matter how many times they assaults him.

With his second year now happening, Kaito just knows he'll have the whole world ahead of him. Though, during school hours and training...he tries to find a way to wake his mother up from her coma.[/spoiler]


[b][u]Combat Information[/u][/b]
[Spoiler=Ex-Katana/Primary Weapon]
A katana that is unlike any others. This blade, when gripped, only has the hilt with no blade. But with a small button pressed on the hilt, the blade extends like a raido antenna.

This blade was an idea born of Kaito. With help with some from the guys at the High School who were good with tech and blacksmithing, his creation became reality.

*Note: Blade does look like this, when the button is pressed. When not, its just the hilt.[/spoiler]

[Spoiler=Card Gun/Secondary Weapon]
An unusual gun, which fires a deck playing cards at rapidly high speeds instead of bullets. When fired from the gun, the cards are not only sharp enough to cut through rope, but also to pierce walls.

This gun is an old family heirloom which was passed down to Kaito by his uncle.[/spoiler][/spoiler]

[b][u]Wind/Air Manipulation:[/u][/b]
Kaito has the power to control the air around him, bending it to this magician's will. By targeting the air molecules, Kaito can create and perform a wide variety of attacks, like creating small breezes, gusts of wind, or even hurricanes. Though there are times and situations where this set of moves won't work, the normal limitations of this element happen to be as follows: ineffective in a vaccum(an atmosphere must be present), can't control air tempertures, and not exactly effective against solid objects(in a short term). Most attacks or techniques can be even better when Kaito uses his Katana, or controls the air around the cards to accelerate them even more as they're shot from the card gun.

Burst Breeze - Kaito moves his hand in a sort of semi-circle, sends out a burst of air in a sort of cresent shape. He can choose how violent the wind will burst through, which will be able cut through anything if wind is violent enough. When using the katana, it becomes a lot more effective. The drawback on the move happens to be it goes the way its launched, so those in the way that are allies might wanna move. This move happens to be the best way for him to look under ladies skirts.

Cyclone Barrier - He quickly controls the air molecules to make them bond together to make a temporary shield that protects Kaito from any attacks. But he can only hold the barrier for a short time(exactly 2 minutes).

Tempest Wing - Kaito calls forth a huge tempest wind, which swiftly strikes the opponents enough to actually knock them out(only in rare occasion), though if they aren't knocked out...that's when the power of the move happens. Kaito takes his Card Gun and shoots them into the tempest, which when the winds hit the opponents...the cards being pushed to extreme speeds, being able to leave countless cuts and gashes on the poor souls. When in his Gestalt form, he uses the transformed gun and shoots the bullets, which the bullets ride the wind, being guided to the designated target.

Razor Winds - With katana in hand, Kaito channels his power through it, a sort of wind barrier surrounding it. As he starts slashing in the air, the blade sends huge shockwaves of wind heading straight towards the opponents. There are certain times where with a strong wind type, these slashes will be able to cut through anything.[/spoiler]

[b]Familiar Name:[/b] Ven(short for Ventus)
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[i]Fujin's Blessing[/i] - Around his body, this cat summons up a wind that holds a small series of magical properties that most wind magic doesn't have. When he is by someone, the wind, when touched it starts healing small wounds. Not internal ones, but more like gashes and what not.

[i]Tail Bomb[/i] - Ven jumps into the air and summons/waits for Kaito or Fujin, his Gestalt form, tosses up a air sphere at him. He begins to spin quickly, as his tail connects with the sphere, launching it quickly towards the opponent, it explodes on impact. Its damage depends on if it is used at the beginning of a battle or at the end of the battle.

[i]Zephyr Rush[/i] - Ven begins running at high speeds, being covered in a wind barrier. When he arrives near his opponent, when the wind barrier hits the opponent, they'll be knocked for a loop....waking up/picking themselves off the floor. If Fujin launches or throws Ven, it makes it a lot more effective.

[i]Spirit of the Wind[/i] - One of the unique moves that this Familiar holds. Ven becomes a ghostly spirit and is able to merge with one of Fujin's weapons, improving the attacks of the moves he performs. This only lasts for a total of 5 minutes. And once the 5 minutes are up, Ven will separate from the weapon and collapse on the ground low on energy.

Kaito triggers his Gestalt form when the situation grows dire. He takes a deck of playing cards(most likely from his Card Gun), and smirks saying "Its showtime!". He summons a wind to surround him, letting the wind take the cards one by one, completely surrounding and flying around Kaito. As dust starts to pick up, the cards disappears and Kaito stands before everyone in his Gestalt form: Fujin. His weapons have changed to the new weapons that are depicted in the picture above. The katana has become "Aero Ken", a blade that Kaito truely believes Fujin hand crafted himself. His card gun has changed to "Shorai Kuki", a gun that has a strong connection with Shu, the Egyptian god of Wind and Air....so he's heard.

Coup de Grâce:
[u]Taifu Shuryo(Typhoon End)[/u]
Fujin, when the time calls for it, summons the four winds to him after snapping his right fingers four times. Once the winds have been called, they all merge around Fujin's right hand, encapturing it in a sphere of wind. He holds his hand above his head, watching as the wind sphere growing larger above him. Fujin runs quickly, almost flying towards his opponents as he shouts the attacks name, throwing the sphere of wind at his opponents. As he jumps back, after thowing the sphere, Fujin lands on the ground and snaps his finger to let the opponents hit by the sphere, watching them as they become entrapped within it. Ending with a smirk, Fujin watches as the sphere of all four winds begin to slash and gash the opponents, the sphere finally dissolving as the opponents fall onto the ground.

[b][u]Other Information[/u][/b]
Kaito's Theme ~ Air Gear Op. 1 - Chain by Back-On
Gestalt Theme ~ Jump! - Two Steps from Hell
Familiar Summon/Familiar Theme ~ Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance - Wild Blue

-Kaito means "Ocean and sake dipper", while Asano means "Shallow plain".
-His favorite pick up/flirt line is after he flips up a "Queen of Hearts" card - "This is how I picture you. The queen of my heart." or "Your The Queen....and you've stolen my heart."
-Kaito loves manga and anime(what Japanese guy doesn't) as well as listening to instrumetal OSTs.
-Certain characteristics of this magician come based from Kaitou KID from Detective Conan/Magic Kaito.
-Kaito's Gestlat form, titled "Fujin" is named after the Japanese god of Wind, based on Japanese Mythology.
-During a formal party, which he loves to attend, Kaito wears an outfit similar to this(minus the monocle, cape and replace the top hat with a white fedora with a dark blue band around it).
[/spoiler][spoiler=Katsutoshi Mutou][b][u]Personal Information[/u]
Character Name:[/b] Katsutoshi "Katz" Mutou
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Age:[/b] 16
[b]Personality: [/b]Due to his long name and what is sometimes labeled as eccentrism his fellow classmates gave him the nickname of Katz which is just basically the syllable of his first name spelled in an odd way. At first glance he seems like he's a generally nice guy which he is unless of course somebody says or does something that goes against his ideal of justice. His most notable trait is his strong sense of justice. He'll be quick to punish those who go against his values and those of his superiors as long as they don't conflict with his own. Because of his sense of justice he also has the tendancy to be hot headed when it comes to helping people.
[b]Biography: [/b]Until he was six he and his mother faced abuse from a father who was known to abuse substances and do other various illegal things such as theft, vanadlism, and illegal gambling. It was a hard lifestyle until his father got caught and it wasn't until he was put in prison that his mother finally worked up the courage to apply for a divorce. Afterwards his mother had met with a nice police officer that had actually worked on the case of Katz's father and had helped to put him away. His mother and this police officer has soon fallen and love and got married when Katz was eight. His new step father became a great influence on Katz's life and he strived to be like him. Not only because he was a great person but also to pay back for everything his father has done. His dream was to become a police officer. Now that he's in highschool he has became the leader of the school's disciplinary committee and been permitted to carry his airsoft pistol on school grounds to use in emergency purposes like breaking up a fight quickly without causing serious harm.
[b][u]Combat Information[/u][/b]

Katz specializes in a type of magic that he refers to as "marker" magic or more specifically known as magic that deals with [url="http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs35/f/2008/295/e/f/Summoner_Saga_Magic_Circles_by_moai666.jpg"]magic circles and seals[/url] but instead are just refered to as markers my him possibly due to some slight denial that still exists in his head. The markers of different spells always differ even slightly from one another and it's careful not to mix up these subtle differences or a marker that may defend would blow up in your face instead. An interesting feature of markers is that only a limited amount of similar markers for one spell can even exist. But due to differing magical signatures that each person has that create far more subtle differences that are nearly invisible to the naked eye different marker users can use what is essentially the same spell yet not be limited by the amount the other has already used. Another interesting feature is the longevity at which markers last without actually using more mana to keep it running. Very skilled legendary marker users are able to create markers that last for thousands of years. Katz on the other hand only has a maximum of 30 minutes although that's more than he ever really needs. The third thing about markers is that once they're placed on something they become nearly impossible to take off.

[u]Marked Mine-[/u] A marker that he can place on anything within an inch from his hands and feet. When the marker comes into contact with what Katz labels as an enemy the marker will instantly explode as if it were a real mine. Once this marker is placed on something it will become nearly invisible and almost impossible to notice which essentially makes it a great mine other than the fact that it's normal explosion is so much like one. Of course just laying it on the ground and waiting for an opponent to step on it isn't its only use. He is able to set the marker on a BB before it leaves the barrel of his gun and have it travel directly towards his target. Although, since the size of the marker is made much smaller than normal ones that have the diamter of five inches significantly reduces the power of the explosion. Only ten of Katz's mine markers are able to exist at one point in time.
[u]Marked Defense-[/u] A marker as large as Katz's body that is placed on his palm. This marker is used as a shield and is able to block powerful attacks but since it can only guard from one angle it isn't the most efficient barrier in some situations. A marker user with higher skill would be able to use as many as ten of these markers and have them be anywhere within seven feet of him/her but due to his current skill level he's only able to use one at a time at close range.
[u]Mach Marker-[/u] A marker that can be placed anywhere in a three foot radius of him with a size that is very easily adjusted. Larger versions cost far more mana than smaller ones and although it still doesn't use a significant amount these things build up pretty quickly. This marker quickly launches anything that passes through it ten times the speed in which it originally entered in the direction that it originally entered. It can be used to help evade attacks but due to his strong defense marker and the mana it uses he places this marker on the tip of the barrel of his airsoft pistol to dramatically increase the power, speed and range of his BBs. Only one Mach Marker is able to exist at a time.
[u]Track Mark-[/u] A marker that must be placed on something he comes in direct contat with. This marker releases a special and very faint magical signature that can easily be followed by Katz's Compass Marker or by anybody with advanced magical sensing skills. Being a generally simple marker it has a limit of 10 but with an extended time limit of a week. He usually places this on very important things that he wouldn't want to lose or places to go to he might need to go back to later. ex. His front door knob or airsoft pistol.
[u]Compass Marker-[/u] A marker that can be placed anywhere he comes into direct contact with although the marker will actually hover about an inch above where it's placed. Like the name implies this mark acts like a compass and move according to the direction that is north with 100% accuracy. The mode can also be switched so that it will point in the direction of a track mark.

[/spoiler][spoiler=Familiar][bFamiliar Name:[/b] Dundee
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
Dundee unlike some other familiars doesn't actually specialize in merely boosting stats of his master. He is instead very proficient in combat using the sword featured in the picture. Katz is actually able to place one of his markers onto Dundee's sword to give it some sort of new form. Although Dundee is typically the one whom uses the sword or its marked variations Katz or another is also able to use them if he allows it.

[u]Marked Mine-[/u]The sword will turn into a belt with 10 grenades clipped onto it.
[u]Marked Defense-[/u] The sword will turn into a light yet very durable shield that can be used to block attacks yet still be able to be used to hit enemies with.
[u]Mach Marker-[/u] The sword turns into a hoverboard capable of fast flight.
[u]Track Mark-[/u] The sword will turn into a boomerang that will always return to the person whom threw it.
[u]Compass Marker-[/u] The sword will turn into a map showing 10x10 square miles with the map being at the center.
Katz goes into his [url="http://imageshack.us/f/38/spitfirereplacement.png/"]gestalt form[/url], Typhon, when the limit for all his markers is reached. Upon activation a large marker will appear on the ground beneath him with many more in various places in the air surronding him yet all in the vicinity of the large marker. After a brilliant red light is released from the largest one that goes high into the air engulfing Katz and the other various markers he would appear in this form with two pistols (as shown in the picture) instead of his one airsoft pistol. Also now with him is a belt loaded with various magazines that allow for quick reloading. The magazines are filled to the brim with his different markers. Each marker he knows has two magazines filled with said marker. His twin pistols are able to transform the seals stored in the magazines into energy shots with properties from the marker used. The limits on his markers are also removed allowing for him to use multiple of what essentially the same type at once.

[u]Mine Shot-[/u] The marked shot version of his marked mine. A high power shot that when it comes into contact with the enemy instantly explodes. If it hits aything else it'll just lay a mine ready for the enemy to come into contact with. It has far more explosive power than when Katz's typical marked mine.
[u]Interception Shot- [/u]The marked shot version of his Marked Defense. The moment before it comes into contact with something it'll instantly turn into a marked shield. It's good for intercepting attacks and blocking them completely or at least hopefully lowering the damage by a significant amount.
[u]Mach Shot-[/u] The marked shot version of Mach Marker. These shots are extremly high speed shots that are also very excellent at piercng through enemy defense due to their high speed.
[u]Tracker Shot- [/u]The marked shot version of his Tracker shot. This shot is the weakest of all his shots and never does very significant damage. Enemies with a strong defense can probably ignore it altogether. This shot is able to stay useful due to the fact that it lays tracker markers on the enemy that are nearly impossible for anything but the compass marker or shot to locate.
[u]Compass Shot-[/u] The marked shot version of his Compass Marker. What sets this type of shot apart from the rest is that it has two modes based on the pistol it is loaded into. When loaded into gun in his left hand it will be a shot that is generally weak although not as much as the Tracker Shot but have a special ability of messing with the senses of the enemy and essentially make them dizzy. The first hit would be unnoticable but with each hit from the shot it will attack a special compass marker to the enemy that'll build up until the enemy doesn't even know which way is up and which way is his left. The bullet fried from his right gun fires an average power shot that isn't very strong but not weak either. The special function of this shot is that it is able to home onto the tracker markers placed on enemies.

[u]-Coup de Grâce: Judgement Marker-[/u] This is easily the most powerful of all his markers. This marker can only attached to the enemy through direct contact. Once inflicted with this marker all the memories of the target flash in his eyes at once causing massive headaches as the marker reviews and essentially balances the good and evil committed in the persons life along with many other details and personal thoughts of the person although they are obviously kept from Katz himself. If an enemy is judged to be good after all the marker disappears and the person is able to continue on although the massive headaches are likely to cause unconciousness. On the other hand, if the person is deemed to be even a little bit more evil than good then the person is engulfed in an explosion of light and darkness that's sometimes noted to look like the ying and yang symbol.
[b][u]Other Information[/u][/b]
-Katsutotoshi means "clever victory." Thought it was a fairly suitable name for his ability that requires a bit more skill and strategy in its usage.
-Katz prefers pistols due to a bit more of a lack of upper arm strength that's good for flinging punches or swinging around weapons.
-He makes up for his lack of strength by focusing on his speed and range. Also highly accurate with even a BB gun.
-His stepfather takes him shooting a lot and he set up a sort of training excercise in his room so he makes sure to stay up in his pistol proficiency.
-He prefers shonen manga since they usually have main characters with strong senses of justice who always beat up the bad guys against all odds.
[/spoiler][spoiler=Amai Megumi][u][b]Personal Information[/b][/u][b]Character Name: [/b][color=#000000][font=sans-serif]甘い [/font][/color][color=#000000][font=sans-serif]恵み (Amai Megumi)[/font][/color]
[b]Gender:[/b] Female
[b]Age: [/b]18
[b]Personality: [/b]Only being 4' 8" tall, Amai could almost be described to have Big Dog Syndrome. You know, how small dogs tend to act like big dogs? Amai is almost like that, but in a polite way. She tends to lash out at her opponents using words and in games like Chess, often making them unaware of her lashing out at them. Only those who have gotten close enough to her know's when she's being polite or being a polite b*tch [ya know, the people who could tell you to go to hell and you'd look forward to it]. Other than that, Amai tends to be quiet, often sipping on tea and reading a book. She's also one to become rather grumpy, quickly; happening often when something it too loud, her tea isn't brewed right or isn't the right temperature, when she keeps getting constantly interrupted and when she has to physically exert herself.
[b]Biography: [/b]The Megumi family has recently risen over the years. Rather than abuse the power of having the Ace of Hearts, the Megumi's continued on with life as it. After all, to better protect something, don't draw attention to it and yourself. Instead, the Megumi's have started to raise up as owners of successful cloths store that sells not only the trendiest of clothing, but the best in cosplay as well! Currently, her parents are off in America, working on setting up another store in the hustle-bustle of Los Angeles, California. This leaves her 25 year old [url="http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/124/b/a/panty_and_stocking___male_2_by_enjelia-d3fm4zg.jpg"]brother[/url] [acronym=The one on the left]Karai[/acronym] 'in charge' of the house and store. With her brother often out partying, going to college and often disappearing off into some sort of 'adventure' as he calls it [trouble is the way Amai would describe it], she is often the who is actually taking care of the store and house. With her being busy with her senior year of high school, running the store and making sure things are in check at home, Amai loves nothing more than to relax with a good book, music, tea and a snack. But to her dismay, her brother is constantly trying to go out and socialize with people [mostly at the parties he goes to, which annoys her even more].

[b][u]Combat Information[/u][/b]
[b]Weapon[/b]: A pair of 4' rapiers, one [url="http://rinoaleonmac.deviantart.com/art/Genesis-Rapier-quot-Completed-quot-149536340?q=boost%3Apopular%20rapier&qo=12"]white[/url] and one [url="http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&q=black+rapier#/d17duzy"]black[/url].
[b]Attacks/Technique([/b][b]s)[/b]: Amai's spells mostly surrounds her rapiers and her performance with them. With enough training, she can learn to use her spells on a fellow swordsman, but has no desire to learn how to do that at this time.[list]
[*][i]Phantom Strings: [/i]This spell mostly works for when Amai has thrown her rapier(s) or they are separated from her. By 'tugging' on an imaginary string that's attached to her rapiers, she can either alter the way they've thrown or can be pulled back to her hand. She's able to use this spell on other smaller objects, as well, but she mostly uses it with her rapiers.
[*][i]Razor's Edge: [/i]This spell gives Amai's razor sharp edges for a certain number of strikes.
[*][i]Fencer's Adrenaline: [/i]This spell Amai a boost of a speed for about a minute at most. More practice with this spell will give her a longer affect.
[*][i]Lancer's Parry: [/i]This spell extends Amai's rapier out by 2 feet for one time as she's thrusting forward with it.
[*][i]Fiery Passion: [/i]This spell imbues Amai's rapiers with fire for about half a minute.
[*][i]Shocking Resolution: [/i]This spell covers Amai's rapiers with lightning for one strike each.
[spoiler=Familiar][b]Name: [/b]Mak
[b]Gender: [/b]Male

[b]Gestalt: [/b]If things get dire or overwhelming for Amai, she gets transforms into an old Norse legend: a Valkyrie named Véurr. When she transforms, her two rapiers merge together to transform into a sword (as seen in picture) that's perfectly balanced for both slashing and thrusting. Along with the ability to fly, she is also faster and stronger then Amai. Véurr, much like dwarfs, is also unable to use magic and is more resistant to magic, even to white spells such as healing.


-Coup de Grâce:[list]
[*][i]Valknut's Rebirth[/i]: Uttering out a small prayer, Véurr slices three overlapping triangles into the air in front of her. As her prayer finishes, a large golden [url="http://symboldictionary.net/?p=741"]valknut[/url] made of pure energy forms in front of her. Then, by placing her fingers on the valknut softly, it shatters. the energy then reforming into 9 large arrow head-like shapes. After declaring the attack's name, the arrow heads then shoot off towards the opponent, tracking them down until they either hit or are disrupted via another source of energy.
[b][u]Other Information[/u][/b]
[*]Sweet and spicy foods.
[*]Classical and techno music.
[*]Good reading, long novels.
[*]Loud sounds.
[*]Poorly made tea and food.

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Alright, so here's my app

[spoiler=App][b][u]Personal Information[/u][/b]
[b]Character Name:[/b] Kazuo Kanada (仮名田•和夫 Lit. [i]Kanada Kazuo[/i])
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Age:[/b] 17
[spoiler=Personality:]Kazuo keeps to himself and expects other to do the same. Kazuo prefers to be left alone and will treat others with bitterness in order for them to leave him alone. Though deep down in his heart Kazuo really hates being alone. However, after being rejected and left alone so many times, Kazuo accepted that he would live out his entire life in loneliness. Kazuo displays tendencies of being brash and confrontational, although the latter is more often in the case when someone annoys him to no end. Kazuo is also quite vulgar, not shying away from using foul language to express his opinions. Headstrong, reckless, and unflinching, Kazuo tends to solve problems with his fists rather than his words which often ends him up in brawls. Kazuo is impulsive and often times straightforward, preferring to view the world in black and white and only feels satisfied when things aren't complicated. Despite scoring high grades on tests, Kazuo hates studying and doing schoolwork regularly. Kazuo is also bad at following a person's directions because of his nature, especially if that person is someone around his age. Kazuo has a dry, sarcastic, and sometimes negative sense of humor, often making some kind of sharp remark even in serious situations. When a person becomes close to Kazuo, he will try his best to act tough and uncaring about them in order for them to detest him and move on. Despite all of his negative features, underlying a hard exterior is a person who can be kind, caring, loyal, and friendly. Kazuo hates the sight of people being bullied or harass in some way and he will usually step in to deliver his form of justice. He is also determined, both in combat and in everyday life. To those who can break Kazuo's tough outer exterior and relinquish his mindset of living out his life in loneliness, they will be able to find a friend that will fiercely defend them even if it means dying in the process.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Biography:]Not much is known about Kazuo's early history. The day he was born, who his parents are, what happened to them, all these things are a mystery to even Kazuo himself. What Kazuo does remember from his childhood is being raised in a orphanage in a small city in Japan. The orphanage gave him both his first name and surname. As a child, Kazuo had very little friends. Even the friends that Kazuo did made were soon adopted, leaving him alone once again. Kazuo didn't like to be alone but he gradually grew to accept it. In the orphanage, Kazuo would always be causing some kind of trouble and never apologizing for what he did. He constantly got into fights with the other kids and would always be rejected by potential adopters for his rash attitude. However, Kazuo only did those things because he wanted attention, he wanted someone to notice him and like him. Gradually, Kazuo would grew cold and bitter and reject every couple wanting to adopt him, not that there were much in the first place. Even so, it didn't matter to Kazuo. He would learn to take care of himself and live only for himself.

As he grew older, Kazuo dreamed of getting out of the orphanage and his chance would come when a group of education administrators visited the orphanage in order to select a few to take part in a program that would allow them to move to Lazuli City to study at Lazuli High. The program also offered free room and board in the form of a small apartment in the city near the school and month allowances for food, bills, and other necessities. Seeing this as his only opportunity to get out of this hell hole he lives at, Kazuo studied day and night in order to take a test that would determine the lucky few to be entered into the program. All of Kazuo's hard work paid off as Kazuo was accepted into the program, being the smartest of the bunch of kids that were also accepted into the program.

Arriving at Lazuli City, Kazuo became lost in the grand scope of the city. He had a lot to learn about the city which Kazuo gradually did by taking on some odd jobs here and there. Kazuo started Lazuli High being a year older than most students in his class. Once again it was another factor that separated Kazuo from others. But now that Kazuo didn't care about friends, family, or anything like that anymore, Kazuo focused his time on his studies. This didn't last as Kazuo's grades began slipping in the second half of his first year. He started to hang around a bad crowd but they soon abandoned him after an argument between Kazuo and the others of the group broke out into a full-on brawl that ended up with Kazuo hospitalizing one of them. During the brawl, the one who was sent to the hospital by Kazuo managed to attacked him with a knife and ended up carving a line across Kazuo's face, leaving him with a horizontal scar across the bridge of his nose. From then on, Kazuo developed the reputation of being a delinquent and the educational board that entered him into their program was close to sending him back into the hands of the orphanage he grew up in.

Kazuo needed to get his act together and so proved to the board that he was serious about his studies by passing all of the required exams for his grade. Though still not one for studying or paying regular attention in school, Kazuo, nonetheless, excelled when it came to tests. Acknowledging Kazuo's successes in the required exams, the board decided to keep him in the program. After he passed his first year, Kazuo took up a busboy job at a local restaurant in order to make some extra money.

Now Kazuo will start his second year at Lazuli High and a series of unexpected events will reveal that Kazuo is destined for more than he, himself, realizes.[/spoiler]

Kazuo is a young man standing at a height of 185 cm (6'01") and weighs 69 kg (152 lbs). Kazuo's appearance is seen above. Kazuo has fair skin, blonde hair, and [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_green#Sea_green]sea green[/url]-colored eyes. Kazuo's attire consists of a black jacket with gold trim. The diamond-shaped markings and on his jacket is also gold in color. The belt-like extensions on the right side of his jacket is [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bistre]bistre[/url] in color while the metal tips are gold in color. The chain that connects the jacket near the top is silver. The cuffs of the jacket has two black buttons, four in total, placed vertically. The shirt worn beneath the jacket is [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taupe]taupe[/url] in color. Kazuo wears [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beige]beige[/url]-colored trousers with black dress shoes and white socks. The only accessory Kazuo wears with his attire is a bistre-colored buckled belt with a brass buckle.[/spoiler]

[b][u]Combat Information[/u][/b]

[u]Naginata Sword[/u]
Kazuo utilizes a naginata sword as his main weapon in combat. Unlike the naginata, the naginata sword combines the devastating power of a katana and the long reach of a naginata together to create one fearsome weapon. Kazuo can wield his naginata sword with masterful skill, swinging the long weapon as if he was swinging lightweight plastic. Even with its long reach, the naginata sword is, at best, a high medium-range weapon. When dealing with a long-range combatant, Kazuo using his naginata sword alone would prove useless. Another feature of Kazuo's naginata sword is that it is made up of two parts and can be taken apart for easier carrying. Kazuo can utilize the katana part of the set as a standalone weapon. When used this way, the katana is much faster and more powerful but it becomes a exclusively a short-range weapon. Kazuo is also less skilled in using the katana part alone and usually uses it with only one hand because of his lack of skill. Because of this, Kazuo prefers to use the naginata sword as a whole.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Attacks/Technique(s):][u]Lightning Manipulation[/u]
Kazuo has the ability to produce and manipulate blue-colored lightning, though without using a medium for his lightning, any attacks or techniques performed will be extremely weak. His lightning can be amplified when use through his naginata sword which is why Kazuo never battles without using his weapon. When amplified, Kazuo's lightning can be a quite a force not to reckon with. Kazuo's lightning carries all the weaknesses of real lightning. For example, lightning can be effectively rendered useless when absorbed by something like earth or rubber, but it can also be amplified even further when used on water and metal. The major weakness of Kazuo's lightning is the fact that it can't be used an unlimited number of times. With training however, Kazuo can extend the number of uses. Perhaps the most common use of Kazuo's lightning is to completely engulfed the blade of his naginata sword in lightning which amplifies the power of his head-on weapon attacks. Another reason why it is the most common way to use his lightning is because it is easy to sustain for a long period of time. Through his weapon, Kazuo can use an array of different lightning techniques:

Lightning Wave - A simple technique that involves first covering the blade of Kazuo's naginata sword with lightning, then firing that lightning at the enemy(s) in the form of a slight crescent-shaped wave of intense lightning. The drawback to this technique is that, once fired, it can go in one direction.

Horizon Cutter - With this technique, Kazuo simply attacks with his weapon in a wide, horizontal arc. While this occurs, Kazuo also fires off a barrage of discharges from the blade of his weapon that can stun the enemy and even improve the cutting damage of the attack.

Sky Cutter - This technique is executed the same as Horizon Cutter except in this technique, Kazuo swings his weapon in a vertical arc instead of horizontal.

Thunder Clap - In this technique, Kazuo first charges lightning into his naginata sword (using this technique with his standalone katana is slower and more risky). Then, lifting his weapon into the air, Kazuo slams the bottom of his naginata sword's staff part into the ground and unleashes a circular field of lightning, damaging and stunning anyone who's within the field besides Kazuo himself. The range of this technique is limited as the circular field from one end to the other is equivalent to five people standing in front of each other, and so is only effective in close proximity. Also, due to the fact that Kazuo must first lift his weapon into the air, there is a brief moment where an enemy can escape the range or attack Kazuo first if they are fast enough.

Sazanami - Kazuo's strongest technique so far, Sazanami (漣 Lit. [i]Ripple[/i]) involves charging Kazuo's weapon with an enormous amount of lightning. Kazuo then vertically slams his naginata sword into the ground. From that point, the monstrous amount of lightning is sent outward in the form of a huge lightning pillar that shines so brightly it appears white in color with a blue outline. This attack will continuously chase after the opponent for a short length of time, summoning pillars one after the other as a pillar disappears until the time has run out or until a pillar hits the target. In the event that it does hit, the target will be ascended to the middle of the pillar and a critical amount of damage is inflicted upon them. Kazuo will then follow up, while the pillar is still active, by leaping forward into the pillar and attack with a slash from his weapon as he leaps by. After landing, the pillar then explodes into a circular dome, causing more damage, before finally dissipating. The after effects of using this technique is that Kazuo will no longer be able to use his lightning for a period of time and the muscles in his body will become so fatigued that Kazuo will collapse right then and there after the technique finishes. Whether Kazuo stays conscious or not after collapsing will vary.[/spoiler]
The method used to activate this form is unknown to Kazuo. Upon activation, the sky grows dark with the appearance grey clouds. Kazuo is then struck with a massive blue lightning bolt from above. The power of the bolt is great enough to tremble the ground upon impact. After the lightning dissipates, Kazuo emerges as [url=http://i812.photobucket.com/albums/zz46/wirespy/297240.jpg]Jupiter[/url] wielding [url=http://i812.photobucket.com/albums/zz46/wirespy/BlackDragonSpear.jpg]Caelum Rimor[/url]. Jupiter commands complete sovereignty over lightning and thunder being able to strike enemies with massive lightning bolts from the sky. Jupiter also has the ability to move as fast as lightning and meld his body into lightning. Jupiter's armor and weapon are as durable as diamonds.

[u]-Coup de Grâce[/u]: Lance of Jupiter - Jupiter takes a spear-throwing stance and lightning bolts shoot down from the heavens and strike Caelum Rimor. After being struck by numerous bolts, Caelum Rimor melds with the bolts and de-materializes, becoming a lance of pure blue lightning. Jupiter then throws the lance at an unimaginable speed towards the target(s) with deadly accuracy. As the lance shoots toward its target(s), the ground beneath violently shakes and crack. Upon impact, the lightning lance expands outward into a blue lightning dome that spans a radius of 10 meters. Anything caught within the dome is de-materialized completely. The only thing left after the attack is a dome crater that spans 10 meters.[/spoiler]

[b][u]Other Information[/u][/b]
[b]Kazuo's Theme & Lyrics:[/b] [url=http://www.jukebo.com/aqua-timez/music-clip,stay-gold,v8rm0.html]STAY GOLD by Aqua Timez[/url]; [url=http://oneesama.blogspot.com/2009/04/aqua-timez-stay-gold-romaji-english.html]STAY GOLD Lyrics[/url]
[b]Gestalt Theme:[/b] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLE7d4Rq_UQ]Stand Up Be Strong[/url]
• "Kazuo" (和夫) can be translated as "harmonious man" while "Kanada" (仮名田) can mean "fake field", so Kazuo's full name can be interpreted as "harmonious man in a fake field".
• Kazuo's favorite phrase is "trump card".
• Kazuo's favorite number is "9".
• Kazuo's favorites hobbies are playing video games and reading manga though his interests in each are highly different. Kazuo enjoys playing violent video games but he tends to read romance manga rather than action.
• Kazuo prefers to bring his own lunch or sometimes even cook on school grounds, without any faculty knowing about it, rather than eating school food. Consequentially, Kazuo is an avid cook.
• Kazuo's Gestalt form, "Jupiter", is named after the Roman God Jupiter who has command over lightning and thunder.
• "Caelum Rimor", Jupiter's weapon, is Latin for "Heaven Divider".[/spoiler]

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I'd like to reserve the Ace of Hearts please..

[spoiler=App][u][b]Personal Information[/b][/u]
[b]Character Name: [/b][color=#000000][font=sans-serif]甘い [/font][/color][color=#000000][font=sans-serif]恵み (Amai Megumi)[/font][/color]
[b]Gender:[/b] Female
[b]Age: [/b]18
[b]Personality: [/b]Only being 4' 8" tall, Amai could almost be described to have Big Dog Syndrome. You know, how small dogs tend to act like big dogs? Amai is almost like that, but in a polite way. She tends to lash out at her opponents using words and in games like Chess, often making them unaware of her lashing out at them. Only those who have gotten close enough to her know's when she's being polite or being a polite b*tch [ya know, the people who could tell you to go to hell and you'd look forward to it]. Other than that, Amai tends to be quiet, often sipping on tea and reading a book. She's also one to become rather grumpy, quickly; happening often when something it too loud, her tea isn't brewed right or isn't the right temperature, when she keeps getting constantly interrupted and when she has to physically exert herself.
[b]Biography: [/b]The Megumi family has recently risen over the years. Rather than abuse the power of having the Ace of Hearts, the Megumi's continued on with life as it. After all, to better protect something, don't draw attention to it and yourself. Instead, the Megumi's have started to raise up as owners of successful cloths store that sells not only the trendiest of clothing, but the best in cosplay as well! Currently, her parents are off in America, working on setting up another store in the hustle-bustle of Los Angeles, California. This leaves her 25 year old [url="http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/124/b/a/panty_and_stocking___male_2_by_enjelia-d3fm4zg.jpg"]brother[/url] [acronym=The one on the left]Karai[/acronym] 'in charge' of the house and store. With her brother often out partying, going to college and often disappearing off into some sort of 'adventure' as he calls it [trouble is the way Amai would describe it], she is often the who is actually taking care of the store and house. With her being busy with her senior year of high school, running the store and making sure things are in check at home, Amai loves nothing more than to relax with a good book, music, tea and a snack. But to her dismay, her brother is constantly trying to go out and socialize with people [mostly at the parties he goes to, which annoys her even more].

[b][u]Combat Information[/u][/b]
[b]Weapon[/b]: A pair of 4' rapiers, one [url="http://rinoaleonmac.deviantart.com/art/Genesis-Rapier-quot-Completed-quot-149536340?q=boost%3Apopular%20rapier&qo=12"]white[/url] and one [url="http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&q=black+rapier#/d17duzy"]black[/url].
[b]Attacks/Technique([/b][b]s)[/b]: Amai's spells mostly surrounds her rapiers and her performance with them. With enough training, she can learn to use her spells on a fellow swordsman, but has no desire to learn how to do that at this time.[list]
[*][i]Phantom Strings: [/i]This spell mostly works for when Amai has thrown her rapier(s) or they are separated from her. By 'tugging' on an imaginary string that's attached to her rapiers, she can either alter the way they've thrown or can be pulled back to her hand. She's able to use this spell on other smaller objects, as well, but she mostly uses it with her rapiers.
[*][i]Razor's Edge: [/i]This spell gives Amai's razor sharp edges for a certain number of strikes.
[*][i]Fencer's Adrenaline: [/i]This spell Amai a boost of a speed for about a minute at most. More practice with this spell will give her a longer affect.
[*][i]Lancer's Parry: [/i]This spell extends Amai's rapier out by 2 feet for one time as she's thrusting forward with it.
[*][i]Fiery Passion: [/i]This spell imbues Amai's rapiers with fire for about half a minute.
[*][i]Shocking Resolution: [/i]This spell covers Amai's rapiers with lightning for one strike each.
[b]Gestalt: [/b]If things get dire or overwhelming for Amai, she gets transforms into an old Norse legend: a Valkyrie named Véurr. When she transforms, her two rapiers merge together to transform into a sword (as seen in picture) that's perfectly balanced for both slashing and thrusting. Along with the ability to fly, she is also faster and stronger then Amai. Véurr, much like dwarfs, is also unable to use magic and is more resistant to magic, even to white spells such as healing.


-Coup de Grâce:[list]
[*][i]Valknut's Rebirth[/i]: Uttering out a small prayer, Véurr slices three overlapping triangles into the air in front of her. As her prayer finishes, a large golden [url="http://symboldictionary.net/?p=741"]valknut[/url] made of pure energy forms in front of her. Then, by placing her fingers on the valknut softly, it shatters. the energy then reforming into 9 large arrow head-like shapes. After declaring the attack's name, the arrow heads then shoot off towards the opponent, tracking them down until they either hit or are disrupted via another source of energy.

[b][u]Other Information[/u][/b]
[*]Sweet and spicy foods.
[*]Classical and techno music.
[*]Good reading, long novels.
[*]Loud sounds.
[*]Poorly made tea and food.
Also... Any suggestions on the combat bit? I'm kinda at a loss there..

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[hr][spoiler=NPC List][spoiler=Lord Gringham][b][u]Personal Information[/u][/b]
[b]Character Name:[/b] Lord Francesco Gringham
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Age:[/b] 64
[b]Personality:[/b] Very firm and strict, Lord Gringham is rarely ever referred to by his first name due to the nature of his intense status. Lord Gringham is without question one who never is to beat around the bush, straight to the point, and calls things how he sees them without any restraint. He is somewhat arrogant, however can back every ounce of what he says up. Very few know much beyond Lord Gringham’s “Lord” self, the strict head of the Gringham family, and thus much else about him is not known. However, despite his cold as stone nature, Lord Gringham has a compassionate side to his nature which very rarely is tapped into, even by his adopted son, which reveals the Lord’s generous and sympathetic nature; his intimidating stature has the tendency to cause others to stray from him, thus he can rarely show it, however many of his servants have seen this nature.
[b]Biography:[/b] ???

[b][u]Combat Information[/u][/b]
[b]Weapon[/b]: None beyond the sheer brute force of his own body, mind, and spirit.
Destruction: Lord Gringham's primary attack source is destruction magic, which he does so simply by touching, and destroying, anything which comes into contact with him; he only uses this technique on attacks, strictly projectiles.

ESP: Lord Gringham can, by channeling his magical energy, communicate to others telepathically, use telekinesis, and even slight divination (future sight.)

[u]Greatness:[/u] Lord Gringham claps his hands together,the pressure blowing dust around him which takes a spherical form; after breaking this sphere, shards of which are launched in a form of offence, Lord Gringham's entire anatomy doesn't change in the slightest, however his magical energy is extremely heightened, and in addition to a now more distorted voice he retains his human consciousness and thus feels no change in name. The sheer energy surrounding him is enough to tell his dramatic increase in power.
-Coup de Grâce: Retroactive Banishment - Perhaps the most frightening spell to date, only two have learnt the technique. Depending on the level of its potency, Lord Gringham strikes the victim with a balled fist: the victim's entire self becomes slightly transparent as a result of the blow. This attack, once connecting, unleashes an enormous wave which flashes through the dimensions and removes the individual from existence. All memories of the individual are wiped, all physical traces vanished. Only those who're magically imbued can see the individual, but the stronger ones can retain their memories.

[b][u]Other Information:[/u][/b]
Lord Gringham’s Theme: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtX1vKM0q_Y"]Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood OST - 27 - Lapis Philosophorum[/url][/spoiler][spoiler=Karai][b][u]Personal Information[/u][/b]
[b]Character Name:[/b] 辛い恵み (Karai Megumi)
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Age:[/b] 25
[b]Personality:[/b] Karai is a laid-back, YOLO-like guy. Though he doesn't scream out [acronym=you only live once]YOLO[/acronym] every time as an excuse to do something, he does beleive in the original message YOLO had. With that said, Karai has no regrets in his life so far. Despite his laid-backness, Karai will, and has, gotten fired up whenever something happens to his little sister, Amai, despite knowing she's capable of taking care of herself. In fact, one time, he was arrested alongside with a robber for beating the s*** out of the robber for trying to rob him and his sister when they were on a walk.
[b]Biography:[/b] Karai's childhood was a typical one; he had friends, he had enemies, had a few dates, studied hard, and didn't know what he wanted to do for a living. One day in high school, however, Karai learned his calling. A friend of his had misplaced a family heir lome one day and asked Karai if he could help. After a few moments and a few questions, Karai easily found the heir lome in a spot no one would have ever guessed. After that, word quickly spread at how fast Karai found the heir lome and classmate after classmate asked him for his help to find whatever it is that they lost. Since then, Karai wanted to be a Finder, someone who took up jobs to find just about anything and anyone.

Currently, he is going to college to get a managment degree so he can set up his own business. When he's not in class, studying, he's usually off partying, dating and other social events to get his contacts, resources and clientele built up. This leads him to not be home often, not running his parent's clothes store like he should be, and worrying Amai more than he realizes.
[spoiler=Appearance (Fanservice time!)][img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/277/0/0/_panty_anarchy__by_enjelia-d4bv8cm.png[/img]

Sorry for the nudity.. It was the only descent pic of this character without another person being in it. <__<;

Anyways.. Karai often wears jeans, a tucked in lightweight white shirt with the top 2 buttons undone, and dark brown non-slip shoes. He also wears a watch on his right wrist, a [url="http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/246/b/5/dayea_heart_locket_by_sodacrush-d48qzfj.jpg"]locket[/url] necklace tucked under his shirt that contains a picture of Amai, and always keeps a pair of [url="http://img.ehowcdn.com/article-new/ehow/images/a05/p6/pj/styles-sunglasses-men-1.1-800x800.jpg"]shades[/url] handy.[/spoiler][/spoiler][spoiler=Kazuo Kanada][b][u]Personal Information[/u][/b]
[b]Character Name:[/b] Kazuo Kanada (仮名田•和夫 Lit. [i]Kanada Kazuo[/i])
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Age:[/b] 17
[spoiler=Personality:]Kazuo keeps to himself and expects other to do the same. Kazuo prefers to be left alone and will treat others with bitterness in order for them to leave him alone. Though deep down in his heart Kazuo really hates being alone. However, after being rejected and left alone so many times, Kazuo accepted that he would live out his entire life in loneliness. Kazuo displays tendencies of being brash and confrontational, although the latter is more often in the case when someone annoys him to no end. Kazuo is also quite vulgar, not shying away from using foul language to express his opinions. Headstrong, reckless, and unflinching, Kazuo tends to solve problems with his fists rather than his words which often ends him up in brawls. Kazuo is impulsive and often times straightforward, preferring to view the world in black and white and only feels satisfied when things aren't complicated. Despite scoring high grades on tests, Kazuo hates studying and doing schoolwork regularly. Kazuo is also bad at following a person's directions because of his nature, especially if that person is someone around his age. Kazuo has a dry, sarcastic, and sometimes negative sense of humor, often making some kind of sharp remark even in serious situations. When a person becomes close to Kazuo, he will try his best to act tough and uncaring about them in order for them to detest him and move on. Despite all of his negative features, underlying a hard exterior is a person who can be kind, caring, loyal, and friendly. Kazuo hates the sight of people being bullied or harass in some way and he will usually step in to deliver his form of justice. He is also determined, both in combat and in everyday life. To those who can break Kazuo's tough outer exterior and relinquish his mindset of living out his life in loneliness, they will be able to find a friend that will fiercely defend them even if it means dying in the process.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Biography:]Not much is known about Kazuo's early history. The day he was born, who his parents are, what happened to them, all these things are a mystery to even Kazuo himself. What Kazuo does remember from his childhood is being raised in a orphanage in a small city in Japan. The orphanage gave him both his first name and surname. As a child, Kazuo had very little friends. Even the friends that Kazuo did made were soon adopted, leaving him alone once again. Kazuo didn't like to be alone but he gradually grew to accept it. In the orphanage, Kazuo would always be causing some kind of trouble and never apologizing for what he did. He constantly got into fights with the other kids and would always be rejected by potential adopters for his rash attitude. However, Kazuo only did those things because he wanted attention, he wanted someone to notice him and like him. Gradually, Kazuo would grew cold and bitter and reject every couple wanting to adopt him, not that there were much in the first place. Even so, it didn't matter to Kazuo. He would learn to take care of himself and live only for himself.

As he grew older, Kazuo dreamed of getting out of the orphanage and his chance would come when a group of education administrators visited the orphanage in order to select a few to take part in a program that would allow them to move to Lazuli City to study at Lazuli High. The program also offered free room and board in the form of a small apartment in the city near the school and month allowances for food, bills, and other necessities. Seeing this as his only opportunity to get out of this hell hole he lives at, Kazuo studied day and night in order to take a test that would determine the lucky few to be entered into the program. All of Kazuo's hard work paid off as Kazuo was accepted into the program, being the smartest of the bunch of kids that were also accepted into the program.

Arriving at Lazuli City, Kazuo became lost in the grand scope of the city. He had a lot to learn about the city which Kazuo gradually did by taking on some odd jobs here and there. Kazuo started Lazuli High being a year older than most students in his class. Once again it was another factor that separated Kazuo from others. But now that Kazuo didn't care about friends, family, or anything like that anymore, Kazuo focused his time on his studies. This didn't last as Kazuo's grades began slipping in the second half of his first year. He started to hang around a bad crowd but they soon abandoned him after an argument between Kazuo and the others of the group broke out into a full-on brawl that ended up with Kazuo hospitalizing one of them. During the brawl, the one who was sent to the hospital by Kazuo managed to attacked him with a knife and ended up carving a line across Kazuo's face, leaving him with a horizontal scar across the bridge of his nose. From then on, Kazuo developed the reputation of being a delinquent and the educational board that entered him into their program was close to sending him back into the hands of the orphanage he grew up in.

Kazuo needed to get his act together and so proved to the board that he was serious about his studies by passing all of the required exams for his grade. Though still not one for studying or paying regular attention in school, Kazuo, nonetheless, excelled when it came to tests. Acknowledging Kazuo's successes in the required exams, the board decided to keep him in the program. After he passed his first year, Kazuo took up a busboy job at a local restaurant in order to make some extra money.

Now Kazuo will start his second year at Lazuli High and a series of unexpected events will reveal that Kazuo is destined for more than he, himself, realizes.[/spoiler]

Kazuo is a young man standing at a height of 185 cm (6'01") and weighs 69 kg (152 lbs). Kazuo's appearance is seen above. Kazuo has fair skin, blonde hair, and [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_green#Sea_green"]sea green[/url]-colored eyes. Kazuo's attire consists of a black jacket with gold trim. The diamond-shaped markings and on his jacket is also gold in color. The belt-like extensions on the right side of his jacket is [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bistre"]bistre[/url] in color while the metal tips are gold in color. The chain that connects the jacket near the top is silver. The cuffs of the jacket has two black buttons, four in total, placed vertically. The shirt worn beneath the jacket is [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taupe"]taupe[/url] in color. Kazuo wears [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beige"]beige[/url]-colored trousers with black dress shoes and white socks. The only accessory Kazuo wears with his attire is a bistre-colored buckled belt with a brass buckle.[/spoiler]

[b][u]Combat Information[/u][/b]

[u]Naginata Sword[/u]
Kazuo utilizes a naginata sword as his main weapon in combat. Unlike the naginata, the naginata sword combines the devastating power of a katana and the long reach of a naginata together to create one fearsome weapon. Kazuo can wield his naginata sword with masterful skill, swinging the long weapon as if he was swinging lightweight plastic. Even with its long reach, the naginata sword is, at best, a high medium-range weapon. When dealing with a long-range combatant, Kazuo using his naginata sword alone would prove useless. Another feature of Kazuo's naginata sword is that it is made up of two parts and can be taken apart for easier carrying. Kazuo can utilize the katana part of the set as a standalone weapon. When used this way, the katana is much faster and more powerful but it becomes a exclusively a short-range weapon. Kazuo is also less skilled in using the katana part alone and usually uses it with only one hand because of his lack of skill. Because of this, Kazuo prefers to use the naginata sword as a whole.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Attacks/Technique(s):][u]Lightning Manipulation[/u]
Kazuo has the ability to produce and manipulate blue-colored lightning, though without using a medium for his lightning, any attacks or techniques performed will be extremely weak. His lightning can be amplified when use through his naginata sword which is why Kazuo never battles without using his weapon. When amplified, Kazuo's lightning can be a quite a force not to reckon with. Kazuo's lightning carries all the weaknesses of real lightning. For example, lightning can be effectively rendered useless when absorbed by something like earth or rubber, but it can also be amplified even further when used on water and metal. The major weakness of Kazuo's lightning is the fact that it can't be used an unlimited number of times. With training however, Kazuo can extend the number of uses. Perhaps the most common use of Kazuo's lightning is to completely engulfed the blade of his naginata sword in lightning which amplifies the power of his head-on weapon attacks. Another reason why it is the most common way to use his lightning is because it is easy to sustain for a long period of time. Through his weapon, Kazuo can use an array of different lightning techniques:

Lightning Wave - A simple technique that involves first covering the blade of Kazuo's naginata sword with lightning, then firing that lightning at the enemy(s) in the form of a slight crescent-shaped wave of intense lightning. The drawback to this technique is that, once fired, it can go in one direction.

Horizon Cutter - With this technique, Kazuo simply attacks with his weapon in a wide, horizontal arc. While this occurs, Kazuo also fires off a barrage of discharges from the blade of his weapon that can stun the enemy and even improve the cutting damage of the attack.

Sky Cutter - This technique is executed the same as Horizon Cutter except in this technique, Kazuo swings his weapon in a vertical arc instead of horizontal.

Thunder Clap - In this technique, Kazuo first charges lightning into his naginata sword (using this technique with his standalone katana is slower and more risky). Then, lifting his weapon into the air, Kazuo slams the bottom of his naginata sword's staff part into the ground and unleashes a circular field of lightning, damaging and stunning anyone who's within the field besides Kazuo himself. The range of this technique is limited as the circular field from one end to the other is equivalent to five people standing in front of each other, and so is only effective in close proximity. Also, due to the fact that Kazuo must first lift his weapon into the air, there is a brief moment where an enemy can escape the range or attack Kazuo first if they are fast enough.

Sazanami - Kazuo's strongest technique so far, Sazanami (漣 Lit. [i]Ripple[/i]) involves charging Kazuo's weapon with an enormous amount of lightning. Kazuo then vertically slams his naginata sword into the ground. From that point, the monstrous amount of lightning is sent outward in the form of a huge lightning pillar that shines so brightly it appears white in color with a blue outline. This attack will continuously chase after the opponent for a short length of time, summoning pillars one after the other as a pillar disappears until the time has run out or until a pillar hits the target. In the event that it does hit, the target will be ascended to the middle of the pillar and a critical amount of damage is inflicted upon them. Kazuo will then follow up, while the pillar is still active, by leaping forward into the pillar and attack with a slash from his weapon as he leaps by. After landing, the pillar then explodes into a circular dome, causing more damage, before finally dissipating. The after effects of using this technique is that Kazuo will no longer be able to use his lightning for a period of time and the muscles in his body will become so fatigued that Kazuo will collapse right then and there after the technique finishes. Whether Kazuo stays conscious or not after collapsing will vary.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Familiar:][b]Familiar Name:[/b] Ixion
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[spoiler=Attacks/Technique(s):]Like Kazuo, Ixion has the ability to create and manipulate lightning, however, Ixion's lightning can be used without the need of being channeled through a medium, thus making Ixion quicker when it comes to attack speed but damage-wise, Ixion falls behind. Another factor that differentiates Ixion's lightning with Kazuo's lightning is that Ixion's is pure white in color instead of blue like Kazuo's. Ixion, itself, is composed out of pure lightning energy, bounded together by Ixion's soul. Like Jupiter, Kazuo's Gestalt form, Ixion can meld himself completely into lightning which is intangible and thus being able to avoid attacks while also damaging any enemies foolish enough to attack Ixion while its in its lightning state. However, this state does not protect Ixion from powerful magic attacks. Ixion's single horn can be charged to act as a lightning rod for use against electrical magic attacks. Here are the various techniques Ixion can use:

Size Manipulation - Ixion's normal form is much smaller than one would think, being only the size of a medium-sized dog. However, Ixion has the ability to grow in size by absorbing enough lightning through its horn, allowing it to grow to be the size of a stallion, which is the limit, that Kazuo can ride. All of Ixion's attacking techniques are also enhanced depending on how much lightning it has consumed.

Bolt of Thor - Ixion leaps into the air and melds into its pure lightning form, keeping its horn unchanged however, while rapidly rotating its body to make it appear as a giant, white lightning drill. It then plunges towards the enemy(s), drilling into whatever it hits and creating a large explosion of white lightning to burst outward, hitting anything nearby.

Fulmen Sabre - Ixion's horn is imbued with high powered lightning which can then be fired off towards enemies in the form of high speed, crescent-shaped blades of white lightning.

Thundering Roar - A technique similar to Kazuo's "Thunder Clap" in which the user creates a circular field of lightning with the user at the center of the field and enemies who are within the field's range are electrocuted with lightning; both damaging enemies and stunning them as well. In Ixion's case, it rears up and slams its front legs onto the ground, creating a large field of white lightning, one that is much larger than Kazuo's.

Lightning Stream - Ixion blasts a continuous stream of white lightning at the enemy(s) for a short duration. While the beam only goes in a straight line, Ixion can move its head in order to change the beam's trajectory.

Spheres of Odin - White lightning discharges in multiple directions from Ixion's horn, creating numerous floating spheres of white lightning that explodes on impact with the first thing they touch. The number of spheres created is completely dependent on Ixion's will.

Spear of Ixion - An extremely powerful and exhausting move used only as a last resort. Ixion melds into lightning and completely covers Kazuo's naginata sword, changing it into the [url="http://i812.photobucket.com/albums/zz46/wirespy/Spears_02_by_Wen_M.jpg"]Spear of Ixion[/url]. This spear allows Kazuo to use enhanced versions of all of his techniques and Ixion's techniques for a limited duration of time. After Ixion returns to its normal form, it is completely vulnerable for a long duration of time and must rely on Kazuo or other allies for protection.[/spoiler][/spoiler]
The method used to activate this form is unknown to Kazuo. Upon activation, the sky grows dark with the appearance grey clouds. Kazuo is then struck with a massive blue lightning bolt from above. The power of the bolt is great enough to tremble the ground upon impact. After the lightning dissipates, Kazuo emerges as [url="http://i812.photobucket.com/albums/zz46/wirespy/297240.jpg"]Jupiter[/url] wielding [url="http://i812.photobucket.com/albums/zz46/wirespy/BlackDragonSpear.jpg"]Caelum Rimor[/url]. Jupiter commands complete sovereignty over lightning and thunder being able to strike enemies with massive lightning bolts from the sky. Jupiter also has the ability to move as fast as lightning and meld his body into lightning. Jupiter's armor and weapon are as durable as diamonds.

[u]-Coup de Grâce[/u]: Lance of Jupiter - Jupiter takes a spear-throwing stance and lightning bolts shoot down from the heavens and strike Caelum Rimor. After being struck by numerous bolts, Caelum Rimor melds with the bolts and de-materializes, becoming a lance of pure blue lightning. Jupiter then throws the lance at an unimaginable speed towards the target(s) with deadly accuracy. As the lance shoots toward its target(s), the ground beneath violently shakes and crack. Upon impact, the lightning lance expands outward into a blue lightning dome that spans a radius of 10 meters. Anything caught within the dome is de-materialized completely. The only thing left after the attack is a dome crater that spans 10 meters.[/spoiler]

[b][u]Other Information[/u][/b]
[b]Kazuo's Theme & Lyrics:[/b] [url="http://www.jukebo.com/aqua-timez/music-clip,stay-gold,v8rm0.html"]STAY GOLD by Aqua Timez[/url]; [url="http://oneesama.blogspot.com/2009/04/aqua-timez-stay-gold-romaji-english.html"]STAY GOLD Lyrics[/url]
[b]Gestalt Theme:[/b] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLE7d4Rq_UQ"]Stand Up Be Strong[/url]
• "Kazuo" (和夫) can be translated as "harmonious man" while "Kanada" (仮名田) can mean "fake field", so Kazuo's full name can be interpreted as "harmonious man in a fake field".
• Kazuo's favorite phrase is "trump card".
• Kazuo's favorite number is "9".
• Kazuo's favorites hobbies are playing video games and reading manga though his interests in each are highly different. Kazuo enjoys playing violent video games but he tends to read romance manga rather than action.
• Kazuo prefers to bring his own lunch or sometimes even cook on school grounds, without any faculty knowing about it, rather than eating school food. Consequentially, Kazuo is an avid cook.
• Kazuo's Gestalt form, "Jupiter", is named after the Roman God Jupiter who has command over lightning and thunder.
• "Caelum Rimor", Jupiter's weapon, is Latin for "Heaven Divider".[/spoiler][/spoiler][hr][spoiler=Seasons][spoiler=Season 1][u][b]Arc 1 – The Gestalt Arc[/b][/u][spoiler=Chapters][b]Chapter 1 - Waking up from Ignorance[/b]
The fair is in town, and the students at Lazuli Academy are making steadfast to see the events. Little do they know why the performance is so well executed, or how it's so damn attractive.

[b]Chapter 2 - Murky White Sheet[/b]
The resolution of the encounter with Demonic Clowns Ribbon and Shade have left Hyde and Amai to question the enigmatic Shiro Gringham; now their attention is directed to Gringham Manor, yet little do they know Daisuke, Hyde's elder brother, has been kidnapped!

[b]Chapter 3 - The Magical Manor[/b]
The arrival at the Gringham manor has introduced our heroes to many new faces! Old beliefs are shaken, and revelations are stunning! What'll happen when they enter the Gringham Manor!

[b]Chapter 4 - No More Hyding[/b]
The Kids dash down to the docks for a showdown with the Dreaded Oscuridad Gang! Splitting up between groups has Shiro, Amai and Katz addressing a deadly Revenant, whilst Hyde, Rosa, and Yoshiko tackle Os' Curidad and his band of demons!

[b]Chapter 5 - Satsui no Hadou[/b]
How far does justice lay?

[b]Chapter 6 - Revisiting Inner Demons[/b]
Hyde is in a slump, there's no question after the Daisuke incident; despite this, Shiro is to cause Xaphan to come out again! However, he won't be able to do this alone...it's time for the revelation: enter, Ace of Spades!

[b]Chapter 7 - Binds beyond Blood[/b]
A month has passed, the funeral of Daisuke Kokobunji having taken place, and the mourning brother in despair; little does he know someone's sister's back in town, and she wants her brother back! What will be revealed about the mysterious name? What will be revealed about it's past?

[b]Chapter 8 - Break the Remaining Shackles[/b]
So, Hyde's Gestalt, alongside Kazuo and Shiro's, have really taken prominent plot significance, but this chapter, alongside the discovery of the first Magician Family to obtain a second Royal, will show just how powerful the other Aces are. Katz in the mall, Yoshiko at the High, and Amai at the beach: three battles, one objective.

[/spoiler][/spoiler][spoiler=Season 2][u][b]Arc 2 - The Raquel Arc[/b][/u][spoiler=Chapters:]
[b]Chapter 9 - Silver Tongued Secrets[/b]
The Raquel Family's magicians are, without a second's doubt, a force to be reckoned with, but Francesco's scouts informed him of a recent addition into her family; a battle between sides, a match between Katz and the new stranger Kaito! The stage is set, a storm is coming!

[b]Chapter 10 - Infatuation Infestation[/b]
The Head of the House isn't a force to be lightly ignored, and has summoned forth an unlikely seductress to ensnare the boys of the Gringham House to become permanent members of the Raquel Hold! Time to break the Love Potion, boys of the House!
[/spoiler][/spoiler][spoiler=Season 3][u][b]Arc 4 - The Gringham Arc[/b][/u][spoiler=Chapters:]
[/spoiler][u][b]Arc 5 - David Arc (pt. 1)[/b][/u][spoiler=Chapters:]

[/spoiler][/spoiler][spoiler=Season 4][u][b]Arc 5 - David Arc (pt. 2)[/b][/u][spoiler=Chapters:]

[/spoiler][/spoiler][u][b]OVA Specials[/b][/u][spoiler=Chapters:]
[b]O1 - Gestalt Christmas Special[/b]
It's Christmas Time at the Gringham House! Will Alaka ensnare Katz with a mistletoe kiss? Will Hyde finally stop writing Santa Letters? Will the Familiars reach the North Pole in time? Find out in this exclusive Gestalt Special!

[b]O2 - Mandatory Beach Episode[/b]
A summer vacation at an exclusive beach, perfect timing for a break! Gestalt Girls in swimsuits, familiars go off and build a sand castle, and a huge squid monster! Time for an explosive special episode!

[b]O3 - Role Reversal[/b]
A punishment from Francesco leaves the Magicians into Chibis! Furthemore, their Familiars have became human sized, and human-like! What'll happen when they were other's shoes?

[b]O4 - Gestalt Valentine's Special[/b]
An unlikely command has Shiro in perhaps his most uncomfortable position ever; how will the Magicians go about Valentine's Day? Will Kaito swoop everyone amiss? I think we should find out in a Special Gestalt Episode!

[b]O5 - Gestalt April Fool's Day Special[/b]
The legendary Solataire Pixie comes once every year to spread laughter, although since it comes around on April 1st, I'm sure you can imagine what kind of laughter that is!


The Logo for this RP was created by Daemon.
This RP's Secondary Character System was based upon Blu's "Guest RPer System".
This RP has been inspired by the OVA of Highschool DxD, some elements having being incorporated, such as the principle of “families” rather than “clans”. Lord Gringham also makes use of destruction, a power shared by a protagonist of the anime. Also, similarly to the anime, this RP makes use of religious references.
The inspiration for this RP was outlined to me by Desu; originally for the boobage purposes, I actually found useful content.
The images used for backgrounds are CGs from various Japanese Visual Novels.

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[color=#0000CD]I already have the Ace of Spades reserved. Decided to use an idea that I had for my future story for my character's powers. :3[/color]

[color=#0000CD]By the way, *Puts Blu in a headlock.* You bastard. Kyng totally gave me a spot and I don't see no Raine.[/color]

[color=#0000CD]No wait, top right corner in small print. HI RAINE! *Waves.*[/color]

[color=#0000CD]Edit Edit: Pretty much what I have of my app so far. This post will be edited more and more and things may not be exactly the same as they are right now. But I won't be able to edit not all that much tomorrow. Or today if you're one of those pricks who are extremely technical with days.[/color]

[spoiler=Unfinished App]
[b][u]Personal Information[/u][/b]
[b]Character Name:[/b] Katsutoshi "Katz" Mutou
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Age:[/b] 16
[b]Personality: [/b]Due to his long name and what is sometimes labeled as eccentrism his fellow classmates gave him the nickname of Katz which is just basically the syllable of his first name spelled in an odd way. At first glance he seems like he's a generally nice guy which he is unless of course somebody says or does something that goes against his ideal of justice. His most notable trait is his strong sense of justice. He'll be quick to punish those who go against his values and those of his superiors as long as they don't conflict with his own. Because of his sense of justice he also has the tendancy to be hot headed when it comes to helping people.
[b]Biography: [/b]Until he was six he and his mother faced abuse from a father who was known to abuse substances and do other various illegal things such as theft, vanadlism, and illegal gambling. It was a hard lifestyle until his father got caught and it wasn't until he was put in prison that his mother finally worked up the courage to apply for a divorce. Afterwards his mother had met with a nice police officer that had actually worked on the case of Katz's father and had helped to put him away. His mother and this police officer has soon fallen and love and got married when Katz was eight. His new step father became a great influence on Katz's life and he strived to be like him. Not only because he was a great person but also to pay back for everything his father has done. His dream was to become a police officer. Now that he's in highschool he has became the leader of the school's disciplinary committee and been permitted to carry his airsoft pistol on school grounds to use in emergency purposes like breaking up a fight quickly without causing serious harm.
[b][u]Combat Information[/u][/b]

Katz specializes in a type of magic that he refers to as "marker" magic or more specifically known as magic that deals with [url="http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs35/f/2008/295/e/f/Summoner_Saga_Magic_Circles_by_moai666.jpg"]magic circles and seals[/url]but instead are just refered to as markers. The markers of different spells always differ even slightly from one another and it's careful not to mix up these subtle differences or a marker that may defend would blow up in your face instead. An interesting feature of markers is that only a limited amount of similar markers for one spell can even exist. But due to differing magical signatures that each person has that create far more subtle differences that are nearly invisible to the naked eye different marker users can use what is essentially the same spell yet not be limited by the amount the other has already used. Another interesting feature is the longevity at which markers last without actually using more mana to keep it running. Very skilled legendary marker users are able to create markers that last for thousands of years. Katz on the other hand only has a maximum of 30 minutes although that's more than he ever really needs. The third thing about markers is that once they're placed on something they become nearly impossible to take off.

[u]Marked Mine-[/u] A marker that he can place on anything within an inch from his hands and feet. When the marker comes into contact with what Katz labels as an enemy the marker will instantly explode as if it were a real mine. Once this marker is placed on something it will become nearly invisible and almost impossible to notice which essentially makes it a great mine other than the fact that it's normal explosion is so much like one. Of course just laying it on the ground and waiting for an opponent to step on it isn't its only use. He is able to set the marker on a BB before it leaves the barrel of his gun and have it travel directly towards his target. Although, since the size of the marker is made much smaller than normal ones that have the diamter of five inches significantly reduces the power of the explosion. Only ten of Katz's mine markers are able to exist at one point in time.
[u]Marked Defense-[/u] A marker as large as Katz's body that is placed on his palm. This marker is used as a shield and is able to block powerful attacks but since it can only guard from one angle it isn't the most efficient barrier in some situations. A marker user with higher skill would be able to use as many as ten of these markers and have them be anywhere within seven feet of him/her but due to his current skill level he's only able to use one at a time at close range.
[u]Mach Marker-[/u] A marker that can be placed anywhere in a three foot radius of him with a size that is very easily adjusted. Larger versions cost far more mana than smaller ones and although it still doesn't use a significant amount these things build up pretty quickly. This marker quickly launches anything that passes through it ten times the speed in which it originally entered in the direction that it originally entered. It can be used to help evade attacks but due to his strong defense marker and the mana it uses he places this marker on the tip of the barrel of his airsoft pistol to dramatically increase the power, speed and range of his BBs. Only one Mach Marker is able to exist at a time.
[u]Track Mark-[/u] A marker that must be placed on something he comes in direct contat with. This marker releases a special and very faint magical signature that can easily be followed by Katz's Compass Marker or by anybody with advanced magical sensing skills. Being a generally simple marker it has a limit of 10 but with an extended time limit of a week. He usually places this on very important things that he wouldn't want to lose or places to go to he might need to go back to later. ex. His front door knob or airsoft pistol.
[u]Compass Marker-[/u] A marker that can be placed anywhere he comes into direct contact with although the marker will actually hover about an inch above where it's placed. Like the name implies this mark acts like a compass and move according to the direction that is north with 100% accuracy. The mode can also be switched so that it will point in the direction of a track mark.

Katz goes into his [url="http://imageshack.us/f/38/spitfirereplacement.png/"]gestalt form[/url], Typhon, when the limit for all his markers is reached. Upon activation a large marker will appear on the ground beneath him with many more in various places in the air surronding him yet all in the vicinity of the large marker. After a brilliant red light is released from the largest one that goes high into the air engulfing Katz and the other various markers he would appear in this form with two pistols (as shown in the picture) instead of his one airsoft pistol. Also now with him is a belt loaded with various magazines that allow for quick reloading. The magazines are filled to the brim with his different markers. Each marker he knows has two magazines filled with said marker. His twin pistols are able to transform the seals stored in the magazines into energy shots with properties from the marker used. The limits on his markers are also removed allowing for him to use multiple of what essentially the same type at once.

[u]Mine Shot-[/u] The marked shot version of his marked mine. A high power shot that when it comes into contact with the enemy instantly explodes. If it hits aything else it'll just lay a mine ready for the enemy to come into contact with. It has far more explosive power than when Katz's typical marked mine.
[u]Interception Shot- [/u]The marked shot version of his Marked Defense. The moment before it comes into contact with something it'll instantly turn into a marked shield. It's good for intercepting attacks and blocking them completely or at least hopefully lowering the damage by a significant amount.
[u]Mach Shot-[/u] The marked shot version of Mach Marker. These shots are extremly high speed shots that are also very excellent at piercng through enemy defense due to their high speed.
[u]Tracker Shot- [/u]The marked shot version of his Tracker shot. This shot is the weakest of all his shots and never does very significant damage. Enemies with a strong defense can probably ignore it altogether. This shot is able to stay useful due to the fact that it lays tracker markers on the enemy that are nearly impossible for anything but the compass marker or shot to locate.
[u]Compass Shot-[/u] The marked shot version of his Compass Marker. What sets this type of shot apart from the rest is that it has two modes based on the pistol it is loaded into. When loaded into gun in his left hand it will be a shot that is generally weak although not as much as the Tracker Shot but have a special ability of messing with the senses of the enemy and essentially make them dizzy. The first hit would be unnoticable but with each hit from the shot it will attack a special compass marker to the enemy that'll build up until the enemy doesn't even know which way is up and which way is his left. The bullet fried from his right gun fires an average power shot that isn't very strong but not weak either. The special function of this shot is that it is able to home onto the tracker markers placed on enemies.

[u]-Coup de Grâce: Judgement Marker-[/u] This is easily the most powerful of all his markers. This marker can only attached to the enemy through direct contact. Once inflicted with this marker all the memories of the target flash in his eyes at once causing massive headaches as the marker reviews and essentially balances the good and evil committed in the persons life along with many other details and personal thoughts of the person although they are obviously kept from Katz himself. If an enemy is judged to be good after all the marker disappears and the person is able to continue on although the massive headaches are likely to cause unconciousness. On the other hand, if the person is deemed to be even a little bit more evil than good then the person is engulfed in an explosion of light and darkness that's sometimes noted to look like the ying and yang symbol.
[b][u]Other Information[/u][/b]
-Katsutotoshi means "clever victory." Thought it was a fairly suitable name for his ability that requires a bit more skill and strategy in its usage.
-Katz prefers pistols due to a bit more of a lack of upper arm strength that's good for flinging punches or swinging around weapons.
-He makes up for his lack of strength by focusing on his speed and range. Also highly accurate with even a BB gun.
-His stepfather takes him shooting a lot and he set up a sort of training excercise in his room so he makes sure to stay up in his pistol proficiency.
-He prefers shonen manga since they usually have main characters with strong senses of justice who always beat up the bad guys against all odds.

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Leon Theme #3 - Call of the Sands - Leon's theme when in close combat, a more relaxed theme compared to Champion of the Gods.
Leon Theme #4 - Flight of the Divine Djerd! - Leon's theme when using the Divine Djerd.
Leon Theme #5 - Champion of the Gods - Leon's alternative combat theme, often suited for the more crucial and dramatic 1 on 1 battles.
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[quote name='.:Blu:.' timestamp='1334009596' post='5907958']
Holy crap, Desu's in here??? *jizzes pants while in headlock* Btw dude, none of your pictures are working, at least for me

That's weird though, thought Raine was the Ace of Spades? Did for some reason he can't participate?

[color=#0000CD]You mean this one? Yeah, I was going to check it out. Which I'll do now so that I don't just post this, wait for a reply, and then post with what I did. By the way, quoting can work sometimes.[/color]

[color=#0000CD]Well it's working for me fine. I just recommend quoting it and looking at the quote.[/color]

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Really, quoting it works? Hmm, I'll try that, but I just feel replacing the images would be best you know, just in case no one else can see it. Man, I am sure happy getting to RP with you again and I love your Marker magic btw ^^ The gun has an orange cap though lol...

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[quote name='.:Blu:.' timestamp='1334021419' post='5908377']
Really, quoting it works? Hmm, I'll try that, but I just feel replacing the images would be best you know, just in case no one else can see it. Man, I am sure happy getting to RP with you again and I love your Marker magic btw ^^ The gun has an orange cap though lol...

[color=#0000CD]That's the point. It's not a real gun. It shoots BB's. So it's a toy gun. Toy guns are supposed to have orange caps. Although I'm fairly sure a lot of airsoft guns don't since they're kind of considered real weapons. I was a bit skeptic whether to get a pic of an airsoft gun thast looked realistic right in case he ever wanted to scare somebody out of a situation or makes enemies laugh at a toy gun until a pellet blows up right in their mouth. I went with the latter.[/color]

[color=#0000CD]Oh, and thanks man for liking the marker magic. I worked pretty hard on that sh*t. :3[/color]

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I like the charm and realistic nature of the toy gun rather than a real one: it limited in comparison to a real one, a balancing factor, as well as the sheer fact it'd be easier to acquire than a real gun ^_^

Desu, your "magic circles and seals" link is either broken or doesn't work, I get a 404 Not Found error:

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