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DW Rabbit (Not my original idea but it's fun)

Miror B

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Monsters: 19
3x Renge, Gatekeeper of Dark World (2100 beats Rai-Oh. That's about it)
3x Sabersaurus
1x Beige
3x Broww
3x Grapha
3x Snoww

Spells: 14
1x Allure
1x Card Destruction
1x Dark Hole
3x DWD
1x Dragged Down
1x Foolish
1x Heavy
1x Reborn
1x MST
3x Gates

Traps: 7
2x Fiendish
1x SJ
2x SW
2x Torrential

Extra: 15
1x Emeral (For vanillas and the extra space)
1x Evigishki Merrowgeist
2x Dolkka
1x Laggia
1x LVL 8 Heiro Guy I Don't Know the Name of.
1x Lavalval Chain
1x Giant Killer
1x Utopia
1x Black Corn
1x Chaos Utopia
1x Photon Butterfly Assassin
1x Roach
1x Verz Ourobouros
1x Disigma

Credit to [url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/280868-rabbit-worldmy-idea-of-a-competitive-deck"]this guy[/url] for the original idea, made my own decklist plus help with Chris on a bit.

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[quote name='thng13' timestamp='1333939980' post='5907212']
What's the point of this deck?

The point of this Deck is to spam Zure with Rescue Rabbit, creating Rank 4s that swarm the field. With the combination of the Dark World cards, the player has greater access of the Graveyard, as the player can go into Lavalval Chain with the Two Zures, detach 1, and mill Grapha, setting up for bigger combo plays, for example.

@TC: Shouldn't you be maxing out Dragged Down? Or at least run 2?

And how will you keep re-using Rabbit?

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[quote name='Devil's Advocate' timestamp='1333940188' post='5907219']
The point of this Deck is to spam Zure with Rescue Rabbit, creating Rank 4s that swarm the field. With the combination of the Dark World cards, the player has greater access of the Graveyard, as the player can go into Lavalval Chain with the Two Zures, detach 1, and mill Grapha, setting up for bigger combo plays, for example.

@TC: Shouldn't you be maxing out Dragged Down? Or at least run 2?

And how will you keep re-using Rabbit?
>Says point is to spam Zure
>I play Renge

Rabbit is a Rank 4 engine while Dark Worlds is a draw engine basically.

And tell me why I should play Dragged when I have 9 monsters that don't benefit from discard. Besides a balance of 4 DWD/DD has always been my thing.

And I don't plan to reuse Rabbit. It's a one-shot that gets a giant Dragon of death and destruction on my field. Everything else from there is Grapha.

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Not too original there are you :) JK in any case it is your idea of the deck and it's always nice to see different people's ideas. As for the Gatekeeper over Zure you're right most people play 1700+ beaters it's a good thing to have a big defender. Can't really give any advice since it's the version of the deck you told me to try out so yeah hope it works well, I tried out the fixed version on DN works great however I can still see that in most cases TGU can save me or help me win and broww does not work as well. In any case nice job on the deck.

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