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Pokemon Paramount Ventures: The Legendary Cygrus Region; Hosted by Dharc [OOC - Not Accepting/Started]

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Okay people, sorry for not being around; after my computer got fixed, I had a bit of a family emergency. But I'm back now. Don't expect me to be on a lot tomorrow, though, as I've got a family member visiting. I'll try, though.

And I have claims on Latios already, so nobody even try it. And Zex already expressed interest in having Latias, evilsoul, so you gotta talk to him.

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[quote name='evilsoul' timestamp='1334417146' post='5913467']
yea...i doubt i'd convince him to change as he is the host (so i'm not gonna bother trying to talk to him 'bout that), so..i'll have to change the legendary that Silver would go for after the league.

i guess i'll have Silver go for Jirachi instead
Thanks for understanding - I was afraid that you would be upset since I would be stripping you of your choice from the last RP.

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Slow down, everyone... While legendaries will be dealt with later, they will not be officially caught: evilsoul, you probably already know what I'm getting at by now.
Also, the different ways that legendaries are handled in this RP will be as follows; For those who are playing bad characters, you will forcefully capture your legendaries, and not by the traditional means of a Pokeball.
As for most normal trainers and the rest of the "good" crew, I will explain the use of a Hedron later (when I get home after performing), as you will not be "capturing" your legendary either, but rather allying with them.

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[quote name='Zextra' timestamp='1334434626' post='5913726']
As for most normal trainers and the rest of the "good" crew, I will explain the use of a Hedron later (when I get home after performing), as you will not be "capturing" your legendary either, but rather allying with them.

Can they still be part of the trainer's team?

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I suppose your allied legend would be part of a respectful mention as your team, since they wouldn't always be right at your side.
And actually capturing them to have them as a permanent asset to your team for post-league/plot points pre-league would ruin the bond and they would probably never listen.
Just my take on it.

If we're choosing legendaries - randomly - Becca [i]may[/i] catch one post-league, if I feel like I want to be nice to her for a change.
I would choose Darkrai for Ashmin, since it fits rather well with her new denying nature with the parents thing, but someone else wants it, so meh.
Thinking maybe Kyurem - maaaybee - or Articuno.
Still thinking, since I take ages to make up my mind :P

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Dementuo sent me his app:
Username: Dementuo Black Sun
RP Name: Sugawa Fusuke
Age: 26
Hometown: Immortafreeze City
[spoiler=Appearance] [img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/083/2/b/__reflection___by_zafirolys-d33vm16.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Biography] Sugawa lived in Immortafreeze for a very small portion of his life. He would often travel outside of the city with family or friends for days at a time, once or twice every few months, resulting in him developing a keen sense for writing. What originally started out as nothing more than a hobby turned into a career as he wrote more and more over the course of his life. From all of the outside influence he experienced, Sugawa took an interest in politics once he turned 17. He would spend hours reading and writing various papers and books in a study he had back in Immortafreeze, learning what he could from them. After a few years of study, he began dabbling in Pokemon care, giving him more opportunity to travel the region. He applied and entered the Elite Four at age 25.[/spoiler]
Personality: Sugawa is a generally friendly person, having a habit of referring to anyone he meets as “my friend”. He constantly studies the environment around him, jotting down notes in whatever book or notepad he happens to be carrying with him at the time. He enjoys participating in debates and discussions on topics such as politics.
Trainer Type: Elite 4
Elite 4: #4
Starter Pokemon: Cyndaquill

[size=4][b]Also, the IC is now up: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/281395-pokemon-paramount-ventures-the-legendary-cygrus-region-co-hosted-by-dharc-and-zextra-ic-not-acceptingstarted/[/b][/size]

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