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A Hero's Return

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f*** konami for banning my plants

1x Elemental Hero Stratos
3x Elemental Hero Neos Alius
1x Elemental Hero Bubbleman
2x Thunder King Rai-Oh
1x Snowman Eater
1x Crusader Of Endymion
3x Pot of Duality
3x E - Emergency Call
3x Gemini Spark
3x Miracle Fusion
1x Monster Reborn
1x Dark Hole
1x Heavy Storm
1x Book of Moon
1x Mind Control
2x Skill Drain
2x Dimensional Prison
2x Torrential Tribute
2x Hero Blast
2x Solemn Warning
1x Solemn Judgment
1x Starlight Road
1x Dark Bribe
1x Mirror Force

3x Elemental Hero The Shining
2x Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
2x Elemental Hero Nova Master
1x Elemental Hero Gaia
1x Elemental Hero Great Tornado
1x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
1x Stardust Dragon
2x Blade Armor Ninja
1x Utopia
1x Utopia Ray

3x Maxx "C"
2x Snowman Eater
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Forbidden Chalice
2x Super Polymerization
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Shadow Mirror

have some free time now so I might try getting back into the forum
who is still here?

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>1 posts

>you won't remember me but I'm still here.

aww did you make this account to post in my thread <3

anyway, I've just threw in Dark bribe because the deck is not in front of me and I can't quite remember the 40th card (pretty sure that's not the only difference)

starlight's broke and bubble has quickly gone from 3 to 1 so the removing of the last copy might come soon though I love bubbley

Do keep in mind that I have started playing last week after a 4 month hiatus so my knowledge of the current state of the game comes down to reading coverages and 30 or so games against one friend

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[quote name='Manjoume Thunder' timestamp='1333734147' post='5903909']
>1 posts

>you won't remember me but I'm still here.

aww did you make this account to post in my thread <3[/quote][size=1][color=#ffffff][s]He gave me some gusto deck...[/s][/color][/size]
No, they did not.
Uh... Since escu should be coming soon, once he does, super polys to main for mind control or something and 1-2 escu over a nova? and something
I don't know about Heroes much anymore so feh.

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[quote]oh and I understand where you're coming from, have you tried Quickdraw Water Synchro yet? its like plants and doesn't play the bad cards frognarchs have to play like Raiza or Ronintoadin.[/quote]

is that the sea lancer deck that some people here were hyping like 5 months ago or something more like the original water synchro?

either way I would need a list

[quote]escu should be coming soon[/quote]
with the amount of time that I can invest into the game I might not even be playing when that happens

anyway, I kind of remember you, so hi

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something like
3 undine
2 controller
2 treeborn frog
3 quickdraw synchron
1 dandylion
2 effect veiler
2 Maxx "C"
1 Card-Car D
1 Tragoedia
1 Gorz
3 Caius
1 Black Luster Soldier
3 Tour Guide
1 Sangan

3 E-Con
1 Storm
1 Reborn
1 Dark Hole
1 Creature Swap
1 Pot of Avarice
1 Mind Control
1 Allure
1 Foolish Burial

also I really don't think you need escu to main deck super poly, a lot of people sit on a Zenmaines or laggia this format anyway.

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sucks then :/

anyway, inzektors are really popular, but fortunately they do use other attributes. like, it will help a lot to be able to run over their zenmaines so you can swing for game and what not. As for Dark Worlds, it really does suck against them I'll admit. But this format is a giant paradox, the majority of decks can't compete with one side of the format as well as the other. So, you just have to rely on the side deck for that one.

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[quote name='God Crouton!!!' timestamp='1333751946' post='5904301']
But, why Bubbleman?[/quote]
Manjy is running Alius.dek
Its basically a set-5-pass build.

Normal Summon Stratos -> Add Bubbleman
Set 5 cards -> Special Summon Bubbleman -> Overlay for something like Blade Armor.

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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1333756298' post='5904373']
Manjy is running Alius.dek
Its basically a set-5-pass build.

Normal Summon Stratos -> Add Bubbleman
Set 5 cards -> Special Summon Bubbleman -> Overlay for something like Blade Armor.


*Considers Bubbleman in HERO Stun*

[quote name='BehindTheMask' timestamp='1333844328' post='5905670']
ITT: Some of YCM's finest.

Well, you know, I don't even NEED to try. I simply am.

This is like a Your Deck reunion special. Such a warm moment. Group hug, everybody!

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<3 everyone


-Messed up lance and chalice.
-Endymion being light is enough to make him better than Evocator imo. Nova would hardly ever use his effect so it's only good when summoned via super poly.
-ROTA was supposed to be in but tbh 4 tutors for 5 heroes might be a bit overkill and ecalls look prettier.

[quote]-1 Bubbleman
-1 Duality
-1 Mind Control

+1 Snowman Eater
+1 Dark Bribe
+1 Mirror Force[/quote]

I do remember using Mirror Force but that could have been in another deck. I'll update the list tomorrow or possibly in the evening when I get the deck back.

On a slightly unrelated note, what do you guys think of Masked Heroes. I have played 2 or 3 of my games with triple Bubbleman, 1 Wildheart and Mask Change and wasn't impressed at all.

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