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Brandon Sparkman Monologue(s)

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Hey guys. So, as of late, I've been having pretty dark thoughts. It helps me when I write them out, so I did, and I said to myself, "Why not post these?"
So, I will be posting these short narratives every once and awhile. Tell me your thoughts on them! By the way, if the grammar is off, these are pretty much meant to be spoken, so keep that in mind. Thanks!!

[left]Freedom. What is freedom? The right to say whatever you like?[/left]
[left][color=#2C3635][font=Verdana, sans-serif][size=3]Is that it? If so, we are not free. Nobody is free. There are [/size][/font][/color][/left]
[left][color=#2C3635][font=Verdana, sans-serif][size=3]consequences to everything we do, good or bad. Nothing we can [/size][/font][/color][/left]
[left][color=#2C3635][font=Verdana, sans-serif][size=3]say or do will ever grant us the freedom that we feel we deserve. [/size][/font][/color][/left]
[left][color=#2C3635][font=Verdana, sans-serif][size=3]What kind of world is this? A world where one minute a family is [/size][/font][/color][/left]
[left][color=#2C3635][font=Verdana, sans-serif][size=3]being created while another is being destroyed. One minute a person [/size][/font][/color][/left]
[left][color=#2C3635][font=Verdana, sans-serif][size=3]is being born, another minute someone is killed. Is this the norm? [/size][/font][/color][/left]
[left][color=#2C3635][font=Verdana, sans-serif][size=3]Is this how things should be? Can this not be prevented? Can the [/size][/font][/color][/left]
[left][color=#2C3635][font=Verdana, sans-serif][size=3]world not live without fear? There is a simple answer. Fear is what [/size][/font][/color][/left]
[left][color=#2C3635][font=Verdana, sans-serif][size=3]controls the world, whether you would like to believe it or not. [/size][/font][/color][/left]
[left][color=#2C3635][font=Verdana, sans-serif][size=3]Fear and power..they are one in the same. To be able to control the [/size][/font][/color][/left]
[left][color=#2C3635][font=Verdana, sans-serif][size=3]fear within human beings means that you can control their most [/size][/font][/color][/left]
[left][color=#2C3635][font=Verdana, sans-serif][size=3]primal instincts. When scared, all that humans have learned dissapears, [/size][/font][/color][/left]
[left][color=#2C3635][font=Verdana, sans-serif][size=3]and we are left with what we were meant to have. Primal instincts. [/size][/font][/color][/left]
[left][color=#2C3635][font=Verdana, sans-serif][size=3]As I said before..fear runs the world. But not just the [/size][/font][/color][/left]
[left][color=#2C3635][font=Verdana, sans-serif][size=3]world. It runs all of us. You. Me. Everyone. So, the next time that [/size][/font][/color][/left]
[left][color=#2C3635][font=Verdana, sans-serif][size=3]someone asks if you are scared, tell them yes, and they should be too, b[/size][/font][/color][/left]
[left][color=#2C3635][font=Verdana, sans-serif][size=3]ecause who knows when your last day may be. Today. Tomorrow. [/size][/font][/color][/left]
[left][color=#2C3635][font=Verdana, sans-serif][size=3]It matters little though. We will all perish eventually. Letting [/size][/font][/color][/left]
[left][color=#2C3635][font=Verdana, sans-serif][size=3]our fear pass down through the generations. Spreading our curse. ( I actually posted this one on Youtube. [/size][/font][/color][/left]

[spoiler=Everything Fades][img]http://i691.photobucket.com/albums/vv278/RexraptorSparkman/Fadingaway2.png[/img]
[color=#2C3635][font=Verdana, sans-serif][size=3]Will you be missed? Possibly. Perhaps you will be missed for years by certain people. Its impossible to really tell. Ha, I seem to be getting ahead of myself. Let me start at the beginning. Everything fades. Nothing is eternal. This is a fact that I have accepted, and you should as well. Feelings, whether they are good or bad, fade with time. You may love someone until the day you die, but what then? Exactly. Everything fades. Death is a swift way to fade away, but there are many other methods. We humans fade away a little more each day. We are parasitic creatures, feeding off of the earth. Unfortunately for us, even parasites fade away. Many of you are too proud to accept that you may completely vanish at one point. Others may have known it their whole life. Whatever your view may be, it doesn't matter in the slightest. You may be thinking that eternal abyss seems a little harsh for every being to fade into, but think for a moment. Humans alone have destroyed so much. We kill and kill, many of us not caring why. We kill animals, we kill nature, we even kill each other. For what exactly? Land? Power? Those are just excuses. Excuses for doing what we want to do to others. On the other hand, who is to say that killing is wrong in the first place? Now, don't get me wrong, I am no fan of murder. However, I do wonder at times why we see killing as such a wrong thing to do. Haha, let me get back to what I was originally saying. Once you really think about it, if we fade into an eternal hell of torture, we're just getting what we deserve. Some of you may say that you have done nothing wrong, that you haven't killed, so why should you be tortured? Well, whether you would like to admit it or not, we all have the instinct to kill. It is within all of us. There is no such thing as a pacifist. A pacifist is just someone who fights their true nature. Nobody is innocent. We've all taken our toll on the world. I'd like to ask you to do something for me. Think for a minute or so about who would miss you when you die. Perhaps you find it sweet that they would miss you. Well, when they fade away as well, who is going to miss you? Nobody. That, my dear friend, is the moral of this story. Do what you can in life to be great, because one day, nobody will remember you.[/spoiler][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#2C3635][font=Verdana, sans-serif][size=3][spoiler=Love][/size][/font][/color][img]http://i691.photobucket.com/albums/vv278/RexraptorSparkman/heart.png[/img]
Now, before I begin, you may think that one of my age knows nothing of love. While I disagree with that statement, this isn't to prove that I have some infinite knowledge about love and the meaning of the word. Love confuses me. It confuses me so much that when I start to like someone, I need to buy some medication for my headaches. Earlier in my life, in sixth grade to be exact, I had fallen in love. I waited five years to date this girl. Five years that I could have spent searching for someone else. On the fifth year, this year, she ended up betraying me. I didn't quite understand, for I had thought that she loved me as well. As it turns out, that was a ploy. After that day, I fell into what you might call a deep depression. I felt positively wretched. It was also on that day that I began to question love and what it is all about. Is it even real? If it is, what does it even mean? Is it just something that people say to each other so that they can lie easier? Or is it some kind of start to a plan against one another. Now, I know that love may be real with some couples. To be honest, I envy them. I see them quite often, in fact. I want to know that they know. How does one love another and receive that love back? Is there a magnificent secret? Or is the answer so simple that I am blind to it? Whatever the case, I am asking you, my listening audience, to tell me your opinion. Should love be complicated to the point where trigonometry is the lesser of two evils, or is it truly simple? Surely someone must know. My heart aches, yet it also yearns to hear an answer that it understands. I'm sure that you of the mature audience must think quite humorously of my questions. You may say that someone who is only fifteen years old requires no knowledge of love yet. I, as stated before, disagree with that. I think that if we "young folk" actually understood the emotion of love, we could prevent so many broken hearts. Not only that, but I want to know about love so that the next time I like someone, I can tell the difference. I have the problem of thinking that me just liking someone means that I love them. Not only that, but when it comes down to the question of whether or not I really do, I don't know the answer. Now, dear audience, I need to know. For the sake of my heart and sanity, answer me this. What is love..and why is it such a mystery to those who cannot find it.[/spoiler]

I have often dreamed that the world belonged to me. I've dreamed that the world was a simple, elegant display of passion of beauty. A world in which none were judged for their appearance, but only for their impact upon the display. I guess you could say that I dream that the world is a Masquerade Ball. Everyone's face is hidden, looks and vanity being thrown to the wind. All that matters is that dance with the other figure. The one person who you not only see, but feel. Physical attraction and other vain neccessities do not exist. You find yourself attracted only to the silhouette of beauty that is hidden away within your dancing partner. Many people wander the dance floor, some thinking that they will never be asked to dance. However, it is only a matter of time before the majority of them are whisked away by other lone dancers. Unfortunatly, some dancers must leave before finding their partner. Some of these figures even steal other peoples partners. Although this dance gets troublesome, more so than not, order remains within the corridors of the old-fashioned building. Of course, anyone can talk about the type of world that they dream about, but what is the point? Well, my point is very simple. Maybe if we treated the world as a Masquerade, we would have longer dances. Perhaps even more poeple wouldn't have to go home without a dance. Everyone deserves a dance..even if it is just one. So, the next time you interact with a gentle person, put on your mask, and ask them to put on theirs. Maybe then we can all dance.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Silence]If only the silence would stop. The silence that steals my sleep. The silence that thumps from within my mind. Any noise would be better. Infants crying..chalk boards being scratched..anything would be preferable to this unending annoyance. To be free from the damned wrath of this darkness..it seems like a distant, impossible goal. The shadows of my emotion..the abyss of my thoughts..they enclose me within their rough caress. Its much like suffocation..only..I couldn't die, even if I wanted to. To be a puppet of my own consciousness seems rather uncanny, but I assure you, I speak the truth. I wouldn't call it an internal struggle either..for their is no struggle. It is, to be put bluntly, a beat down. I have no chance of overcoming my own thoughts, being as pensive as I am. I need help..but who could possibly assist me. What I say now sounds too unorthodox for the layman to even comprehend, not meaning to compliment myself in any way. I do wish, on every sleepless night, that I had someone to help me. If only others could hear the extremely high pitch. The high pitch of the silence. Perhaps then they could comprehend my pain. The pain that echoes through my being.[/spoiler]

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[quote name='Crab Helmet' timestamp='1333699709' post='5903576']
Oh, good, a middle-schooler's deep dark musings, bringing us such wisdom as "People aren't immortal".

Haha, I can see where you would be skeptical. I don't mean to say that I am "wise" in any way. These are just some thoughts in words. :D
Sorry if you find these, well, not entertaining. You can't please everyone, haha.

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Please tell me you don't agree with anything you have posted here or what you either have now or will eventually have in your head? If you do, then I guess that's what comes with being an atheist (If you are one, that is), at least the kind that believes that any form of evidence proving that a higher being exists (i.e. God/Jesus Christ) cannot be physically proven, but only mentally, in which such an atheist would merely see it as hallucinations or illusions created by the impossible desire of actually having eternal life.

Oddly enough, I was actually going to restart my C4 Bomb Scan Thread and just review monologues and poems, and I might have my first victim already.I'll get started on a full review eventually, and when I get that done, I'll remake the thread. But, I'll just say this Brandon. You've got a really dark mind, and maybe it'll help you get into the movie business one day. Good job.

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[quote name='Double C4' timestamp='1334011891' post='5908049']
Please tell me you don't agree with anything you have posted here or what you either have now or will eventually have in your head? If you do, then I guess that's what comes with being an atheist (If you are one, that is), at least the kind that believes that any form of evidence proving that a higher being exists (i.e. God/Jesus Christ) cannot be physically proven, but only mentally, in which such an atheist would merely see it as hallucinations or illusions created by the impossible desire of actually having eternal life.


As for the monologues, they don't seem to do much. They meander and then they stop. The narrator doesn't really come to any epiphany/revelation, nor does it really seem to have a purpose behind it. I don't know, monologues aren't my forte.

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[quote name='Vairocana' timestamp='1334013251' post='5908096']

As for the monologues, they don't seem to do much. They meander and then they stop. The narrator doesn't really come to any epiphany/revelation, nor does it really seem to have a purpose behind it. I don't know, monologues aren't my forte.

As I said, these are just thoughts. Maybe not the best, haha, but thoughts all the same. However, I don't know what my religion has to do with anything. I'll write what I want, whether you like it or not. I have a religion, but that has nothing to do with my writing, or at least, how it should be reviewed. At least think about what you're saying.

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You, a mod, possibly breaking the Jack Witt Clause (Or Counter Clause)? Oh, the irony!

Just by what you're seeing right now doesn't prove anything. You may be a mod, but that doesn't give you the right to talk down on somebody. You call me garbage when you have no proof that I haven't improved in anything. But, in all honesty, your comments mean nothing. Call me anything you want, say whatever you please. So long as your persistence in still believing that I can never change in my ways of reviewing remains, your arrogance continues to annoy me more and more each passing day that you comment on what I do.

You may say you're not arrogant, or persistent, but that's because you continue to be in denial and that you believe and follow every word you say. If you were like this in real life, it will get you nowhere.

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You're both wrong. Crab doesn't get rights to attack people, you don't get rights to... insult other peoples' religion or lack thereof, which is what I gathered you did in post 4. I'd warn both of you but I haven't yet figured out how the new warn software works and I have no motivation to, so I'll just say shut the fuck up or I will get motivated. That goes for anyone else posting in here or anywhere else in Fanfic for that matter.

As for my own thoughts, it comes off as pretentious. Anyone can spout things like these because they're undeniable and unobjectionable, so you need to bring a new spin to the table to avoid sounding like a twit. I could easily write something about how cannibalizing fetuses is bad, but it would have just the same amount of impact.

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[quote name='Rinne' timestamp='1334112439' post='5909687']
You're both wrong. Crab doesn't get rights to attack people, you don't get rights to... insult other peoples' religion or lack thereof, which is what I gathered you did in post 4. I'd warn both of you but I haven't yet figured out how the new warn software works and I have no motivation to, so I'll just say shut the f*** up or I will get motivated. That goes for anyone else posting in here or anywhere else in Fanfic for that matter.

As for my own thoughts, it comes off as pretentious. Anyone can spout things like these because they're undeniable and unobjectionable, so you need to bring a new spin to the table to avoid sounding like a twit. I could easily write something about how cannibalizing fetuses is bad, but it would have just the same amount of impact.
Thank you Rinne for actually, one, settling things and, two, for giving me some useful criticism. I understand what you mean. I might have gone a little overboard, just typing to type and expecting people to understand and enjoy these. I'll do my best to improve :)

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[quote name='Rinne' timestamp='1334112439' post='5909687']
You're both wrong. Crab doesn't get rights to attack people, you don't get rights to... insult other peoples' religion or lack thereof, which is what I gathered you did in post 4.

[b]Maybe I should have typed that post differently. I have no intention (And will never) of insulting anyone's religion, even though I don't see atheism as a religion. I know Brandon isn't atheist, I'm just saying. So, I apologize for anything wrong I did.[/b]

I'd warn both of you but I haven't yet figured out how the new warn software works and I have no motivation to, so I'll just say shut the f*** up or I will get motivated. That goes for anyone else posting in here or anywhere else in Fanfic for that matter.

[b]Again, I apologize for anything I did wrong. But, opinions are opinions, and depending on how you pronounce them will depend on reactions of others.[/b]

As for my own thoughts, it comes off as pretentious. Anyone can spout things like these because they're undeniable and unobjectionable, so you need to bring a new spin to the table to avoid sounding like a twit. I could easily write something about how cannibalizing fetuses is bad, but it would have just the same amount of impact.

I think I've said it enough to you Rinne, but now I'm saying it to Brandon. I'm sorry if I offended you in anyway. I'll be sure to not be insulting in anyway when I finally choose to post my review (When I get it done that is). I'm not trying to do anything to upset anyone. I'm only trying to make people happy. But it seems I'm failing now.

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[quote name='Double C4' timestamp='1334415046' post='5913425']
I think I've said it enough to you Rinne, but now I'm saying it to Brandon. I'm sorry if I offended you in anyway. I'll be sure to not be insulting in anyway when I finally choose to post my review (When I get it done that is). I'm not trying to do anything to upset anyone. I'm only trying to make people happy. But it seems I'm failing now.

Hey, no hard feelings at all :D I look forward to the review, as I am always looking to improve. I understand a lot of why some people reacted the way they did. Its fine man. :) Be sure to check out the new Monolgue. :)

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[quote name='Jack of All Spades' timestamp='1335148888' post='5923057']
I enjoy reading these. And due to my ever-conflicting views on society as a whole, I believe these are valid musings. These tend to wander a bit, as if you are stalling. It's fine, though: all these are off-the-cuff, right?

What's your thoughts on Revolution?

Indeed they are, and thank you very much. My thoughts on Revolution..well..you know what, I'll type up a Monologue about it :D Is that alright with you?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

That silence one is a bit....different. Sounds like the ramblings of a man close to killing himself if I'm honest.

Though I do like the 'Love' and 'Masquerade' ones, the Love one mainly because I'm a similar age to yourself, and also find it very confusing, the Masquerade one because it is a very interesting Idea. Impossible to impliment, but a deep and nice idea.

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[quote name='KCNameless' timestamp='1340472166' post='5961478']
That silence one is a bit....different. Sounds like the ramblings of a man close to killing himself if I'm honest.

Though I do like the 'Love' and 'Masquerade' ones, the Love one mainly because I'm a similar age to yourself, and also find it very confusing, the Masquerade one because it is a very interesting Idea. Impossible to impliment, but a deep and nice idea.

Haha, I did silence when I was depressed, so that might be why. xD

And, thank you. I'm glad you liked some of them. Love is so very confusing ; w ;

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I still don't see Love for some reason. I know it isn't your fault Brandon, but it just won't show up.

If I knew how to fix this problem, I would have told you already. But anyway, I love reading Masquerade. It sounds like the end of a romance flick, when the main character speaks his final words in narration. It's just beautiful.

Silence, though, I can't seem to grasp what it means. You're suffering eternally but cannot die. Isn't that like being under a coma with a never-ending nightmare? I'm not really sure. From what I can tell, all the main character wants to do, is wake up and get out of the nightmare. Am I close?

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  • 2 weeks later...

[color=#2C3635][font=Verdana,sans-serif][size=3][spoiler=Love][/size][/font][/color] (There's a REEEEAAAAALLLLY big love heart here)

[color=#2C3635][font=Verdana,sans-serif][size=3]Now, before I begin, you may think that one of my age knows nothing of love. While I disagree with that statement, this isn't to prove that I have some infinite knowledge about love and the meaning of the word. Love confuses me. It confuses me so much that when I start to like someone, I need to buy some medication for my headaches. Earlier in my life, in sixth grade to be exact, I had fallen in love. I waited five years to date this girl. Five years that I could have spent searching for someone else. On the fifth year, this year, she ended up betraying me. I didn't quite understand, for I had thought that she loved me as well. As it turns out, that was a ploy. After that day, I fell into what you might call a deep depression. I felt positively wretched. It was also on that day that I began to question love and what it is all about. Is it even real? If it is, what does it even mean? Is it just something that people say to each other so that they can lie easier? Or is it some kind of start to a plan against one another. Now, I know that love may be real with some couples. To be honest, I envy them. I see them quite often, in fact. I want to know that they know. How does one love another and receive that love back? Is there a magnificent secret? Or is the answer so simple that I am blind to it? Whatever the case, I am asking you, my listening audience, to tell me your opinion. Should love be complicated to the point where trigonometry is the lesser of two evils, or is it truly simple? Surely someone must know. My heart aches, yet it also yearns to hear an answer that it understands. I'm sure that you of the mature audience must think quite humorously of my questions. You may say that someone who is only fifteen years old requires no knowledge of love yet. I, as stated before, disagree with that. I think that if we "young folk" actually understood the emotion of love, we could prevent so many broken hearts. Not only that, but I want to know about love so that the next time I like someone, I can tell the difference. I have the problem of thinking that me just liking someone means that I love them. Not only that, but when it comes down to the question of whether or not I really do, I don't know the answer. Now, dear audience, I need to know. For the sake of my heart and sanity, answer me this. What is love..and why is it such a mystery to those who cannot find it.[/spoiler][/size][/font][/color] [/quote]

That help Swift?

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