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[MTG]My poisonious little deck(Need suggestions)


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This is the deck I made using a random deck from a shop with some edits from booster packs,I have gone to the store only 2 times now(due to the place being so far away),and I am seriously inexperinced,so I will need some advice.

Teetering peaks X4
Inkmoth Nexus X1(Is it true that this card is worth 200 Thai baht?)
Mountain X7
Forest X13
Myr Welder X1
Rusted slasher X1
Ichorclaw Myr X4
Cystbearer X4
Fangren Marayder X1
Plague Myr X2
Necropede X3
Training drone X1
Blight Mamba X2
Razorfield Rhino X1
Quilled Salgwurm X1
Viridian Emissary X1
[u][b]Sorcery and artifacts[/b][/u]
Assault scrobe X4
Darksteel axe X4
Giant growth X4
Groundswell X4
Galvanic blast X3
Mirran Mettle X4
Bull rush X4
Rally the forces X1
Lighting bolt X4

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