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Space Gift Turbo


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3 Elemental Hero Prisma
3 Card-Car D
2 Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin
2 Neo-Spacian Glow Moss
1 Elemental Hero Stratos
1 The Fabled Catsith
1 The Fabled Cerburrel

3 A Hero Lives
3 Space Gift
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Dark Hole
1 Monster Reborn
1 Heavy Storm
1 Book of Moon
1 Pot of Avarice
1 Reinforcement of the Army

3 Fiendish Chain
2 Solemn Warning
2 Mind Crush
2 Torrential Tribute
1 Solemn Judgment

1 Neo-Spacian Marine Dolphin
1 Neo-Spacian Twinkle Moss
1 Elemental HERO Aqua Neos
1 Elemental HERO Glow Neos
1 Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1 Leviair the Sea Dragon
1 Wind-Up Zenmaines
1 Number 20: Giga-Brilliant
1 Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction
1 Number 39: Utopia
1 Number C39: Utopia Ray
1 Blade Armor Ninja
1 Fabled Ragin
1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Mist Wurm

so the deck looks a little odd but I can explain. The main card to note is Space Gift, a spell released in LODT that lets you draw a card for each different Neo-Spacian name you have on the board, meaning this thing can potentially draw more than one on its activation. The thing that sparked this idea was the interaction between Space Gift and the NEX Neo-Spacians. If you have a NEX Neo-Spacian out on the field (Twinkle Moss or Marine Dolphin), then you technically get to draw 2 from them, since their effects say that their name is treated as the Neo-Spacian that you sent. To give the idea consistency I added the AHL/Prisma/Stratos engine, since Prisma can become Glow Moss or Aqua Dolphin and the Xyz potential is pretty neat (Marine Dolphin is also a level 4 warrior for blade armor ninja :P)

Fabled Cerburrel, Fabled Catsith, and Mind Crush are in here because of Aqua Dolphin. If you read Aqua Dolphin it should make more sense.

I've been testing this and it's really fun, but idk about it being competitive. I sort of want to tech a Mole but I'm not sure yet.

Creature Swap is also neat to try cuz of Glow Moss and the fact that they're tiny beaters that can't do much.

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