Frybread002 Posted April 2, 2012 Report Share Posted April 2, 2012 [indent=1][font=comic sans ms, cursive]~This is an [i]F.A.R. Studios/Productions[/i] sponsored production~[/font][/indent] [center]How to lead a team: Call of Duty - Black Ops (Online)[/center] [center][u]Opening Forward[/u][/center] If by some chance you are reading this thread, then it probably means that you either suck at playing Call of Dutry online or you either play with other people who suck it. If not, then it means you play with a team whom you BELIEVE drags you down. Well whatever the case, I created this thread to solely help you lead as a "Leader" and how to work as a…(dare I say it?) “Team". ~End~ To begin, the way this guide will turn out, is that you will be asked a serious of various questions -both on topic or not. The reason for this is simple; when you do decide to take control of a team as a leader, you must be prepared for non-stop panicking, being forced to make a decision under extreme pressure, and unrelenting disobedience from your own teammates, as I speak from experience. So, I will actually break down my entire experience as a Leader and as a Team Member, into three different categories; [u][b]Teamwork[/b][/u], [u][b]Leadership[/b][/u], and [u][b]Communication[/b][/u]. However, as a word of warning, if by some chance you are going to say something like “the only time I see teamwork is on Mass Effect and blah, blah, blah.” or anything else like “you take this game way to seriously.” Then I only ask that you hear me out first before putting down your own opinion. First of all, I do not mean to put anyone down or try to insult you. But if of any of you are going to say the examples I had just put down…then that goes to show how much you know about teamwork. Not only that, but all of the information I am about to post, can also be used in the real-life experience as well (half of them actually), such as working at a job and for other games as well. [spoiler=Teamwork - Definition of Team and Teamwork. How it works] [u][b]Team [/b][/u] 1. sports group forming side in sports competition: a group of people forming one side in a sports competition 2. cooperatively functioning group: a number of people organized to function cooperatively as a group 3. animals worked together: two or more animals worked together, especially to pull a vehicle or agricultural equipment 4. team of animals with vehicle: a team of animals and the vehicle harnessed to them 5. animals performing together: a group of animals that perform or are shown together 6. grouping of animals: a grouping of animals such as a flock, brood, or herd (regional) Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. [u][b]Team·work[/b][/u] 1. cooperative work by a group: a cooperative effort by a group or team 2. work produced by a group: work produced by a group or team Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. As I was saying in my [i]forward[/i], I do not wish to make you feel insecure or to insult you, but in most cases, the people I play with online (and those I know in real-life), only know the definition of the word and do not know how it really works. So in return to all those teams who were willing enough to put their trust in a complete stranger such as me, I sincerely thank you guys for helping me out and to help create an all new experience for me. First of all, each and every time I play with a new guy or a new team, at the begining of each and every round, I always say "Slow-down, take your time, and work as a team.". But even as I do that, the problem you guys will be having, is trying to get these guys to listen to you. So even at that stage, it is really clear that your first act as a [u][b]Team[/b][/u] failed. However, if you willing to prove yourself as a team-player and work with the person next to you, then your [u][b]camaraderie[/b][/u] will begin to soar. [u][b]Camaraderie [font=comic sans ms, cursive](Come-Rah-Da-Re)[/font] [/b][/u]is the feeling of close friendship and trust among a particular group of people -Friendship in other words. Because to most people, they believe that [u][b]Teamwork[/b][/u] just means to work together a [u][b]Team[/b][/u] (which in my opinion, is really an insult on the word itself). What they don't know however, is that [u][b]Teamwork[/b][/u] is a by-product -or reward- of [u][b]Friendship[/b][/u][i].[/i] If you guys are still confused of this concept, allow to me explain a bit more; Before I begin to bark orders to my [u][b]Team[/b][/u], I always try to make friends with my team first. This is always the most critical step in [u][b]Teamwork[/b][/u]. That way, if I were to be playing with any of you guys Online at this very moment, I would greatlly love you as my own girlfriend knowing the fact that I can trust you to watch my back and you can trust me watching your back (that way, when you're getting shot-up, I know when to leave and save my sorry carcass [size=2][I lag a lot online][/size]). Second of all, the moment you guys are able to trust each other, is the exact moment when you guys will be able to work as a single, functional unit. Because as I was saying in my last paragrah, I would love you as my own girlfriend knowing I can trust you. When that moment comes, all of your movements and actions should be a lot smoother...or at least I hope thats what should happen...As there are still people on all of my teams who likes to believe they're Rambo and go out on a killing spree...they don't last that long when they finally realize that everyone is taking their time instead of charging head first... That is the definition of [b][u]Teamwork[/u][/b]. [i]Teamwork doesn't come from Friendship. Friendship is what comes from Teamwork.[/i] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Teamwork - How to work and move as a functional unit] Okay, at this point let's assume your [u][b]Camaraderie[/b][/u] and [u][b]Teamwork[/b][/u] skills are at their highest peak, but you find yourself still losing games. Most likely everyone who reads this thread, will form an lynch mob and look for the reservation that I live on. So before you decide to go online with full knowledge of [u][b]Teamwork[/b][/u], I ask that you slow down and keep reading the rest of this subject. As there is still one thing you are lacking to conquer the online world of Black Ops: Which is operating as a single, functional unit. First of all, the moment you guys start the match, don't rush in unless you have a game plan. In my case, I always remind my team to take their time and don't rush in. However, the only exception to this rule, are possible game modes such as [u]Domination[/u] where I tend to run to Point Bravo before the opposing team gets it. Secondly, rushing in by yourself almost -if not always - guarantees an instant death by a randomly placed claymore or well positioned sniper. No matter what the case, it doesn't hurt to stop at an doorway, look around for anything suspicious and moving on. Not only that, the term "Strength in numbers" is almost always true on this game. So the way you want to move, is to have someone cover your blind spot when you walk. In my case, I'm always saying "If a guy's looking to the left, you look to his right." How this works, is that people in groups of 6 or 10 tend to get carried away on just one, singular target. Then the next thing they know, that entire group is mowed down by ONE enemy with a well-tossed grenade or perfected machine gun fire. Case in point, always cover your buddy's blind spot, as no one likes being raped, groped, or molested from behind where they can't seke it. When clearing an room for enemy or for an objective in game moods such as [u]Demolition[/u]. Please now what you're doing. If there happens to be like 5 enemies in a room and you also have 5 guys with you, the group that is attacking, actually have a LOWER rate of success compared to the group of enemies who is camping in the room. If this does happen to you, just know that it wasn't because of skill or numbers. It happend because you and your team didn't know how to clear a room properly. [b]-The way you want to clear a room, is to have each individual person in your group, target a selected part of the room. For example, if my job was clear a room and I only had 2 guys behind me, it would be my job to take the right side of the room, have the second guy behind me take the left side of the room, and lastly, take the third guy behind us and storm the center portion of the room.[/b] [b] -The reason for this is a bit hard to explain, but think back in all of your matches where you and 4 other people killed one enemy, but in one corner of the room where nobody could see, everyone was gunned down by one or two enemies. That being said, even though I see a person right in front of me when I enter the room, it's my job to take the enemies on the right side of the room. That way, I don't block my friend's fire and get in the way of his kill. Of course, if you have the chance to shoot the guy, take it.[/b] When defending a depends on the geography of the map itself. But I do believe the tactics should work the same. [b]-As a defender, your goal is to ensure your O[u]BJECTIVE[/u] is completed no matter what. This ranges from protecting the flag carrier in [u]Capture the Flag[/u], defending the little circle in [u]Domination[/u]. Your kills don't mean anything to your team unless you're able to get a Killstreak in the process. If you want to go on a killing rampage for the sake of it, you inrease the chance of compromising the entire team. So I say to you...just go and play [u]Team Deathmatch[/u], as that's the entire purpose of it.[/b] [b]- When defending an moving target ([u]Capture the Flag[/u] for example), all your doing is protecting him. However, in the event he should die, the person who is guarding has a chance of picking up his dropped object.[/b] [b]-When defending an stationary object ([u]Demolition[/u]), your goal is to slow down your opponent and deter them from advancing upon their target. To achieve this, do anything to stop him; Shoot randomly to scare him from moving from his hidding place, place Claymores to force them to think about their next step, or toss Nova Gas to damage and slow down the attackers. But whatever you do, don't do anything that can give your opponent cover, such as throwing an Smoke Grenade. Yes, people tend to stop firing when smoke grenades are thrown, but it causes you lose focus of your target and...well, I'm sure you can think of the rest. [/spoiler][/b] [spoiler=Leadership - The Qualities and Deifinition of a Leader. How it Works.] [u][b]Leader[/b][/u] 1. somebody whom people follow: somebody who guides or directs others by showing them the way or telling them how to behave 2. somebody or something in the lead: somebody or something in front of all others, for example, in a race or procession 3. somebody in charge of others: the head of a nation, political party, legislative body, or military unit Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. [u][b]Leadership[/b][/u] 1. office or position of leader: the office or position of the head of a political party or other body of people 2. ability to lead: the ability to guide, direct, or influence people 3. guidance: guidance or direction 4. leaders: a group of leaders (takes a singular or plural verb) Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Alright, after some time has past since the opening of this thread, it's safe to say that you may or may not have followed my advice. So to make up for the delay of this next part of the guide, I actually ended up playing COD online in order to prove some things that was either fact or fiction. To be honest, I would literally be the first person out of my entire team to actually ditch them and fend for myself. I mean, I read the comments and I know how you feel. I either want to punch 12-year old in the stomach for not shuting-up on how he keeps getting killed or the white guy who pretends to be black and shouts at me to "shut up niger!" after getting I got the final kill cam (which is rare for me to get quite honestly), just because I was able to beat him fair and sqaure in a match. So before any of you guys want to complain and nag me about me teamwork...just shoot yourself because: A. You don't know anything about [u][b]Teamwork[/b][/u]. and B. The world doesn't revolve around you. It happens to all of us!!! You guys aren't the only ones who want to walk away from the game! Case and point, as you guys probably know by now, I said I wouldn't insult you, but the only exception to this rule is because I myself am a [u][b]Leader[/b][/u]. The qualities of a Leader are numerous and taking the time to explain each and everyone would be a somewhat difficult task, as there are LITERALLY different types of leaders. Believe it not, being a [u][b]Leader[/b][/u] just means you are leading whatever group of people under you, to victory. But even still, that term itself is extremely vague. What is the goal? What is the definition of victory? Becuase becomming a [u][b]Leader[/b][/u] is a religion in-and-out of itself. From the guerilla figthers of Geronimo, Che Guevara and Ho Chi Minh. To polictical figureheads such as Martin Luther King ,Jr., Saddam Hussein and Kim Jong Il, each every man that I listed, was a [u][b]Leader[/b][/u]. Each man had their own way of leading their people: From the use of non-violence acts, to treating another with respect, and using fear to control their regime, they all had their own way of leading. When you become a Leader, you must decide for the sake of your entire team, what exactly are your leading your team into? You must see yourself as a [u][b]Leader[/b][/u] and be sure of it. You can't afford to be hessitant or to slow to think. Every action you take have to be quick and decisive. At this point, I sincerely hope that I got you thinking about [u][b]Leadership[/b][/u]. Because in the strictest sense, there really is no definition for a [u][b]Leader[/b][/u] without being bias - or simply picking a side just because you like that side better. Nevertheless, lets assume you became the leader of your team. You can either shout at them until the objective you want is completed or try to take care of them and treat them with respect. If that doesn't suit you, you can call them foul names to listent to you, or use fear to control them. It all depends on you and what you want, as there is no right or wrong to follow. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Leadership - How to lead a team] This next part of the guide is a bit difficult to explain, as everyone has their own way of being a leader, so instead of putting down confirmed facts and infomation, I will purposely leave this section open to any advice that anyone may have had as a [u][b]Leader[/b][/u]. So for now, I will put down my experience, but will try my best to put down the infomation in third person. In most cases, it is a lot better to lead people with respect, compared to fear (just look at Saddam Huissein if you don't believe me). So I do whatever it takes to be their friend; This ranges from simple acknowledgement to a player saving my life (that way, the know that you notice them), to simply saying "Hey [insert name here], I got your back." These tactics are the most ideal way to win them over, before barking your orders at them. Because in most cases, I played with people who tried to be a leader and have us do things, but we didn't listen to him cause he kept leaving us to do his own thing... Example, if you want your team to do that infamous "Spawn Trapping" even though your entire is composed of random people, your first goal is to win them over. Secondly, treat them with respect. Don't ever say anything like "Dude! You guys suck!!!" The reason is simple: All of us will shoot you in the balls if it wasn't for friendly fire. Even though we only had 1 minute left in Domination and we were losing by a hundred, I immediately shouted at the team in a calm, yet assertive voice, "Alright guys, if you wanna win, then we're gonna calm down, take our time, work as a team." That was when everyone started to stop, partner up, and began to act a team. Of course, if anyone ever tells you to shutup because you're annoying to him/her, then you have every right to shout back at them: "Hey man, if you wanna lose, then go ahead and be my guest! But I wanna win alright!" Because you're the one who leading them! Not that random dude who is always angry. So whatever you do, show your domminance over other players (either wtih fear or with respect). That way, they know they can take your serious. [Spoiler=Frybread002's defination of [u][b]Leadership[/b][/u]] Before I try to lead anyone into battl, I try to treat each and every person with respect. That way, I can be sure whether or not the team wants to be lead. Through this process, I have people who would listen to me, to those who would just tell me to shutup. So depending on your style of [u][b]Leadership[/b][/u], you must be careful on your approach to a new team. This being said, I either choose to "lead" or "guide" my team to victory. If the team proves itself to be capable of working together, but still find itself losing, I only "guide" them in the right steps as an equal. I generally don't take control of the situation as they don't need anyone to lead them. Unfortunately, if the team happens to be lossing serious and no one decides to do anything about it, this is when I will take position as [u][b]Leader[/b][/u]. I tell everyone to calm down if they're getting mad, take their time, and have someone watch their back (in most cases, I realize that people rush the respawn and get killed more often). At this point, I do whatever it takes to lay down my dominance over the other players, but at the same time, try to win them over to my side. However, if my team happens to be on the winning side, I remind them to not get cocky and to stay together. [/spoiler] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Use of Communication and Talking to others. How it Works.] [u][b]Communication[/b][/u] 1. exchange of information: the exchange of information between individuals, for example, by means of speaking, writing, or using a common system of signs or behavior 2. message: a spoken or written message 3. act of communicating: the communicating of information 4. rapport: a sense of mutual understanding and sympathy 5. access: a means of access or communication, for example, a connecting door Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. [u][b]Miscommunication[/b][/u] 1. failure to communicate something clearly: failure to communicate something clearly or correctly 2. unclear communication: a communication that is unclear or likely to be misinterpreted Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. [size=3]If any of you guys had ever read my recent post, I intentionally left my thread alone to prove a point to Mass Effect. This time around, I purposely left the thread alone once again in order to prove a point to myself and the others who may be reading this thread. [b][u]Communication[/u][/b]. From business meetings, to school sponsored programs and military operations, the one thing they all have in common is [b][u]Communication[/u][/b]. In case of you may not know, the reason [u][b]Communication[/b][/u] is so important is as a group, everyone needs to know what’s going on. If I was in a business, I would like to know what my boss thinks of my sales pitch, or if I was at school and I heard that there was this cool radio station taking tryouts to be a DJ on air. I would most certainly love to audition and have my voice spread across to hundred of people. Another example would be in the case of the SEAL Team 6 raid back in May 2, 2011, where they successfully found and killed Osama Bin Laden. I do realize that the subject of Osama Bin Laden’s death is a bit sensitive to some people. So if I had in any way offended you, I sincerely apologize. However, I decided to use his name as an important example: According to the U.S. government, when they found the general area that Osama Bin Laden was hiding, the U.S. government gave the entire town he was hiding in, flu-shots -or something like that (again, it’s pretty sensitive, so I will not reveal the location of the town). Secretly, the U.S. government was also taking DNA samples of everyone and eventually found his whereabouts. In a “What if” scenario, imagine the U.S. Government giving the wrong information to SEAL Team 6. Then something horrible may have happen; such as an innocent family being murdered or attacking a random street gang that causes magically causes World War III. This horrible accident would be the cause of [b][u]Miscommunication[/u][/b]. I know the scenarios are really far-fetched, but I am only using this as a reminder. So in terms of reality, Communication is virtually key in any type of environment. With this in mind, please do take great care when you talk a walk and you are listening to your iPod. As I don’t want to read in the news that someone actually shouted “Hey kid watch out!! There’s an car coming towards you at 5MPH and could possibly kill you”.[/size] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Communication - How to Efficiently talk to your Team] Before I officially discuss this particular topic for my guide, I just to remind everyone that [u][b]Communication[/b][/u] is always crucial in anything you do. From bussiness meetings, school related activities, and military operations. It even applies to this thread. Eversince I made this thread, I've been promising that I would either do my "next update" on the "next day" or post videos or something like that. Well, what if I told you guys I've left this thread alone for two weeks on purpose? The reason for this delay is just so I can prove another point: [u][b]Communication[/b][/u] and [u][b]Miscomunication[/b][/u]. What I failed to tell you guys that I was busy with the final week of school, applying for a job, and asking for permission to use various videos about [u][b]Teamwork[/b][/u] before posting them here. Because I failed to tell you guys these very important facts in my personal life, has probably led to a group of people seriously hating me at this point. Only because I failed to tell them this very important part of infomation. How this applies to Black Ops (Online) and many other Multiplayer games (online or not), is you need [u][b]Communication[/b][/u] with whoever you're working with - It doesn't matter if they are a friend or a stranger. To use another example here on YCM, there are mutiple forums here at our disposal. With these different forums, we have the ability to choose a part of the webiste and experience something new. However, before we do post anything, we tend to look at the rules so we may not break any rules and get banned from the website. So to put it in perspective, the fact that the rules are even posted, is a form of [u][b]Communication[/b][/u]. If those rules weren't there and someone did something to get banned, most likely that person would be mad because he didn't know what had happened in order for him to be banned. This is a clear example of [u][b]Miscommunication[/b][/u]. (and just to stress it a bit more, I actually got some warning points and I absolutely have no clue as to what I've done. So for all I know, I could've had this warning for over a year and not know about it.) How this applies to Call of Duty, is if you have a microphone of any kind, it is important that you [u][b]Communicate[/b][/u] with your team. In fact, I recently played with a guy who was all like "Hey, the guys who were on my team, get off my team cuz you guys suck." Naturally I wanted to beat his ass down because: A. The game randomly picks the team for you douchbag and B.I had no idea he had a mic and for him to suddenly start talking trash just got me irritated. What I mean by this, is if your team is doing badly and not following said objective (such as getting Point Alpha in a game of Domination), it's your responsibility to say something about it. It doesn't matter if your the weakest man on the group or the strongest, as long as you have a mic and post your opinion for everyone to hear, you have more authority than the 15th Prestitage guy who isn't saying anything at all. So to conclude here and in the words of Solid Snake and Big Boss from the Metal Gear Solid series, [u][b]Communication[/b][/u] is crucial on any battlefied. As long as you are quiet and don't say anything, then automatically you failed your first attempt at [u][b]Teamwork[/b][/u] and as a [u][b]Leader[/b][/u]. Even the In-Game voice system is extremely helpful when they say something like "Enemy Nalpam Comming In!" and when an Enemy's Jammer get's in the way, I start to run like a headless chicken to try my best to avoid the Nalpam. So next you guys are playing a match online, always ask your team how they are doing and in return, you update them on your current status. (I.E."Yo guys, Point Charlie is being overruned and I need backup!!") All in all, you must have good [u][b]Communication[/b][/u] skills and know how to talk to people in order for them to listen to you. [/spoiler] Just for your infomation, I will not be posting down match tactics or what types of weapons to use. This guide was created to help give you a sense of teamwork, leadership, and communication. However, if you guys feel like it, I seriously don't mind if you want to post your own stories and advice on Call of Duty (and other related games). Which is something I highly encourage by the way. +Side Note = If you guys have any thoughts, I would greatly appreciated if you would post them. However, I will not allow pointless comments such as "How about we all play TDM and use Assassin and Dead Silence and win on your own" (as demonstrated by .Leo) Not only is it a waste of time for you to type it, but the fact that you actually posted and help propell this thread to the top of the first page...just means your not as smart as I thought you were... .+ P.S. If you guys see any grammer errors or see something that doesn't make sense, I would greatly appreciated if you would point them out for me. That way, I can fix the confusion you may have had. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Archbaron Larry Posted April 2, 2012 Report Share Posted April 2, 2012 Teamwork is a lost cause when it comes to Call of Duty. Unless you're in a clan with friends. There might be a little teamwork there. But when you're playing alone, 75% of your teammates are worthless. The way I see it, staying are FAR away from your teammates is the best way to go in CoD, as with my experiences, they get me killed a lot. I'm the type of guy that runs the perimeter of the map away from the rest of the team and sort of flanks the enemy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frybread002 Posted April 2, 2012 Author Report Share Posted April 2, 2012 *yawn*...Think the biggest regret I have so far, is when I tried doing this think when tired...*yawn*... Hmmm...From what it sounds like to me, the problem isn't the team your playing with. The problem is actually yourself. Unless you're able to understand how the mind the works and are willing to know your team on a personal level, you're actually the person who brings the team down. First of all the way a team works, is you need [u][b]Communication[/b][/u] to talk to your team and figure out what's going on. Secondly, [u][b]Leadership[/b][/u] is a mandatory part, as it gets frustarting to hear people complain that they're getting killed and that "no one is helping me". That way, you can give your team a solid, secure foundation to attack. So, the moment you are able to overcome these difficulties, then it should be easier to work together. Not only that, it's pretty fun to work with people you don't know and become their friends later on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Archbaron Larry Posted April 2, 2012 Report Share Posted April 2, 2012 As much as I hate saying it, you're probably right. I'm one of those people that really doesn't care if you're team wins or loses, and I just want to have fun and do well as an individual. That's pretty much why all I play is TDM and Kill Confirmed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dwarven King Posted April 2, 2012 Report Share Posted April 2, 2012 I don't bother leading people on CoD. Very seldom does anyone ever listen to me. Instead, I observe the team as a whole and quickly spot it's weaknesses. From there, I use my skills to help erase weakness. Like, if most of my teammates are dying in a certain area, then I'll try to flank said area and try to find a position where I can better support the people passing through. Now, GRAW2 on the other hand is different. I like to do the 16 player co-op. Believe it or not, lots of stupid people play as well. It's been widely known for over half the team to die within five minutes because they have no idea what to do. Best story to tell you is when I joined one of these co-ops. We had 1 hour to complete the mission with 16 players and the first objective was to cross a bridge. Now, I have beaten this mission many times before and found it easy (even though most say it's hard) because I do things differently. Well, when the mission started, I set my controller down and went to go get something to drink. I figured that by the time I got back, the team would be on the other side of the bridge with little to no casualties. ....I came back to find three guys screaming in complete panic and to afraid to round a corner because the last guy who did got hit by a sniper. But, I was able to get these whipper snappers into shape and had them following me and doing everything I said. Long story short, we beat the mission without any of the three or my self dying. ^^ Either way, I prefer to be by myself. I hate relying on others. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.Leo Posted April 2, 2012 Report Share Posted April 2, 2012 How about we all play TDM and use Assassin and Dead Silence and win on your own. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frybread002 Posted April 6, 2012 Author Report Share Posted April 6, 2012 Gwad!!! Man I'm tired!!!! To Leo: Just go shoot yourself in the foot. I told you already didn't I? The fact that you're saying that, just proves the fact that you don't know anything about using Teamwork or being a Leader. If you wanna go play Team Death Match, use Assassin and Dead Silence, that's what Free-for-All is. I created this guide for people who want to know to work as a team. Not only that, nobody likes a troll. As they can be smelly and ugly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.Leo Posted April 6, 2012 Report Share Posted April 6, 2012 Funny, I am not trolling, just stating the obvious. Team work is pretty easy in my opinion, you make it seem harder than it really is. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Atomic Nebula Posted April 8, 2012 Report Share Posted April 8, 2012 Teamwork doesn't really exist in Black Ops. People would rather follow their instinct then someone elses lead. For most people this works out well, unless your playing Domination and your team is capping every flag messing the spawns, then you really do need to get on the mic and take charge. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frybread002 Posted April 21, 2012 Author Report Share Posted April 21, 2012 *Side Note: I seriously got to stop responding to this thread when I'm tired...Yes, I know it's a very bad habit, but....* Okay, after deliberately avoiding this thread for about two weeks, I think I can now prove a point Mass Effect (speaking of the game, just out of curiousty, is Mass Effect the game where the player is on a frozen wasteland? Or is that Lost Planet? I know it's off topic, but a friend recently asked me this questions and it's been killing me because I couldn't figure it out. So if you can answer my question, I will literally be your friend).. The way Teamwork works, is that it has polar-opposite effects on a team: Yes, I have been stressing the importance of working as a single unit and that a single man can bring the entire team down. The exact opposste can work as well. If a team is desprerately trying to win, but they have an entire group of individuals who are doing there own thing. All it takes is just ONE man or women to lead and-or guide the group of individuals, into a win. When a match usually starts, your usually in a team who are a group of individuals. If it wasn't for the common objective of wanting to win, everyone would do their own thing. .Leo, you said that it's easy to use "teamwork" (first of all, it's all single space btw...) in your opinion. But I never said I anything like "this is the ONLY way to work as a team" did I? I only said I would provide my own experience to help give you (the reader) an understand on how it works. I mean, you correct that I make teamwork sound a lot harder than it really is. But I only do that because for some people, it comes natural. As an example, take General George Washington, as he wasn't a natural leader because he lost a number of important battles as well. But despite being a "average" general he was able to take past experiences and mature himself. This eventually led him to help defeat the British. Another example is Che Guevara. A revolutionist who wanted independence in many Latin American countries, El Che was literally a natural born leader. As he was one of the people of who helped Fidel and Raul Castro overthrow the Bastista regime in Cuba, Che Guevara became extremely well known in Latin America for being a leader. He was so effective at leading an army, that he became an the Geronime of his time in the eyes of the United States government. Kinda like how the U.S. government was obssessed with Osama Bin Ladin. How this all ties with your comments, is there are many forms of [u][b]Teamwork[/b][/u] for many different things, as well as [u][b]Leaders[/b][/u]. Mass Effect, the reason why people prefer going on their own, is because they don't have to worry about an entire platoon incase something goes wrong. Those types of players are Guerrillas warfare fighters. People who know how to operate alone. I seen how it works in Black Ops to know a Guerrilla when I fight one. But when my team starts beating the hell out of them, I just hear a lot of trash-talk and other profound things being said about my team. That's where I got sick and tired of hearing people shout things like "Yo B******!! I need help here on Point A!!!" or other things like "Dude, you guys suck!!!" or my highly favourite "THIS TEAM SUCKS!" Even the highly popular Spawn Trapping requires teamwork and is a form of guerrilla warfare. But after I realized how to beat them at their own game and hearing their complaints, I created this thread to help people. So again, I must thank you guys for commenting on things like "teamwork doesnt exist", because 200 different people seem to think otherwise. Not only that, I must also thank you for posting your thoughts and help propell my thread to the top of the page again. P.S. After putting some thougts into it, how would you guys feel if I were to post some instructional videos and other examples to help make it easier to explain. After doing some web searching, I found a couple of great videos that can help explain some things. P.P.S. I know I said that I wouldn't put down any type of advice such as weapons or match tactics, but as I left this thread alone for two weeks, I kinda wanna post my infomation and experiences about the game. So if you guys have any thoughts or questions, I would greatly appreciated it. P.P.S.S. Mass Effect, it's been two weeks since you made the last post and I just wanna say this: When you posted, this page only had 179 page views. After two weeks of deliberate inactivity, the pageview count is now 207 people. So again, thank you for helping me put this thread back to the top. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frybread002 Posted May 6, 2012 Author Report Share Posted May 6, 2012 [size=5][sub]BUMP[/sub] [sub]Okay, personally speaking, I purposely left this thread untouched for about 3 weeks to prove my own point: Communication.[/sub] [sub]Instead of the usual update that I do with two topics, I only left one topic updated. The reason for this is a bit mean, but how did you guys feel when I suddenly let this thread alone? If someone is going to do a guide about teamwork, then should't he follow his own advice?[/sub] [sub]Well yes and no: I decided to keep silient to stress the point about [u][b]Communicaition[/b][/u].[/sub] [sub]P.S. Any thoughts or comments will be greatly appreciated, as I need some input from you guys.[/sub] [sub]P.P.S. Also, I'll update the rest of the column about [u][b]Communication[/b][/u] tomower on Sunday.[/sub][/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frybread002 Posted May 22, 2012 Author Report Share Posted May 22, 2012 BUMP Okay, I updated the guide again and just to let everyone else know, I purposely left my thread alone again just so I can prove another point; [u][b]Communication[/b][/u] and [u][b]Miscommuniation[/b][/u]. Just to avoid spaming my thread, the reason I left this thread alone is explained in the update. P.S. If you guys have any thoughts, ideas, or death threads, please feel free to post them. I even encourage your pointless posts such as "There's no such thing as teamwork", only because it helps propell my thread to the top of the other threads. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Agro Posted June 2, 2012 Report Share Posted June 2, 2012 Teamwork isn't a thing. Everyone has their own plan on a level, and if each member of the team can kill enough people and stays true to the objective... something I can certainly tell you that Larry does not do, your chances of winning are exponentially multiplied. Communication can only get you so far. Things like "they're coming from behind" is most likely too late. Communication's best use is probably for pointing out campers. If someone's moving around, then telling someone a location is doubtful to help, especially on a fast-paced level. It's less communication and more that everyone is going towards the same goal. One of the reasons that I don't play demolition is because most people just hang back and get as many kills as possible. I want to win when I play demolition, and if all 6 players aren't using rush a sub and are focused on getting the bomb and immediately planting, I'm not going to have an enjoyable, swift, and easy game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frybread002 Posted June 2, 2012 Author Report Share Posted June 2, 2012 [quote name='Aggro' timestamp='1338612876' post='5950821'] Teamwork isn't a thing. Everyone has their own plan on a level, and if each member of the team can kill enough people and stays true to the objective... something I can certainly tell you that Larry does not do, your chances of winning are exponentially multiplied. Communication can only get you so far. Things like "they're coming from behind" is most likely too late. Communication's best use is probably for pointing out campers. If someone's moving around, then telling someone a location is doubtful to help, especially on a fast-paced level. It's less communication and more that everyone is going towards the same goal. One of the reasons that I don't play demolition is because most people just hang back and get as many kills as possible. I want to win when I play demolition, and if all 6 players aren't using rush a sub and are focused on getting the bomb and immediately planting, I'm not going to have an enjoyable, swift, and easy game. [/quote] Hmmm...I was going to save this next bit of infomation for the next update...but I guess I can explain a part of it. Okay Aggro, your comment is kind of confusing; This thread has been arround for two months now, the last comment was over two weeks ago, and this thread has seen over 400 page views. That being said, either you have been reading my guide or you now discovered. However, I do remain very doubtful of your post, because with 413 pageviews and 5 people agreeing that they believe in teamwork, just makes me question your knowledge on teamwork. Now don't get wrong, I promised everyone in my guide that I wouldn't insult anyone for any reason, but the people who say things like "teamwork doesn't exist" really don't anything about [u][b]Teamwork[/b][/u] or the qualities and principles of [u][b]Teamwork[/b][/u]. Even in the thread I've been pretty clear: [i]"Just for your infomation, I will not be posting down match tactics or what types of weapons to use. This guide was created to help give you a sense of teamwork, leadership, and communication."[/i] All of the infomation in thread are in third-person and I only gave the definations of all of the qualites of [u][b]Teamwork[/b][/u]. [u][b]Leadership[/b][/u], and [u][b]Communication[/b][/u]. Like I told Larry (now Shadow Yoshi), unless your willing to sacrifice your own needs and are willing to know your team on the personal level, you are actually the person who brings down the team. However, there is a problem with that statement: it only applies to [u][b]Teamwork[/b][/u]. So judging by what you're telling me, it seems like your major problem is with [u][b]Leadership[/b][/u] and [u][b]Communication[/b][/u]. So here's what I'm going to do; I'm more than willing to close this thread and have it locked if I can't help you with your sitiuation. All I ask in return, is if you can tell what exactly is wrong with the team you play with. After I adress the problems and tell you what you need to do, what I want you to do next is to go play Black Ops online and tell if everything I have said is wrong. Now I'm not doing this wager just to prove that I'm confident, I'm doing this wager because over 400 people seen agree that [u][b]Teamwork[/b][/u] really does work. So before I finish this post, I have one last question: What do you say to my terms? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Agro Posted June 2, 2012 Report Share Posted June 2, 2012 You don't need to know your team on a personal level at all. The reason people even play CoD online is because they can play against and WITH people that they don't know at all. There isn't teamwork in CoD, it's twelve people playing for the same objective. Sure, it doesn't happen all the time, and in those instances you may lose, but that kind of playstyle also doesn't necessitate an article as you've written. No one's working together, they all just happen to have the same goal. To say that teamwork is important is like saying getting kills is important, capturing flags and bases is important, or planting and defusing bombs is important. It's so obvious that no one really needs to even work together. They just have to kill/capture/plant/defuse as much as they possibly can and if others on the team do the same, then their chances of winning are multiplied. So like I said, teamwork isn't a thing, it's just two teams playing Call of Duty. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frybread002 Posted June 4, 2012 Author Report Share Posted June 4, 2012 [quote name='Aggro' timestamp='1338675113' post='5951171'] You don't need to know your team on a personal level at all. The reason people even play CoD online is because they can play against and WITH people that they don't know at all. There isn't teamwork in CoD, it's twelve people playing for the same objective. Sure, it doesn't happen all the time, and in those instances you may lose, but that kind of playstyle also doesn't necessitate an article as you've written. No one's working together, they all just happen to have the same goal. To say that teamwork is important is like saying getting kills is important, capturing flags and bases is important, or planting and defusing bombs is important. It's so obvious that no one really needs to even work together. They just have to kill/capture/plant/defuse as much as they possibly can and if others on the team do the same, then their chances of winning are multiplied. So like I said, teamwork isn't a thing, it's just two teams playing Call of Duty. [/quote] Huh...well..err..well there is nothing to say, except sorry if that's how you feel. Because you're one of the unfortunate ones who really can't enjoy the game to one of it's possible potential. Like believe it or not, you just completely agreed with just about everything I said. [quote name='Aggro' timestamp='1338675113' post='5951171'] You don't need to know your team on a personal level at all. The reason people even play CoD online is because they can play against and WITH people that they don't know at all. [/quote] Thats what makes the game fun for me. Working with people and getting to know them is perhaps one of the biggest ways to meet new people. I've already made tons of friends in Canda, the U.K., Japan, and every other places that I couldn't tell by their accent. [quote name='Aggro' timestamp='1338675113' post='5951171'] There isn't teamwork in CoD, it's twelve people playing for the same objective. Sure, it doesn't happen all the time, and in those instances you may lose, but that kind of playstyle also doesn't necessitate an article as you've written. [/quote] Believe it or not, you are contradicting yourself. You say that teamwork doesn't exist, as it's only twelve people playing for the same objective, but that in-and-out of itself is [u][b]Teamwork[/b][/u]. WIth everyone striving for the same goal and everyone trying to acheive it is [u][b]Teamwork[/b][/u]. In my guide, what I've been stressing was the fact that people only know the basics of [u][b]Teamwork[/b][/u]; which is simply working together. I response, I provided the definations and examples of what makes an successful team that includes all aspects of life; military, para-military, atheletics, and civillian uses. That way, all the people that read this -whether or not they even play Call of Duty, can understand the structure of [u][b]Teamwork[/b][/u]. YCM as a whole is one giant cog of Teamwork. [quote name='Aggro' timestamp='1338675113' post='5951171'] No one's working together, they all just happen to have the same goal. To say that teamwork is important is like saying getting kills is important, capturing flags and bases is important, or planting and defusing bombs is important. It's so obvious that no one really needs to even work together. They just have to kill/capture/plant/defuse as much as they possibly can and if others on the team do the same, then their chances of winning are multiplied. [/quote] Again man, I don't mean to insult you, but you're contradicting yourself once again. If it wasn't for the same goal of the objective, then every game mode would be Free-For-All; From what I notice, people are afraid to work together because they don't trust the person to their right and they believe going solo is the better solution as an individual. As a [u][b]Team[/b][/u], it's not what the [u][b]Team[/b][/u] does for you, it's what you can do for the [u][b]Team[/b][/u]. As a [u][b]Leader[/b][/u], he [u][b]Leads[/b][/u] by example, to keep everyone together and learn how to adapt and overcome. As for [u][b]Comminication[/b][/u], everything you do in life is governed by [u][b]Communication[/b][/u]. In warfare, it's especially crucial; even the in game voice messages like "Enemy Huey comming in!" is extremely useful. [quote name='Aggro' timestamp='1338675113' post='5951171'] So like I said, teamwork isn't a thing, it's just two teams playing Call of Duty. [/quote] To finish things off, you say that [u][b]Teamwork[/b][/u] doesn't exist and it's just two teams playing Call of Duty. Has it ever occured to you that the very same objective that keeps everyone together and has everyone strive towards it, is [u][b]Teamwork[/b][/u] itself? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Agro Posted June 4, 2012 Report Share Posted June 4, 2012 If we're agreeing, then you're simply stating the obvious and have no reason to have posted this in the first place. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Black Metal Posted June 4, 2012 Report Share Posted June 4, 2012 I play Black Ops and MW2. There's no such thing as teamwork in MW2 and MW3, I don't really like it. But Black Ops, I would sometimes be a team player by defending flags in Domination. But I mainly stay away from my teammates because they mostly get me killed. That's why I use ghost pro, and believe me, it's more fun being alone and stealthy. Although you won't get so much kills if you run by the perimeter of the map, it's still pretty fun getting enemies from behind when they're camping or when they're on prone :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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