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[Leo] Waltz of Purity


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[b]Waltz of Purity[/b]
[b]Spell Card[/b]
Select 1 Fairy-Type monster you control: It gains 800 ATK until the End Phase. When affected by this card destroys a monster by battle: Draw 1 card.


A weaker Horn of the Phantom Beast for Fairies, since with the recent ban-list they are kinda losing popularity, this would give them a good boost. Makes Agent Earth able to stand up to quite a few monsters, Agent Venus becomes a big beater, etc...

Not sure how broken this card is. Discuss.

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The wording for the second sentence should be changed. [i]When [b]that[/b] monster destroys a monster by battle: draw 1 card. [/i]Or something along the lines of that. I haven't played Agents before and have rarely faced the, so I can't really tell if it's broken or not. I wouldn't say it is though the fact being it's not an Equip or a Quick-Play Spell, just a Normal, which means you can only use it during your turn. It's a simple card that lets you run over those big boss monsters and a draw as well. I'd say this card is balanced. If I knew more about Agents, then my opinion might've changed.

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